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pronvit 2008-12-31 08:03

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Ou.. it seems I installed some newer libraries in my development environment that aren't present on devices. And actually aren't required, I installed them for another project. So I need to clean dev environment and rebuild packages, this will take some time, sorry.

pronvit 2008-12-31 17:35

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I reuploaded webkit-eal package, recompiled it with right libraries, now it should work!

qwerty12 2008-12-31 17:40

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Yep, thank you, works brilliantly here.

allnameswereout 2008-12-31 21:52

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Hmm, I can't scroll down. When I use my finger up to down it scrolls from left to right instead. Using your latest 0.8 webkit.

supergadgetman 2008-12-31 22:24

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I installed the 6 webkit debs from the first post on my n800. The Install went ok. But now I notice when I go to application manager to check for updates to my installed apps, its listing SSU 5.2008.43.7 with a broken status. When i click on info its telling me that its broken and cannot install because the following application packages are missing:
browser-eal (=0.0.9-8
microb-eal (=0.3.7-1.21)
tablet-browser-daemon (=0.0.13)

I already installed this latest ssu for diablo a couple of weeks ago and its working fine so I know that it does not need to be installed. But I cant get this out of my software list in app manager. Is there a way for me to clear this broken SSU update from my list?
Is there a way for me to "undue" the webkit install to clear this?

derhorst 2008-12-31 22:26

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 253797)
Hmm, I can't scroll down. When I use my finger up to down it scrolls from left to right instead. Using your latest 0.8 webkit.

On my N800 scrolling works.

Thanks again for this beautiful browser enhancement:)
I have one request, could you make the finger scrolling optional, please? I'd really like to have the scrollbars back, because it is much faster to jump to the bottom or top of the page. I usually use the scrollbar very often, especially in fora.

pronvit 2008-12-31 22:46

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
yes, i'll make finger scrolling optional. however I can't add menu item to browser UI to quickly toggle it, maybe I'll think of something else, eg. keyboard shortcut

supergadgetman, go to red pill mode, select to show all packages and from available packages install system software UNLOCKED package. found it? this will fix dependency errors.

allnameswereout, and when moving finger from left to right? didn't you install any software for screen rotation or is there something else unusual with your system?

meizirkki 2008-12-31 22:47

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by supergadgetman (Post 253800)
I installed the 6 webkit debs from the first post on my n800. The Install went ok. But now I notice when I go to application manager to check for updates to my installed apps, its listing SSU 5.2008.43.7 with a broken status. When i click on info its telling me that its broken and cannot install because the following application packages are missing:
browser-eal (=0.0.9-8
microb-eal (=0.3.7-1.21)
tablet-browser-daemon (=0.0.13)

I already installed this latest ssu for diablo a couple of weeks ago and its working fine so I know that it does not need to be installed. But I cant get this out of my software list in app manager. Is there a way for me to clear this broken SSU update from my list?
Is there a way for me to "undue" the webkit install to clear this?

Install osso-software-rx44-unlocked with redpill-mode. unlocked software version allows you to use upgraded system packages like browser-things.

scrolling is not working here btw...

EDIT: scrooling works now

pronvit 2008-12-31 22:58

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 253810)
EDIT: scrooling works now

what changed? I mean is scrolling isn't stable and doesn't work from time to time or now it's ok? I just need to know if I should try to find error in my code or no

supergadgetman 2008-12-31 23:09

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 253809)
yes, i'll make finger scrolling optional. however I can't add menu item to browser UI to quickly toggle it, maybe I'll think of something else, eg. keyboard shortcut

supergadgetman, go to red pill mode, select to show all packages and from available packages install system software UNLOCKED package. found it? this will fix dependency errors.

allnameswereout, and when moving finger from left to right? didn't you install any software for screen rotation or is there something else unusual with your system?

