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Sniper_swe 2012-03-02 23:26

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
I had the n900 and loved it.
Tried the iphone 4s thought it was boring. Cant explain why really.
Had my sisters sgs2 for a week and i liked it but didnt feel right.
On the n9 now and loving it. Sure it would be good with a dualcore in it but thats just for future stuff.
Ics port looks promising and is damn fast now with hw acc according to E-yes.

quipper8 2012-03-03 00:03

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
isn't there only one phone available on the market market with android 4.0??

bingomion 2012-03-03 00:13

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
if you by a new battery for the n900 and reflash it, there's no reason to buy another..
to date.. there's still nothing that comes close to it..and that's fact.

jimmy neutron 2012-03-03 00:55

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
I think you should really look at what you want to do with a phone....what you think is really relevant..

i now own a n900 and i still find it awesome...the maemo community (and cssu) made the n900 to what it is today...

I can remember people saying maemo is DEAD but to me it,s very much alive (thanks to cssu) so to say meego is dead i am not sure about 1.2 just came out maybe the nokia n9 will get some support from tizen in the future(who knows) maybe the meego/maemo devs will also whip up something...(you never know) it's all possible why cause it's a open source OS..

i also think that alot of linux heads(aka us geeks) will pick up a n9 over any closed OS we love to play around with my guess/hope is that we get as much love for the n9 as we did for the n900

Ps i'm also getting a nokia n9

ibrakalifa 2012-03-03 01:40

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...
maemo5 run on quadcore and 1gig of ram, whoooaaaaa, nokia please make it real, :D

szopin 2012-03-03 01:54

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1173349)
If you want an iPhone, go ahead.
But if you want a really really nice phone that works really well as a phone, look at what's called a Pre 3.

If you could run maemo5 on it, I'd love to buy it. WebOS progs run well on N900, lets hope the opposite is possible too

szopin 2012-03-03 02:02

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

Originally Posted by jimmy neutron (Post 1173391)
I think you should really look at what you want to do with a phone....what you think is really relevant..

i now own a n900 and i still find it awesome...the maemo community (and cssu) made the n900 to what it is today...

I can remember people saying maemo is DEAD but to me it,s very much alive (thanks to cssu) so to say meego is dead i am not sure about 1.2 just came out maybe the nokia n9 will get some support from tizen in the future(who knows) maybe the meego/maemo devs will also whip up something...(you never know) it's all possible why cause it's a open source OS..

i also think that alot of linux heads(aka us geeks) will pick up a n9 over any closed OS we love to play around with my guess/hope is that we get as much love for the n9 as we did for the n900

Ps i'm also getting a nokia n9

With N900 as HWK for N9 it should work quite alright. Still as I was late to the party, will wait till N9 gets below 400$. Hope AEGIS will not scare people off. Being able to accomplish what is possible on N900 is good enough for me, but the current price is somewhat discouraging. Tried swype in store and in 5 minutes it did become natural (some other-brand punkboi changed the language to chinese/japanese, so spent 3 minutes blindly aiming for language menu though :/)

szopin 2012-03-03 02:05

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

Originally Posted by ibrakalifa (Post 1173407)
maemo5 run on quadcore and 1gig of ram, whoooaaaaa, nokia please make it real, :D

Dual/Quadcore is not required when you run natively. All the java needs multicore in droids. Same as comparing arch/mint on single core 1033mhz vs Vista on dualcore 1500. Bloat needs fix in better HW

marxian 2012-03-03 02:10

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

Originally Posted by jimmy neutron (Post 1173391)
it's all possible why cause it's a open source OS..

Only the kernel is open. The rest is closed. Harmattan is considerably less open than Fremantle. There is very limited scope for UX enchancements.

szopin 2012-03-03 02:15

Re: New Phone Help... I can't do it any longer...

Originally Posted by marxian (Post 1173420)
Only the kernel is open. The rest is closed. Harmattan is considerably less open than Fremantle. There is very limited scope for UX enchancements.

So no difference from chinese tablet hacks? They also release kernel source (not always), keep driver hacks to themselves. At least this is what I understood from problems Cordia et al were having

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