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mosen 2020-01-13 11:56

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
In short, mautz (and others?) are doing a great job in maintaining a Nexus 5 Port. You might get one really cheap nowadays.
If you have a Xperia X or XA2 laying around, that would be a second suggestion due to recent community ports and possible "upgrade" to Jollas SailfishX.

Kabouik 2020-01-22 10:55

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
We now have full keyboard backlight support on the Proš with mce thanks to Elros34. However, it is not included in the SFOS port yet, so just run this in terminal to fetch the mce config file from Elros34's repository:


devel-su curl -L -o /etc/mce/91-keyboard-backlight.ini


Kabouik 2020-01-22 13:01

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
And hardware decoding on h.264 and h.265 is now working in native SFOS apps, here are the instructions until it is merged in the SFOS port:


devel-su curl -L -o /etc/gst-droid/gstdroidcodec.conf

rm ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0/registry.*

taixzo 2020-01-22 14:45

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
I may have missed something in the past few pages, but is bluetooth working yet?

Kabouik 2020-01-22 15:30

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
At least for audio output to a Bluetooth receiver, I can confirm it works.

Regarding Bluetooth commands, I am not sure, as I don't have any smart Bluetooth device to pair it with. If it does not work out of the box, maybe this could help.

For file transfers with an official Jolla C, no success. Obviously it should be possible because this exists, but to be fair I never managed to transfer any file with Bluetooth in SFOS, even on official SFOS releases.

taixzo 2020-01-22 16:44

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Thanks! I am interested in Bluetooth audio, but also whether it will be possible to pair my Pebble.

mosen 2020-01-22 17:33

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1564653)
Thanks! I am interested in Bluetooth audio, but also whether it will be possible to pair my Pebble.

Pebble uses DID protocol which is present.
But i already reported that Rockbox pool (thanks Wasman) shortly picks up the Pebble on connect but looses it 3 sec afterwards.

For other applications like headset the audio sink protocol is missing.
I am willing to do "things" if i get clear instructions but my attempts to add protocols have failed as of yet.
Might it be possible to steal bt configs from XA2 or similar?

taixzo 2020-01-28 21:32

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Got my Pro1 today and have been testing SFOS. A few questions:
  • Is there a way to get double-tap unlock to work anymore?
  • How do you type a slash (/) in SFOS? It's on the 'P' key with a US keyboard layout, but all the modifier keys give me either 'p' or 'P'.
  • Is there a way to run ubu-chroot Firefox in its own window like Chromium? I can run it fine within xfce but trying to run it in its own window just gives the black screen, "No XWayland Window" message.
  • Speaking of xfce, how do you get the menu bar? This is what xfce looks like for me:
    There's no menu and no obvious way to get to the settings menu that the readme is talking about.

TheKit 2020-01-28 23:03

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1564849)
Got my Pro1 today and have been testing SFOS. A few questions:
  • Is there a way to get double-tap unlock to work anymore?
  • How do you type a slash (/) in SFOS? It's on the 'P' key with a US keyboard layout, but all the modifier keys give me either 'p' or 'P'.
  • Is there a way to run ubu-chroot Firefox in its own window like Chromium? I can run it fine within xfce but trying to run it in its own window just gives the black screen, "No XWayland Window" message.
  • Speaking of xfce, how do you get the menu bar? This is what xfce looks like for me:
    There's no menu and no obvious way to get to the settings menu that the readme is talking about.

  • It was disabled in kernel touchscreen driver upstream as it caused a problem with touchscreen stop working until the device is rebooted. You could possibly build a custom kernel with it enabled, but not sure if it is worth it.
  • If you installed latest image, keyboard layout should already be there but needs to be enabled with following commands as nemo user:

    dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/model \"fxtecpro1\"
    dconf write /desktop/lipstick-jolla-home/layout \"us\"

    If you want to customize layout, check corresponding GitHub issue.
  • As for XFCE, panel was there for me out of box. May be worth to try deleting user config files inside chroot home folder and trying again.

mosen 2020-01-28 23:04

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1564849)
Got my Pro1 today

Wohoo, so happy for you!


Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1564849)
There's no menu and no obvious way to get to the settings menu that the readme is talking about.[/LIST]

Just hold shift and tap to the desktop for a menu.
In the settings you can than add bars.
But your desktop not starting up without one is not normal. Do you start as root or user? I had different desktop settings for both.

For more in depth ubu questions, Kabouik is your man ;)

Zeta 2020-01-29 00:16

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1564849)
Is there a way to run ubu-chroot Firefox in its own window like Chromium? I can run it fine within xfce but trying to run it in its own window just gives the black screen, "No XWayland Window" message.

I don't have a Pro1 a hand yet to confirm this :(, but at least on Fedora, there exists a script called "firefox-wayland" that starts firefox to render directly under wayland, and not through X.
The error you get here looks like this, Sailfish using wayland, and XFCE probably does something like either provides and X server when run fully, or justs sets some flags to use wayland that you don't get when running in standalone.

If that is any help and the command "firefox-wayland" doesn't exist in your package manager, it is simply the following bash script (pasted from Fedora on PC):

[zeta@pc ~]$ cat /usr/bin/firefox-wayland
# Run Firefox under Wayland
exec /usr/bin/firefox "$@"

I hope that could help you, and that I receive quickly a Pro1 to try this myself !

mosen 2020-01-29 01:04

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Zeta (Post 1564854)

That export i used successfully to activate touch scroll in firefox prior to starting it manually.
Great to see it in the starter.
Thx for the hint.

taixzo 2020-01-29 15:09

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Zeta (Post 1564854)
I don't have a Pro1 a hand yet to confirm this :(, but at least on Fedora, there exists a script called "firefox-wayland" that starts firefox to render directly under wayland, and not through X.
The error you get here looks like this, Sailfish using wayland, and XFCE probably does something like either provides and X server when run fully, or justs sets some flags to use wayland that you don't get when running in standalone.

If that is any help and the command "firefox-wayland" doesn't exist in your package manager, it is simply the following bash script (pasted from Fedora on PC):

[zeta@pc ~]$ cat /usr/bin/firefox-wayland
# Run Firefox under Wayland
exec /usr/bin/firefox "$@"

I hope that could help you, and that I receive quickly a Pro1 to try this myself !

Running this (outside of the xfce shell) gives "The Wayland compositor does not provide any supported shell interface, not using Wayland display".

Kabouik 2020-01-29 16:36

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Oh wow, I did not know about Shift+Click Mosen actually, I have been trying all sorts of long press or Control+tap, but somehow missed Shift. Awesome.

taixzo, seeing your screenshot, it seems your xfce4 panel actually is there, but was (accidentally) resized and moved to the middle of your desktop (on the right). Since you haven't installed anything yet, I would just try reinstalling ubu-chroot from scratch. Unless there is a keyboard shortcut to bring the application menu, but I don't think that is possible before the F(x) key is recognized as Super at the kernel level.

You can launch Firefox in its standalone window without xfce using "./desktop/ xwayland ApplicationName", have a look at an example .desktop file for Tilix here: You can try from command line first and then make a .desktop file when confirmed to work, but I think I already did it in the past when someone asked and posted a screenshot of it somewhere.

To be honest, I realized after opening the above issue that I very rarely use ubu-chroot without xfce4. The powerful multitasking within the DE is just too much to miss when using keyboard shortcuts, and setting another keyboard shortcut for "Toggle fullscreen" in the global settings results in the exact same appearance (well except for Chromium actually because fullscreen hides the tab bar and address field), without the need to adjust DPI. I have not properly compared battery life with or without xfce4 running, however.

mosen 2020-01-29 16:54

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1564887)
I have not properly compared battery life with or without xfce4 running, however.

