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kenny 2009-09-08 02:45

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by digittante (Post 323273)

Quad-band GSM phones have been around for a while now, why can't OEM's just make 'quad-band' 3G phone and eliminate all the confusion?

And 900Mhz would make it 5 bands.
Engineering and/or build cost problems?

SD69 2009-09-08 02:52

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by MaxiKana (Post 323313)
I don't think no one really knows yet. AFAIK Nokia have changed their manufacturing in recent years to cut logistical costs to a model where they try to make the handset as close to the markets as possible. So I'm guessing the US handsets won't be made in Finland since the factory in Salo will be producing handsets for the EU market.

I don't think that Nokia manufactures handsets at any location closer to the US than Salo.

DaKing 2009-09-08 03:21

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 323507)
I don't think that Nokia manufactures handsets at any location closer to the US than Salo.

yea but as for the previous mobile N97 it was made in china .. for the us version offcourse ...:(:(

MaxiKana 2009-09-08 07:56

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by DaKing (Post 323510)
yea but as for the previous mobile N97 it was made in china .. for the us version offcourse ...:(:(

I belive Nokias tolerances are the same for every factory. I doubt quality is an issue in the Chinese handsets compared to the ones made in Salo. I'd say the ones made in China are of better quality since you're more likely to lose your job if you make a mistake in china when compared to Finland where it's almost impossible to get fired --> people tend to be lazy. Quality control is in place to catch handsets that aren't within tolerances.

Most quality issues with Nokias handsets are of a design nature rather than of a construction issue.

HangLoose 2009-09-08 08:27

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
hmm... I am not a Finn but I have been living in Finland for quite some time and I dont think Finns are lazy at all..

Maybe depending on the industry one works this can hold the truth but still...
I have seen some weird things like people playing games at work (where I come from people would be fired straight away) but still they manage, somehow, to gtd.

Maybe we have deviated a bit from the post topic... :P just MAYBE!

Btw, I have ordered my N900 and I am damn anxious for it to arrive.

MaxiKana 2009-09-08 08:38

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by JayOnThaBeat (Post 323585)
That's gonna go over well ....... :rolleyes:

I am a Finn, and people who work manufacturing jobs tend to not really care about their job and do it poorly compared to people who actually are responsible for something. Assembling mobile phones is not really that fun.

rafanto 2009-09-08 08:39

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by generationally (Post 323294)

I always say to wait the official announcement of nokia

bbin 2009-09-08 11:12

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

I am a Finn, and people who work manufacturing jobs tend to not really care about their job and do it poorly compared to people who actually are responsible for something. Assembling mobile phones is not really that fun.
Thats plain bs and a stupid generalization. I used to work in a manufacturing factory as a summer trainee back in highschool and I would say that those bluecollar workers I met were really hard working and honest people.

This kind of talk is just ignorant and doesn't have a base on any facts. :(

HangLoose 2009-09-08 11:25

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Btw, was it delayed or not?

I have pre ordered and if it takes more 12 days for the N900 to arrive I can go walking to Espoo to grab one by my self :P

twaelti 2009-09-08 12:26

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by allnameswereout (Post 323317)
Well it cannot ship on 1 October 2009 in UK because that is (or was?) the launch date in DE & IT.
Maybe N900 is sold on summit ;)

That would be ok for me and worth the trip to Amsterdam all alone :-)
(at least better than to preorder - have it delayed - only getting it AFTER the summit...)

kenny 2009-09-08 13:03

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by SD69 (Post 323507)
I don't think that Nokia manufactures handsets at any location closer to the US than Salo.

Pacific Rim.....

krk969 2009-09-08 13:33

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
From the Nokia germany website.....for N900 launch

"Bei Vorbestellung ist eine Anlieferung voraussichtlich ab dem 12. Oktober 2009 möglich. Dies ist abhängig von der gewählten Versandart und Produkt-Verfügbarkeit."

after google translation :-)

"In one pre-delivery is expected by 12 October 2009 possible. This depends on the selected shipping and product availability."

by the time it will release the interest will be gone , just like the palm pre......

the least they could have done was to send out sample units for review to known websites so it helps customers decide and nokia to fix any unoticed bugs unless they have tons to hide !

Bratag 2009-09-08 14:01

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
I really dont think a lag of about 1.5 months between announcement and ship is that bad. I want my n900 as much as anyone and sure I am a little bummed about Oct 12th date, but really its not a long time in the scheme of things.

zerojay 2009-09-08 14:12

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by krk969 (Post 323711)
From the Nokia germany website.....for N900 launch

"Bei Vorbestellung ist eine Anlieferung voraussichtlich ab dem 12. Oktober 2009 möglich. Dies ist abhängig von der gewählten Versandart und Produkt-Verfügbarkeit."

after google translation :-)

"In one pre-delivery is expected by 12 October 2009 possible. This depends on the selected shipping and product availability."

by the time it will release the interest will be gone , just like the palm pre......

the least they could have done was to send out sample units for review to known websites so it helps customers decide and nokia to fix any unoticed bugs unless they have tons to hide !

