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Texrat 2012-10-07 06:21

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on

Originally Posted by lonk (Post 1277439)
I swear everytime I browse the forum and I see a beginner with a problem I always see a user named michaa-...something (can't remember the exact name) helping out, no matter the level

but in general I agree with the above posts, because when I have a problem and search the forum, 90 percent of the time a solution was already posted

I love that you said "search the forum". ;)

sifo 2012-10-08 17:52

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
yeah michaaa62 is the partitions man ! every time i saw a thread with this kind of titles ( MyDocs "memory corrupted" ) i was going to post "please wait for Micha arrival :D "

+1 for MAG, Freemangordon, AapoRantalainen, marmistrz, gidzzz, marxian, ade for what they are doing for fremantle... ( im sure there is another members but those who i lived TMO with :p ) and Karam who helped me a LOT at my start here :')


Edit : every minute i want to edit this post and add a name :eek: so shortly as what has been said many times in this thread - All TMO members !

geneven 2012-10-08 18:39

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
It changes. thedead1440 isn't a bad choice. Schturman, active in his thread, is another. Whoever it is, they were very likely NOT awarded free devices by the Council.

sixwheeledbeast 2012-10-14 20:51

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
Who is the single most helpful person on

IMO it has to be vi_ for asking this positive and community uplifting question in the first place.

The one who solves the most issues for stuck users?

Ah, this is more difficult and is very open ended.
As a forum community we evolve and change.
I think all the "regulars" are helpful and each have there own expertise to contribute and debate.
This all keeps the community growing.

HELLASISGREECE 2012-10-14 21:00

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
I vote for whoever's not behaving like an elitist

sifo 2012-10-14 21:19

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
I still dont know the goal of this thread :p hopefully waiting :D

Lumiaman 2012-10-14 21:27

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on

Originally Posted by vi_ (Post 1276815)
The one who solves the most issues for stuck users?

Answers below please.

You are the most helpful, by participating and critically evaluating everything to make next products even better!!!

ranbaxy 2012-10-15 11:59

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
thedead1440, rcolistete, Wikiwide, Schturman, Elleo... etc... etc...

ibrakalifa 2012-10-15 12:28

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on
Too much candidates, :confused

udaychaitanya16 2012-10-15 12:44

Re: [QUESTION] Who is the single most helpful person on

Once I saw a post praising him to be most helpful.Later I saw many of his posts helping others. He searches for probelms. I too have been helped by him.See his posts and come to a conclusion.He is the best.

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