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zimon 2010-04-14 19:17

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by assetburned (Post 593933)
@zimon does the batterygrapher have a daemon like battery-eye?

Yes it does.


Nokia-N900-42-11:~# ps a|grep -i Bat
 1577 user      2084 S    sh -c /opt/BatteryGraph/bin/BatteryGraphd
 1590 user    22196 S    /opt/BatteryGraph/bin/BatteryGraphd
11236 root      2092 S    grep -i Bat

And what is convenient, you can export up to 21 days history as a image PNG file.

Ronaldo 2010-04-14 19:32

Re: 1930 mah battery...
ooop i forgot to reply to this thread. battery is not very good its same as the nokia one but does charge faster. going to return it for refund.

dont waste your money to test its no point.


listen to the groove 2010-06-26 03:14

Re: 1930 mah battery...
i was very close to getting this battery too.....thank god for this thread...looks like the battery is your typical chinese knock off.....same thing happened to me when i ordered these iphone headphones...i even asked the seller if they were the genuine article.....should have known better....when i got them they were total shite, **** sound quality, cheap material being used...etc.....

kingxxx70 2010-06-26 15:07

Re: 1930 mah battery...
i just bought two of this

will let you know how I go:

listen to the groove 2010-06-27 02:06

Re: 1930 mah battery...
i just found this :

and this courtesy of a forum member here :

lanwellon 2010-06-27 06:42

Re: 1930 mah battery...
As I said before, in the thread discussing the same topic,

1350mAH is the max capacity of this battery in the same size !

F2thaK 2010-07-02 05:21

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by kingxxx70 (Post 730253)
i just bought two of this

will let you know how I go:

i bought one of these, got it today, about 5 days postage....

will let u guys kno

patt2k 2010-07-02 11:40

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 738156)
i bought one of these, got it today, about 5 days postage....

will let u guys kno

can you check usign the command execution widget what is the mAh showing when you have the battery insterted? on ebay i bought fake 1500 mah it showed 694

gsever 2010-07-02 11:53

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by patt2k (Post 738463)
can you check usign the command execution widget what is the mAh showing when you have the battery insterted? on ebay i bought fake 1500 mah it showed 694

What is the command to query the battery capacity. Out of curiosity I want to see what the actual battery shows.

F2thaK 2010-07-02 11:59

Re: 1930 mah battery...
what does a original nokia one say?

edit: battery(mah) = 534/1258 (@ 42%)

CaPsLoCkTrOjAn 2010-07-02 12:07

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by gsever (Post 738477)
What is the command to query the battery capacity. Out of curiosity I want to see what the actual battery shows.

lshal|grep battery will tell you everything you need to know about the battery, including capacity and all that jazz

F2thaK 2010-07-02 12:14

Re: 1930 mah battery...

eastmaze "1500mAh" = 1258 mAh

origionl nokia = 1265 mAh

patt2k 2010-07-02 12:15

Re: 1930 mah battery...
seems like only source for n900 battery is either off nokia site or mugen power I will buy the mugenpower one I think its 15$ and at least you know you wont get screwed over

tsuishui 2010-07-02 12:16

Re: 1930 mah battery...
NEVER trust the battery from China. It will harm your N900!

F2thaK 2010-07-02 12:22

Re: 1930 mah battery...
so...... mugens ($15 one) is the same as orig nokia?

patt2k 2010-07-02 12:38

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 738511)
so...... mugens ($15 one) is the same as orig nokia?

ouch i swear i saw those batts were 15$.

now ->

39$ ;o

F2thaK 2010-07-02 13:26

Re: 1930 mah battery...
cheaper to get original nokia! WTF?

patt2k 2010-07-02 13:38

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 738573)
cheaper to get original nokia! WTF?

well i really wanna try that mugen power i heard good reviews about their batts ;) i just enabled that supereflex thingy coz my battery original from nokia has been so bad.. i hope it now improves but either way i will try it soon

gsever 2010-07-02 13:57

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by CaPsLoCkTrOjAn (Post 738498)
lshal|grep battery will tell you everything you need to know about the battery, including capacity and all that jazz

hal-device bme does the same thing.

