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Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Ok, dug out the details. Here's the previous attempt at an app like this:
http://www.mulliner.org/bluetooth/xkbdbthid.php And I had it backwards: Apple requires that the keyboard support MORE than just "boot mode". if you search for "Mac" on that page, you'll find this note: "Supports ONLY Boot mode (this means no support for MacOSX, yet!)" Since it's also based on the BlueZ library, I don't know if it's a library limitation, or something else. But, there's all the info I have :-} |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
What's being discussed here is not remote desktop control. What's being discussed here is a Bluetooth HID application. Now, if what you're saying is "the remote device can't run a VNC server, because it's a Symbian phone" or something similar, then what you need to look for is a Bluetooth BIP application, using Bluetooth BIP's ability to remotely display a device's screen (probably one that mixed Bluetooth HID and Bluetooth BIP, so you could use the N810's keyboard and dpad while viewing the phone's screen on the N810). If that's what you want, then say so coherently instead of blathering on in 10 different directions at once. I would agree that seeing an application like BlueMaemo that included Bluetooth BIP's ability to capture the remote device's screen would be QUITE useful. But unless you're asking to see BIP added to this app, you're barking up the wrong tree, and doing so in a barely coherent manner. |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Ok Silly question:
Everything works great with the initial connection (N800 + XP Pro SP3). How do I shut down the connection so that subsequent connections are automatic? If I exit BlueMaemo (big red X Lower left Corner), Then when I go to restart later it hangs on "Waiting for COnnection..." The only way I have found to "fix" this and connect again is to delete the BT device in XP and re-Add it via the Wizard... Please tell me that there is a better way:o TIA Snoshrk |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
In some windows stacks is possible to reconnect without pairing the device again, the process are something like this: 1- Click in the bluetooth icon in the tray and choose "Show bluetooth devices" 2- Click in the device already paired and a menu list will appear, one of the options are "connect". Note: this is not standard across windows xp systems, I already seen systems with and without this feature. |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Thanks for the quick response!:)
I was guessing it was something along those lines. Keep up the great work and Thanks again for a great program;) Sno |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
BTW, why not using 24bit PNG? It will blend with the background nicely.
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
thanks for that great piece of software!
my bt-keyboard got broke a week ago so i am really pleased not to have to buy a new one. ^^ i really look forward for the reconnection to be implemented as i want to use my n800 as a (and the only) remote control for my mythtv client. Speaking of which: would it be possible to enable the dpad + escape key in the media profile? then i could use it for mythtv without the complete keyboard. all keys i need are the dpad, enter, esc, p (pause), m (menu), i (info), 3 (playlists in mythmusic), then i got everything covered. so enabling the dpad in the media profile would do the trick. thank you for the good work! ted |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Can you submit a feature request here : https://garage.maemo.org/tracker/?at...65&func=browse |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
1) VNC is laggy, and resources overhead on both devices. 2) VNC requires networking. With this implementation you can put off WiFi. 3) The user might not want or require shadowing (VNC provides feedback on the screen). 4) You could, in theory, actually put the screen dark and only use the touch part of the LCD screen; not the LCD screen itself. 5) Battery life... Quote:
If you use RDP on the NIT it is very useful if you have a applications which are made for touchscreen such as a virtual keyboard. |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I don't want to scrollbar to scroll with it, i just want to know where i am - even if it is a 1px solid line. :P |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
thanks for this very nice application!
