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solca 2009-03-15 20:43

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
NITdroid 0.4.3 released.

jutley 2009-03-15 20:58

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
when will we see a easy install the install procedure is just way to much for a beginner but i really want this android on my n810 please make a easy install for us all please.

jutley 2009-03-15 21:13

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
and its really nice to see this project is still alive maybe one day we will see a easy flash for nitdroid on n810

solca 2009-03-15 21:27

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by jutley (Post 271910)
when will we see a easy install the install procedure is just way to much for a beginner but i really want this android on my n810 please make a easy install for us all please.

Someday... :D

jutley 2009-03-15 21:30

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x
i hope that someday is soon 2009-03-16 16:16

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by solca (Post 271905)
NITdroid 0.4.3 released.

Thanks , see the video demo and/or download nitdroid-emulator

bigr3dd0g 2009-03-17 21:50

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
what updates are there to 0.4.3? does the soft keyboard still crash like mad?

Barret 2009-03-22 09:27

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
Could you please post what is the status about sound & bluetooth? thx :)

whouweling 2009-03-22 12:40

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by bigr3dd0g (Post 272456)
what updates are there to 0.4.3? does the soft keyboard still crash like mad?

Unfortunately it does for me, in fact it crashes even more :-) (Was unable to enter an _ needed for my wpa2 pass-phrase)

I'm curious why the keyboard app is so unstable, even after a few updates.

You can use in the mean time as an alternative to the buildin soft keyboard.

Remy 2009-03-29 09:22

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by solca (Post 271905)
NITdroid 0.4.3 released.

Solca, I have tried this new version on my 770 and I wanted to let you know that its works like a charm

Many thanks

gerbick 2009-03-29 10:14

Re: NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by jutley (Post 271910)
when will we see a easy install the install procedure is just way to much for a beginner but i really want this android on my n810 please make a easy install for us all please.

Man, no joke. I'm not even a "beginner" per se, however this is something I'd love to have on my 770 as well.

My N810 is still fine using OS2008 ;)

solca 2009-04-01 01:36

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x

Originally Posted by Barret (Post 273679)
Could you please post what is the status about sound & bluetooth? thx :)

Short status is that:
  • Sound on N770 and N800 needs driver porting from the old 2.6.21 drivers to the new ALSA ASoC API, N810 driver has been updated to the ASoC API but sadly in my testing doesn't output any sound.
  • Bluetooth driver needs porting to rfkill API.

Hopefully someday Nokia (or some clever kernel hacker) will update support for NITs on recent kernels...

jonathandueck 2009-04-10 20:17

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
The soft keyboard also crashes just about constantly for me on the N800, 0.4.3; but I'll try the QADKeyboard you suggest -- neat idea!

sparkymalarky 2009-04-23 19:02

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
Is down at the moment? I havnt been able to reach it for a few days from work and home here.


mactron 2009-04-26 07:40

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
Can't reach for 3 days now. Can somebody upload it to rapidshare please? Is ther any other site?

qole 2009-04-26 08:02

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
Good news. The website is down, but the Google Cache version says that the downloads are not hosted there, they're at the Google Code nitdroid page. Go there instead.

mrwatch921 2009-04-28 17:36

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
How can i install this on my n800? and is it worth doing?

Also when cupcake is let out for the G1 will this give us more use of android on our


mrdally204 2009-08-12 12:38

Re: [Android] NITdroid 0.4.x
I was just wondering the status of the project. It does not look like many updates as of late. Can you fill us in please

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