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lm2 2009-04-06 22:33

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 277951)
Yes, the OS supports two text selections at once, PRIMARY and SECONDARY. Quick Clip only reads the Primary selection, because what if you have a webpage selected then switch to another application and select something else then clip that selection? I could concatenate the two selections then clip them together, but I think more times than not that wouldn't be the desired effect. So as of now Quick Clip ignores Secondary.

A possibility would be to sense if both primary and secondary were selected the give a prompt: "What do you want to clip? Primary | Secondary | Both".

That's getting fancy, though! ;)

Or perhaps you could have yet another settings box, whereby one can choose a default clipping protocol. Probably giving the choice between Primary and Primary+Secondary would be fine. I can't think of a scenario where one would want to clip the secondary but not the primary.

BrentDC 2009-04-06 22:35

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 277952)
Perhaps the problem is that tear has both kinetic and gtk and d-pad scrolling at once. Perhaps if QC had all three, the swiftness of the kinetic wouldn't be a big deal. :)

Right now mixing gtk and kinetic w/ QCV is not possible, but d-pad scrolling is being implemented!

BrentDC 2009-04-06 22:40

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 277955)
Or perhaps you could have yet another settings box, whereby one can choose a default clipping protocol. Probably giving the choice between Primary and Primary+Secondary would be fine. I can't think of a scenario where one would want to clip the secondary but not the primary.

That would be at the risk of confusing new users (I think the Settings dialog is kinda intimidating already!).

Plus, I think the prompt idea is kinda cool.

lm2 2009-04-06 23:02

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 277958)
That would be at the risk of confusing new users (I think the Settings dialog is kinda intimidating already!).

True, but the prompt idea would add yet one more step to clipping. Right now I have: (1) minimize microb window, (2) tap status bar applet, (3) choose file, (4) choose Selection>File, (5) maximize microb window. The prompt would add a sixth step.

You could always have an "Advanced Settings" menu in settings.

BrentDC 2009-04-06 23:09

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 277962)
True, but the prompt idea would add yet one more step to clipping. Right now I have: (1) minimize microb window, (2) tap status bar applet, (3) choose file, (4) choose Selection>File, (5) maximize microb window. The prompt would add a sixth step.

You could always have an "Advanced Settings" menu in settings.

But, the dialog would only come up if both secondary and primary have selections. So for 99% of the time when you only have primary selected, you wouldn't ever see the prompt, but for the times you need it, it would be there.

lm2 2009-04-06 23:14

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 277963)
But, the dialog would only come up if both secondary and primary have selections. So for 99% of the time when you only have primary selected, you wouldn't ever see the prompt, but for the times you need it, it would be there.

Ah, there's the rub. For me, the 1% consists of times when I DON'T have both primary and secondary (url) selected. But perhaps my situation is too idiosyncratic to accommodate. I can live with that.

GeraldKo 2009-04-06 23:19

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 277951)
Yes, the OS supports two text selections at once, PRIMARY and SECONDARY. Quick Clip only reads the Primary selection, because what if you have a webpage selected then switch to another application and select something else then clip that selection?

I'm surprised it works like that. Really, if I've selected something in two different applications and used QC to select Primary and Secondary, it would pull the selected text from both applications, even though one isn't even the active (top-window) app?

BrentDC 2009-04-06 23:20

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 277964)
Ah, there's the rub. For me, the 1% consists of times when I DON'T have both primary and secondary (url) selected. But perhaps my situation is too idiosyncratic to accommodate. I can live with that.

Yeah, that usage is more abnormal than normal I would think (hope). lm2, you are abnormal! ;) JK.

BrentDC 2009-04-06 23:22

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by GeraldKo (Post 277966)
I'm surprised it works like that. Really, if I've selected something in two different applications and used QC to select Primary and Secondary, it would pull the selected text from both applications, even though one isn't even the active (top-window) app?

Haven't tested it, but yes that's how I think it would work.

I'll implement it tonight and see what happens... :)

lm2 2009-04-06 23:34

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 277968)
Yeah, that usage is more abnormal than normal I would think (hope). lm2, you are abnormal! ;) JK.

Funny, I would think that a fair number would use QC as I do--especially non-advanced users.

My tablet is mostly used for reading news online. When I do so, and there is a fact that I want to keep track of, QC is great. But often I want to go back to where I got the fact, which is why I want the url.

Seems quite normal to me. ;)

BrentDC 2009-04-06 23:44

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 277975)
Funny, I would think that a fair number would use QC as I do--especially non-advanced users.

My tablet is mostly used for reading news online. When I do so, and there is a fact that I want to keep track of, QC is great. But often I want to go back to where I got the fact, which is why I want the url.

Seems quite normal to me. ;)

Remember I'm a programmer, my mind works differently. The world is abnormal, I'm the one that's completely average! ;) :rolleyes:

All joking aside, I really do think a prompt would be nice, because a setting is across-the-board. What if, in this specific case, I want it this way and not the way I have it set (the way I normally want QC to behave)? Then I would either have to change the settings (inconvenient) or do the same as my setting has it (unsatisfactory). With a prompt, it is always easily in your control.

