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hass 2009-11-24 11:22

Re: cancelled my order - UK
0800 3316021

jutl 2009-11-24 11:23

Re: cancelled my order - UK
For those reordering - why do you think that the same problem wont occur when they next come to authorise your payment? Have Nokia UK said they will do it differently, or are you just optimists? :)

ewan 2009-11-24 11:25

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by DaveR53 (Post 388511)
Sounds promising! What number did you call?

I thought I'd be a bit creative and tried Customer Services on 0845 045 5555, but they couldn't help (they sound like they're more aftersales 'My phone doesn't work' type support) and put me through to the shop, which I'm pretty sure is where you'd get to if you just ring the usual 0800 331 6021 number.

I have now had the email confirmation and I can see the new order on the shop website, at the original price. I've also called Barclaycard's fraud people and indicated that I was:

a) Not Happy.
b) Going to be even more Not Happy if they declined it again.

They tell me that I should be good to go as long as Nokia put the transaction through today or tomorrow, otherwise I should call them again. Hopefully it'll be third time lucky.

Duffer 2009-11-24 11:27

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Just spoken to Chris again, Nokia has accepted my diso**** code now.

Thanks to this thread / Nokia, I feel less p'd off now!

cgarvie 2009-11-24 11:27

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by jutl (Post 388535)
For those reordering - why do you think that the same problem wont occur when they next come to authorise your payment? Have Nokia UK said they will do it differently, or are you just optimists? :)

cause you need to phone the card company, and they know to expect that order to appear again.

My card company didnt refuse payment, just put it on hold while they checked authorisation

charlie 2009-11-24 11:29

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I've also just been able to re-order with the 15% discount re-applied over the phone on the 0800 331 6021 number.

(I didn't speak to Chris this time so I've answered my own question)

Netweaver 2009-11-24 11:30

Re: cancelled my order - UK
same crap here, only willing to give the one 15% code.

We already filed the form at Watchdog, please all do as well. If it wasn't for the phone being so good, I would never do business with them again.

DaveR53 2009-11-24 11:34

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Got through to Chris on 0800 331 6021 (option 1), poor guy sounds like he's been bombarded. Said same thing about the discounts being cancelled but they can give me a 15% one. So I replaced the order over the phone and he gave me a new Order Number.

I had originally placed the order with the first 15% discount code but cancelled that when the 3 code trick appeared, so I am not too put out over it. Still a shame though.

shaksta 2009-11-24 11:38

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I wonder if they will still give the Quidco cashback even though it's a new order. An extra 10% off would help me seal the deal.

mardibloke 2009-11-24 11:49

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by cms (Post 388509)
Afraid not. I ordered on 1 Oct, no discount or promotion codes. My order was cancelled at the end of month, same time as all the other cancellations due to 'errors'.

says in the FAQ that orders over 30 days old, they will try and contact you to confirm you wish to keep the order.

Were your phone contact details in order on your account for the web site?

pthimon 2009-11-24 11:49

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I had my original 3x15%+cashback vouchers order cancelled because my credit card company (smile) declined the transaction because it was 'suspicious'.

Rang up the nokia shop yesterday and they were very unhelpful and couldn't re-order with any discount. Just rang up now and I've re-ordered with 15% discount (£424.15), but the chap couldn't give any delivery date.

mardibloke 2009-11-24 11:53

Re: cancelled my order - UK
mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes
open-collar 1 code
custard 3 codes
shaksta 3 codes
hass 2 codes
netweaver 2 codes
derrickj 1 code


cms 2009-11-24 12:50

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by mardibloke (Post 388582)
says in the FAQ that orders over 30 days old, they will try and contact you to confirm you wish to keep the order.

Were your phone contact details in order on your account for the web site?

Yes, all my contact and bank details were fine. I figured that maybe that first round of cancellations might have had something to do with the 30 day window. However, they made no attempt to contact me before order cancellation. Similarly, after the card check, no attempt to hold the order or contact me, just drops straight to cancelled. Useless, really, from a customer perspective.

w00t 2009-11-24 12:58

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by Venomrush (Post 388402)
They don't ask you to callback to 'reconfirm' the order unless you used multiple discount codes.

