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m4r0v3r 2015-02-28 23:51

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1462393)
Yeah installs and boots fine. Auto orientation works.
Camera not. It opens a white window (seems like some qml components are missing) . See the error reported in terminal :


[W] unknown:20 - file:///usr/share/jolla-camera/camera.qml:20:9: Type CameraPage unavailable
            CameraPage {
[W] unknown:96 - file:///usr/share/jolla-camera/pages/CameraPage.qml:96:13: Type CaptureView unavailable
                CaptureView {
[W] unknown:3 - file:///usr/share/jolla-camera/pages/capture/CaptureView.qml:3:1: module "QtPositioning" is not installed
    import QtPositioning 5.1

The strange thing is that I am not able to install anything from store or via rpm.
Even pkcon refresh is throwing an Authentification failed

Update: After disabling the adaptation0 repo everything seems to work again. You can do that with


ssu dr adaptation0
Update 2: Ok the adaptation0 provides gstreamer plugins I guess as I cannot get videos running (Gstreamer is missing a plugin error)

So I guess this needs another fix.

that is indeed odd, and someones porting gstreamer 1.0

edit: after a redownload and reinstall it works,

coderus 2015-03-01 09:35

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Alpha8 with sensors support:

BluesLee 2015-03-01 10:55

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1462393)
Yeah installs and boots fine. Auto orientation works.
Camera not. It opens a white window (seems like some qml components are missing) . See the error reported in terminal :


[W] unknown:20 - file:///usr/share/jolla-camera/camera.qml:20:9: Type CameraPage unavailable
            CameraPage {
[W] unknown:96 - file:///usr/share/jolla-camera/pages/CameraPage.qml:96:13: Type CaptureView unavailable
                CaptureView {
[W] unknown:3 - file:///usr/share/jolla-camera/pages/capture/CaptureView.qml:3:1: module "QtPositioning" is not installed
    import QtPositioning 5.1

The strange thing is that I am not able to install anything from store or via rpm.
Even pkcon refresh is throwing an Authentification failed

Update: After disabling the adaptation0 repo everything seems to work again. You can do that with


ssu dr adaptation0
Update 2: Ok the adaptation0 provides gstreamer plugins I guess as I cannot get videos running (Gstreamer is missing a plugin error)

So I guess this needs another fix.

Thank you for testing.

Maybe my post regarding alpha 8 was misleading and enthusiastic. It was not meant to fix camera issues which will be available after MWC.

I will address the store issues. Fix for terminal keyboard size is not included too.

BluesLee 2015-03-06 05:42

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Some video content you might like:D

Sailfish OS 2.0 su Nexus 5, hands-on dal #MWC15 and
Sailfish OS 2.0 su Nexus 5 #MWC15

Morpog 2015-03-06 06:03

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5
Last video is quite interesting. As you can see the events view is missing quick toggles on the phone :(

But what I haven't seen in any video before is tapping on homescreen and first line of app drawer is appearing. Kinda like the swipe in from bottom on N9.

llelectronics 2015-03-06 16:30

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Last video is quite interesting. As you can see the events view is missing quick toggles on the phone
From what I saw in the demo devices so far they might end up in the swipe down menu that shows all the ambiances. Left besides the ambiances you find different icons like silent and so on. They might of course be binded to the ambiance itself. But I could imagine the possibility to integrate quick toggles there.

m4r0v3r 2015-03-07 10:10

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by BluesLee (Post 1463196)

holyy ****k


i wonder if GPS works too, id instantly switch over if it did

mikelima 2015-03-07 23:09

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5

Originally Posted by llelectronics (Post 1463264)
From what I saw in the demo devices so far they might end up in the swipe down menu that shows all the ambiances. Left besides the ambiances you find different icons like silent and so on. They might of course be binded to the ambiance itself. But I could imagine the possibility to integrate quick toggles there.

I think those icons are there to show how the ambience is configured to work, but I doubt they are directly usable to activate or deactivate the feature. But you can select different ambiences with the needed features directly enabled.

They are an interesting mode to customize the phone. One of the ambiences in the nexus 5 demo has a bluetooth icon, one a silence mode, plus an "1H" badge on the right... which may mean you can "daisy chain" ambiences, or maybe make them active for a predefined time. If the notification screen can be changed depending on the active ambience as well, and the notification API becoms public, I think many applications will benefit from this.

I suppose shortcuts will be made available in the phone form factor as well, maybe it is not yet implemented.

m4r0v3r 2015-03-08 11:24

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5
i wonder if the slight lag is fixed. During any of the alphas inside the Warehouse app when transitioning between the page stacks there was some jerkiness. its obviously not the hardware, but something in there not quite right.

llelectronics 2015-03-08 11:38

Re: [WIP] SailfishOS on Nexus 5
I think the graphicsdriver is not optimized at all at the moment. Not sure if even hardware acceleration is turned on.
Try scrolling with webcat. This is really awful to look at as it is dropping frames like crazy.

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