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Dj-ing 2013-08-02 16:13

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML
Mikkosssss,i have aegis-dpkg,i installed it.
What should I do with this: devel-su
Password:(default is rootme)
aegis-dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml_0.0.1_armel.deb ??? Where do I write to ? :-///

Explain to me please. I'm confused about it. :-/

Mikkosssss 2013-08-02 16:21

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML

Originally Posted by Dj-ing (Post 1364496)
Mikkosssss,i have aegis-dpkg,i installed it.
What should I do with this: devel-su
Password:(default is rootme)
aegis-dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml_0.0.1_armel.deb ??? Where do I write to ? :-///

Explain to me please. I'm confused about it. :-/

You need to activate devoloper mode from. Settings->Security

Then you get application called terminal and have to write it there.

Theres no harm but few Mb of used space if you activate devoloper mode.

Dj-ing 2013-08-02 16:36

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML
Ok. I did it.
I type password and nothing ticks. :-/

Mikkosssss 2013-08-02 16:48

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML

Originally Posted by Dj-ing (Post 1364503)
Ok. I did it.
I type password and nothing ticks. :-/

when you type devel-su it asks for password and its ¨rootme¨

Dj-ing 2013-08-02 17:04

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML
Ok. I typed it and this: aegis-dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml_0.0.1_armel.deb .

He writes me:
Aegis rejecting /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml_0.0.1.deb: Could not opet debian archive
aegis aborting dpkg --all listed package files rejected
Compliation failed in require. :-///

Mikkosssss 2013-08-02 17:27

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML

Originally Posted by Dj-ing (Post 1364510)
Ok. I typed it and this: aegis-dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml_0.0.1_armel.deb .

He writes me:
Aegis rejecting /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/power-menu-qml_0.0.1.deb: Could not opet debian archive
aegis aborting dpkg --all listed package files rejected
Compliation failed in require. :-///

You should read what I told you...


Originally Posted by Mikkosssss (Post 1364492)
Then put .deb file to Downloads folder

Move/redownload power-menu-qml_0.0.1.deb to Downloads folder.

OR you can change ¨/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads/¨ part of code to location where power-menu-qml_0.0.1.deb is.

Dj-ing 2013-08-02 17:32

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML
Yes. It works now. Thank you very much. :-DDD ;-)))

And tell me one more thing... i turn off developer mode now?

Mikkosssss 2013-08-02 17:36

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML

Originally Posted by Dj-ing (Post 1364515)
Yes. It works now. Thank you very much. :-DDD ;-)))

And tell me one more thing... i turn off developer mode now?

Sure if you want but you can keep it for future use theres no harm.

chiragkapuriya 2013-08-03 00:26

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML
ok nice app! but how to remove it? tried removing it from settings menu but it always says "app is running close it!"
also tried "apt-get" method its unable to lock it! what to do now!!!???

coderus 2013-08-03 08:06

Re: [Announce] Power Menu QML
/sbin/initctl stop power-menu-qml
and remove then

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