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christexaport 2009-11-26 05:32

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Are we still at this level?
MYSPACE has a SMALLER audience than Facebook. They're number 2 of the dozens of social sites online. WE KNOW. Can we move on?

Psy-Clone 2010-03-29 12:37

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Im gonna chip in here, cause I agree with the OP. - I dont even know why this is such a discussion/argument.

Myspace is the primary source for listening to music that has yet to be released, and finding new and/or related music. - It helps me and all my friends, and im sure countless others broaden their musical horizons. Facebook is for the people, myspace the music - its pretty obvious in my book.

- I need a way of playing myspace music on my N900. I tried with firefox, but it wont load, claiming I need to update my flash, but with Micro B, it just crashes.

Listening to music on myspace is still an important feature for many people Im sure, regardless of its use as a social networking site, as facebook offers very poor support for music, plus many artists have yet to venture on there.

daemonfin 2010-03-29 12:41

Re: Where's the MySpace support??

Originally Posted by Psy-Clone (Post 586615)
I need a way of playing myspace music on my N900. I tried with firefox, but it wont load, claiming I need to update my flash, but with Micro B, it just crashes.

Works fine to me...

Psy-Clone 2010-03-29 15:27

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
What works fine?

I can use firefox to load the pages ok, but the music player wont load.

MicroB crashes once the page has loaded but before I get to see if the player has loaded.

So which browser are you using? - and do the music players load?

zenZombi 2010-03-29 15:44

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Myspace works fine with microB, i listen music from there almost daily.

Psy-Clone 2010-03-29 15:51

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
OK, ill reboot and try again. :)

christexaport 2010-03-29 21:39

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
its ok as long as you aren't heavily multitasking.

MySpace is a member of the Symbian Foundation, yet all I see id Facebook. I'm sick of it, to be honest. Facebook is fine, but lacks the media I enjoy on MySpace. And yet gets support...

I'd like a developer to realize the Nseries' positioning and see how closely MySpace compliments Nokia's strategy in becoming a services and media giant. Nseries is Nokia's media friendly line. Why not link up with the top media based social network?

christexaport 2010-03-29 21:43

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
I notice not a single dev has stepped forward after all this time. If devs are content to just follow the competition instead of innovating by bringing a service we heard about years ago, we have issues. How much asking must we do before we see apps we really want, like a MySpace app with media streaming, a file manager with all files access, a better RSS reader, etc...

assetburned 2010-04-01 19:19

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
count me in for an myspace app.

why the hack is there an iphone app for that if it is so "dead" but none from an open source community?

stlpaul 2010-04-01 19:31

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Myspace music player doesn't work 2/3rds of the time on my real PC so I'm not surprised people are having trouble on N900...

Does myspace allow music streaming to third-party programs? Their move from mp3 to encrypted rtmp streams would seem to indicate no... but i have no idea.

stlpaul 2010-04-29 04:28

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
myspace music player refuses to load, says you need a newer version of flash...

christexaport 2010-04-29 18:57

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
that's because they upgraded to Flash 10.

ZogG 2010-04-29 19:00

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
it's on windows 7 mobile

christexaport 2010-05-14 13:40

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
Man, devs are asleep at the wheel on alot of stuff.

RSS readers? Good luck. Social apps besides Twitter and Facebook? Sorry. Games? Just the simple stuff.

I'm just going to give up wishing a Maemo/MeeGo developer can be persuaded to lift a finger and go back to the Symbian ecosystem for app requests. They are more accessible, more apt to code on request, and willing to take new opportunities. Maemo devs code for themselves mostly, and don't target markets outside their own much.

If you want MySpace support, you need an iPhone or Android device. Maemo can't be bothered with the second most popular social network on Earth. Who needs it, right?

I do, still. But no one realizes the content creators that favor Nseries devices are all on MySpace. Or they don't care. They have Facebook, and anyone should be happy with that. I'm blocked from hundreds of friends and fans without the browser.

A shame, I tell you...

christexaport 2010-05-14 13:41

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
This is why MeeGo can't be the market leader yet. Too much thumb twiddling...

lhommefatale 2010-05-14 15:25

Re: Where's the MySpace support??
i completely agree with you... Meego/Maemo, wont be able to be a market leader due to the fact that they are not good at integrating all the major social networks, let alone, there isnt many companies developing for it...

dont get it me wrong i love my n900, but i am really considering going for the new iphone, i had an iphone 3gs now the n900, and i cant wait for the new iphone.... i dont understand how nokia, can put billions more than apple into R&D and still not come up with something innovative ....

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