Two more weeks isn't going to hurt interest. :rolleyes:

kenny 2009-09-08 19:49

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by krk969 (Post 323711)

the least they could have done was to send out sample units for review to known websites so it helps customers decide and nokia to fix any unoticed bugs unless they have tons to hide !

Don't worry, there will be plenty of bugs to fix for quite some time after's the Nokia way.
And increasingly, they're not the only ones with this approach. It's a result of the fast pace of technology development and the consumer market.

Laughing Man 2009-09-08 19:53

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Haha I'll be waiting on those bug fixes, for a slight price drop if it's not subsidized, and for the software here. ;)

quingu 2009-09-09 09:23

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
The first week after announcement expected delivery date was October 01 on the german Nokia website. Then they changed it to Oct 12. Now it's kinda colliding with the birthday of my girlfriend. Conflicts of interest :-(

mullerrad 2009-09-09 09:31

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
I have pre ordered mine in the UK from expansys and they have 23rd October on their web site.

I just have to play with my G1 till october.

krk969 2009-09-09 10:11

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by mullerrad (Post 324173)
I have pre ordered mine in the UK from expansys and they have 23rd October on their web site.

I just have to play with my G1 till october.

small correction mullerrad

expansys uk says oct 19th, and seems like they are giving away 30£ vouchers , for those who dont have maybe we can buy ourselves a 16gb card with some discount now....

tomtom 2009-09-09 10:43

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Oh no you don't:
"The vouchers cannot be redeemed against orders containing
memory cards, USB flash disks"

peterjb31 2009-09-09 11:06

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by tomtom (Post 324196)
Oh no you don't:
"The vouchers cannot be redeemed against orders containing
memory cards, USB flash disks"

However spare batteries are covered...

arj 2009-09-09 21:01

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
Does anyone know where I can buy it in Denmark?

I tried ordering it from the Swedish site, but it won't accept my postal code :(

Rauha 2009-09-10 06:17

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by arj (Post 324507)
Does anyone know where I can buy it in Denmark?

I tried ordering it from the Swedish site, but it won't accept my postal code :(

Well you could order it from Finland's largest on-line called They ship to all Nordic countries, and the model sold in Finland is the Nordic version (keyboard supports danish/norweigian alphabets. I have used the nordic prototype).

Verkkokauppa allready accepts preorders and they actually selling it cheaper than Nokia (589€ vs 599€). As Finland's largest on-line retailer, they usually get new Nokia models early, sometimes first in the world.

If you are interested you could send them email: (for customer service in swedish, but you can propably send in danish as well).


hbghbg 2009-09-10 06:31

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!
I hope I can find it in China soon and it has Chinese!!

christexaport 2009-09-11 01:19

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by digittante (Post 323273)
+1 for your very sane suggestion. The segmentation of 3G technology at all levels of the mobile value chain (OEM's, carriers, retailers) has been rife w/ mis/dis-information for years. "Will this work on my carrier?", "Does this phone have 1700mhz or 1900mhz?", "What if I travel overseas with it?"

Most recent example of this (and relevant to this N900 thread): I rang T-Mo last week just before buying an N900: The Tier3 tech support guy hadn't heard of the N900 but said it needed "1.9gigaherz" to be compatible w/ T-Mo US 3G. When I shared the N900 3G freqs, he check w/ his manager and reported back that the N900 likely has "European 3G" and wouldn't work in the US. When I repeated again the N900 had 1700mhz/2100mhz just like T-Mo US, he checked again with his supervisor. "Yeah, but that's European 2100mhz" he said. "Not American 2100mhz..." What's the difference? He couldn't say. I suspect there isn't one, and he (and his boss) were simply FUD'ing about a 'foreign' device.

Quad-band GSM phones have been around for a while now, why can't OEM's just make 'quad-band' 3G phone and eliminate all the confusion?

And for the record, I've been w/ T-Mo/DeutscheTelekom for over a decade and almost always bring my own phone. When T-Mo established a separate tech support team to help customers w/ non-T-Mo phones, support really improved (for me). I'm curious if Sprint/Verizon/AT&T provide similar support?

you might enjoy this old series of articles I posted in my frustration about a year ago...

edgar2 2009-09-11 12:04

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 323664)
That would be ok for me and worth the trip to Amsterdam all alone :-)
(at least better than to preorder - have it delayed - only getting it AFTER the summit...)

this is the situation i'm in: having pre-ordered the n900 during the nokia world from, and i will be attending the summit. i could not find any information on whether there is any way i will receive n900 either through the pre-order or by other means before or during the summit.

almost goes without saying, but it would be so much nicer to have the n900 during the summit.

GeneralAntilles 2009-09-11 17:44

Re: Nokia n900 shipping date October 1st!

Originally Posted by edgar2 (Post 325350)
almost goes without saying, but it would be so much nicer to have the n900 during the summit.

Yes, and damn near pointless to attend without it. Nokia's really cutting it close here and I'm more and more worried that we're going to get burned.

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