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lennygaudy 2007-12-23 05:44

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

How did you get the tablet to use your Motorola as a modem? I was able to pair the two but couldn't figure out how to get the tablet to use the internet connection from my Motorola.

Any advice will be appreciated as there are virtually no hot spots near me and the tablet has proved all but useless without being able to tether

GeneralAntilles 2007-12-23 05:47

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by lennygaudy (Post 114238)
How did you get the tablet to use your Motorola as a modem? I was able to pair the two but couldn't figure out how to get the tablet to use the internet connection from my Motorola v3c.

You need to set up the connection settings for the phone. You should be able to get to the setup wizard from within the Connection manager application's menu (application menu -> Tools -> Cellular operator setup wizard...)

cycroft 2007-12-23 11:28

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes, I do
2. Currently I have two phones but only one is working
a. Nokia 6021 - works without any problems
b. Nokia E60 - does not work
a. no problem, just used the wizard
b. does not work for me, tried all possible settings, different SIM cards and network operators. Anyone succesfully used a Nokia E60 with N8x0?? Please send me your settings.
4. Congstar (T-Mobile, Germany), Klarmobil (T-Mobile, Germany), Simyo (E-Plus, Germany)
5. Congstar: 0,49 eur / megabyte
klarmobil: 0,09 eur / minute
Simyo: 0,24 eur / megabyte
6. Nokia E60 does not work. Any ideas? Anyone having it working right now?

4mula1 2007-12-23 13:49

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

On occasion.

2. What kind of phone do you have?

N95 & N81

3. Was it easy to get working?

With a couple of changes noted earlier, yes.

4. Who is your service provider?

T-Mobile USA

5. How affordable is your data plan?

I have the grandfather $2.99 T-Zones. Unlimited browsing but some ports such as ftp are restricted.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

With OS2008 selecting t-zones as the provider will have the correct apn as well as proxy that T-Mobile Internet does not. You may have to change the last bit of the proxy ip address from .050 to .50 for it to work.

pboyington 2007-12-23 15:21

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?


2. What kind of phone do you have?

Nokia N95-1, N95-3 (Unlocked, Unbranded), N75 (Branded AT&T), Moto Q

3. Was it easy to get working?

N95 and 75, very easy on OS2008
Moto Q, not so easy... downright frustrating on OS2007..

4. Who is your service provider?

Moto-Q - Sprint

N95, N75 - AT&T

5. How affordable is your data plan?

Sprint.. sux.. canceled line of service recently. I will cite completely abyssmal customer service and a crappy phone.. (The Q for all the hype isn't a bad piece of hardware, but the Windows Mobile software was unreliable, and prone to failure.)

AT&T - On a shared Family plan, but pay for Unlimited Media Net and extra $25/ month... (Unlimited Data, Unlimited Messaging)

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

AT&T Edge can be slow, but isn't terrible, and seems faster than Sprint's overall EVDO performance.. 3G is awesome when you can get it..

Sprint, although I consistently made an EVDO connection, performed poorly and seemed slower than EDGE.. Of course, this could be attributed somewhat to Windows Mobile..


Especially with the holidays approaching - it's a good time to talk gadgets.[/QUOTE]

Arnodr 2007-12-23 22:23

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?


2. What kind of phone do you have?

A Nokia 6680, UMTS/3G phone

3. Was it easy to get working?

No problem at all. The wizard took care of making a DUN Profile.
What I really like about this tablet is that it automatically connects to my cellphone when I leave a 'wifi zone' . It gives a sort of "always online" feel to it.

4. Who is your service provider?


5. How affordable is your data plan?

10 Euro/Month. for full down/up speed. Data is limited to 10 times the average usage. Which in itself says nothing :confused:.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Battery life is an issue with my phone.

Look at the fine print of the plan-contract. Not everything is allowed and they can stop your contract if ones violates their conditions.
I will switch to another provider that explicitly allows VOIP calls over their mobile network. But I need to do some usability tests to see if it is practical, anyone tried VOIP over 3g yet?. Most networks providers exclude VOIP because I expect it has the potential to ruin their GSM cash cow;).

vnguyen972 2007-12-24 06:49

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
So I pair up my N800 with my Motorola L7 that has T-Zones plan from TM0bile... but some times... when i access the web, it said I don't have access to access the page... some times I could... i don't understand...

