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MFaroTusino 2012-09-10 11:47

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by thedead1440 (Post 1264181)
Edit: If we can get the applet from pre-beta1 fw as well as the grob of that time we might be able to do some comparisons and see what can be done...IIRC grob is changed every update in fw but the binary has been closed source since day one...

There are people who have it currently, but they are being selfish

thedead1440 2012-09-10 11:50

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by MFaroTusino (Post 1264184)
There are people who have it currently, but they are being selfish

Well that is nothing new then...Sadly the more numbers of people i see with n950s the less i see genuine developers who have or are developing something for harmattan...Its like we harmattan users are the b**tards of Nokia and hence first Nokia abandoned us then those very people who could be trusted to continue the community abandoned the ship too...

The development section of TMO is one very good indication; when somebody asks for help usually the OP ends up solving his own issue...I saw wook ask for something the other day and till date nobody helped even though many "n950 devs" know the solution...juiceme was doing something for dual-booting and choosing os using a tap on the screen instead of volume buttons and when he initially asked for help nobody helped him till he already had some basic ideas...Luckily, coderus and wook saw it and were there too but otherwise the cupboard is quite bare :(

That's why I am very thankful to the developers on here who have stayed on and continue to churn update after update as well as developing new apps...

wook_sf 2012-09-10 11:58

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by MFaroTusino (Post 1264184)
There are people who have it currently, but they are being selfish

if there's way...then, there is way...:D lol
we just need to find it ;)

zerox 2012-09-10 13:41

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1263724)
Can you post the log?

I encountered the black screen also. I started UserAgentTool from the command line and the following messages were reported:

file:///opt/userAgentTool/qml/main.qml:1:1: module "QtQuick" is not installed
import QtQuick 1.1

A search of turned up the following post:
from which I understand that UserAgentTool may have a dependency on a version of QtQuick which is only available in the CSSU.

Would it be possible for you to build UserAgentTool to use the stock Maemo PR1.3 version of QtQuick?

Many thanks for your work on what is surely a very useful application.

zerox 2012-09-10 21:52

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by zerox (Post 1264251)
I encountered the black screen also. I started UserAgentTool from the command line and the following messages were reported:

file:///opt/userAgentTool/qml/main.qml:1:1: module "QtQuick" is not installed
import QtQuick 1.1

A search of turned up the following post:
from which I understand that UserAgentTool may have a dependency on a version of QtQuick which is only available in the CSSU.

Would it be possible for you to build UserAgentTool to use the stock Maemo PR1.3 version of QtQuick?

Many thanks for your work on what is surely a very useful application.

I solved my problem by installing the package "QtQuick 1.0 Compatibility Plugin" from Extras.

After using UserAgentTool to set my browser identification to Google Chrome, I was able for the first time to load the full-function version of As a result, I can now use my N900 to control the Google TV app in my Panasonic Blue-Ray player, from the comfort of my armchair.

Again, many thanks for your work.

marmistrz 2012-09-11 14:33

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by harry_e20000 (Post 1264134)
nice app and the ui is nice too buh a quick observation..on choosing any of the useragents,i seem to get input error/output error...what am I doing wrong?tnx once again

I uploaded an update which shows exactly what the error is. Please provide more details after updating. And please show


ls -l /home/user/.mozilla/microb/user.js


Originally Posted by trlopes1974 (Post 1264130)
Nice tool.
It wood be nicer if we could just pick the UserAgent name from a drop-down box. We could populate some .ini file with the desired useragents.

You mean a selection dialog?
About ini: what would be the benefit for an average user?

marmistrz 2012-09-12 16:00

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by harry_e20000 (Post 1264134)
nice app and the ui is nice too buh a quick observation..on choosing any of the useragents,i seem to get input error/output error...what am I doing wrong?tnx once again

I uploaded an update which should fix it. It was probably a permission issue. Please tell whether the update fixed it.

imo 2012-09-14 16:33

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
it works great here but other than that ,can you add a link for microB window in the app menu so that right after choosing an agent we can launch the browser from the app menu,only if it is possible ?

marmistrz 2012-09-14 16:45

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Originally Posted by imo (Post 1266407)
it works great here but other than that ,can you add a link for microB window in the app menu so that right after choosing an agent we can launch the browser from the app menu,only if it is possible ?

Launching browser from inside the app? Of course :)

marmistrz 2012-09-14 17:34

Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent
New update is available:

useragenttool (1.0.1-1) fremantle; urgency=low
  * Added browser launching
  * Fixed resetting fields in Custom user agent sheet
  - Cosmetical fix of the header
 -- Marcin Mielniczuk <hidden>  Fri, 14 Sep 2012 19:16:15 +0200

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