BrentDC 2009-04-07 18:46

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
I just semi implemented it, and it doesn't work. Secondary is always "None". Either hildon doesn't support two selections (because from the PyGTK reference it seemed to indicate X supports two) or I didn't implement it correctly. I'm leaning towards the former.

After all that!

lm2 2009-04-07 18:59

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Thanks very much for trying.

GeraldKo 2009-04-07 19:16

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 278173)
Thanks very much for trying.



BrentDC 2009-04-07 20:14

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
You both are very welcome!

lm2 2009-04-08 16:18

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Just occurred to me: stamping a microb clipping with the webpage's title would be very helpful to me, even if I can't get both the clipping and the url. At least then (most of the time) I'd at least be able to see the source (as most titles these days provide that information).

Any chance of adding that to settings for clip stamps?

BrentDC 2009-04-08 23:30

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 278365)
Just occurred to me: stamping a microb clipping with the webpage's title would be very helpful to me, even if I can't get both the clipping and the url. At least then (most of the time) I'd at least be able to see the source (as most titles these days provide that information).

Any chance of adding that to settings for clip stamps?

I looked into it and couldn't find any python module to do that; the closest I got was some Windows-only code. At this time, that just doesn't seem possible.

In addition, I emailed the developer of the kinetic scrolling widget used in MyTube, etc., and here's his reply:


Tony Maro <email address removed>

As they are derived from a gtk.drawingarea and not a container, you
can't directly embed widgets within it.

In fact if you could I doubt you'd be happy with the performance.
Drawing text is extremely slow - if I remember right in that code I'm
pre-generating the labels and bliting the image of the text as it
scrolls instead of drawing the text.

On 4/8/09, Brent Chiodo <email address removed> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm writing a Python/PyGTK text viewing application and would like to use
> kinetic scrolling in a gtk.TextView. I've been using the mokoui2 widget
> (basically a drop in replacement for gtk.ScrolledWindow with kinetic
> scrolling) but have been unhappy with performance. I then came across your
> kinetic scrolling widget and thought the performance was superb. But, I just
> want to basically place the textview inside the kinetic scroller but that
> doesn't seem to be possible; is it? Can widgets be packed inside your
> kinetic scroller or not?
> Thanks,
> Brent Chiodo

Sent from my mobile device

Tony Maro

BrentDC 2009-04-09 00:53

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 276287)
Hmm, do you know if there's anyway to get the default file manager to recognize folders with a . in them? If not I guess I'll just change the folder.

Sorry, I never saw this post. I don't think there is any way for the built-in file-manager to see hidden files, but don't worry, the next version of QC will be placing files in /home/user/MyDocs/Quick_Clip/ by default,, so they'll be easily viewable by all software :)

lm2 2009-04-09 01:01

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
does the delicious plugin not offer any useful code in that regard?

BrentDC 2009-04-09 01:32

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by lm2 (Post 278486)
does the delicious plugin not offer any useful code in that regard?

The problem is, is that plugin is written in C and my applet is in Python. Even if I did find the correct call to get the title of the active window, I couldn't use it in my program (I would need a "python binding" to that call, and I don't think there is any).

BrentDC 2009-04-15 19:43

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
I just uploaded 0.4.0 to extras-devel, you should see it in a few minutes.

This is like an RC release. Because I changed so much stuff, I need to get a pulse on how everything is working. If everything looks good, I'll create a new thread with an announcement and promote to Extras.

P.S. Make sure to pay careful attention to the installation messages! ;)


* Added Clear submenu item
* Added Delete submenu item
* Switched to XML for target file list storage
* Switched storage location for user files
* Major code cleanup
* QCV: Changed preference warning to bold
* QCV: Added application menu
* QCV: Fixed bug in scrolling choice
* QCV: Added Select All option
* QCV: Added Right/Left buttons for flipping through clippings
* QCV: Added Properties submenu item
* QCV: Added Help menu item
* QCV: Mapped the +/- keys to increase/decrease font size
* QCV: Mapped the Up/Down D-Pad keys to scrolling (only for GTK)
* QCV: Changed Title (more path visible)
* QCV: Added file search capability
* QCV: Major code cleanup

Sho 2009-04-15 22:48

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
After upgrading to 0.4.0, Quick Clip no longer shows in my status bar.

Here's what I did, exactly:

1. Booted, connected to WLAN. Software Update Notifier informed me of a new third-party app update, which turned out to be Quick Clip.
2. I installed it. Quick Clip 0.3.1 was added to the status bar at the time.
3. After reading the install messages, I decided to just go and delete $HOME/.quickclip after the update finished (didn't have much in it, so a clean jump to the new default storage location seemed fine).
4. Rebooted.
5. Noticed Quick Clip was gone from the status bar.
6. Checked the Control Panel settings, and found Quick Clip to be still checked.
7. Unchecked Quick Clip. Checked it again. Still not showing.