Thanks for the reply. I am in red pill mode now and it lists 3 (three) OS2008 Feature upgrades. They all say (unlocked), but they have differnt sizes. 0.3 MB, 7 KB, and 8.0 MB. I tried to install, but all 3 give the same error that its unable to install due to conflicting application packages. The funny thing is that I have had this feature upgrade installed for two weeks already, and it installed fine. After installing the webkit debs application manager is telling me that I need to install the OS2008 feature upgrade again. Not sure what to do at this point.

meizirkki 2008-12-31 23:25

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 253813)
what changed? I mean is scrolling isn't stable and doesn't work from time to time or now it's ok? I just need to know if I should try to find error in my code or no

Nah, i just read the message that it work only in right border... :rolleyes:

But i would really like to have scrolling area in the left border too... i am left handed and i have mostly used left border for scrolling.

pronvit 2008-12-31 23:40

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by meizirkki (Post 253823)
Nah, i just read the message that it work only in right border... :rolleyes:

But i would really like to have scrolling area in the left border too... i am left handed and i have mostly used left border for scrolling.

ok, i'll add options to select side and so on. i just need to keep compromise between size of scrolling area(s) and space left for eg. text selection on page

meizirkki 2008-12-31 23:53

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
What about having ability to switch finger scroll completely off ? Like in MidBrowser.. scroll works with whole screen or nowhere. Just throwing ideas :)

BrentDC 2009-01-01 00:15

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
For your information, scrolling, albeit with choppyness, has been working here with latest version.

I also agree that there needs to ba a way to jump up and down a long page easily.

I don't know if it is possible, but could a new menu entry be added to browser-ui? Like:

Webkit-> Start Webkit

Where Start Webkit shuts down MicroB and loads Webkit and Settings let's you choose handedness, whether to use finger scrolling or traditional stylus scrolling, enable/disable certain things etc. and About, is well About :)

Also, any chance of smooth kinetic scrolling? I'm probably dreaming...

Just some brainstorming.

iamthewalrus 2009-01-01 10:29

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
One thing that annoys me about Microb is that when fingerscrolling I sometimes hit a button or link by accident (especially annoying since the other way of scrolling, with the dpad is broken too because it gets 'stuck') . Since I scroll more than I click on links I think it would be great if links and buttons would be activated only when double tapped or when some hardware key is pressed simultaneously. I don't know if this can be done at the rendering engine - level or that it is a Microb issue.

allnameswereout 2009-01-01 10:33

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 253809)
yes, i'll make finger scrolling optional. however I can't add menu item to browser UI to quickly toggle it, maybe I'll think of something else, eg. keyboard shortcut

supergadgetman, go to red pill mode, select to show all packages and from available packages install system software UNLOCKED package. found it? this will fix dependency errors.

allnameswereout, and when moving finger from left to right? didn't you install any software for screen rotation or is there something else unusual with your system?

Nothing of that kind.

I think instead of scrolling it tries to select text.

Going to scrolling works. Although sometimes it selects text instead.

Going to doesn't work. OS2008 website does not work either. Neither does Google Calendar.

tso 2009-01-01 23:14

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
bumped into a couple of bugs so far:

1. the page will jump to the bottom if one tries to scroll down right after page load. but one can counteract by using dpad or scroll upwards first.

2. webkit cant make the wifi autoconnect. and will sit there spinning even if the connection is then manually activated.

TrueJournals 2009-01-01 23:40

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I just realized a couple hours ago that you can scroll normally by using the dpad. I really find this to be one of the BIGGEST improvements over microb. Using dpad to go to different links always annoyed me and was never really useful.

I've also ran into the page jump bug. It's not a HUGE deal, just a little annoying.

Another thing I ran into: I had three windows open, and the browser slowed down, and eventually crashed. The three pages were: , , and Overally, seemed to kill the browser, but I haven't done testing to see if this was just webkit, or the tablet not having enough processing power in general.

tso 2009-01-01 23:43

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
iirc, diablo (or one of the SSUs) removed the "jump to link" in microb for dpad scrolling...

pronvit 2009-01-02 00:00

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
allnameswereout, now I understand why it doesn't work for you. If it selects text instead of scrolling then maybe you starting outside of scroll region. On OS2008 website it doesn't work because there's flash occupying all page width and I can't intercept click/move events there. Use dpad. adapt to your screen size, there's simply nothing to scroll. And finally google calendar.. hm.. it works for me. are you sure it doesn't?

tso, thank you, will fix.

