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tzsm98 2012-02-04 20:11

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
I would like to see another Maemo5 device. I'd like to see it have:
  • 4 inch resistive touch screen
  • 1280 x 1024 resolution
  • OMAP 5432 @ 1850
  • 1 gig application ram
  • 64 gb emmc
  • microSDHC
  • mini-HDMI
  • micro USB OTG
  • quad band GSM + pentaband WCDMA + triband LTE
  • Bluetooth 3.0 w/ HID and all the usual profiles
  • wireless n + hotspot
  • 3.5 mm earphone jack
  • FM transmitter as enabled by the current Maem05 hack.
  • stereo speakers
  • N8's lens and camera
  • SVGA front camera that works for video call
  • Keyboard and screen tilt ala the HTC Touch Pro II + 5 way keypad
  • All the battery you can fit under a 4 inch display device
  • phone software that actually worked like this was a phone.
  • Java game support so we can fill it up with games as much as we want to.

gerbick 2012-02-04 20:26

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
Wouldn't want another Maemo5 device. It'll be dated, unsupported and ultimately as closed in regards to what Nokia deems proprietary as before.

And nobody supported it outside of Nokia anyway.

tigas 2012-02-04 20:28

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
Why resistive?
Why are you choosing 5:4 resolution when it should be 16:9 (1280x720)?
Why mini-HDMI when the way forward is clearly DLNA /Airplay?
Triband LTE? Do you want 4 hours of battery life?
FM transmitter? FM is going to die in 2015 (UK) 2017 (Norway and Germany)

No one will make another Maemo5 device. You can accept that fact and contribute to opening the Maemo6 device, which has *some* of the things you want. And has a brand new battery just off the factory line still with full designed capacity and an unbroken (for now) micro-USB port.

The N900 community has given that amazing device the care Nokia couldn't spare for it. But you're not getting a like-for-like replacement. "Mobile" split completely between tablets and phones.

pycage 2012-02-04 20:56

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by -Tyler- (Post 1160557)
and there isn't a organizate system of repository like in maemo

There is. It's called and is brought to you by the same people as the Maemo Extras repositories.
It's a Debian package repository. The big difference is that the Maemo autobuilder was replaced with OBS and the package promotion rules got improved.

gazza_d 2012-02-04 21:11

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
Rather than looking back at the N900 and asking if Nokia can build a new improved version, which ain't gonna happen, should the community not be trying to port Meego/Nemo to a selection of Android devices. Presumably that is a lot easier to say than do though!

pycage 2012-02-04 21:15

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 1160592)
Rather than looking back at the N900 and asking if Nokia can build a new improved version, which ain't gonna happen, should the community not be trying to port Meego/Nemo to a selection of Android devices. Presumably that is a lot easier to say than do though!

Good point!

*booting Nemo on the WeTab*

tushyd 2012-02-04 21:16

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by gazza_d (Post 1160592)
Rather than looking back at the N900 and asking if Nokia can build a new improved version, which ain't gonna happen, should the community not be trying to port Meego/Nemo to a selection of Android devices. Presumably that is a lot easier to say than do though!

Agreed. Maemo5 on the Galaxy S2 would certainly make me wet my pants.

ibrakalifa 2012-02-05 06:27

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
and N9 battery is unreplaceable, ah nokia always give a sh*t to their best product, =='

tonypower88 2012-02-05 07:46

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device
this would be N900-2

misterc 2012-02-05 08:07

Re: NOKIA we need a new MAEMO5 device

Originally Posted by -Tyler- (Post 1160557)
For those who miss so much a maemo system up to date must probe N9 having flash with open kernel without aegis, you can do everything that you want in terminal just the same way that you do in N900, the only problem is that N9 still lacks of applications, and there isn't a organizate system of repository like in maemo, but appart for that you have a true linux debian distro you can do what you want with it, and is surprising how fast and fluid everything goes even under heavy multitasking and the battery lasts more than twice the battery of N900.

So we have already a maemo=debian system up to date who is fast and battery last long, so what is the problem??

lack of physical keyboard...

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