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rcolistete 2012-08-05 23:51

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Dockman (Post 1248018)
Thanks guys! So very much!
I've been hanging around for an Excel editor for ages. Is LibbreOffice more finger friendly than OpenOffice?

I don't think so. Also look at Gnumeric (included in my image), it is lighter than OpenOffice.


Originally Posted by Dockman (Post 1248018)
Also, when I try and download the normal image (point 1), the file is unaccessable on the server.

Thanks for warning me : the link was broken (wrong name) since yesterday. Now it is fixed.

rcolistete 2012-08-05 23:54

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1247925)
Small question: would it be possible to make the Debian Chroot icon launch MTermite instead of the default terminal application, by editing the .desktop file I guess? I replaced the "meego-terminal" part in the Exec line of /usr/share/applications/debian-chroot.desktop by the Exec line of mtermite.desktop, but no success.

I've tried without success : MTermite doesn't seem to work to launch other softwares.

Workaround : tap the "Debian Chroot" icon, close it. Open MTermite, type "opensh", then "debian".

rcolistete 2012-08-06 00:58

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Fantastic news ! MeeGo virtual keyboard is now also working (inside LXDE) on PR1.3 !

Because Javispedro has released today a new version of xmimd which also works on h PR1.3 ! See the 1st post updated. Install xmimd_1.1 and voilą, now you have a fast Easy Debian running on LXDE with any MeeGo virtual keyboard : default, english with arrows, swype (which has arrows mode), etc.

For PR1.2 users : please test if xmimd_1.1 work for you, i.e., virtual keyboard is ok on LXDE.

Kabouik 2012-08-06 02:54

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Awsome. Just seen the post by Javispedro in the other thread before coming here, I almost did a little dance to celebrerate the updated xmimd. :D

Thanks for the workaround about MTermite, I'll try that.

Another question/issue: I launched LXDE using the icon, and then tried to play a .mp3 file. By default, there was no application associated with .mp3 files, so the pop-up asked me to select one. I selected "Music Player" and set it as the default application for this filetype. Now I have a new icon in the Meego Harmattan homescreen, a red square called "Music Player". Nothing happens if I click on it, be it with chroot enabled or not, LXDE open or not. I can't remove it by a long press as there is no red cross to delete it, and in /usr/share/applications, I found no music*.desktop file containing "Music Player" in the Name line. Any idea?

[Edit] I realized that Openoffice applications launched from icons do not run in fullscreen mode; same for Synaptic. Is it normal? Abiword and Gnumeric do, for instance.

rcolistete 2012-08-06 03:04

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1248060)
Now I have a new icon in the Meego Harmattan homescreen, a red square called "Music Player". Nothing happens if I clic it, be it with chroot enabled or not, LXDE open or not. I can't remove it by a long press as there is no red cross to delete it, and in /usr/share/applications, I found no music*.desktop file containing "Music Player" in the Name line. Any idea?

Search for it in "/home/user/.local/share/applications/".

Kabouik 2012-08-06 03:23

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Alright, there was a lxmusic*.desktop there, deleting it solved the problem. :) Don't know exactly why it appeared. Will a new icon appear for every application set as default for a given filetype inside LXDE?

Dockman 2012-08-06 07:08

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan
Hmm I think I have a problem. I did all the steps on the front page in order. Everything installed ok.
However, nothing happens when I click on the icons, and my installed apps is up to 3.1GB (not sure what it was before).
Is there any way to check where/if the image installed to?
If it didn't due to size, is there an easy way to see what the hell is eating all that room?

N9uwu 2012-08-06 07:24

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Dockman (Post 1248139)
Hmm I think I have a problem. I did all the steps on the front page in order. Everything installed ok.
However, nothing happens when I click on the icons, and my installed apps is up to 3.1GB (not sure what it was before).
Is there any way to check where/if the image installed to?
If it didn't due to size, is there an easy way to see what the hell is eating all that room?

Where did you extract your debian image and where did you mount it? Try to keep the image file inside your MyDocs folder so it belongs to "user data" and not "installed apps".

Dockman 2012-08-06 07:35

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by N9uwu (Post 1248144)
Where did you extract your debian image and where did you mount it? Try to keep the image file inside your MyDocs folder so it belongs to "user data" and not "installed apps".

The image file was in MyDocs (.downloads (the hidden one, not sure why I put it here)). I just ran the command as per page 1:
xz -d debian-m5-v3e-Sci-2GB.img.ext2.lzma

any ideas?

N9uwu 2012-08-06 07:43

Re: [Announce] Easy Debian for MeeGo Harmattan

Originally Posted by Dockman (Post 1248149)
The image file was in MyDocs (.downloads (the hidden one, not sure why I put it here)). I just ran the command as per page 1:
xz -d debian-m5-v3e-Sci-2GB.img.ext2.lzma

any ideas?

I'm not sure if the hidden .downloads folder is responsible for this, and I cannot check right now. Try moving the image to /home/user/MyDocs and check your disk usage.

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