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Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I'll start here for some help. I installed EasyDebian, was working great.. not paying attention while in LXDE and I hit shutdown rather than logoff. The CPU was still set to performance mode and the n810 shutdown. Now when I attempt to start it I get the Nokia screen, it blanks out, another Nokia screen, and than it shutsdown.
Anyway to recover short of reflashing ? |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Hey guys... do you know of any way to make ice weasle (firefox) any more stable? It seems to crash at the most random times. I absolutely love using it, but hesitate to make any purchases with it for this reason. Not sure if getting the latest image or make space on my current image would help. The only addon I have installed is the Google toolbar. Thanks in advance for any tips.
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Can we have debian 5? I saw many images in qole.org/files and got coonfused
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Yes, the Diablo version runs a hybrid Debian 5 (lenny) / Debian 6 (squeeze) system. The installer downloads the right file...
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Which rootfs for which device?
(1) I wanted to untar a root-fs into an ext3 mmc partition (using my deskop linux box) but I wasn't sure which one is the right one for my n810/diablo. I picked debian-m5-v3b-rootfs from http://qole.org/. That basically worked, but then I found that I couldn't change fonts in LXDE. Then I was wondering if the "m5" indicated that this rootf is intended for the n900. What is the correct rootfs for n810 diablo? Any cleanups needed? (2) Is there anything easy debian remembers on the diablo filesystem (some /home/user/dotfiles) which could get in the way when I change the rootfs. Is there anything I should delete or change (other then the IMAGE setting of course) ? |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
drautzburg: The main difference between m5 rootfs and older ones is the alignment with Fremantle's theme and pulseaudio sound system. The m5 system should work on the N810. You might need to edit /home/user/.gtkrc-2.0 to change the font.
There are some configuration files stored in /home/user, such as the files in the .config folder (including LXDE config), .openoffice.org folder, .gimp-2.6, and .gcjwebplugin |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I got the Debian5 to work fine by partitioning my mmc1 has an ext2 and moving the *.tar.gz to the mmc1 folder and extracting with tar -xvf *.tar.gz I did not have to change any fonts for it to work, but I did have to upgrade lxde for it to run -- and run it did smoothly.
However, like Debian4,Debian5 must also pin package udev or else it crashes either Debian (might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto). The package udev upgrades to an incompatible kernel, effectively locking any changes to dkpg/apt. Source files can still be compiled for the most part though. Qole, I see hal and dbus pinned; you might want to also pin udev with a command like this in the /etc/apt/preferences file: Package: udev Pin version 0.125-7 Pin-Priority: 1001 I haven't tried yet, but it might need an even earler version of udev. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I didn't notice Debian crashing with updated udev. I confess that I've been spending all my time on the N900 version of Easy Debian lately. (But I've learned a few new tricks and I intend to backport them to the Diablo version soon.)
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
can someone help me with resizing the ext2 image? I need to install LyX and texlive and I need a lot more space. I tried to follow the directions here, but I did them on my desktop to the file on my memory card, not on the tablet:
http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p...&postcount=221 When the file is on the tablet, it can't find it, and even when I explicitly set it I get "the image file does not exist or is neither a regular nor a block special file" do I need to do anything different since I'm running it on the desktop? Or are the instructions out of date? Did I make the image too big? On the tablet when I ls in the directory, it says "ls: /debian.img.ext2: Value too large for defined data type". I made it 2500M. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I can only guess that you made the image too big. I find that 2GB seems to be the biggest "safe" size. I seriously suggest repartitoning your SD card instead of using an image file. A partition is a lot faster on the N8x0 tablets, too.
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
....Not so EASY Debian...
Folks, I'm having a bit of difficulty with easy-debian on my N810. Any time I try and run anything within debbie I get a message about a missing "libXext.so.6". I've checked in the image and there's a symbolic link there but it's pointing at nothing. I tried to see if I could copy the file in from the maemo /usr/lib but it wouldn't let me write... Any ideas? BTW My image expanded to a 1GB size ext2 file, everywhere seems to be talking about a 2GB file? The original bz2 image was debian-squeeze-img.tar.bz2" from qole.org datated 30 April 2009. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
torrent99: The references to the 2GB image are from the N900 version. You can try that version out if you want, it should work. A full list of everything you can download from my site is at qole.org/files
As for the missing libXext.so.6, I'm not sure why it is missing for you, but Debian says that it can be found in the libxext6 package. So, use the Debian Chroot terminal to do the following: Code:
apt-get install --reinstall libxext6 |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Hi guys.
Yesterday, I installed Debian on my device but now I have a few questions. First of all, to install it, I used Maemo-extras repo and downloaded Easy-chroot, which automatically installed Easy-deb too. I launched this, selected MyDocs and the download started and took about 45 minutes over WiFi. My main question is: at the end of the download, the total number download was something like 290121434, which means that I only downloaded about 290 mb? Is this normal? Shouldn't it be like 1.4 gigabites? Thanks a lot for your help |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
gtessier00: The download is only about 300mb, but that's because it is compressed. The installer should then take this compressed file and decompress it to its full size. Did you get a message about the decompression not working?
