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dsawhney 2010-01-24 19:51

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by sorodoros (Post 469278)
Hmmm... search enters successfully, but a search doesn't actually launch the browser, i.e., nothing happens.

I think the problem is the extra % in the query. Open the entry and remove extra %. I had the same issue when I added a new search item, removing the extra % fixed the issue.

It should be q=%s not q=%%s

Nitchers 2010-02-12 12:22

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
My touchsearch has disappeared off my desktop, when i enter desktop menu i can see the small x and tool icons for it but not the main icon. Any ideas folks?

TomJ 2010-02-12 12:51

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
1 Attachment(s)
I posted this on another thread before, but this one seems livlier...

I have been hacking my desktop slightly to get the effect below on my searchy/mappy/infoy desktop, 'cos it's nice to have your favorite search sites all available together. To do so, I edited touchsearch.dektop in /usr/share/applications/hildon-home such that the line that read


now reads:


How necessary this was I dinnae ken. I then copied touchsearch.dektop twice (touchsearch2.dektop and touchsearch3.dektop). The only snag is whenever the device reboots, all instances of the widget change to be the same SE as the last one set. I can only assume the settings are stored in a central touchsearch file which each instance looks to at startup... I have yet to look for it though. Eould it be possible to store the "which SE" gen in the .desktop on a per instance basis?

Nitchers 2010-02-12 12:55

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Where you fae Tom? also any ideas why my touchsearch has went invisible.


Nitchers 2010-03-01 12:09

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Anyone else had problems with Touchsearch going invisible?

Soap77 2010-03-02 21:25

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I like touchsearch a lot, but I would like to be able to edit the default items. when i search on wikipedia i often use my local (swedish) wiki. And it would be nice to do that with touch search without creating a custom search.

Kamikaze 2010-03-17 11:24

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Very useful app, many thanks to the developer.

Does anyone know where in the system the .png files for the stock search engines are please? I wanted to add the two google ones to the and googlemaps/m searches I've added but haven't been able to find them.


Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 469256)
Brent: Could you branch a 2nd version that would be kind of "TouchSearchBar"? I find myself using about the same 5 searches daily, and having a horizontal bar widget with these 5 icons but be VERY handy.

This would also be very handy :)

FormerPalmUser 2010-03-17 12:00

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by Nitchers (Post 550904)
Anyone else had problems with Touchsearch going invisible?

Yes, me!
I could select it to add it on the desktop but it doesn't appear anywhere!
But it disappears from the availible widgets.
In the beginning it worked but someday :confused:

salle74 2010-03-18 06:41

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I have the same problem. Widget not visible, i have reflashed my device and removed the search database, reinstalled the app but it will not show on the desktop.

HRZ 2010-03-18 06:51

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I also have the "invisible widget" problem. I add it to the desktop and I can only see the settings icon (wrench) and the close icon (X).

Thought I was the only one. I also realized I still had this problem after a reflash.

BrentDC 2010-03-18 15:20

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by HRZ (Post 571458)
I also have the "invisible widget" problem. I add it to the desktop and I can only see the settings icon (wrench) and the close icon (X).

Thought I was the only one. I also realized I still had this problem after a reflash.

This doesn't sound good, especially since it won't work even after a reflash.

What version are you installing?
Did it ever work?
When did it stop working?
After installation, could you list the output of these commands:

dpkg -S touchsearch
ls -a /home/user/.touchsearch/

Was TouchSearch the first thing you tried installing after the refresh?


BrentDC 2010-03-18 15:25

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by Kamikaze (Post 570254)
Very useful app, many thanks to the developer.

Does anyone know where in the system the .png files for the stock search engines are please? I wanted to add the two google ones to the and googlemaps/m searches I've added but haven't been able to find them.

This would also be very handy :)

.png's installed to /usr/share/touchsearch/

Re TouchSearchBar;

It is certainly something I can play with, but no promises!

HRZ 2010-03-19 01:17

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 572037)
This doesn't sound good, especially since it won't work even after a reflash.

