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bmstrong 2012-01-29 03:10

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
Why one or the other? I'll have my N9 and a Lumia 900, thank you very much.

isfr21 2012-01-29 04:01

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9

Originally Posted by qorax (Post 1157119)
4. Front-Facing Camera:
N9 has… L-800 doesn’t. Period.
Oh yes, it works amazingly with PR1.2 !

Wait...The FFC works? How?? Is it implemented in camera-ui?

ibrakalifa 2012-01-29 04:18

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
im waiting for n9, but on a lower price, its kinda overpriced here in indonesia, :sad

Kangal 2012-01-29 06:07

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
If I could purchase the N9 for $300 I would.

But a penny more I'm not interested. Because that's its true value.
I would just play around with it but it wont replace my n900 or my daily driver (SG NOTE). In fact, the NOTE has replaced the n900 for many things, I see myself leaving it on my desk more often than not --its about to collect dust!

*Just hope I can apply the UnbrickableMod and find the drivers source for the NOTE, I would have a crack at porting Nemo/openSUSE to it*

asadkhan1988 2012-01-29 18:11

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9

i, too, will have each

lumia 900, from what i am told, is some time from being available.

there are rumors of a 910, which has a 12 mp cam, coming before 900, although legitimacy of the rumor has been questioned.

i wanted to try a lumia and 800 should suffice until newer model is available

bmstrong 2012-01-29 19:19

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9

Originally Posted by asadkhan1988 (Post 1157473)

i, too, will have each

lumia 900, from what i am told, is some time from being available.

there are rumors of a 910, which has a 12 mp cam, coming before 900, although legitimacy of the rumor has been questioned.

i wanted to try a lumia and 800 should suffice until newer model is available

The 900 launches in March over here. I agree on the 800 now. Why not wait for the larger screen, FFC and camera on the 900/910? But I will always hang onto my N9. Open source is too valuable to me.

somedude 2012-01-29 19:46

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9

Originally Posted by qorax (Post 1157119)
I'll never trade my N9 for a Lumia800

4. Front-Facing Camera:
N9 has… L-800 doesn’t. Period.
Oh yes, it works amazingly with PR1.2 !

__________________________________________________ __
Originally posted here:

Mind explaining that in detail? where exactly does it work in practical manner?

eerde 2012-01-29 22:35

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9
Front-Facing Camera works with srd party software, like simple mirror.
PR 1.2 will bring Skype with ffc.

Zoxir 2012-01-29 23:13

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9

Originally Posted by Kangal (Post 1157196)
I actually want Nokia to succeed with WindowsPhone.

History teaches us Microsoft is the lesser of evils (at least by Apple's comparison), and Google even lesser.

Still, if WP begins to dominate it will be better for the future because it would slow down Android domination. A world where only one OS rules them all is quite frankly plagued with issues, i commend Windows 7 for doing such a good job so far.

Having Android 45%, iOS 30%, WP 20%, Other 5% is more ideal than Android 79%, iOS 20%, Other 1%.

In what universe is ms lesser evil than apple or any other company? We're talking about the company that send guides to has broken ALL competition laws known to men. Apple doesn't care about their share as long as they make money MS wants to wipe out all competition.

bmstrong 2012-01-29 23:47

Re: lumia 800 vs nokia n9

Originally Posted by Zoxir (Post 1157598)
In what universe is ms lesser evil than apple or any other company? We're talking about the company that send guides to has broken ALL competition laws known to men. Apple doesn't care about their share as long as they make money MS wants to wipe out all competition.

Not trying to pick a fight but wasn't that more of Bill's direction and vision of Microsoft more than Balmer? I tend to think of them, now, as second place nannies and humble pie.

(I agree that any for profit company is only interested in themselves and by default "evil".)

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