My current battery is the original Nokia battery listed on this page

Capacity 1256 mAh (in about 6 months it is not bad.) Not sure the battery voltage tops over 3.7V mine currently says 4.04 (max is at 4.2V)

thingonaspring 2010-07-08 22:45

Re: 1930 mah battery...
1 Attachment(s)
Thought I'd add a little to the battery discussion.
I bought a "1930mAH gold" battery from ebay.

It was working very badly, so I decided to take a look under the gold sticker, here's a picture of what I discovered.

The pic isn't great but you can easily make out "750mAH" on the battery's casing.

Had to laugh really - I only spent £4 on it after all.

mooneypilot 2010-07-31 23:46

Re: 1930 mah battery...
I was about to buy one of those UK gold glad I didnt.

I did however, buy a pair of oem looking batts (about $5 and free shipping) to try from the cellshop on was dead on receipt and the other one sort of works but isn't as good as my original OEM.
For $5, I'm not complaining.

lshal command shows : = 1294 for my original Nokia batt. = 1250 for the cellshop ebay batt.

I would think somone could make a double thick batt around 2500mah and provide a new back with a slight bump out...that would sell..even if it was made up of 2 nokia OEM batts stacked.
This is a great forum...!

sophocha 2010-07-31 23:51

Re: 1930 mah battery...
Well, it`s time to get one of these bad boys and your problems will be gone :)

shadowjk 2010-08-01 16:41

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by mooneypilot (Post 771736)
I would think somone could make a double thick batt around 2500mah and provide a new back with a slight bump out...that would sell..even if it was made up of 2 nokia OEM batts stacked.
This is a great forum...!

There is one. 2400 mAh. Makes your N900 7mm thicker. Battery meter gets confused as hell by it, but it's genuinely 2400mAh.

tmo thread: http://
product page:

hoxtonhopper 2010-08-11 23:42

Re: 1930 mah battery...

Originally Posted by Sasler (Post 338091)
What about using one of those old dynamos for the headlight in your bike? Just add some clever electronics and a Micro-USB connector and then we have a very cheap, noisy and inefficient but fairly entertaining charger on the go for the N900... :D

I'm using a charger called Zzing, which takes power from my Schmidt dynohub and provides 5v USB for my N900 on the move. Works a treat :)

xellvortex 2010-08-13 20:57

Re: 1930 mah battery...
Just wanted to let you know that the battery you are buying is a fake. Here is a link to the company in china that is selling them. They are actually rated at 1050mAh and the manufacturer is asking the buyer to specify the rating wanted. They specified 1930mAh to make it sound believable and sell them. ;)

aBs0lut3z33r0 2012-03-10 23:34

Re: 1930 mah battery...
nokia has already upgraded the BL-5J capacity to 1430mah , so stay away from ebay XXXX battery

romanianusa 2012-10-20 16:45

Re: 1930 mah battery...
I don't know about you guys but I bought this battery here at Amazon

Advertised as 2050 mAh
I tested and it charged up full to 660mAh or more.

Don't let the numbers fool you because this battery is AMAZING!! I believe i can use the phone for 2 straight days w/ regular usage such as text and phone call and music which mean it can last up to 48hrs of normal usage. Now compare that to my stock battery....there's no comparison, my stock battery from going to work and leaving work is all but dead for normal usage. Also, this NEW battery DOES NOT DRAINED!! I think if i leave it alone and never use the phone, it will last forever...well maybe not forever, but weeks and weeks. The reason i say this is because from the time i went to sleep to waking up and looking at the batterygraph, i see virtually a straight line slight slight unnoticeable decline for 8 hrs!!! That means it DOES NOT drained like the stock battery. I don't know about any other batteries like the SCUD or how those perform but this battery is the bomb so far. I just ordered another spare one.

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