TrueJournals, really? I was sad that can't make dpad work as in microb. I also think that dpad for scrolling is better, now I won't even try. Yes, there may be problems with stability when many pages opened, webkit now eats quite much memory. I'll try to optimize it when other problems fixed.

Btw, tso, TrueJournals, do you have problems with finger scrolling? password fields work ok?

tso 2009-01-02 00:02

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
not sure what you mean about finger scrolling. the scrolling areas seems to work ok, except my first point above.

password fields seems to be working fine.

TrueJournals 2009-01-02 00:29

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
tso: Nope, jump to link is still in my microb, running the latest SSU, 5.2008.43-7.

pronvit: Finger scrolling within the specified area works fine for me (again, except for the "jump to bottom" thing). Password fields are also working fine. I even noticed that the fullscreen button works as expected. I did notice that, at least on gmail, the scrollbars do show up. I suspect this has something to do with frames?

BrentDC 2009-01-02 00:33

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

There is a file you can edit that changes the behavior of Microb's scrolling: Link vs Line vs Page, etc. It's in the Wiki somewhere, I'm sure.


pronvit 2009-01-02 00:50

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
TrueJournals, yes, gmail uses complex page structure with many frames, topmost frame adapts to window size and there's nothing to scroll, and then inner frame have its own scrollbar which you see and which I can't control

Bundyo 2009-01-02 00:55

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
@TrueJournals: MicroB has dpad scrolling, but you have to hold the button down for a second/two to start scrolling...

allnameswereout 2009-01-02 12:45

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 253943)
allnameswereout, now I understand why it doesn't work for you. If it selects text instead of scrolling then maybe you starting outside of scroll region. On OS2008 website it doesn't work because there's flash occupying all page width and I can't intercept click/move events there. Use dpad. adapt to your screen size, there's simply nothing to scroll. And finally google calendar.. hm.. it works for me. are you sure it doesn't?

I'll try on some more websites, but I think the scrolling region might be the problem. I think it occured because the website scrolled from left to right (did not fit on the screen horizontally)?

In any case the scrolling region is not ideal. In almost all cases a user would want to scroll instead of select text. I suggest hw key + scrolling becomes selecting text.

pronvit 2009-01-02 15:35

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 254022)
I suggest hw key + scrolling becomes selecting text.

ok, I'll try for example fn+tap/move to be text selection to see if this is convenient. in any case i'm going to make this configurable in next version.

tso 2009-01-02 15:38

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
heh, just dont forget about us N800 users ;)

allnameswereout 2009-01-02 15:39

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 254041)
ok, I'll try for example fn+tap/move to be text selection to see if this is convenient. in any case i'm going to make this configurable in next version.

Thanks. It might take some research to figure out what is the most user friendly way to deal with this.

I don't know how Fennec deals with this.

Safari on iPhone probably doesn't allow selecting text at all as it doesn't have copy/paste function.

pronvit 2009-01-02 15:58

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
tso, ou... really.. hm.. ok, I'll invent something and for you (n800 users) too:) maybe dpad center then?

buhao 2009-01-02 16:17

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
I just finished reading every single post and I am very excited. I am relatively new to really configuring my n800 to work how I want it to. I like having the options, but I can't help but think the average end user would be quite intimidated by all the tinkering and patience involved. microB is ok, but has some almost intolerable speed and navigation problems IMO. Here is what I have as far as questions/suggestions

To install, is the first post updated with the latest method and files? To me it doesn't look like it is, just because of the date on it, but the files it links to could be updated without the post being updated. I got a bit confused after reading everything of what files to get, which red-pill to take, if I actually need the drugs, and if I need to configure a bunch of options on it when I do install it. If it is not updated could I suggest editing it so that it links to a separate page that is the most current. The more time users are allowed to use the software the faster they can give you feedback and the development can be sped up.

Would it be possible, make all the options configurable similar to in firefox when navigating to about:config? Then restart the browser and all the newly configured options are enabled. Could this be used to make it easy for the user to enable/disable scroll bars, disable/enable webkit?

I also like the idea of "keybinds" for lack of a better term, that use taps in combination with hardware keys, but I think there should be a simple way for the user to define them.