What version are you installing?
Did it ever work?
When did it stop working?
After installation, could you list the output of these commands:

dpkg -S touchsearch
ls -a /home/user/.touchsearch/

Was TouchSearch the first thing you tried installing after the refresh?


I'm using the latest one....I have only "extras testing" enabled.
It worked fine for awhile. I can't recall when it stopped working. perhaps when I was working on making a custom thumbnail (never got that to work by the way and followed instructions letter for letter).
After the recent reflash I installed everything in mass-installation mode using the backup app. so I doubt it was the first app to get on there.

here's the output:

Nokia-N900-02-8:~# dpkg -S touchsearch
touchsearch: /usr/share/applications/hildon-home/touchsearch.desktop
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/google_maps.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/default.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/youtube.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/imdb.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/imdb.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/.directory
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/general_shopping.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/doc/touchsearch
touchsearch: /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/google.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/google_maps.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/youtube.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/wikipedia.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/icon.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/google.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/webmd.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/amazon.png
touchsearch: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/touchsearch-1.3.egg-info
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch
touchsearch: /usr/share/doc/touchsearch/changelog.Debian
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/quickbar.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/amazon.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/default.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/wikipedia.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/webmd.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/select_search_engine_color.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/ebay.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/general_shopping.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/ebay.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/quickbar.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/select_search_engine_ghosted.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/dictionary.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/.directory
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/dictionary.png

2nd command:

BrentDC 2010-03-19 16:09

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by HRZ (Post 572738)
I'm using the latest one....I have only "extras testing" enabled.
It worked fine for awhile. I can't recall when it stopped working. perhaps when I was working on making a custom thumbnail (never got that to work by the way and followed instructions letter for letter).
After the recent reflash I installed everything in mass-installation mode using the backup app. so I doubt it was the first app to get on there.

here's the output:

Nokia-N900-02-8:~# dpkg -S touchsearch
touchsearch: /usr/share/applications/hildon-home/touchsearch.desktop
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/google_maps.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/default.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/youtube.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/imdb.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/imdb.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/.directory
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/general_shopping.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/doc/touchsearch
touchsearch: /usr/lib/hildon-desktop/
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/google.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/google_maps.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/youtube.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/wikipedia.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/icon.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/google.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/webmd.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/amazon.png
touchsearch: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/touchsearch-1.3.egg-info
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch
touchsearch: /usr/share/doc/touchsearch/changelog.Debian
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/quickbar.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/amazon.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/default.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/wikipedia.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/webmd.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/select_search_engine_color.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/ebay.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/general_shopping.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/ebay.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/quickbar.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/select_search_engine_ghosted.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/color/dictionary.png
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/.directory
touchsearch: /usr/share/touchsearch/ghosted/dictionary.png

2nd command:

Everything looks like it is installed OK. The only thing I can suggest is roving TouchSearch's settings dir:

rm -rf /home/user/.touchsearch/

Reboot, and see if this helps.

Concerning user-added search engines, that could have very well "broken" your TouchSearch. This is one of the many reasons I will be removing that feature in the next version. What I will be having in it's place is the ability to install search engines from There will be a "Search Engine Developer API" that people can use to develop search engines, and will act as the testing and distribution source. This will make it easier for end-users to have a wide selection of search engines, while not requiring them to get down in the nitty gritty of the process.

Unfortunately, the next version probably won't be released until summertime (it will be a complete rewrite, so it'll take a while).

Nitchers 2010-03-19 16:31

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
To fix the problem of invisible desktop type thingy you need to delete all of TouchSearch's settings.

To do this open the X-Terminal application and issue these two

rm /home/user/.touchsearch/
rm /home/user/.touchsearch/settings.conf

Then reinstall, reboot.

Hope this helps and works for you, it did for me.

salle74 2010-03-19 16:51

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
[QUOTE=BrentDC;573531]Everything looks like it is installed OK. The only thing I can suggest is roving TouchSearch's settings dir:

rm -rf /home/user/.touchsearch/

Reboot, and see if this helps.