That *wasn't* it. Some orders had a wrong part number, others didn't. I had multiple codes, and wasn't asked to call back.

(edit: I know this because I phoned them anyway on unrelated matters and one of the blokes was ready to cancel my order and re-place it.. thankfully he transferred me over to his supervisor who realised that my part number was correct, and so it didn't get cancelled.)

Netweaver 2009-11-24 13:09

Re: cancelled my order - UK
[QUOTE=custard;388362]Just completed the Watchdog form and await the details. Might be worthwhile for others to do so:

All affected should fill it out it, it only takes a few minutes. And it wont hurt anything. Just get the flawed business process Nokia Shop (ab)uses open in the air !!!

Edit: now WITH the link :

manic 2009-11-24 13:26

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Mine was cancelled and no joy speaking to Nokia. Can I ask those that re-ordered with a 15% discount -

Has anyone reordered over the internet (to enable Quidco tracking?) or has it all been processed over the telephone?

custard 2009-11-24 13:33

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by manic (Post 388730)
Mine was cancelled and no joy speaking to Nokia. Can I ask those that re-ordered with a 15% discount -

Has anyone reordered over the internet (to enable Quidco tracking?) or has it all been processed over the telephone?

They will only do over the phone so no topcashback

pancro 2009-11-24 13:37

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pancro (Post 388313)
I preordered in September, used no codes whatsoever and wanted to show my full support by committing to buy a product at full price without having even seen it.

Then in October my order was cancelled and I was requested to call Nokia, as opposed to them calling/emaling me to explain what had happened. OK.

The next thing I know is that yesterday my order was CANCELLED (as opposed to be put on hold) because they couldn't take money off my Barclaycard credit card. Now, unless Nokia have been living under a rock for the past 5 years, their e-commerce workflow experts must know that it's become industry practice for credit card companies to decline initially a "suspicious" (whatever it means) transaction, check with the account holder, authorise it afterwards.

That's why for example put an order on hold, verified the details with me, and everything went smoothly afterwards.

The fact that the Nokia shop is designed to freak out and CANCEL the order instead of just put it on hold until the appropriate checks are done is just poor, poor poor customer service.

I am not going to place my order again. I may as well wait for Maemo 6 since my Palm Prē has been such an excellent device so far. Bitterly disappointed by Nokia treating enthusiastic early adopters like this.

After seeing so many people being able to apply their original 15% discount, I decided to call, explained the situation, explained that I was not willing to reorder an N900 at £499 knowing that many other people were getting a 15% discount. Given the inconvenience this caused, I asked what Nokia could do for me. After speaking with his manager, the person I spoke with told me that they were only giving discounts to the people who originally preordered with a code. I explained that I felt rather stupid to place an order at £499 knowing that the next person could have done it for £424 and I was very quickly dismissed with "OK, bye".

Really bad customer experience. The more I think about it the more it saddens me. Back in September, I was so enthusiastic that I was basically willing to pay £499 to be a beta tester...

custard 2009-11-24 13:41

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pancro (Post 388739)
After seeing so many people being able to apply their original 15% discount, I decided to call, explained the situation, explained that I was not willing to reorder an N900 at £499 knowing that many other people were getting a 15% discount. Given the inconvenience this caused, I asked what Nokia could do for me. After speaking with his manager, the person I spoke with told me that they were only giving discounts to the people who originally preordered with a code. I explained that I felt rather stupid to place an order at £499 knowing that the next person could have done it for £424 and I was very quickly dismissed with "OK, bye".

Really bad customer experience. The more I think about it the more it saddens me. Back in September, I was so enthusiastic that I was basically willing to pay £499 to be a beta tester...

Use topcashback and get 12% cashback

cgarvie 2009-11-24 13:49

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by custard (Post 388743)
Use topcashback and get 12% cashback

ive never used these sort of site, can anyone explain how they work, are there hidden catches

jjx 2009-11-24 14:01

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pancro (Post 388739)
After seeing so many people being able to apply their original 15% discount, I decided to call, explained the situation, explained that I was not willing to reorder an N900 at £499 knowing that many other people were getting a 15% discount. Given the inconvenience this caused, I asked what Nokia could do for me. After speaking with his manager, the person I spoke with told me that they were only giving discounts to the people who originally preordered with a code. I explained that I felt rather stupid to place an order at £499 knowing that the next person could have done it for £424 and I was very quickly dismissed with "OK, bye".

