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brontide 2008-09-03 17:36

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Despite some stats that show it no faster than FF3, chrome really *seemed* faster. I think it's just that I'm seeing a more responsive page. JS heavy pages really do fly with chrome. Seemed a little IO heavy and I think there seem to be some issues with plugins like flash gobbling memory ( i need adblock plus ).

I love the UI simplifications. It was only confusing for a moment or two before the beauty of the choices really started to sink in. It's really nice to see google aggressively pushing web-as-platform to new heights as well as turning around and giving it all back to the community to play with.

As a first release it's a keeper, I can only imagine what they can do as they integrate the 100/100 acid3 compliant version of webkit and push a Mac ( and linux? ) release out the door.

TrueJournals 2008-09-03 19:46

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
The test I ran says that it is faster, in most cases:

daperl 2008-09-03 21:00

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
I just got back from XP. Damn, that thing is fast. It was hard to pull myself away, but XP gives me the willies. I'm bummed to be back in FF.

tso 2008-09-03 21:04

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by alephito (Post 220489)
I really prefer Firefox 3's AwesomeBar URL suggestion feature.

indeed, especially that it learns that often used urls should be put high in the list (so i now have the subscriptions.php page of this forum as second to the main forum url)...

in chrome? no chance. the second line is a search result, no ifs, buts, or other discussions about it...

Bundyo 2008-09-03 21:07

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by TrueJournals (Post 220552)
The test I ran says that it is faster, in most cases:

Can someone test it against FF3.1b1pre?

EDIT: Found one...

wipeout140 2008-09-03 21:21

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
i just use virtualbox for running XP in ubuntu when needed has open source version aswell now own by Sun Microsystems

But chrome is very fast and a excellent browser but its shame it uses a older webkit instead of newer one

tso 2008-09-03 21:26

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by wipeout140 (Post 220605)
i just use virtualbox for running XP in ubuntu when needed has open source version aswell now own by Sun Microsystems

But chrome is very fast and a excellent browser but its shame it uses a older webkit instead of newer one

this is a first public beta. i would guess it should not take any community to form and provide patches to get a more recent webkit in there.

Rebski 2008-09-03 21:56

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Thanks to Berenger
I have discovered Chromium
now this is very interesting, it does not install itself as an app and is launched directly from the chrome.exe so has a tiny footprint. As with Chrome, each tab runs in its own separate process.

This is the version that I shall be using.

AstroGuy 2008-09-03 22:26

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Some interesting news on the SCARY EULA for Chrome:

and Googles quick response:

good old ctrl+v / ctrl+c excuse!

Thesandlord 2008-09-03 22:49

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
After using Chrome for a day, I see that (for now) Firefox is a lot better (same speed on most sites). More plugins and support on the Internets. Also, for a product that was NOT released on the Mac yet, the user-agent says my Vista is a Mac. LOL to the max.

What I think chrome is better for is the Ajax-y web apps, like Google reader, Yahoo Mail, Meebo, Google Docs, etc. Not as a main browser. So I have configured a few web app shortcuts, and use that. Thanks Google for a nice portal for web apps!

TrueJournals 2008-09-04 03:47

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Whatever you do... don't go to about:% while in Chrome.

Going there will not destroy anything, it'll just crash chrome. It seems that any URL with :% (at the end..?) will crash Chrome.

Oh, and to see Google's sense of humor, go to about:internets

Rebski 2008-09-04 10:03

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Some more on Chromium

and Chromium build instructions for Linux

timsamoff 2008-09-04 12:35

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Page rendering may not be much quicker in Chrome, but the launch speed is a huge reason for me to keep using it (like half a second...maybe).

There are still some (personal) issues:

- Hot keys don't work here on itT.
[strike] - Facebook doesn't quite work (try deleting an FB mail).[/stricke] It works now!
- The WYSIWIG controls don't work (or even show up) in my webmail app.
- Not haveing a "Stop" button is a little whacky.

But, that's about it... And, for the EULA? I knew Google would respond as they have.


Texrat 2008-09-04 12:46

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
I'm worried it could kill Firefox. I'm not so worried about damage to IE.

Reggie 2008-09-04 13:09

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by timsamoff (Post 220756)
- Not haveing a "Stop" button is a little whacky.