i have it working here with my vdr pc (console only, running ubuntu intrepid beta) and the N800 using a some years old Bluetooth dongle from microsoft. this box has now 2 bt HID devices (a keyboard and the N800 as another keyboard) as input devices configured. It works great to control my vdr. Much better to have the small and handy N800 instead of the whole keyboard as remote control :) One small request for BlueMaemo: It would be nice to custom select ( & edit the keycodes for the buttons maually) the buttons a user wants to have in a subpage (e.g. Multimedia). I could help with mapping some more keys (this other bluetooth keyboard i use has all this fancy multimedia buttons i usually use to control vdr). One more note for ubuntu intrepid users: The tricky part is the new bluetooh stack in ubuntu on a headless machine :( . There is no more direct connect binary for hidd devices any more (as posted some sites earlier in this thread). Can anyone tell me how to connect a device now and force hidd mode (if it supports more modes, like the N800) in the console / or what conffile to edit? To get it to work temporarily, i used the hidd binary from hardy (part of the bluez-utils package in pre-intrepid releases), which still works for intrepid. I have mirrored it here in case a intrepid user needs the hidd binary. Just place it in /usr/bin (check that it is executable) and after "hcitool scan" found the bt address of the n800 you can connect with "sudo hidd --connect bt_address" if you get the "host is down" error, just repeat the hidd command. The connection was established at the second try immediately and BlueMaemo displayed the connected to ... and then everything worked . |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
So I will have to wait for the next version to really use it, because deleting the tablet in the peripherals list, detecting and re-pairing it again each time is not very practical :-) |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
You have the forum private message disable, I can't contact you :( |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
cheers, |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Now serously - there are at least two such bugs filed already: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=458741 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=460514 |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
great achievement, this app.
has anyone tried controlling one tablet from another? or even daisy-chaining two tablets r/c a pc? |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Lol, it worked (N810 to N810). Tablet on tablet action...
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
btw, this makes it tempting to set up a tablet as a music player hooked up to a NAS full of music, and then use another tablet as the remote control ;) |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
N800 on N800 action: not so much.
The N800 insists on a passcode to pair. Problem with BlueMaemo is that it won't let you enter a code into the passcode field without a keyboard. So I had to pair my BT keyboard with my BlueMaemo N800 to enter the passcode to pair with my other N800. Then, as long as the BT keyboard is connected to the BlueMaemo N800, the two N800s won't stay paired. So I had to pair them with my BT keyboard, leave BlueMaemo, disconnect my BT keyboard, go back in, and then connect again. Then they stayed connected. As for the connection, only keyboard works. You can't use the mouse (unless you've got your N8x0 set up to work with a mouse already, I guess). Trying to touch the screen in the "mouse" area seems to only generate occasional "q"s. So if you want to use one N800 as a BT keyboard for your other N800, it works. But only if you already have an external keyboard (I suspect USB would work too). :( |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Has anyone tried using this with their PS3?
I tired setting it up, and BT connects both systems, N810 and the PS3, but I get no response from any of the menus. Would be awesome if we can get it working with PS3 somehow. PS3 does support USB/BT, KB/M. Thanks |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I´ve got the same problem.But there´s an Playstation 3 controller icon on the bluemaemo screen, so theoretically it should work !?
Is there no one with an idea ? |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
The "Playstation Icon" is not for PS3. Its just for playing games on the computer. It just sends up. down. left. right. etc...
I think the keyboard works though, not the menus. Try a normal keyboard and see what it can do, BlueMeaemo should do the same. Oh, I guess N800 on N800 does not work because there is no on-screen keyboard while in BlueMaemo? Try xkbd. Maybe that will allow you to type password. |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Thank for the great app! :)
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Yup, thanks for this AWESOME app. mtron's method for getting hidd back into Interprid worked wonders.
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
*waits* :) |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
In my n810 it show up if I have the hw keyboard hidden. |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I will try to add PS3 support in the next releases of BlueMaemo, unfortunately I don't have a PS3, but some guys from the maemo community will help me :D |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
hey VDVsx,
Have you tried running this on one tablet to another. If useful and simple people who have multiple devices gain an extra keyboard and the knowledge their old device will continue to be useful. You could even make specific nokia enhancements and features by virtue of its platform similarity. |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I've just had a good go with it and the PS3. I always have a USB keyboard plugged up to it, so I know what to expect. Anyway, the PS3 will scan and find the bluetooth name of your N800, then give you a code for pairing. The hildon bluetooth module will pop up to put in the code, and add it to your normal paired devices list. A little icon pops up on the PS3 to show it's connected to the N800, but non of the different buttons on BlueMaemo work. I put it on a text field that would normally type away fine, nothing at all with BlueMaemo.
On another note, I love the iPhone-esque keyboard. Is there any way to use that as a regular on screen keyboard instead of the boring normal one? |
Re: Introducing BlueMaemo
I agree that someone should package up the Edje demo keyboard (which BlueMaemo uses) as a replacement for the Hildon-Input-Method keyboard.
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