I think that's fair enough.

The people getting 15% aren't really placing new orders, you know. That's just a technicality to workaround a fault in the system processing an old order. Those people ordered when there was a special offer on.

It's understandable that you're sad to have missed out a special offer, but that's just the normal roller coaster of commerce.


Really bad customer experience. The more I think about it the more it saddens me. Back in September, I was so enthusiastic that I was basically willing to pay £499 to be a beta tester...
It's been an awful customer experience for a lot of people. But given your story, I think you're asking too much. If you call most stores and just ask for a discount which they're not offering, on the grounds that you know some people who ordered more than a month ago and got a lower price which was offered back then, sometimes you get lucky but you should not be surprised if the answer is "no we're not offering that now".

jjx 2009-11-24 14:10

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 388751)
ive never used these sort of site, can anyone explain how they work, are there hidden catches

Topcashback has a good reputation, but they can't guarantee the selling company will honour their agreement to pay cashback.

Nokia has weaseled out of paying cashback to a few people who used it with other discount codes, by telling people their order will be cancelled and they'll have to recreate their order by telephone if they want to keep the discount codes, and that loses the cashback - they don't carry the cashback to the new order.

I think that's a fault in Nokia's system rather than a systematic attempt to avoid honouring deals, but it does mean they don't pay in some cases.

There's no harm in trying, though. I used Topcashback to place my order, and they were quite easy to register with and then use. Just make sure you start at the Topcashback site, register, make sure you're logged in, then go to the Nokia page on Topcashback and follow the link to Nokia sales.

The worst that can happen is you don't get the cashback, but if there's no funny business with the order it should be ok. From what people have told me, Topcashback have a good reputation, so they're not likely to be faking the referral.

That said, nobody's been able to confirm getting the cashback yet - because that takes time (could be a few months), and it's not like anyone's confirmed a delivery of the N900 yet in the UK either :-)

Widget23 2009-11-24 14:18

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by hoggerz (Post 387498)
Email confirmation received
3 x 15% discount codes,
10% Topcashback,
Barclays Connect debit
Money taken from account
No probs


Where can I get these discount codes from? Are you allowed to share them with me? :rolleyes:

ewan 2009-11-24 14:37

Re: cancelled my order - UK
The codes in question all expired a while ago, there are no current ones.

jjx 2009-11-24 14:40

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by Widget23 (Post 388795)
Where can I get these discount codes from? Are you allowed to share them with me? :rolleyes:

They expired a month ago. That's why new orders can't use them.

custard 2009-11-24 16:03

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pthimon (Post 388583)
I had my original 3x15%+cashback vouchers order cancelled because my credit card company (smile) declined the transaction because it was 'suspicious'.

Rang up the nokia shop yesterday and they were very unhelpful and couldn't re-order with any discount. Just rang up now and I've re-ordered with 15% discount (£424.15), but the chap couldn't give any delivery date.

The European Sales Manager David called me back earlier today and they are only going to give 15% even though I had heard that it could be 30%.

Has anyone been offerred more than 15%

shaksta 2009-11-24 16:05

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by custard (Post 389034)
The European Sales Manager David called me back earlier today and they are only going to give 15% even though I had heard that it could be 30%.

Has anyone been offerred more than 15%

I tried to speak to David but they said he wasn't available, so I just gave up and went for the 15% discount. Let us know if you hear anything about the 30%.

jjx 2009-11-24 18:03

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Short version:

I lost my 30% discount due to the card handling problem, and reluctantly agreed to a new order with 15% discount. I'm fed up with the roller coaster experience; it's worth £70 just to stop having to deal with it.

Customer services gave me a mixed message, at one point telling me I'd keep the original price (yay :D), then later a different representative saying I could not (boo-hoo :(). It's like a microcosmic version of the same emotional roller coaster, packing the same highs and lows of the past month into a single call...