Since you kind of complained about batterylife in the past more than i did as a rare chroot user, i would guess it has at least "some" impact ;)

And thanks for hinting at the parameter to the script. I did not realize it is that convenient. Nice work Elros34!
To incorporate the "export MOZ..." a script will sure work to start it befor elros sricpt?

Kabouik 2020-02-01 02:56

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Yeah, but there seems to be two states actually. Sometimes my battery drains real fast with xfce4 and chromium running, something it is quite acceptable. Usually the battery drains faster if xfce4 has been running for many hours before. Restarting with Ubu-close followed by Ubu-xfce4 usually helps.

Now I don't know if the issue actually is with Ubu-chroot or xfce4, since I use xfce4 all the time. It may even simply be chromium with some tabs starting to eat CPU quietly, and restarting it all solves the issue, but restarting just chromium would perhaps be enough if this is really the cause.

epninety 2020-02-01 09:43

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Can anyone confirm that ssh into the pro1 works over wifi out of the box, or is there some extra configuration steps I need to do?

I have developer mode enabled, and I can ssh to from ToeTerm on the Pro1, but I fail to connect via wifi.

I can ping the device via wifi with no problem.

systemctl stop sshd stops sshd and I no longer can connect locally.
systemctl start sshd restore the local connection.

I cannot connect via usb either, but that may be because I have a 192.168.2.x network available to the local network via vpn so there may be some routing issue arising. (When I get chance I will try dropping the VPN for a while.)

Kabouik 2020-02-01 12:23

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
As far as I remember, it works ouf of the box (USB does not, known issue). What is the error you are getting? Perhaps your Proš uses the same IP as your previous Sailfish device, and therefore is rejected when checking ~/.ssh/known_hosts. You could try looking into it if the Proš IP is listed and comment it out.

[Edit] Oh, my bad, you are trying to connect from the Proš, not to it. Check authorized_keys on the host instead then, maybe that's your issue.

pcfe 2020-02-01 17:48

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by epninety (Post 1564955)
Can anyone confirm that ssh into the pro1 works over wifi out of the box

Got my Proš yesterday morning and I can confirm this worked just fine with developer mode enabled and a password set on the freshly flashed

As I normally do, I followed by putting my ssh pubkey in and disabling password authentication.

epninety 2020-02-01 18:04

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Thanks for the replies. I'm trying to connect TO the Pro1 from a device with a larger keyboard and screen :-)

When I first tried it I think I saw 'connection refused', but now it just times out. Tried from multiple devices and multiple wifi networks. It also works fine with multiple other SFOS devices.

I dont see the ip listed in known_devices on this machine, but it certainly isn't listed on at least one other tried, because its a new linux install. Good thought though, I hadn't checked before.

At least now I know it works for other people, and I didn't miss some arcane setting, I will carry on trying to figure it out.

....aaaand as if by magic it starts working all by itself! I've been trying for a week with no joy, I've changed nothing today and it's suddenly working :o

It must be the t.m.o effect !

This Pro1 just keeps getting better and better :)

epninety 2020-02-02 00:17

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Just for info...

After a bit more investigation, it seems that for my local network, either the ssh client or ssh server device needs to be in the fixed IP list in the router. If both are using DHCP addresses I cannot get a connection.

I don't understand the reason, but it seems reliable. I can ssh to my servers (all on fixed ip) from any device, and they can all ssh into the Pro1.
Added the Pro1 to fixed ip list and instantly can connect to it from anywhere.

Probably just another gaping hole in my understanding, but it likely explains a similar issue I have one machine on my remote (vpn connected) network.

VaZso 2020-02-02 12:19

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by epninety (Post 1564972)
Just for info...

After a bit more investigation, it seems that for my local network, either the ssh client or ssh server device needs to be in the fixed IP list in the router. If both are using DHCP addresses I cannot get a connection.