Run the installer again, choose MyDocs again, the installer should say you already have the file, check it, then either finish downloading it or start decompressing it. Please note that this thread is for the N800/N810 version of Easy Debian. Your reference to MyDocs suggests you are installing on an N900, which means you should be posting in this thread. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Yes, it should run fine on the N8x0s, although it won't run any faster. If you want the dark theme that I use on the N900, choose "MurrinaNightOrange". |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I don't actually think there are any extra apps in the v3b image. But if you want to make Maemo icons for Debian apps, you can just copy the ooo.desktop file in /usr/share/applications/hildon to a new name, then change the Name, GenericName, Exec, and Icon fields. The new Exec field should be:
Exec=debbie <command> The one thing that might not work is the sound... |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
hordeman: that's interesting, a 2GB file is too big for the N8x0?
I'll try to do some testing... |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
1 Attachment(s)
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
So I thought to give this another try.
That was a mistake. *lol* I downloaded the debian-m5-v3b.img.ext2.lzma from your site and extracted it with 7zip to my Desktop Windows Computer. From there I transferred the debian-m5-v3b.img.ext2 file to my memory card (fat32) by USB and installed easy-deb-chroot from Extras. Whenever I try anything I'm getting the error that there's no debian.img.ext2 file on my memory card. From here I clicked on the Debian Image Installer and dug myself even deeper since it's downloading something and I can't find a way to stop it. Why can't I just be normal like you guys? :D http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/9...0040720561.png Edit: Also did a reboot and still received the same error. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
How on earth did I miss your post? |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I'm going to make a new version of the image on the weekend, and I'll make a mini version (less than 2GB) for tablet users. I am totally shocked that a 2GB image would fail like this, but ... good to know, I guess...
(Addison, you made me laugh with your post! " Why can't I just be normal like you guys?") |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
If you want to have a dedicated partition (honestly, a good idea for the tablets, since it is faster than even the "turbo" dm-loop), untar the contents of debian-m5-v3b-rootfs.tar.bz2 into a formatted ext2 partition. You can do this (as root) on any Linux computer, not just the tablet. I would use something like gparted to partition and format the SD card. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
So I went ahead and Googled "formatted ext2 partition" windows since I'm running XP. Here's where my friendly first link took me. http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6598/untrusted.png The following immediate link brought me to this excellent post. http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=601795 I hate you people! *lol* To answer your question Horde, I'm using EmelFM2 as my file manager thingy. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Addison: My Google search took me to the Ext2 File System Driver for Windows project page.
But if you get a halfway-decent partition editor for Windows, it will support ext2 format. One really neat alternative is to get the GParted Live CD. Burn the ISO to a CD or put it on a bootable USB stick. Then you can boot to GParted and partition your SD card to have an ext2 partition from there. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I was just planning to use gparted for maemo. It worked perfectly for partitioning a usb drive hooked up to my tablet; so, it should work fine for the internal card. BTW, addison, you don't need to partition your card to run easy debian. You just need an image; partition for better performance.
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I HAVE FURY!!!!! *lol*
http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/5042/unrar.png Okay, so I should have a few hours of freedom late tomorrow night. I'll go back through the wiki again and try to find all of the innumerable mistakes I'm making. :D For some reason though, I have this feeling that learning how to install and then use Easy Debian is going to require brain surgery and a lifetime exposure to the proper flashcards. *lol* |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Addison: It is "untar" not "unrar". :D
I think your best bet is to put the tar.bz2 file on your tablet (somewhere you can access it from the tablet itself), along with the partitioned card, then open a terminal and type: Code:
sudo su - |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I know that you're one of those pretty, fancy boys that uses a Mac computer, but does this look about right to you? I've got a 4 gig SanDisk card with nothing on it if that makes any turd of a difference. Cheers buddy. |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I don't use a Mac. I use Linux and sometimes Windows XP. And ext2 would be #83. So your first partition would be "0B FAT32" (make it 2 GB) and the second partition would be "83 Linux" (or whatever it is called in your app). |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I'll give it a whirl later tonight. Not sure why I thought you were a Mac user, so sorry for calling you a pretty boy though I'm sure you've been called worse. :) |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
Debian WOW! NIT lives on!
I ran Sunspider benchmark on a few browsers and Debian does well on my N800. MAEMO Fennec 1.0 (Firefox Mobile) | 35243ms Midori v0.1.4 | 68232ms Tear 3.5-1 | 71847ms MicroB too many script stops DEBIAN Kazehakase v0.5.8 | 55305ms Iceweasel v3.5.8 (Firefox) | 59243ms Midori v0.1.8 | 77015ms Epipathy v2.29.3 | 81321ms Got more benchmarks coming at...my first blog http://tabletuser.blogspot.com I've got Tear running on my Nokia 770 under OS2008HE and its awesome to have my 770 with new life. Tear 108584ms NIT are great! Boot to SD and install Debian and play! |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
I goobered my memory card last night trying to make a partition out of it.
Now all I get are corrupt memory card errors even after reformatting it all. I should be shot just on general principle for how stupid I've become. :D Well, I do have a gparted CD that boots when I restart the computer. Any chance there's a step by step, dummy proof tutorial on getting that ext2 and fat32 partition on the same memory card? Any forum I found through google makes me feel a tad bit dyspeptic just by looking at it. I don't get why it should be this hard... |
Re: Easy Debian Diablo Beta Testing
So in File manager, it's saying that my memory card is incorrectly formatted or corrupted and asked if I wanted it to be repaired. Sure! That would be most lovely. :) "Unable to repair memory card. Format card via File Manager." So again, on my tablet I went to File manager -> Tools -> Reformat memory card. I clicked on okay. There was some type of status bar thingy on the top right of the screen that never filled up. Nothing happened. No poopsquat. No nothing. Not even a screw you message. I'm thinking I blew up my SanDisk Card somehow. Then depression sets in..... :) |
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