I checked if that would affect delivery timing and was told they have enough stock now, so that queuing position isn't an issue.


Oh, wtf! I've just checked the new order they just made for me, and they messed that up too. The new one has standard (slow) delivery, which I did not agree to.

Therefore I'm going to call tomorrow morning to cancel the new order.

I'll probably go ahead and make a fourth(!) order tomorrow morning. But there is no guarantee they'll honour even the last price if I do that - others have posted to say amending the delivery type on an existing order isn't possible.

Sigh, Nokia, your sales service is really screwing up.

I'm a big fan of open devices, and there's no competition yet.

But this surprisingly large number of glitches and disappointments are giving me plenty of time to decide if I really need a very expensive phone right now. After all it comes with a fair number of bugs and despite the excitement, it's just a little computer-phone, not the ultimate fantasy device. I might be better off waiting for a cheaper, better, faster, smaller alternative to come out - from anyone - which surely will happen within a year.

In a nutshell, all these sales problems are giving me reason to wonder if the hype and excitement over the device itself will turn out to be disappointing too.

Longer story:

My order was cancelled due to "card declined", like everyone else getting this unpleasant surprise.

I just spoke with Customer Services (0845 0455555), explained the situation and that many people are in the same boat.

I spoke to a very nice lady who told me they cannot revive the "cancelled" order, but they can create a new one and will keep my 30% discount because I had placed the original order by phone. All I had to do was be transferred to Sales, and create a new order.

At this point I'm a happy customer again :D

So then I was transferred to Sales, and spoke to Chris. (I'm wondering if that's his real name, because everyone seems to be speaking to Chris ;-)

He told me that I cannot keep the 30% discount.

:( :( :mad: :(

He said that it is not Nokia's fault that my card with many others were declined. He said he can offer a 15% discount, that's been agreed with their supervisors due to this issue, and if I'd called this morning I would not even be offered that.

He agreed it's unusual that so many people are affected, but still said it's Mastercard's fault not Nokia's fault, so tough. I can't have it at the price originally agreed.

I'm thinking if they had to have a special meeting with supervisers to establish a discount just because of the number of card problems with this specific issue, it clearly has something to do with Nokia's card handling or submission processes, and frankly the company can afford to honour their originally agreed prices - after all they did agree to them, by telephone in some cases (mine included)!

I'm also thinking this is like going to a market where you haggle for a bit, agree a price and shake hands, hand over your card, they bag up the goods, you're all excited at the shiny new thing you've bought and glad the negotiating is over. Then just as they hand you the machine to enter your card PIN, and they know you're emotionally invested in the purchase, they say "Changed mind. You can have it for £70 higher, take it or leave it". That's a serious merchanting faux pas. When a price is agreed, that's what you stick to unless you have a real problem with it - which Nokia does not.

I think the fault in customer service at this point is they should have agreed to keep the customer's original discount price, or something close to it, whatever it was for each customer.

The theory that 30% discounts were an unintended glitch doesn't make sense after they have already gone to the effort to phone customers before (3 weeks ago) and create phone orders with a 30% discount, their operators knowing full well what they were doing at the time.

Anyways, I decided that I'm fed up with this emotional roller coaster, and agreed to pay £70 more than previously agreed for my phone. That is, I accepted the 15% offer, which I'm sure they think is a generous concession but doesn't feel like one under the circumstances.

Before saying yes I asked about place in the queue, as I'm not interested in waiting another month, or indeed another few weeks. Chris told me that's not an issue now, as they have enough stock, so then I said yes.

Btw, I asked if he's able to confirm the transaction going through this time. He said no, it still takes time, but he does not expect a problem as I've called the card company and told them the last one (which was declined) should not have been declined.

After ending the call, I looked online to find my new order has the slow delivery option, while the original (which I thought was being duplicated) had express delivery.

If Chris had told me the new price I was paying on my card, I would have known and immediately pointed it out. (I thought that it was mandatory for the seller to quote the price before placing a card transaction? That didn't happen...)

Ordinarily that wouldn't be the end of the world, but you know, after waiting >1 month for delivery and people talking about delivery dates in December and January at this point, unexpectedly getting converted to the slow delivery option is worrying.

