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christexaport 2009-12-11 18:19

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by God (Post 422860)
Here are the steps;

Step 1: Maemo flasher-3.5exe > Open it up > type; flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MRO_ARM.bin -f -R

Step 2: it will say "device not found"; plug the usb in the N900 - wait until "Nokia" comes up then proceed to the next step

Step 3: type the next command; flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

Last step: you will see your N900 starting like out of the box.


Thans, God. You never mentioned where you are from or how old you are. Care to tell?

God 2009-12-11 21:30

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 423290)
Thans, God. You never mentioned where you are from or how old you are. Care to tell?

Swiss - 21

christexaport 2009-12-12 16:13

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
there seems to be alot of young talented members aboard. hope some of that brain power translates into ideas to add to the platform.

ninjaboxergirl 2009-12-12 20:08

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Mine is bricked- not a peep out of it now- and even Nokia Care's repair centre can't fix it. What a shambles this has all been. Now I can't get hold of MPD, they ignored my email request for a returns code which Nokia Manchester had instructed me to do- and now I have to wait while Monday to attempt to speak to someone at Nokia Care.

christexaport 2009-12-12 20:39

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by ninjaboxergirl (Post 424753)
Mine is bricked- not a peep out of it now- and even Nokia Care's repair centre can't fix it. What a shambles this has all been. Now I can't get hold of MPD, they ignored my email request for a returns code which Nokia Manchester had instructed me to do- and now I have to wait while Monday to attempt to speak to someone at Nokia Care.

did flashing fail?

ninjaboxergirl 2009-12-13 11:38

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 424789)
did flashing fail?

Yes, so they said

christexaport 2009-12-13 13:19

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
ninjaboxergirl, did yiu try it yourself? SOme of the care centers don't have the proper training to know how, according to a few other posters. I suggest you give it a shot. I'm ready to help if you need a guide.

felbutss 2009-12-13 13:44

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by christexaport (Post 425560)
ninjaboxergirl, did yiu try it yourself? SOme of the care centers don't have the proper training to know how, according to a few other posters. I suggest you give it a shot. I'm ready to help if you need a guide.

mate i went through the same thing. it was all the battery. nokia care centre couldnt even help me. i borrowed my friends 5800 battery fully charged and the flashing worked. make sure u hold 'u' when you plug the cable in. or you can buy a desktop charger from ebay. trust me its 100percent the battery. read my last post on instructions or follow the wiki. make sure you disable your antivirus and firewall.

bsving 2009-12-13 14:33

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by God (Post 422860)
Here are the steps;

Step 1: Maemo flasher-3.5exe > Open it up > type; flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MRO_ARM.bin -f -R

Step 2: it will say "device not found"; plug the usb in the N900 - wait until "Nokia" comes up then proceed to the next step

Step 3: type the next command; flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.42-11_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

Last step: you will see your N900 starting like out of the box.


Done this with Win7. Step 2 wasn't that stright forward. At least on my Asus laptop with Win7, only one out of four USB ports can be used for flashing by the flasher. So step 1 to step 2 is actually a loop over each USB port UNTIL it connects to the N900.

The next time I flash something (probably my N800 for a clean start, and because it doesn't constantly reboot :p ), I will not have to do the loop again.

felbutss 2009-12-13 17:04

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
ye dont use windows 7 for the flashing. easyer on XP

krishna9349 2009-12-13 17:47

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
I wanted to flash my n900 in windows 7x64 with flasher tool v3.5. I used all the command lines as mentioned in the flashing wiki but always get the same message which iam not sure at all. here is the screen shot...

Please help me. cheers

God 2009-12-13 20:15

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
There's an issue on 64bit, I think.

You'll have to try it on a 32bit, preferably vista/xp.

kake 2009-12-13 23:27

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by krishna9349 (Post 425854)
I wanted to flash my n900 in windows 7x64 with flasher tool v3.5. I used all the command lines as mentioned in the flashing wiki but always get the same message which iam not sure at all. here is the screen shot...