Worked for me, Thanks!!

BrentDC 2010-03-19 17:44

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I'm glad it is working for everyone again!

A few days ago I released a new version to -testing that has, along with a few new features, an option to reset your search engine database. So if it is not appearing on the Desktop, you can go into the Desktop edit menu, click the wrench icon for TS, Configure, then Reset.

This should get you up and running without the need to enter commands in X-Terminal. :o

HRZ 2010-03-20 01:27

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Thanks guys! working again. I missed it!!!

evad 2010-03-31 22:48

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Having strange issue with TouchSearch 2.2 - I can't edit existing search engines. Basically when I see list of search engines, select any and press Edit button, nothing happens. Note that I did do "merge" once v2.2 was installed.


BrentDC 2010-04-01 02:02

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 590522)
Having strange issue with TouchSearch 2.2 - I can't edit existing search engines. Basically when I see list of search engines, select any and press Edit button, nothing happens. Note that I did do "merge" once v2.2 was installed.


Unfortunetely I had to do a few database changes in 2.2, so this might be causing the issue. Could you please send my the contents of ~/.touchsearch/ (like zip up the entire directory). You can email me it at:

Don't use this
Don't use this
Don't use this
Don't use this

(yes, I'm paranoid about spam).

That way I'll be able to reproduce the issue and fix it. Thanks!

Laughing Man 2010-04-01 02:28

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Great app BrentDC, I really need to get around to donating.. I have your name on a list of people to donate to in MaePad but I need to get the money first (waiting on the next paycheck) and have time (this school semester has been busy).

This is probably unrelated but I was thinking of this idea the other day. It's a shame that your application has to be a seperate widget due to the way Nokia designed the type to search feature on the hildon-desktop. As it is now you only get your contacts.

I was thinking how wonderful it would be if Nokia made it so you could type to search and your shown a list of possible actions..

- Contacts (as it is now)
- Searches (Google, Wikipedia, etc..) configured
- Files on the N900
- E.g. other functionality (such as status updates you can type in and send to Twitter, Facebook, etc..)

Of course this would be modular (the user could re-order and put in and take out what they wanted). Oh well, in my dreams I guess.

As it is now, to use the widget I have to scroll to the desktop it's on. I think the only thing that could improve the app off the top of my head is to be able to keep a small history of say your last 5 or so searches.

evad 2010-04-01 07:13

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 590699)
Unfortunetely I had to do a few database changes in 2.2, so this might be causing the issue. Could you please send my the contents of ~/.touchsearch/ (like zip up the entire directory). You can email me it at:
(yes, I'm paranoid about spam).

That way I'll be able to reproduce the issue and fix it. Thanks!

Targzipped and sent.

BrentDC 2010-04-02 19:33

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 590907)
Targzipped and sent.

Thanks! I'll look at it over the weekend and see if I can figure out what's up. :)

BrentDC 2010-04-02 19:38

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 590710)
Great app BrentDC, I really need to get around to donating.. I have your name on a list of people to donate to in MaePad but I need to get the money first (waiting on the next paycheck) and have time (this school semester has been busy).

Thank you very much Laughing Man -- it would be very much appreciated. I have a donate button my website at (on the sidebar), see:


This is probably unrelated but I was thinking of this idea the other day. It's a shame that your application has to be a seperate widget due to the way Nokia designed the type to search feature on the hildon-desktop. As it is now you only get your contacts.

I was thinking how wonderful it would be if Nokia made it so you could type to search and your shown a list of possible actions..

- Contacts (as it is now)
- Searches (Google, Wikipedia, etc..) configured
- Files on the N900
- E.g. other functionality (such as status updates you can type in and send to Twitter, Facebook, etc..)

Of course this would be modular (the user could re-order and put in and take out what they wanted). Oh well, in my dreams I guess.