When using the virtual scroll bar version, is there a way to click on links that are under the virtual scroll bar? Maybe this is not an issue, but since my n800 is out on repair and I cannot try for myself just yet, I can only guess what it looks and how it functions. Speaking of that, could someone post a current screen capture? I would like to see what it looks like :)

One more thought. Could there be a way to make the address bar etc. on the bottom either semi transparent or only visible when I am at the top or bottom of the page? Then if it was easy to set the virtual scroll bar so that a double tap on the very top or bottom brings the user back to the address bar, much real estate would be gained.

Sorry for the novella length post. I like how this discussion is going and hope it continues. I think you are really on to something good and I would like to help if I can.

Thanks for the hard work and effort!

@ tso, n800 4ever. You can have my pop out camera, but you'll have to pry my dual full size SD slots from my cold, dead hands ;)

pronvit 2009-01-03 08:32

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by buhao (Post 254047)
To install, is the first post updated with the latest method and files? To me it doesn't look like it is, just because of the date on it, but the files it links to could be updated without the post being updated. I got a bit confused after reading everything of what files to get, which red-pill to take, if I actually need the drugs, and if I need to configure a bunch of options on it when I do install it. If it is not updated could I suggest editing it so that it links to a separate page that is the most current.

I update first post always and links are to latest version. Yes, I know, installation is somewhat complicated. But there's one reason for this which I can't fix. Don't want to write much technical details here so I'll just say that (thanks to Nokia) default microB engine is hard-coded in browser daemon and its startup script. So to use my webkit engine you have to install several fixed packages. They are system packages and application manager will allow to install them only in 'red-pill mode'. That's only reason why installation is so complex and I currently don't know how to fix it. (There is one not so good solution, maybe I'll try it.)


Originally Posted by buhao (Post 254047)
Would it be possible, make all the options configurable similar to in firefox when navigating to about:config? Then restart the browser and all the newly configured options are enabled. Could this be used to make it easy for the user to enable/disable scroll bars, disable/enable webkit?

Not sure that using about:config but all options will be configurable in next version. Currently there's already separate application to easily switch microb/webkit.


Originally Posted by buhao (Post 254047)
When using the virtual scroll bar version, is there a way to click on links that are under the virtual scroll bar? Maybe this is not an issue, but since my n800 is out on repair and I cannot try for myself just yet, I can only guess what it looks and how it functions. Speaking of that, could someone post a current screen capture? I would like to see what it looks like :)

Of course, links can be clicked.


Originally Posted by buhao (Post 254047)
One more thought. Could there be a way to make the address bar etc. on the bottom either semi transparent or only visible when I am at the top or bottom of the page? Then if it was easy to set the virtual scroll bar so that a double tap on the very top or bottom brings the user back to the address bar, much real estate would be gained.

I almost can't change anything in browser ui because it's closed-source, but for address bar I see one solution, I'll try.

gladiac 2009-01-03 12:08

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
On the latest OS2008, libicu40 is installed. Why don't you build against this version?

pronvit 2009-01-03 12:15

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by gladiac (Post 254203)
On the latest OS2008, libicu40 is installed. Why don't you build against this version?

Are you sure? I don't see it.

gladiac 2009-01-03 12:22

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Strange, I could swear it was installed 2 days ago :)

Un27Pee 2009-01-03 12:53

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
red pill mode seems to show today i was doing clean up it was there will check again

Bundyo 2009-01-03 14:11

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by gladiac (Post 254203)
On the latest OS2008, libicu40 is installed. Why don't you build against this version?

libicu40 is in Diablo Extras-devel. If he builds with this version, it won't work with Chinook one, while with 38, 40 should work as well.

meizirkki 2009-01-03 14:11

Re: WebKit engine for default browser

Originally Posted by pronvit (Post 254204)
Are you sure? I don't see it.

Not installed, but available @ diablo extras-devel

pronvit 2009-01-03 14:28

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
changing 38 from chinook extras to 40 from diablo won't help much

in any case I applied (and finally fixed bug in it) anti-icu patch so next version won't depend on libicu at all

Bundyo 2009-01-03 14:41

Re: WebKit engine for default browser
Yeah, seems its possible to replace it with GLib:

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