Another thing, is there a way for me to use IM or Last.FM with T-Zones plan? or all i could use it with is the web.


donnlee 2008-01-23 05:27

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

2. What kind of phone do you have?
Samsung SGH-D807 (used from ebay)

3. Was it easy to get working?

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
Not sure yet. I think I have to upgrade to an unlimited plan. I'm checking my usage now.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

see this thread for details, I use "wap.cingular" for the access point:

rdcinhou 2008-01-23 12:27

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes when needing to connect and WiFI not available.

2. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia 9300b (US) Communicator.

3. Was it easy to get working?
Built-in setup was incorrect. Worked after a little research.

4. Who is your service provider?
The *NEW* AT&T

5. How affordable is your data plan?
I use the same plan as before Blackberry Connect w/UNLIMITED DATA. It is tolerable and I understand that they are going to give a slight price cut this month.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Officially, the Nokia 9300 is no longer sold and barely supported. AT&T took way too long to bring this phone/PDA to the US. Europe had it for over a year before it was brought here. It also outperforms my N800 as a PDA (very stable and integrated software, battery life!!!) so I will continue to use the 9300 as my main data platform.

ootpek 2008-01-23 14:07

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
-I use it in a limited fashion due to cost of data in Canada.
2. What kind of phone do you have?
-Nokie E65.
3. Was it easy to get working?
-Dead easy.
4. Who is your service provider?
-Rogers The Wireless Pirates.
5. How affordable is your data plan?
-I pay $5 a month for 5MB.
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
-I only use it for checking email and some very small wap surfing due to the costs of Rogers data plans.

pycage 2008-01-23 14:54

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes, when there's no WiFi available

2. What kind of phone do you have?
HTC T-Mobile MDA Mail. The phone does GPRS and EDGE, but no UMTS

3. Was it easy to get working?
Requires xterm and root access as I need PAN. The phone doesn't support DUN. Once everything is setup on the tablet, it's easy to connect.

4. Who is your service provider?
T-Mobile D

5. How affordable is your data plan?
200MB plus 50 minutes free call time per month for approx 30 EUR.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
T-Mobile's web'n'walk data plans are recommendable for those who want broadband internet access anywhere (EDGE/UMTS).

Celtsune 2008-01-23 14:58

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
I am using my LG Version 2 Chocolate phone with the 810. It has been great.. always dials and connects etc. with no problems.

ertszi 2008-01-23 19:19

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes, sometimes
2. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia 6310i (GPRS)
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
4 € 25 Mb / month (GPRS25)
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Unlimited data plan would cost 10 € but GPRS is just so slow that I use it in only in back up only. I think I cuold use 3G as well, but I dont facy a 3G phone. My old 6310i is the best!

jakubd 2008-01-23 21:44

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes - with 2 different phones :)
2. What kind of phone do you have?
Main one is Sony Ericsson k810i. Used mostly for talking and data only when needed. Second is PDA HTC Hermes (vel TyTN).
3. Was it easy to get working?
k810i was very easy: just pair and run thorough the wizard it that's it.
For Hermes it was a bit of pain in the ***: at first I used WiFirouter hack, that provided access to the internet through the LAN - but this eats the battery very fast. Then I decided to use the wizard in Nokia and had to use Bluetooth DUN hack for Windows Mobile 6, as it was stripped of DUN by Microsoft. Finally I decided to hack N810 to be able to use Bluetooth PAN and Internet Sharing function in Hermes. This involved manual script editing and fighting with installing this in the menu system. But from this moment it works flawlessly.
4. Who is your service provider?
k810i - Polish Era GSM
HTC Hermes - Plus GSM and some times mBank Mobile (virtual operator using Plus GSM network)
5. How affordable is your data plan?
Very :)
Era GSM - I pay around 7€ for 50MB monthly. Over 50MB it's money effective.
Plus GSM - I use prepaid SimData plan: Around 0,09€/1MB counted for each incoming and outgoing 100kb separately. This is my main source of Internet for mobile use.
mBank Mobile - This is prepaid: roughly 3x more expensive than Plus GSM, but I keep it because it gets recharged for each operation on my credit card.
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
It seems that Internet access is rather cheap in Poland and I have problems with finding effective data plans for prepaid in other countries. In France there is only Orange with 7€ for 10MB per month maximum. In the USA this is totally surprising, that nobody offers anything similar (going there for 2 months and need to be mobile from time to time).

