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Bundyo 2009-06-02 18:31

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
The Tear user-agent is located in Options. I use this user-agent:

MozMozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3
In MicroB you should write about:config in the urlbar, then load it.

Sean-o 2009-06-02 18:54

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
Thanks -- you're giving me a bit too much credit for what I know. In that 'hotmail' thread in the other section, I've asked for any kind of specific help on how to change the user agent so that the mobile live msn site pulls up (instead of the full site), once I get onto the about:config page. I don't have my tablet with me, but I'll dive into it tonight, if anyone has any specifics they'd like to throw my way.

I know it would be easier to just dump hotmail for gmail, but it's been my principal e-mail for the last 10 years. Not that I won't, but ...

Bundyo 2009-06-02 19:02

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
In Tear - open Options, find user_agent and replace the text with the one above. If you want to restore the original - enter empty string.

In MicroB - type about:config in the urlbar, hit go, search for user and replace general.useragent.vendor with the string above (save somewhere the old one to restore it if you want.

Sean-o 2009-06-02 19:09

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
Very clear -- thank you, Bundyo.

lm2 2009-06-02 19:56

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
I was going to mention that gmail + iphone useragent is a dream. Again, it's a dream to navigate/read. entering text is another story.

coosbaytv 2009-06-02 20:43

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
Hey Sean-o!

Thanks so much for starting this thread. I just got my n810 an hour ago and caught this thread yesterday so I will use it as an intro tutorial.

The funny thing is that I also have a Sprint Centro. My hope is to tether to the n810 among other things.

I'm sure that I will post with questions and comments over the next few days but I wanted to start off by saying thanks and great timing!

FYI: I am a Palm OS user (Clie NX70V) besides the Centro. I am hoping to use the new Garnet VM Beta 4 on the n810 and replace that device as well.

For the last year or so, I replaced my mobile media experience with a PSP. My son got one and I was blown away that it had a browser and video and audio abilities. Since the web has changed so much in the last 2 years with Javascript and Flash, the PSP just wasn't cutting it. So here I am today.

Anyway, here's to getting to know you all and thanks for the great info...

lm2 2009-06-02 20:47

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
coosbaytv, can you tell me what you think of the centro, in general. How's the battery life. (I need a new phone and verizon has centros for cheap.)

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 03:06

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Sorry, I replied to your Centro request a few hours ago but it evidently didn't take...

Anyway, the short of it is GET ONE! If you can find one for $50 or less just do it.

Especially if you have an n810 to tether with you will actually increase battery life in the sense of having two devices to do different functions.

Anyway, if you want more detailed info, let me know.

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 18:36

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
OK, my turn in keeping this thread going...

For starters, I got my n810 yesterday from ebay and it seems to be in excellent shape and working order.

One thing I seem to be missing is the actual camera app. Do I actually need to DL this from somewhere?
FYI, Skype is not loaded on it either and I have a Skype pro account so I am wanting to set that up as well.


sjgadsby 2009-06-03 18:53

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293420)
One thing I seem to be missing is the actual camera app. Do I actually need to DL this from somewhere?

Yes. Enable the "Extras" repository, and then use the Application Manager on your tablet to install "camera".

Sean-o 2009-06-03 19:02

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293208)

Sorry, I replied to your Centro request a few hours ago but it evidently didn't take...

Anyway, the short of it is GET ONE! If you can find one for $50 or less just do it.

Especially if you have an n810 to tether with you will actually increase battery life in the sense of having two devices to do different functions.

Anyway, if you want more detailed info, let me know.

A coupla questions on tethering a Centro to the Tablet: first, I've heard I need to DL the usbmodem app to the Centro. Is there a fee with that? Second, is there an additional fee for the tethering service? You're welcome to shoot me a message if the details are too ... detailed.

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 19:30

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
Great...while that is attempting to DL, on to another subject...

I setup the default email app with my pop3 mail account and noticed it wants to access ALL of the messages rather than say the most recent 100 or so. Is there a way to control the access to the last few days worth of email or the most recent 100 messages?

Also, does this app actually DL the messages from the server and store them on the device with physical HD space or is it just accessing from the server and storing in a temp folder while it is connected to the "cloud"?

thanks again

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 19:34

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Yes there is a fee for the app...

No, there is no addl fees to use (from what I understand with Sprint anyway) it does not detect the difference between the Centro itself using the Net connection or the other device.

Actually, it is for this and other reasons why I think Sprint is the best option since they offer lost of services for far less than the competitors (ATT & IPHONE) for example...

sjgadsby 2009-06-03 19:41

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293437)
I setup the default email app with my pop3 mail account and noticed it wants to access ALL of the messages rather than say the most recent 100 or so. Is there a way to control the access to the last few days worth of email or the most recent 100 messages?