I would check network data when DHCP is active - so what IP address you get, what is the default gateway and DNS address(es).

Another direction would be to ping router IP from Pro1 or if it works, an other server like

Also, you may ping Pro1's address from another machine, moreover, you may try to ping the same IP address even if Pro1's network is switched off.

So, you may try to investigate what is the cause of this problem - for example, if there is a static IP given to a computer in the same range your DHCP allocates addresses.

Kabouik 2020-02-03 16:28

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Here is an attempt to put together instructions for SFOS flashing/backup/restoration on the Proš, since they are otherwise lacking or spread across different forum posts.

olf 2020-02-03 21:14

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Kabouik (Post 1565021)

Oh, you posted this twice (in different threads), "nicely" creating duplicates.
IMO, a single real post plus linking to it at different places is way better.

Anyway, here is another detailed "initial bring-up" documentation for SailfishOS on the Proš, covering slightly different aspects of the installation:

Kabouik 2020-02-03 22:54

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
I am sorry if that caused any inconvenience, but I didn't see it as a duplicate since both posts point to the same gist source that I can update if needed. I just posted the link into two threads that may gather different people: a broad audience in the other thread and just those that were already considering SFOS for their Proš here. I did add it to real posts in the first post of this very thread, and the TJC wiki.

My thinking was that if people in the bigger F(x)tec thread notice that they can easily copy-paste command lines to get started with Sailfish and still be able to restore stock Android, that might draw attention beyond the already strong-hearted ones who already did decide to go Sailfish. I didn't mean to cause any confusion. :<

Thanks for posting Pcfe's article too, it's a nice one and he helped proofreading the instructions above.

Wikiwide 2020-02-04 05:04

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Running Sailfish OS on Fxtec Pro1, using it as everyday phone. Used instructions from to install Sailfish OS (note: adb package from De**an repositories was too ancient, I had to download the platform-tools directly from Google's website in order to be able to do "fastboot set_active a" without getting "error: Could not get suffixes.").

Aurora wallpaper in Sailfish OS is stunning - looking forward to setting a live/animated wallpaper (if it's not too battery-consuming) to reflect on season of the year, time of day and holidays.

Icons are nice. Terminal in the list of applications is encouraging. Haven't got a Jolla account so far.

When a call is coming in, with default Ringtone (which is nicer than Android's default Ringtone, by the way)... As the volume is raising second after second... After certain dB level, speakers start adding "white-noise" on top of sound. Is it just me, or do all retail Fxtec Pro1 units suffer from this problem? Is it hardware problem or software problem? I should probably test with music instead of ringtone (in case it is some radio-interference problem).

Will test yellow arrow modifier key later - it was driving me up the wall in Android when I could not type the question mark in an SMS.

Audio calls are fine, but, quiet. And, there is echo audible (probably depends on whether "Loudspeaker" mode is on or off).

Thank you. Best wishes.
Per aspera ad astra...

taixzo 2020-02-05 16:56

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Is there any way to get the front camera working? Rear camera works fine but hitting the camera swap button just gives a black screen.

epninety 2020-02-05 17:52

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Front camera works fine in the 'Advanced Camera' app, but not in the default one, as far as I know.

taixzo 2020-02-05 18:33

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Indeed it does! Is there any way to make Advanced Camera the default camera app (i.e. the one you get by swiping up from the bottom of the lockscreen if "quick access to camera" is enabled)?

mosen 2020-02-05 19:22

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
In stock jolla camera app, only the selfie picture is not working. You can still do a selfie video for some reason ;)

+1 for finding a way to make Piggz Cam stock!

taixzo 2020-02-05 20:54

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Also, is there a way to wake the phone my pressing a hwkb button? If the phone is open and sitting on a table, the power button is under the screen and hard to reach (and double-tap doesn't currently work) to wake up the phone.

xman 2020-02-05 22:12

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1565109)
Also, is there a way to wake the phone my pressing a hwkb button? If the phone is open and sitting on a table, the power button is under the screen and hard to reach (and double-tap doesn't currently work) to wake up the phone.