As it is now, to use the widget I have to scroll to the desktop it's on. I think the only thing that could improve the app off the top of my head is to be able to keep a small history of say your last 5 or so searches.
I have looked into adding a history (like the browser recently typed queries in the url bar), but there is no standard system in place to do it. Apparently the browser team wrote a custom UI widget, and it is not something I would/could do. If at a later point they add a widget like that to the Hildon framework, I'd do it, but right now it doesn't look very likely. :(

BrentDC 2010-04-03 20:01

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I just uploaded a new version of TouchSearch to extras-testing. This new version fixes the problem with the Edit button not working in the Customize Search Engine dialog.

It is also recommended that you Reset you search-engine database (especially if you've made no changes). To do this, go to:

TouchSearch's options > Configure > Reset > Yes

This should get everything running smoothly again, but will undo all customizations to your search engines.

Testing page here:

Please vote it up so that I can replace the version in extras with the bug.


evad 2010-04-04 18:26

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 594127)
Testing page here:

Please vote it up so that I can replace the version in extras with the bug.

I've got automatic update from repo and now I can edit search engines, however what slightly disappoints me is only 3-character limit of QuickBar prefix. That makes "wiki" or "ebay" (for example) prefixes impossible to set. :(

BrentDC 2010-04-04 19:05

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 595221)
I've got automatic update from repo and now I can edit search engines, however what slightly disappoints me is only 3-character limit of QuickBar prefix. That makes "wiki" or "ebay" (for example) prefixes impossible to set. :(

I almost set it at two :/ The idea behind the QuickBar is speed; I thought that having long prefixes would defeat the purpose. It may also cause mis-interpretations of prefixes. For example, no one searches "g" or "e", but someone may search "ebay motors", and in your scenario that would search for "motors" instead of Google for "ebay motors".

In the default database Wikipedia is "w", Ebay is "e" and the most characters used in a prefix is Google Maps "gm". Is this OK?

evad 2010-04-04 19:12

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 595267)
I almost set it at two :/ The idea behind the QuickBar is speed; I thought that having long prefixes would defeat the purpose. It may also cause mis-interpretations of prefixes. For example, no one searches "g" or "e", but someone may search "ebay motors", and in your scenario that would search for "motors" instead of Google for "ebay motors".

Well, for one it's speed, for other it's a matter of personal preference. If I wanted google for "ebay motors", I'd probably type "go ebay motors" - but that's just me. :) Anyway, I have my own solution for prefixes (as you know), so I'm not that bothered about that, really. It just seemed a bit odd to me, as I'd rather like to have freedom in the actual length of the prefix.

dbs11 2010-04-04 19:30

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I think this APP is one of the best on the Nokia N900!!

Is it possible to make this application multi-functional? For example, I was thinking this would be great if Facebook Status Update was part of it? instead of using other apps like mstatus etc.
Just a thought...


BrentDC 2010-04-04 20:00

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by dbs11 (Post 595301)
I think this APP is one of the best on the Nokia N900!!

Thanks! :)


Is it possible to make this application multi-functional? For example, I was thinking this would be great if Facebook Status Update was part of it? instead of using other apps like mstatus etc.
Just a thought...

I'm going to try to focus solely on searching with this app. I'll leave the Facebook stuff up to others (heck, I don't even use Facebook myself!). ;)

BrentDC 2010-04-04 20:06

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 595277)
Well, for one it's speed, for other it's a matter of personal preference. If I wanted google for "ebay motors", I'd probably type "go ebay motors" - but that's just me. :) Anyway, I have my own solution for prefixes (as you know), so I'm not that bothered about that, really. It just seemed a bit odd to me, as I'd rather like to have freedom in the actual length of the prefix.

I understand. This is a common problem with software development. Does a developer give the user free reign to do anything and possibly cause end-user confusion/unintended use, or do they put reasonable limits in place?

