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lokiz0r 2007-12-24 04:07

Re: installation file corrupted
Got my lovely new N800 yesterday. - half the RRP! Not too shabby.

Fiirst thing I did was flash it to OS2008... then got the same problem as everyone else, 'corrupt' downloads. I thought I'd broke it for a while...

Put in this repository, and the problem went away! Canola and UKMP have installed with no problems.

That said, it didn't replicate the non-working Flash problem... YouTube was just fine, so that sounds a little more sinister...

cybertron 2007-12-24 04:18

Re: installation file corrupted
After my "reinstall" I did everything again and all is fine, so no idea why flash broke.

debudebu 2007-12-25 07:23

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by cybertron (Post 114677)
Hey guy-
I'm totally new here and not a huge linux guy but I was able to install UKMP without corrupt error when I had that error a moment ago. What I did was disable all my repo's including a Maemo Extra's that had no "Distribution" defined. The only repo I left enabled was the Maemo Extras with CHINOOK distribution defined.

So I had the following Repo enabled...

Catalog Name: Maemo Extras
Distribution: chinook
Components: free non-free

(Please notice that typo in repository above... I just discovered that repository and repostory work for some reason.. either way, it should probably be set to the correct spelling but I'm putting what I had in my config at the time.)

After that, I went in and installed Python-runtime all by itself, and then after went in and installed UKMP and it worked fine. I have not tested the program yet but all looks good.

hi all,
i tried this meathod, but i still can't get python runtime installed. most of the way through the install i get a message 'unable to install python...'
could this have to do with the fact that my n800 ran out of battery and died part way through the python install when i was trying the install after changing the spelling of 'repository'?
any ideas? thanks.

Aciv 2007-12-25 15:46

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by debudebu (Post 115134)
hi all,
i tried this meathod, but i still can't get python runtime installed. most of the way through the install i get a message 'unable to install python...'
could this have to do with the fact that my n800 ran out of battery and died part way through the python install when i was trying the install after changing the spelling of 'repository'?
any ideas? thanks.

try changing all of the 'maemo' repositories to repostory

caulktel 2007-12-25 16:15

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by Aciv (Post 115226)
try changing all of the 'maemo' repositories to repostory

Where do you make this change?

debudebu 2007-12-25 17:47

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by Aciv (Post 115226)
try changing all of the 'maemo' repositories to repostory

thanks for the suggestion. i tried that with no luck.

Aciv 2007-12-25 17:48

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by caulktel (Post 115234)
Where do you make this change?

in application manager go to 'tools' -> 'application catalog'
edit the repositories that have 'maemo' in the name and change repository to repostory in the url.

Scrabbler 2007-12-30 03:00

Re: installation file corrupted
Big thanks to Cybertron - saved the day!!!

Aciv 2007-12-30 04:08

Re: installation file corrupted
"Installation file corrupted" - Just so you know, this is caused by a repository problem that you can fix.

maluka 2007-12-30 10:40

Re: installation file corrupted

Originally Posted by cybertron (Post 114691)
Anyone who followed my directions please check that Flash still works in the browser... ie: go to or something.

I'm not sure what caused it, but my flash stopped working at some point. I havent used it in a bit, so i'm not sure what did it. I've re-flashed and restored from backup and am checking as app reinstall to see what caused the problem.

i can confirm that this method has killed my flash :(

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