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delmar 2012-08-09 05:22

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I'm also waiting update (64Gb swiss cv) and hope this solves

kalantore 2012-08-09 20:33

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I have a Cisco linksys ADSL router in my house and i also have this problem. However, with some other routers i don't i guess its because of some kind of a compatibility issue. And it is annoying for me for sure !!

Matt-UAE 2012-08-10 12:18

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
With no ray of hope for me... I finally activate the Mobile Data Package in my N9 so to avoid the irritation and frustation...
So now I am paying for Home cable internet and also for Data package... Sad...

rfa 2012-08-18 10:41

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
Just got 1.3 OTA today.

Same issue remains.

I'd love to go on about how this is a joke etc but really am not surprised.

Matt-UAE 2012-08-20 00:15

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
Hi RFA... I am facing issue particularly on my N9... yours is N900....
Not sure if the rootcause is same but I m desperately seeking a remedy here.. ASAP....

flopjoke 2012-08-20 01:00

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
Some people are facing this issue with other mobile devices as well.

Maybe all the routers in the world are PMSing O_o

hw9xx 2012-08-20 08:25

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"

Originally Posted by Matt-UAE (Post 1236016)
Hello folks.. My N9 black 16GB works like a charm. I have set up my home wifi network to 'Use Automatically' on my N9. But occationally when I try to connect my N9 to my home WiFi, (when its disconnected while being outside), the connection fails and I get a prompt msg on my N9 "Something's wrong with the network connection". The only solution I have for this, is to restart my Network Router and re-connect my N9 to WiFi, and it connects immediately fine and perfect. But i need to know the rootcause and want a permanent solution for this. So I dont have to restart my internet connection/router everytime.

I've been observing the same problem. It usually occurs when the N9 is at the very edge of wifi-range from the router and looses connection and reconnects (several times). Sometimes this cycle leads to the error "network problem" and the N9 will not connect to the router (a Draytek Vigor 2910) anymore.

I've found the issue has become less prominent with PR 1.2 but it is still there with PR 1.3, albeit it has become rare (I haven't run into it for more than a week as of now and i've been using PR 1.3 since it came out and haven't experienced more that 2 or 3 incidents).

I'd have to do further testing but apparently when the situation occurs the router does not only refuse connection by the N9 but also by other devices, which makes me wonder if it's really the N9 which is at fault.

hw9xx 2012-08-20 08:28

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"

Originally Posted by Matt-UAE (Post 1253650)
I m desperately seeking a remedy here.. ASAP....

(If it's your own network) the only ASAP solution is a WLAN range extender.

Matt-UAE 2012-08-20 14:30

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I have other devices also running on same wifi router, like Samsung GT mobile, and Laptops. All is well. But my N9 is sick here... Since day one i started facing this issue, I am just wondering one thing... What makes my N9 to be connected to my Wifi router ON RESTARTING THE ROUTER ????

Whats the catch here.. Whatever router I m using, it does not deny to connect to my N9.. It does connects at times.. But how does it works on restarting the router. (though it gives same error after few hours or few days)

Restarting helps, but I cant keep doing it all the time.. Thats not the remedy.. I wanted to get this sorted out once and for all.....

This thread is getting very interesting I must say....
Though I have activated a data package plan on my mobile and paying for it as I love my N9.. I would hope this gets resolved....

michaelangelus 2012-08-22 20:02

Re: N9 WiFi error : "Something's wrong with the network connection"
I got this problem since my brother got his Galaxy Nexus Last Week, at first I thought it was caused by his device hogging the bandwith but after looking for a solution and trying different things (like manually setting the IP on device and router) this is what worked for me on PR 1.1:

1.- Delete the access point (the network connection for your WIFI) on your N9.
2.- Restart your router (only this time it will be necessary).
3.- Edit your Networks on N9, look for your SSID, use Easy Configuration, the One Click or One Button Option on both your Router and N9.
4.- Let the connection happen, it may take a while.

For some reason this worked when manual config failed, I had never used this option before since I had no need for it.
My guess for why other devices seem to work and N9 fails to connect is that it somehow gets stuck trying to get the last IP it had used, even when you manually configure another one, and the router trying to give it another one is what causes the error. At least this is what I could gather from the router logs.

One last thing, I don't know if this matters or not but after I deleted my network connection I got the device to try and use another restricted Wifi network that appeared in my vicinity, just to see if that would clear the IP address thing and then I did the One Button setup from the router.

Edit: I did this a week ago and have not had any more trouble nor had to restart my router since then, even if my brother is connected to the network.

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