Tim, the 'Go' arrow on the omnibar changes to a 'Stop' X when a page is loading.

Bundyo 2008-09-04 13:11

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
I don't think it can kill Firefox. Especially after Google introduces the ads and the sneaky stat sending to them... :D

timsamoff 2008-09-04 14:06

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Reggie (Post 220769)
Tim, the 'Go' arrow on the omnibar changes to a 'Stop' X when a page is loading.

Aha! How's that for being dimwitted. :p

Thanks, Reggie!


Texrat 2008-09-04 14:09

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 220770)
I don't think it can kill Firefox. Especially after Google introduces the ads and the sneaky stat sending to them... :D

Yeah, that will weed out the 5% hardcore geeks-- I'm concerned about sheep. ;)

Bundyo 2008-09-04 14:52

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
We'll see, time will tell. For now FF3.1 and Chrome are on par and FF3.1 has much to be improved (their JIT is yet incomplete AFAIR). FF startup time probably won't be changed much in the future and i can see that this is a major drawback for many.

tso 2008-09-04 15:09

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
indeed, the launch speed is whats impressing me most here, and its also whats been aggravating me most about firefox, with the end result that i have made it a habit of just leaving the firefox window open when not using it.

Benson 2008-09-04 15:15

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 220805)
We'll see, time will tell. For now FF3.1 and Chrome are on par and FF3.1 has much to be improved (their JIT is yet incomplete AFAIR). FF startup time probably won't be changed much in the future and i can see that this is a major drawback for many.

On the tablet, startup time is a drawback; but on the desktop I (and most people I know) always have a browser open. So for me (and by baseless extrapolation, everyone :)) the memory leakiness is much more an issue than startup time. And while FF2 was terrible, FF3(.0) is good enough, so I don't see it as having a major drawback there, either.

And if V8 gets substantially better than FF3.1's JS engine does, it'll get adopted; if they stay even, I hope we can look forward to two great engines for the tablets: MicroB (but up-to-date) and a Chrome-derived Webkit/V8 (also up-to-date).

TA-t3 2008-09-04 15:32

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
FF 1.5 and FF 2 was killing me on the desktop, for exactly those reasons Benson lists. I always kept it up and running, and it would eat hundreds and hundreds of megs after a while, until I had to shut it down (actually I kept several running, in different accounts - to keep some of those cookies separated). Thus losing my carefully collected pages.

FF 3 is much better. The memory leak seems gone, or at least much better. It's also much faster on e.g. Google mail, where (due to a slightly higher round-trip-time at my site than what's optimal) the ajax/javascript slowed everything down something terrible. 15-20 seconds between clicking an email until it was scrollable! (in pre-FF3).

Still, it'll be interesting to see where this chrome thing will go.

qole 2008-09-04 16:04

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Benson (Post 220817)
And if V8 gets substantially better than FF3.1's JS engine does, it'll get adopted; if they stay even, I hope we can look forward to two great engines for the tablets: MicroB (but up-to-date) and a Chrome-derived Webkit/V8 (also up-to-date).

So V8 isn't currently much better than FF3's JS engine?

I've heard great things about Webkit on the tablets, at least one poster claimed that Epiphany with Webkit is faster than MicroB on the N8x0. I can't really comment either way, I haven't spent enough time with Epiphany yet.

brontide 2008-09-04 16:14

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by qole (Post 220848)
So V8 isn't currently much better than FF3's JS engine?

V8 is much faster than ff3 and on par with ff3.1 ( tracemonkey ).

tso 2008-09-04 16:19

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by qole (Post 220848)
So V8 isn't currently much better than FF3's JS engine?

from what i understand, V8 is faster then the FF3.0 JS engine. but benchmarks done with the spidermonkey engine that will be introduced in FF3.1 beats V8.

question is how much V8 have improved before mozilla gets around to releasing FF3.1...

btw, firefox uses a lot of javascript internally to power the gui, right?

so potentially, a faster javascript engine would result in a faster firefox gui, not just faster rendering of ajax content?

Wes Doobner 2008-09-04 16:23

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Allegedly they have removed the part of their user agreement that gave them copyrights to anything you don with Chrome. They claim it was a mistake due to that fact that they were using a standard service agreement.