Sometimes it can be a fine line between satisfying reasonable usage scenarios and acting like the "all controlling" developer.

qwerty12 2010-04-04 20:11

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 592990)
I have looked into adding a history (like the browser recently typed queries in the url bar), but there is no standard system in place to do it. Apparently the browser team wrote a custom UI widget, and it is not something I would/could do. If at a later point they add a widget like that to the Hildon framework, I'd do it, but right now it doesn't look very likely. :(

Making the bar itself isn't hard: I wrote this lame thing here that makes a URL entry bar (minus the window that comes up upon pressing the arrow) like how the browser does it:

But what comes up when that arrow button is pressed is a little harder. From what I can tell, it's a GTK popup window with a HildonTouchSelector as its container. I did promise conny that I'd work on making a HildonFindToolbar that uses HeArrowedEntry + whatever the browser does for that window. Maybe it's time to get off my *** and actually do it...

BrentDC 2010-04-04 21:18

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by qwerty12 (Post 595355)
Making the bar itself isn't hard: I wrote this lame thing here that makes a URL entry bar (minus the window that comes up upon pressing the arrow) like how the browser does it:

But what comes up when that arrow button is pressed is a little harder. From what I can tell, it's a GTK popup window with a HildonTouchSelector as its container. I did promise conny that I'd work on making a HildonFindToolbar that uses HeArrowedEntry + whatever the browser does for that window. Maybe it's time to get off my *** and actually do it...

That's interesting. I hadn't thought that the widget used in the browser was just a entry with a button packed next to it. I thought it was something along the lines of a hildon.ComboboxEntry. The popup, itself, just seems to be a menu with a TouchSelector + ScrolledWindow in it. But again, I'm completely useless when it comes to knowing how to make something like this :D

Please let me know if you come up with anything cool (and easily translatable to python! ;)). I would very much appreciate it, as history support has been the last major "I-want-to-do-this-but-don't know-how" entry in my todo list for TouchSearch.

evad 2010-04-04 21:19

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 595344)
I understand. This is a common problem with software development. Does a developer give the user free reign to do anything and possibly cause end-user confusion/unintended use, or do they put reasonable limits in place?

I understand that too, however I don't understand why that limit is actually in place? :)

BrentDC 2010-04-04 21:22

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by evad (Post 595451)
I understand that too, however I don't understand why that limit is actually in place? :)

Hmmph! OK, I'll bump the limit out to 4 chars in the next release (which, if no other major bugs are found, won't be until this summer, unfortunately).

evad 2010-04-04 21:26

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 595455)
Hmmph! OK, I'll bump the limit out to 4 chars in the next release (which, if no other major bugs are found, won't be until this summer, unfortunately).

I'd rather have no limit (or quite long one, like 8-10 chars), but... you're the boss ;) Don't worry about that too much, tough - I have my own solution for quick prefixes, anyway.

jbw89 2010-06-09 10:18

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
I have a quistion! if i put my one search in TouchSearch the picture does not come on the home screen, its just emty, but when i presse on it (to go for a search) it wil show! anny the same problem and anny solution to tis?


Shark 2010-06-16 16:57

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle
Great widget! Thx, but why aren't we allowed to edit the Google search machine?

BrentDC 2010-06-16 18:27

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by Shark (Post 717820)
Great widget! Thx, but why aren't we allowed to edit the Google search machine?

I wrote this about Google being uneditable in another thread a while back. Note that this is being worked on and will most likely not be the case in future versions of TouchSearch.


Google is this way because it is the default search engine and is there when TouchSearch runs into problems. For example, any of the below would cause TouchSearch to automatically load Google:

1. Deletion of every other search engine
2. Default install state
3. Corrupted settings file
4. "Stale" settings file (program requires a newer version
5. Error in loading any of the other search engines including user-defined ones

Shark 2010-06-27 22:36

Re: [Announce] TouchSearch for Fremantle

Originally Posted by BrentDC (Post 717941)
I wrote this about Google being uneditable in another thread a while back. Note that this is being worked on and will most likely not be the case in future versions of TouchSearch.

I'm just interesting in changing google so that i don't get the ads everytime i search. Evtl. i want to get the normal google search page as on my pc.

Thx for the fast reply!

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