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ammyt 2011-12-31 09:04

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative

Originally Posted by cloudstrife1ph (Post 1143455)
i bought a xperia pro. it may be not be as powerful as glide nor got a better screen but the not so generic design unlike most sammy and the best looking slide-out hardware keyboard w/ android sealed the deal for me. i don't have to worry about the ICS update as it's already included in the list...

I dunno about that but I guess it packs a QUALCOMM chip right?

EDIT: Yep, QUALCOMM again.

turbovomit 2011-12-31 09:48

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative
i don't understand, did you buy a n900 just for hardware spec ? Because, the most inportant thing for me is the linux system. I'm surprized to read that some of you just want a hardware keyboard...(blackberry? muahahah).
For now, i can't move to another phone, because i love maemo too much, even if i'd like to have a biggerscreen.

ammyt 2011-12-31 09:50

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative

Originally Posted by turbovomit (Post 1143798)
i don't understand, did you buy a n900 just for hardware spec ? Because, the most inportant thing for me is the linux system. I'm surprized to read that some of you just want a hardware keyboard...(blackberry? muahahah).
For now, i can't move to another phone, because i love maemo too much, even if i'd like to have a biggerscreen.

I bought my N900... because my iPhone broke.
^Ironic, I know :)

That was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Estel 2011-12-31 11:06

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative
As long as Mer doesn't run on it using 100% of hardware potential, it isn't and alternative for me, even if they pack 10GB of RAM and dual core @ 3GHz :(

strange1712 2012-01-01 05:36

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative
It has to be considered essential to create a working adaptation of Mer to this one, it's hardware is actually Impressive!
(Or Fremantle/Harmatan?)

Kangal 2012-01-01 07:12

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative
On the train I was pondering today, do we really need the linux kernel on mobileOS ?!?!?

I mean its wicked cool and all, but lets say if we could get full support for native/C++/Qt on Android wouldn't that work just as well?

Because it seems no matter what, traditional nix programs would still need porting (ARM architecture and all).

I dunno, just asking, what do you guys think?

jschan 2012-01-01 07:27

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative
With ICS devices just coming out now, it seems like an awful time to buy a 2.x android device with a hw keyboard, hoping it gets upgraded. ICS has virtual on screen buttons that reorient themselves with the screen, making hardware buttons on the screen an ugly and pointless waste of screen real-estate.

Though I haven't seen anything announced, if you are going to go android with a hw keyboard, I think it's worth waiting for the next generation which may also include the tegra III chip. There may not be a hw keyboard in the next batch, but it sounds like flagship devices are going tegra III (quad core) to boot.

Copernicus 2012-01-01 12:39

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1144118)
On the train I was pondering today, do we really need the linux kernel on mobileOS ?!?!?

I mean its wicked cool and all, but lets say if we could get full support for native/C++/Qt on Android wouldn't that work just as well?

Well, Android has a Linux kernel, they just don't allow users to see it. (For that matter, iOS is built on top of the Mach kernel, so it has a Unix heart as well.)

The manufacturers (other than Nokia) have all seen fit to lock down their devices, that's the only reason traditional Unix distributions have taken so long to get established on them.

GrimyHR 2012-01-01 13:17

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1144118)
On the train I was pondering today, do we really need the linux kernel on mobileOS ?!?!?

I mean its wicked cool and all, but lets say if we could get full support for native/C++/Qt on Android wouldn't that work just as well?

Because it seems no matter what, traditional nix programs would still need porting (ARM architecture and all).

I dunno, just asking, what do you guys think?

almost all linux apps are compiled for arm(el) already...check debian reps

meme 2012-01-01 13:45

Re: The N900's Best Android Alternative
Samsung Galaxy Note is the bestt. I am just waiting for the Tmobile to get it. Once Samsung Galaxy Note supports AWS Spectrum or someone recompiles the modem drivers, I will buy the unlocked version. Hardware wise the Samsung Galaxy Note supports AWS. Only software need to be tweaked.

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