Have you tried press on any key on the keyboard? That works on the n900 when the screen sleeps. But not when deeper sleep.


mosen 2020-02-05 23:02

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1565109)
Also, is there a way to wake the phone my pressing a hwkb button?

Yes! ESC on top left ;)

I see the finding was worth to add to tips section of the tjc wiki.

peterleinchen 2020-02-05 23:35

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by taixzo (Post 1565105)
Indeed it does! Is there any way to make Advanced Camera the default camera app (i.e. the one you get by swiping up from the bottom of the lockscreen if "quick access to camera" is enabled)?

I believe I have it now reliably.
Was a bit more tricky than I thought.
Let me test a bit more and try to remember what I did :rolleyes:
(we do not have a dedicated advanced-camera thread on TMO? so where would be best place to write down?)

peterleinchen 2020-02-06 07:47

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1565118)
I believe I have it now reliably.
Was a bit more tricky than I thought.
Let me test a bit more and try to remember what I did :rolleyes:
(we do not have a dedicated advanced-camera thread on TMO? so where would be best place to write down?)

Okay, here is what I have (from dreaming memories),
please try and check:


#peterleinchen: advanced-cam as default


cp /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp -ra /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera.desktop /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop

vi /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:

vi /usr/share/applications/jolla-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:
#Exec=invoker -s --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 /usr/bin/jolla-camera-lockscreen

systemctl-user restart lipstick

Astaoth 2020-02-06 09:09

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1565122)
Okay, here is what I have (from dreaming memories),
please try and check:


#peterleinchen: advanced-cam as default


cp /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/bin/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp -ra /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera /usr/share/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen

cp /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera.desktop /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop

vi /usr/share/applications/harbour-advanced-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:

vi /usr/share/applications/jolla-camera-lockscreen.desktop
-->edit as below:
#Exec=invoker -s --type=silica-media,silica-qt5 /usr/bin/jolla-camera-lockscreen

systemctl-user restart lipstick

But like this, you have to type your lockscreen code before using the camera. I switched back to the default app because of this.
"jolla-camera-lockscreen" binary is different from "jolla-camera", in order to allow execution from lockscreen without the need to unlock the phone first.

peterleinchen 2020-02-06 13:45

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by Astaoth (Post 1565134)
But like this, you have to type your lockscreen code before using the camera. I switched back to the default app because of this.
"jolla-camera-lockscreen" binary is different from "jolla-camera", in order to allow execution from lockscreen without the need to unlock the phone first.

Here on a XA2 with SFOS it is working (device lock code enabled)!?!

taixzo 2020-02-06 16:08

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Can confirm on Pro1 that does indeed work, and does not require an unlock code to use advanced camera when the device is locked.

Wasmachinemann-NL 2020-02-06 19:06

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat
Could someone take a crack at porting Rockbox to Sailfish OS?

Astaoth 2020-02-06 23:51

Re: SFOS on F(x)tec Proš: progress, issues, tricks, free chat

Originally Posted by peterleinchen (Post 1565142)
Here on a XA2 with SFOS it is working (device lock code enabled)!?!

Indeed, with your procedure it works well most of the time. But after a reboot I have to launch the camera from the lockscreen twice before it works as expected.

I tried before but with less manipulations and I still had to unlock the phone before. I assumed then that there is no need to unlock the phone with the stock app because the binary for the lockscreen is different than the on accessible from the app menu. But maybe it was because I messed a little to much with my phone.

I just tried to undo one by one the steps of your procedure to find what I missed, and it looks that with only "Exec=harbour-advanced-camera" in the "/usr/share/applications/jolla-camera-lockscreen.desktop" file, and after having restart lipstick or rebooted, advanced camera is still accessible from the lockscreen.

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