twaelti 2008-01-23 22:03

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes
2. Sony Ericsson W810
3. Very easy Setup
4. Sunrise Switzerland
5. 50 MB per month for ~5$, then it gets expensive (another option would be 3$ per day for unlimited usage)
6. Good enough for some mailing and minor surfing every now and then. Not enough for daily full use.

gwalborn 2008-01-23 22:16

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes, when no wifi is available
2. Sprint Treo 700p
3. Extremely
4. Sprint
5. $US39.99/month unlimited data
6. Love the EVDO speeds. Check the Sprint web site for current coverage

ffarber 2008-01-24 00:03

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Yes, very often.
2. Nokia E65.
3. Piece of cake.
4. AT&T
5. No idea, it is cheaper than the Blackberries everyone else at work use so the Telecomm people are happy. I have to self-support which is no problem for me.
6. I find the speed of access to be no problem at all. I don't do any video watching though and only do internet radio over wi-fi.


znutar 2008-01-24 00:26

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Now I do since aleksandyr has laid hands upon it (he will be posting this info to his wiki soon on this forum).
2. Samsung Blackjack 2
3. No, but with aleksandyr tweaking Fanoush's script I now have an easy way of using ICS on the BJ2 (no tethering plan...woohoo!). He is planning on implementing this with a UI and toggle method for other smartphone users to use BT PAN with WM smartphones and the N800. No need to use the DUN hack and much smoother implementation with a python script.
4. AT&T
5. Unlimited Media Max 200 ($19.95/month).
6. Media Max is not the official plan for the smartphone, but AT&T seems to let me get away with it so I am not complaining. For smartphone users, wait until aleksandyr updates his wiki and you will be very happy with the results.

qwerty12 2008-01-24 06:52

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Nope,
2. W810 (Quad-Band, EDGE & GPRS but no UMTS)
3. The built in phone wizard of OS2008, had no problem with my provider and phone.
4. Orange UK
5. Not very (I'm not on a contract)

Alizarin 2008-01-24 16:03

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

Probably daily, varying amounts of time. It really did come in handy a few weeks ago when some thunderstorms were coming through when I was at an auto-x. We looked up the local radar and determined we could restart the event after it passed.

2. What kind of phone do you have?

I have a Samsung ZX-20. It uses 3G, which is really the only reason I bought it, to connect with my 770 at the time.

3. Was it easy to get working?

No problems

4. Who is your service provider?


5. How affordable is your data plan?

An extra $20/month for unlimited mobile internets

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

SSH works, secure IMAP works, I've never really been restricted as to what sites I can visit. I was visiting a friend in DC who has an 810 at the time (mine hadn't shipped yet), and he was connected to my phone all day, downloading email, using rdesktop, etc without totally killing the battery. I consider that a win.

zeleftikam 2008-02-14 02:28

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?


2. What kind of phone do you have?

Nokia 6822b (Mexican)

3. Was it easy to get working?

No, it's incompatible in every way. Can't transfer files, initiate calls, send text messages, access the internet...

4. Who is your service provider?


Mattox 2008-02-14 03:20

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Sometimes on the Train
2. Nokia E61, Treo 750
3. On the E61 yes very
4. 3 Moble Australia
5. $20 per month

t3h 2008-02-14 04:54

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by thoughtfix (Post 102286)
I created this post to ask readers which phone they used. My answers are there and the questions are as follows:

1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

Especially with the holidays approaching - it's a good time to talk gadgets.

1. Yes I do

2. Motorola V3X

3. No, the phone never behaves with Bluetooth, and the connection always fails the first time, but succeeds the second time.

4. Three AU

5. Very good for an Australian network - $20/500MB.

6. Go with the provider and plan, but if you're on the $29 cap, get the Nokia 6288 instead :) (it wasn't available yet when I signed up, and the v3x was the best out of the lot)

gemniii42 2008-02-14 14:39

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
So far I've not seen a summary on Thoughtfix's site.

For the US is seems T-mobile with the $5.99 plan and Sprint SERO are about the best -
But I can't find mention of the T-mobile $5.99 plan at their website.
Since I have my NIT all I need is a BT link to the world, which seems is what Nokia envisioned.
So could someone post a link to the exact T-mobile plan?

dkwatts 2008-02-14 15:19

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by gemniii42 (Post 142410)
So far I've not seen a summary on Thoughtfix's site.