In the account settings for your POP3 account, on the "Account" tab, there's a "Retrieval limit" option. You might try that.


Also, does this app actually DL the messages from the server and store them on the device with physical HD space...
Well, flash memory space, not hard drive space, but yes.

You might see if your email account may be accessed via IMAP rather than POP3. It sounds as though you're attempting to use it in an IMAP-like way.

lm2 2009-06-03 19:42

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293437)
Great...while that is attempting to DL, on to another subject...

I setup the default email app with my pop3 mail account and noticed it wants to access ALL of the messages rather than say the most recent 100 or so. Is there a way to control the access to the last few days worth of email or the most recent 100 messages?

Also, does this app actually DL the messages from the server and store them on the device with physical HD space or is it just accessing from the server and storing in a temp folder while it is connected to the "cloud"?

thanks again

In default email app (codenamed "modest"), go Tools>Accounts>Edit (your account). Under the "Account" tab there will be an option to limit retrieval to last 50 messages. Also, if you use gmail, you can go to settings, Forwarding and Pop, and tell it to only release emails that arrive from now on to a pop mail program. I find this useful if I haven't used pop for a while and want to only get new mail if i'm heading out on the road.

You can set it to download the entire message or just the header, in which case you'll need web access to download the rest.

lm2 2009-06-03 19:45

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293439)
No, there is no addl fees to use (from what I understand with Sprint anyway) it does not detect the difference between the Centro itself using the Net connection or the other device..

Anyone know if verizon--which usually charges for tethering--will detect unauthorized tethering with centro?

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 20:51

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

1 There is no limit messages option that I can find anywhere. There was a limit message size and another option to limit to just headers...

2 Yes, I believe that Verizon does require a tethering package but I think I heard it was only like $15/mo.

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 20:52

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

I briefly got the tethering to work...streamed some audio!




For anyone who cares... I have spent days researching ways to get the N800 to work with my Centro. I have finally done it and it is much easier than I thought.

I have Sprint SERO with Unlimited Data
Palm Centro
Nokia N800

1. Install USB Modem
2. From the USB Modem Menu disable Built in DUN on the Centro
3. Phone will do a Soft Boot
4. Start USB Modem again and set it to Bluetooth mode then Enable Modem.
5. Pair the Nokia with the Centro as a trusted device
6. Go through the Cell Provider Setup wizard for Sprint.
7. Go to the Control Panel and select connectivity
8. Edit your Sprint connection.
9. Set it to dial #777 Username and Password fields leave Blank

Your done ... enjoy... Hope this helps some other users.

lm2 2009-06-03 20:56

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293465)

1 There is no limit messages option that I can find anywhere. There was a limit message size and another option to limit to just headers...

2 Yes, I believe that Verizon does require a tethering package but I think I heard it was only like $15/mo.

looks like i have a different default email client than you have, then. :)

Again: TOOLS > ACCOUNTS > select your account and hit EDIT > navigate to the ACCOUNTS tab > set "Retrieval Limit:"

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 20:57

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
FYI: is the site for anything Sprint related...

coosbaytv 2009-06-03 23:51

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
Im2: on the email issue, I found that limiting the number of messages is available with IMAP4!


Sean-o 2009-06-04 03:00

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by coosbaytv (Post 293439)

Yes there is a fee for the app...

No, there is no addl fees to use (from what I understand with Sprint anyway) it does not detect the difference between the Centro itself using the Net connection or the other device.

Actually, it is for this and other reasons why I think Sprint is the best option since they offer lost of services for far less than the competitors (ATT & IPHONE) for example...

Thanks so much for this great info!

coosbaytv 2009-06-06 17:27

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Originally Posted by qole (Post 292060)
Sean-o: Just install Tear, libwebkit will automatically install too!

Another important note about the N810 and Internet speed: a cheap wireless router (like the ones your ISP gives customers 'for free') can really cause all sorts of problems. If the speed issues seem to be related to the browser taking forever to just connect to a page, it's probably your router.

I always recommend the Linksys / Cisco WRT54GL as a rock-solid wireless router.

Hey qole: any second choice on the router? Having a hard time finding on ebay. My guess is that my Linksys wireless B that I got for "Free" from Verizon is what is slowing me down since I am now on a Cable Modem service anyway...

qole 2009-06-07 01:23

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...

Hello from the Canadian side of the West Coast!

I don't have any experience with other routers that I'd be able to recommend, but I guess a good place to start would be this chart. Look for devices that can use the full version of the DD-WRT firmware (4MB memory or more), as opposed to the "mini" or "micro" versions.

Sean-o 2009-06-12 20:52

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
Oh, by the way, I think I'm gonna keep my N810. :)

Texrat 2009-06-12 20:54

Re: Please talk me into keeping my N810 ...
oh, rats... :p

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