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ddalex 2009-10-02 15:55

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.
Both the onedotzero event and the liqbase idea are crazy cool in my mind.

So you have my tiny bit of support - keep up the good work. And don't be shy to ask help when you need it !

Laughing Man 2009-10-02 16:03

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.

Originally Posted by Jaffa (Post 338181)
Apart from ascribing it to "Laughing Man", I would. I've put stuff about my "extra-curricular" work on Maemo on my work evaluations and have got recognition at work for being externally respected.

Haha yeah, you can list projects you worked on just to have an example of your work. For example, on my resume I have alot of social work from the time I was interested in social psychology more than cognitive psychology (where I am now). But my volunteer experience has always helped my experience category which includes jobs, internships, lab research, etc..

You don't have to be paid for it to be put on your resume/CV. :)

qole 2009-10-03 06:11

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.
Baloo and lcuk, could you please consider rooming together? We need everyone to get a room-mate (yes, even old crusty curmudgeons like me), and you two speak the same language... ;)

igagis 2009-10-03 22:44

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.
Sorry to hear that. I would donate if I had a PayPal account, but in Russia its use is very limited. :-(

aboaboit 2009-10-04 16:02

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.

Originally Posted by lcuk (Post 337064)
It is incredibly humbling to read your kind words and to accept the amounts small and large people have donated so far.
the list on my website is growing and I will try to keep it updated.

Just added my little contribution. I am in awe at your project and helping you in this spot is the least I can do.

jperez2009 2009-10-04 17:39

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.
Icuk, it's great to see that someone really has a passion for what they do when it comes to open source, computers, or anything related to technology. If I had the money to donate, I would have done it from the start, but sadly, I only have $5 to my name and bills are coming up soon. I've been looking for work for a few months, so I know how that can be.

From where I stand and have seen before in the overall work industry, what your employer did was not legal by any means and you are entitled to what you worked for, which was obviously a full paycheck.

When I find a new job, hopefully REALLY soon, I'll contribute what I can to your cause. I saw a demo video of you demonstrating liqbase sometime back and was impressed at what could be done! You have some real talent that no one can take away from you, not even your former employer.

Keep up the great work, keep your spirits up, good luck with the summit and have a great day. :)


RevdKathy 2009-10-04 18:11

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.
You know, I was always the cautious type. Good, steady job, solid home, mortgage... never had the guts to follow my dream. People may condemn you for following yours in the middle of an economic downturn. But what if you never dreamt? Never followed?

I'm not even sure yet whether maemo is for me - I'd never heard of it till yesterday. But I've stood you the price of a pint at the summit. ;)

aboaboit 2009-10-04 20:06

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.

Originally Posted by RevdKathy (Post 339280)
But I've stood you the price of a pint at the summit. ;)

I guess lcuk will also need a taxi ride back to the hotel, if we go down this route all together :-)

Not a bad idea, though.

Baloo 2009-10-04 20:11

Re: dropping out of summit, out of the game.

Originally Posted by qole (Post 338616)
Baloo and lcuk, could you please consider rooming together? We need everyone to get a room-mate (yes, even old crusty curmudgeons like me), and you two speak the same language... ;)

I'm fine with that as long as Gary can put up with my snoring! :D

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