For the US is seems T-mobile with the $5.99 plan and Sprint SERO are about the best -
But I can't find mention of the T-mobile $5.99 plan at their website.
Since I have my NIT all I need is a BT link to the world, which seems is what Nokia envisioned.
So could someone post a link to the exact T-mobile plan?

Choose wisely...

Sprint SERO = FREE Unlimited High Speed EVDO
T-mobile plan for $5.99

spirytsick 2008-02-14 15:44

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
I use Nokia N95 8GB, the best phone I've ever had. I use it mostly for book reading on the move as it not as bulky as our IT' (which I use to continue reading when I am in bed or in an empty train). Internet connection through nokia works great albeit a little too expensive to be for every day use (vodafone uk) but in emergencies and in the open areas, such as parks etc.. is a great thing to have. I would recommend the phone to anyone.

ojiikun 2008-02-14 16:50

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by thoughtfix (Post 102286)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

1. Yes, very frequently!
2. Nokia E90, Nokia 9300i
3. Mind-blowingly easy
4. Vodafone in Ireland, T-Mobile in the USA
5. Vodafone is so expensive as to be for emergency use only - 2 eurocents per kB; T-Mobile is $30 a month for unlimited access.
6. Vodafone, and indeed all 3.5G networks are much faster than T-Mobile's EDGE network; however, the T-Mobile plan also confers free wi-fi access in quite a few locations.

walts 2008-02-14 20:45

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access? YES
2. What kind of phone do you have? Treo 700w
3. Was it easy to get working? Yes - but see #6
4. Who is your service provider? Verizon
5. How affordable is your data plan? $15 per month extra over unlimited data plan (employer pays)
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan? do NOT turn on Modem Link - that's for USB

Betty Woo 2008-02-14 21:50

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?


2. What kind of phone do you have?

Cheap Nokia bottom of the barrel kind. No phone, no mp3 player, no games, no camera, no bluetoothing capabilities. Just, you know, a phone. Yeah!!

3. Was it easy to get working?

Out of the box, charge it up. The phone number was preprogrammed. Easy.

4. Who is your service provider?

Believe it or not, 7-11. Got the phone and 20 cents a minute or 15 cents a text message good for 365 days - all for $100 during their regular sales. I got the phone in last June. I still have $68 left on the service. Obviously, I don't like cells much. Especially with Canada's rediculous prices.

5. How affordable is your data plan?

Affordable but most plans are so rediculously expensive that I'd rather stick with my $20 a month full-feature VOiP set-up with a once-a-year $100 7-11 phone package thrown in for those rare on-the-go calls and emergencies.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

If you're not glued to a cellphone (that I'm finding more and more people to be doing. God! The inanity of most cellphone conversations I have to listen to on the bus!), use a cell mostly for short, quick calls on the go and have been burned by pay-as-you-go plans that cost you money because the card expires before your credit, this is the best, most reasonable rate you'll find in Canada. Bar none.

bullwinkle1999 2008-03-31 15:13

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. i would if i could ....
2. motorola SLVR L7c
3. strangely, it was easy to get working when i first set up the N810 right out of the box, but it never worked again
4. verizon
5. can't remember

6. i called nokia tech support and still could not get the N810 to pair with my phone. tech support told me that some phone brands tend not to pair very well with the N810, and that motorola is one of those brands

tech support also mentioned that i might be able to connect the two via wire with a micro usb cable. i have not seen a micro usb cable that has the appropriate connections for each device, so i'm not sure how to do this.

someone please advise! i hate walking around just to find a wi-fi hotspot, and the wi-fi download speeds are crap. as of now, i feel i have purchased a $400 paperweight


prk60091 2008-03-31 15:58

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by bullwinkle1999 (Post 162832)
6. i called nokia tech support and still could not get the N810 to pair with my phone. tech support told me that some phone brands tend not to pair very well with the N810, and that motorola is one of those brands

motorola pairs just fine with the n810

what i would do
1. go to to learn how to make sure you connecting within verizon's TOS. Verizon has some rather draconian TOS. that site gives what I believe is a rather comprehensive overview and how-to alternatively read
2. delete the n810 profile in the phone
3. delete the phone profile in the n810
4. re-pair the two
5. profit- oh I mean voila