Does Google not make enough money to hire competent lawyers?

brontide 2008-09-04 16:27

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Wes Doobner (Post 220859)
Does Google not make enough money to hire competent lawyers?

Their motto is "do no evil"... so understaffing lawyers seems to support that motto :cool:

tso 2008-09-04 16:36

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
indeed, lawyers, at least copyright/license lawyers, is at best skirting the edge of the dark side...

Bundyo 2008-09-04 17:31

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by tso (Post 220856)
from what i understand, V8 is faster then the FF3.0 JS engine. but benchmarks done with the spidermonkey engine that will be introduced in FF3.1 beats V8.

question is how much V8 have improved before mozilla gets around to releasing FF3.1...

btw, firefox uses a lot of javascript internally to power the gui, right?

so potentially, a faster javascript engine would result in a faster firefox gui, not just faster rendering of ajax content?

Tracemonkey :)

And yes, you're right. Now in my about:config i have two options:


I've only set content to true, chrome is for the more adventurous... :)

BTW, the AwesomeBar feels much faster in 3.1 too.

BrentDC 2008-09-04 17:45

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by qole (Post 220848)
So V8 isn't currently much better than FF3's JS engine?

I've heard great things about Webkit on the tablets, at least one poster claimed that Epiphany with Webkit is faster than MicroB on the N8x0. I can't really comment either way, I haven't spent enough time with Epiphany yet.


Thanks for that post. Yes, it was me who was raving about's speed anyway. The problem with it was, that it would, seemingly randomly, seg fault on 50% of pages making it unusable. Your above post and my memory of how fast it was otherwise, inspired me to take another look at the problem. It was very simple. gcjwebplugin was causing it to crash (because it's meant for gecko), so uninstalling fixed the it.

The itT main forum page loads in 4 seconds in epiphany-webkit!


tso 2008-09-04 17:58

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by Bundyo (Post 220877)
Tracemonkey :)


still, was there not something firefox/mozilla related that was called spidermonkey?

Bundyo 2008-09-04 17:58

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Yes, the 3.0 JS engine.

tso 2008-09-04 18:05

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
ah, no wonder i get them mixed up ;)

qole 2008-09-04 18:21

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 220882)

Thanks for that post. Yes, it was me who was raving about's speed anyway. The problem with it was, that it would, seemingly randomly, seg fault on 50% of pages making it unusable. Your above post and my memory of how fast it was otherwise, inspired me to take another look at the problem. It was very simple. gcjwebplugin was causing it to crash (because it's meant for gecko), so uninstalling fixed the it.

The itT main forum page loads in 4 seconds in epiphany-webkit!


1: I don't think discussing the webkit engine (even running in another browser) on the tablet is off-topic; it's the closest we're going to get to Google Chrome for a while...

2: Has anyone tried out midori? It is a lightweight GTK & Webkit browser, might be suitable for the tablet... The Debian sid version is from early August, so it's pretty recent...

Bundyo 2008-09-04 19:50

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Not too good on performance back then and fairly buggy too.

timsamoff 2008-09-04 21:02

Video: Google demos speed benchmarks for Chrome


yegaoo 2008-09-04 23:15

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Writing from Chrome...

No complete Facebook BTW...

Cannot ignore invites or apps or friends...

Canīt use the chat bar...

Java thing?

mscdex 2008-09-05 03:51

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
To those who didn't know by now, Chrome runs under wine :). It runs a little on the slow side but if you want to give it a go, here's the instructions I followed.

I actually had something messed up in my wine configuration or something Chrome didn't like because at first I got nothing but the "Aw, snap" errors but when I renamed my .wine folder to recreate a new config and followed the rest of the instructions, webpages rendered after that.

mscdex 2008-09-05 03:58

Re: Google Browser: Chrome

Originally Posted by yegaoo (Post 221022)
Writing from Chrome...

No complete Facebook BTW...

Cannot ignore invites or apps or friends...

Canīt use the chat bar...

Java thing?

I'm using the latest Chromium build (on XP) and the chat bar at the bottom works fine for me. Pokes and other things worked also.

debernardis 2008-09-05 17:28

Re: Google Browser: Chrome
Hadn't tried that before... epiphany-webkit is darn quick! I haven't experienced any crash yet - maybe for I use a 5 Mb tmpfs?

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