FWIW, I'm running latest Diablo on an N810 and I'm using the LCARS Modern theme (which sadly makes the Quick Clip status bar icon look ugly even if it does show).

BrentDC 2009-04-15 23:05

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by Sho (Post 279952)
After upgrading to 0.4.0, Quick Clip no longer shows in my status bar.

Here's what I did, exactly:

1. Booted, connected to WLAN. Software Update Notifier informed me of a new third-party app update, which turned out to be Quick Clip.
2. I installed it. Quick Clip 0.3.1 was added to the status bar at the time.
3. After reading the install messages, I decided to just go and delete $HOME/.quickclip after the update finished (didn't have much in it, so a clean jump to the new default storage location seemed fine).
4. Rebooted.
5. Noticed Quick Clip was gone from the status bar.
6. Checked the Control Panel settings, and found Quick Clip to be still checked.
7. Unchecked Quick Clip. Checked it again. Still not showing.

FWIW, I'm running latest Diablo on an N810 and I'm using the LCARS Modern theme (which sadly makes the Quick Clip status bar icon look ugly even if it does show).

The steps you outlined should have resulted in a working Quick Clip; I'll definitely look into it, there is probably a bug somewhere in installation script.

Thanks for the feedback.

Sho 2009-04-15 23:11

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Thanks :).

Btw, if I may suggest something: With some other status bar applets (I think it was advanced backlight?) I could select between a number of different icons to use on the status bar in their preferences dialogs, one of them fitting in with the LCARS theme. Would you consider adding something like that? :)

BrentDC 2009-04-15 23:45

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by Sho (Post 279960)
Thanks :).

Btw, if I may suggest something: With some other status bar applets (I think it was advanced backlight?) I could select between a number of different icons to use on the status bar in their preferences dialogs, one of them fitting in with the LCARS theme. Would you consider adding something like that? :)

I looked over all the scripts and everything seemed OK. Could you give me the output of:


ls /home/user/.quickclip/

ls /home/user/MyDocs/Quick_Clip/

Edit: Uh, I forgot to answer the question. I was already experimenting with changing the icons, and might add that to .0.5. I don't know what the LCARS theme looks like though...

Sho 2009-04-16 00:08

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

padd:~$ ls /home/user/.quickclip/
parent_files.xml quickclip.conf
padd:~$ ls /home/user/MyDocs/Quick_Clip/
padd:~$ tail -n4 .ash_history
rm -rf .quickclip/
ls /home/user/.quickclip/
ls /home/user/MyDocs/Quick_Clip/
tail -n4 .ash_history
(You can see the 'rm' I did before rebooting after installation.)

LCARS theme info, including screenshots:

BrentDC 2009-04-16 01:22

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by Sho (Post 279972)
(You can see the 'rm' I did before rebooting after installation.)

LCARS theme info, including screenshots:

There should be a "viewer.conf" in ~/.quickclip/, but that doesn't really explain why Quick Clip won't show up for you.

I just booted into a 'clean' diablo partition (my internal memory, I usually boot from SD), installed QC 0.3.1, removed quickclip's dir like you did, then installed 0.4.0; everything worked fine.

The only thing I can think of is that something went wrong with the installation. Could you please try removing QC then installing via the Terminal. Then post the output. Thanks. (and I'm sorry you're having all these problems).

Sho 2009-04-16 01:38

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Will do. Tomorrow, though - 3:30 AM in my time zone, time for bed :).

And don't worry about the problems. It's not like I lost any data.

Sho 2009-04-16 15:38

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Well, I did what you asked, which resulted in a working Quick Clip. Protocol:

1. Disabled Quick Clip in Control Panel
2. Rebooted
3. Uninstalled it via App Manager
4. Rebooted
5. rm -rf'ed both $HOME/.quickclip and $HOME/MyDocs/Quick_Clip
6. Installed Quick Clip again using apt-get install this time (the original 0.3.1 -> 0.4.0 update I did via App Manager)
7. It appeared on the Status Bar after the installation was done
8. Rebooted anyway, as per the install message
9. It's still there, and working fine now (haven't exactly done any in-depth testing, but at first glance everything's showing up as it's supposed to)

Only error message during installation:

chmod: /home/user/.quickclip/parent_files: No such file or directory

I also have the viewer.conf file now you were mentioning as missing earlier.

Bottom line: Problem solved, but sadly no indication of what caused it in the first place.

BrentDC 2009-04-16 15:47

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!

Originally Posted by Sho (Post 280100)
Well, I did what you asked, which resulted in a working Quick Clip. Protocol:

Only error message during installation:

I also have the viewer.conf file now you were mentioning as missing earlier.

Bottom line: Problem solved, but sadly no indication of what caused it in the first place.

Thank you for the detailed reporting. The chmod error during installation is because of a typo in the installation script; I will probably upload a new version later today with a fix to that (but it doesn't hurt anything).

I have no idea what went wrong with the first installation, but am glad it's working for you now!

Sho 2009-04-16 15:51

Re: Quick Clip 0.2 Released!
Well, thanks for making a useful app :). The 0.4.0 improvements are very nice!

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