tabletrat 2008-03-31 16:31

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia N73
3. Was it easy to get working?
Not initially until I found a website about it.
4. Who is your service provider?
3 uk.
5. How affordable is your data plan?
I get 512MB/month included in my £20/month 750mins,500 text
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Nothing. I also have a separate USB 3G modem from them which gives me 3GB/month for £15 which I use with the laptop or eee

ysss 2008-03-31 17:34

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
- Yes, I tether.
- Treo 680 and Nokia N95
- Flakey with the Treo, the N95 was okay.
- $25 unlimited gprs data for the treo, $40 for 40 hours of 3G for the N95. In between the two dataplan and wifi connections at home, workplace and coffeeshops, I usually have plenty to spare on the time-based plan.
- I've been using the iphone for the last 2 weeks, leaving the N95\N800 at home and the Treo680 as a backup in my bag... and I've found it to be a better fit for what I do anyway, more enjoyable to use.

(To Fanboys: You like 7up, I like Coke, don't ***** at me if I don't like what you like. I also drink 7up from time to time anyway.)

blackoper 2008-03-31 18:32

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
Palm Centro
3. Was it easy to get working?
Works fine with usbmodem
4. Who is your service provider?
Sprint Sero
5. How affordable is your data plan?
unlimited internet included in sero plan of $24 a month
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Centro so far is not EVDO Rev. A compatible. Go with the Mogul for faster speeds on the sprint network. My max is in the 400 to 500kb range on the download

bleek 2008-03-31 18:34

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes I bluetooth tether when Wifi is not available.

2. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia E70-2(US Version with 850 and no 3G)

3. Was it easy to get working?
Just had to change the built in N810 script for Tmobile from to

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
$20 for unlimited EDGE, and the horrible anti free standards term of "tethering" is not in Tmobile's vocabulary. Have been waiting to hear the release date on 3G FOREVER, but its top secret. I love Tmobile for everything except this one issue, but I don't want to lose the $20 price because they are great with grandfathering plans.

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Tmobile is great from a CS standpoint. Once again I love the fact they don't even use the word tethering, while ATT and Verizon act as if its as bad as committing a violent felony crime.

pa28pilot 2008-03-31 18:36

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?


2. What kind of phone do you have?

A Treo 755p on Sprint and a Motorola E815 on Verizon.

3. Was it easy to get working?

The E815 just paired right up. The Treo requires some additional patching for any tethering with Bluetooth.

4. Who is your service provider?

sprint and Verizon

5. How affordable is your data plan?

er.. The Verizon handset didn't have a formal data plan, just the $15/mo VCAST video option, which worked fine.

The sprint handset has an unlimited data plan as a part of the normal plan.

tekplay 2008-03-31 19:21

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

Yes, when out of home and corporate Wifi range.

2. What kind of phone do you have?

Samsung M520

3. Was it easy to get working?

Immediate Bluetooth connectivity and modem connection.

4. Who is your service provider?


5. How affordable is your data plan?

Sprints Unlimited data plan with workplace(edu) discount $40 (data only)

fms 2008-03-31 19:27

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?

2. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia E70.

3. Was it easy to get working?
Dead simple.

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
$.18/MB during the day, $.14/MB in the night, comes to about $15/month.

ARJWright 2008-03-31 21:17

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)

Originally Posted by thoughtfix (Post 102286)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
2. What kind of phone do you have?
3. Was it easy to get working?
4. Who is your service provider?
5. How affordable is your data plan?
6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?

1. Yes
2. Nokia N75
3. Yes
4. ATT
5. Affordable for the level of use I do
6. I came from using a Treo 680, so teh 3G has been great. My life has me using my moible as a modem in home and mobile uses. I prefer it this way as I am usually out, and its a better value for things when you can take the web with you.

here.david 2008-04-01 19:26

Re: Which phone do you use? (poll and discuss)
1. Do you use your Internet Tablet with your phone for Internet access?
Yes I bluetooth tether when Wifi is not available.

2. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia n82

3. Was it easy to get working?
Just had to change the built in N810 script for Tmobile to:


Phone Number to dial: *99***1#

Username and password are all blank

4. Who is your service provider?

5. How affordable is your data plan?
$20 for unlimited EDGE and HOTSPOT

6. What else should users know about that phone/provider/plan?
Tmobile is great from a CS standpoint.

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