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droll 2013-09-03 06:57

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
hate it, we may but i have a feeling this Nokia + MS marriage will actually be successful. maybe not successful enough to be #1 but definitely successful enough to hurt Apple and Google so that they feel pain.

MS has a lot of R&D which they have problems getting out the door (commercializing) in a good cadence. Nokia has cool R&D (not as many as MS) which they manage to get out of the door.

Nokia understands the mobile industry (and consumers) more so than MS could ever do in the next 10000000000 years.

MS understands the enterprise story more than Nokia could ever do in the next 999999999999 years.

yadda yadda yadda

i'll say give them 12-18 months to start seeing some really cool stuff that the average joe would want to buy.

MS and Nokia (prior to the purchase) are like a little mozzie bite to Apple and Google.

nieldk 2013-09-03 07:04

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by soryuuha (Post 1371439)
trojan horse!!!!

now lumiaman can fap to elop happily

LOL, hmm he was a MS until 2010, after which he joined Nokia - and sank it. You do the math :-O

Artyom 2013-09-03 07:11

Great news for nokia now we can enjoy the mighty square ui phones even more.

Rauha 2013-09-03 07:12

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by Schturman (Post 1371465)
R.I.P Nokia... :(

You are about 2,5 years late.

RIP Nokia was in 2011 (Elopcalypse). It just took a while to bury the corpse.

Dave999 2013-09-03 07:12

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1371505)
LOL, hmm he was a MS until 2010, after which he joined Nokia - and sank it. You do the math :-O

I have to congratulate Elop for the job. Well done! He executed the plan perfectly.

My question is this. How can the board accept a low price like this? They are the once to blame. Elop did well. Sad but true.

tanago 2013-09-03 07:26

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Microsoft bought Nokia for 5,44 billion Euro

Microsoft to acquire Nokia’s devices & services business, license Nokia’s patents and mapping services

The Next Chapter: An open letter from Steve Ballmer and Stephen Elop

Accelerating Growth
Microsoft’s strategic rationale for deal announced
with Nokia on September 3, 2013

Sopwith 2013-09-03 07:38

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services
Can anyone clue me in: how can Microsoft buy Nokia for $7.2 billion, if the current market cap for NOK is $14 billion? How does acquisition of publicly traded companies work?

juiceme 2013-09-03 07:48

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
hate it, we may but i have a feeling this Nokia + MS marriage will actually be successful. maybe not successful enough to be #1 but definitely successful enough to hurt Apple and Google so that they feel pain.

Not really. It will continue to be something in the single digits percentage, a mosquito bothering pair of elephants.


Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
MS has a lot of R&D which they have problems getting out the door (commercializing) in a good cadence. Nokia has cool R&D (not as many as MS) which they manage to get out of the door.

Not really. When was the last time you saw any innovations come from MS?
They are pretty good at this acquire and destroy business but cannot hold on to HW business.


Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
Nokia understands the mobile industry (and consumers) more so than MS could ever do in the next 10000000000 years.

Not really. Or else they would not have fscked up their OS business so bad they fell into MS's gentle lap.


Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
MS understands the enterprise story more than Nokia could ever do in the next 999999999999 years.

Not really. They are just forcing themselves on corporate environment by sheer force and through incapability of managers in general to understand tehcnical matters.


Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
yadda yadda yadda

There, you finally got it :D


Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
i'll say give them 12-18 months to start seeing some really cool stuff that the average joe would want to buy.

Not in a 1x10⁶ years.


Originally Posted by droll (Post 1371499)
MS and Nokia (prior to the purchase) are like a little mozzie bite to Apple and Google.

Yes. And continue to be.

juiceme 2013-09-03 07:50

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by Sopwith (Post 1371526)
Can anyone clue me in: how can Microsoft buy Nokia for $7.2 billion, if the current market cap for NOK is $14 billion? How does acquisition of publicly traded companies work?

Cos they only bought the Devices.
NSN is where the money in NOK comes from.

vpk 2013-09-03 07:53

Re: Microsoft buying Nokia's devices & services

Originally Posted by snowboarder (Post 1371492)

The only sad part to this is that now Microsoft owns all the Nokia mobile patents and they WILL start doing whatever they can to squash Android, Sailfish, Tizen...basically any linux based mobile will now be on their radar. Get ready for a slew of lawsuits against these linux based OSs...


As far as I know, Nokia still owns its patents, they will not been sold to Microsoft. This is a good news for Finland.

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