So I'm going to call them again tomorrow morning, to find out if the delivery option can be changed (fixed), and if it cannot, if they recreate the order what will happen to the price this time...

pr0xyfl00d3r 2009-11-24 18:18

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Just make me so god dam mad that they can't just hold the orders and wait for the customer to sort the card out!!! its crazy

pr0xyfl00d3r 2009-11-24 18:18

Re: cancelled my order - UK
ps anyone know when we should see any movement for our reorders?

pr0xyfl00d3r 2009-11-24 18:20

Re: cancelled my order - UK
and how many known peeps has this prob now?

cgarvie 2009-11-24 18:22

Re: cancelled my order - UK
well it looks like im out of the Game. I did some hard maths last night, and reconded i could afford, it with a 25% discount , ok not the 45% i could have been lucky to get if mastercard hadnt refused. but i could affort it.

After speaking to them today, its looking like the 15% is all were gonna see and i can even take that to a cash back site to make it up to the 25%.

So so long, its almost been fun hanging round the forums waiting and i had looked like it would have been fun to dig deeper into the phone with all the peeps here.

maybe i'll manage it when other contract deals appear. but there all to steep for me just now.

ae0n 2009-11-24 18:25

Re: cancelled my order - UK
Wow jjx, that certainly is appalling service on Nokia's part. It really does take a toll on you, when realising in retrospect, the weeks/months we've been drooling and hyping up over the phone (in addition to being fortunate enough to obtain it, legitimately for a significantly lower price - for some of us) - only to have this BS happen to us unfortunate few.

I decided not to immediately re-order it yesterday with hopes of a better turn of events with this crappy issue today, and yup, low-and-behold, we can at least get the 15%. So I guess I can take solace in that.

jimcon 2009-11-24 18:31

Re: cancelled my order - UK
First time ive bought from nokia , what a complete balls up ,bad enough the lack of info as release date thought id done well with 30% off booking on 20/11 then the waiting. then finally the email saying its been rejected.and the back of the queue again could be another 3 to 4 weeks according to the new email so why have i paid for express delivery.

cgarvie 2009-11-24 18:35

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by jimcon (Post 389467)
First time ive bought from nokia , what a complete balls up ,bad enough the lack of info as release date thought id done well with 30% off booking on 20/11 then the waiting. then finally the email saying its been rejected.and the back of the queue again could be another 3 to 4 weeks according to the new email so why have i paid for express delivery.

another 3-4 weeks. SO that means that if card hadnt been bounced they didnt have enough phones to fufill the pre-orders?

shaksta 2009-11-24 18:45

Re: cancelled my order - UK
I reordered using the 15% discount code. But I was told to ignore the 3-4 weeks bit cos they had them in stock and should process them tomorrow.

Venomrush 2009-11-24 18:46

Re: cancelled my order - UK
You won't have to wait for 3-4 weeks.
That's the standard email they sent out to all N900 orders.

They confirmed they have plenty in stock.
If you order now, you'll get it next week.

You can't go through cashback because it has to be done over the phone for the 15% discount

jjx 2009-11-24 18:47

Re: cancelled my order - UK
When making my new new order (via Nokia Customer Services), Chris told me that delivery queue position is no longer an issue as they have sufficient stock.

I don't believe him, of course with all the other nonsense, but that's the official line at the moment.

Update 2009-11-25: Yup, he wasn't telling the truth.

mardibloke 2009-11-24 19:15

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by pr0xyfl00d3r (Post 389430)
and how many known peeps has this prob now?

mardibloke quidco
cgarvie 3 codes
jimus no discounts
ewan 1 code
jimcon 3 codes
daver53 3 codes
jjx 2 codes
open-collar 1 code
custard 3 codes
shaksta 3 codes
hass 2 codes
netweaver 2 codes
derrickj 1 code


jimcon 2009-11-24 20:02

Re: cancelled my order - UK

Originally Posted by shaksta (Post 389532)
I reordered using the 15% discount code. But I was told to ignore the 3-4 weeks bit cos they had them in stock and should process them tomorrow.

Hope your right , just dont know what to believe:mad:

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