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nieldk 2014-04-11 12:40

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi
:) well, my device is totally not liking to update (not surprised)
So, I will do it the hard way zypper dup LOL

mscion 2014-04-11 12:50

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi
Hi. I expect to receive my Jolla phone in three days. But since it has been purchased there have been two updates. It has not come out of the box yet. Should this cause any problems when I try to update next week. Thanks!

pycage 2014-04-11 12:51

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi

Originally Posted by mscion (Post 1420882)
Hi. I expect to receive my Jolla phone in three days. But since it has been purchased there have been two updates. It has not come out of the box yet. Should this cause any problems when I try to update next week. Thanks!

No, no need to worry.

aegis 2014-04-11 13:08

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi

Originally Posted by JiiHoo (Post 1420868)
Cover pages look more crisp and their content is much easier to see. Previously they were somewhat... bland. Visually much better now.

Although they still have the corner problem introduced in 1.0 where the texture is square but the cover has rounded corners.

m4r0v3r 2014-04-11 13:13

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi
got the update, hasnt fixed the reboot issue so meh, and I never use MMS, thats what whatsapps for lol.

Anybody know the upgrades in the Android Runtime? Is like Androids own ART

Happy days, I've managed to turn off the Android applications Android UI, now its just the apps, no virtual buttons :D

nieldk 2014-04-11 13:51

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi

Originally Posted by nieldk (Post 1420879)
:) well, my device is totally not liking to update (not surprised)
So, I will do it the hard way zypper dup LOL

Well, that didnt go well. hehe
Restore coming up from my backup :P

qwazix 2014-04-11 14:23

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi
interestingly, if you have warehouse open during update download, on the profile page you can see what is being downloaded right now

Kabouik 2014-04-11 14:42

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi

Originally Posted by qwazix (Post 1420909)
interestingly, if you have warehouse open during update download, on the profile page you can see what is being downloaded right now

Yep, I said exactly the same on IRC today, and noticed some gstreamers files to be downloaded for instance.

Dave999 2014-04-11 14:45

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi
Is it worth booting up my Jphone for this update?
And if so...
What beer to drink during upgrade to enjoy the **** of this update?

m4r0v3r 2014-04-11 15:31

Re: Sailfish update available - Paarlampi

Originally Posted by Dave999 (Post 1420916)
Is it worth booting up my Jphone for this update?
And if so...
What beer to drink during upgrade to enjoy the **** of this update?

corona and lime

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