Please help me. cheers

Hi! everything looks ok on your command line BUT!!

that part "...COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin" might be writed wrong. So my guestion to you is, did you write _MR0_? The last one is number ZERO, not LETTER O.

sorry my bad english, hope this helps. But i'm pretty sure thats the problem. Let me know, if this works:)

ZackMorris 2009-12-17 14:04

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
I have had the exact same problem as the OP , I can flash the phone but not the eMMC. As soon as I flash the phone it just goes into the reboot cycle the OP posted. OP did you flash the eMMC and if so how did you get around the issue of it not being able to detect the USB device?

Nathan 2009-12-27 23:00

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
1. The %m error seems to mean it can't find the file to flash; double check you got it spelled properly.

I fixed mine; it was like your ZackMorris -- Switch to RD mode, boot -- let it set for a couple hours charging (while booted); Switch out of RD mode. Should be working.


darkjoker 2010-01-02 03:27

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
just managed to do a eMMc flash on windows 7 x64 :) was worried for a second because lots of people say it dosent work on wndows 7 and i dont have acess to xp if anyone needs help just lemme know

Croc 2010-01-02 03:53

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
with win7 x64 did you have enable unsigned drivers mode or do anything extra?

schlomo 2010-01-03 14:59

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
First, thank you to all! Your posts helped to reanimate my bricked N900. (It' was fully bricked no live sign at all)

And now I wan't to give you something back.

I had no second N900 or 5800 to load my akku. So I used a different way.

I pluged my N900 in with the normal power cabel. And I saw the yellow? (i'm not so good in colors) light. than I removed the akku and the light still glowed. than I put the akku in again and the n900 vibrated and started booting. of course it stoped with * (*) * * *. but the light was blinking and the akku become charged. no I used the methods of this thread

on XP and my N900 ist back alive again.

Good luck for all others.

ycann 2010-01-11 18:52

Re: N900 bricked hheellpp

Originally Posted by mikkov (Post 390307)
I have flashed N900 this way:

1. remove battery
2. connect USB cable
3. start flasher-3.5 from command line
4. insert battery
5. flashing starts

I haven't been able to flash in my Windows machine, because USB seems to be totally powered down when nothing is connected and flasher programs thinks that USB port doesn't exist.

The Problem is when i connect the phone it wants to install NOKIA USB ROM DRIVER and fails.....
any idea to solve this????

spinnukur 2010-01-12 01:55

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Having huge problem which no one on freenode chat can help me with.

Nothing is showing up at when holding down the "u" button and plugging in the USB cable. Yes the N900 is fully charged ( I'm not that noobish ), and nothing is happening, except every 20 seconds or so the yellow light comes on and stays yellow, and the vibrating device does a real quick "turning on" signal, Nokia comes up on the screen but no backlight or anything else.

Tried using the flasher, say's it unpacked images then say's "Nothing to Do" then gives lists of flasher options.

WTF do I do next cause no one seems to know what to do and I've followed all steps according to maemo wiki

Thanks, I'm just really emoraging right now cause nothing is working

spinnukur 2010-01-12 02:40

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
So the problem comes down to one thing...getting the phone to go to flash mode via the "u" button which just won't work.

If I can get the phone to do that, then I can reflash it.

felbutss 2010-01-12 06:13

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by spinnukur (Post 465534)
Having huge problem which no one on freenode chat can help me with.

Nothing is showing up at when holding down the "u" button and plugging in the USB cable. Yes the N900 is fully charged ( I'm not that noobish ), and nothing is happening, except every 20 seconds or so the yellow light comes on and stays yellow, and the vibrating device does a real quick "turning on" signal, Nokia comes up on the screen but no backlight or anything else.

Tried using the flasher, say's it unpacked images then say's "Nothing to Do" then gives lists of flasher options.

WTF do I do next cause no one seems to know what to do and I've followed all steps according to maemo wiki

Thanks, I'm just really emoraging right now cause nothing is working

mate i had the same issue. I thought the phone was fully charged but it was not. I recommend you get a fully charged spare battery or get a desktop charger for your n900. trust me 100% its your battery. the phones firmware controls the charging. if the firmware is not there or damaged it will never fully charge, maybe only 0.1% so you might be able to turn it on for a few seconds. It keeps restarting when you try to charge because the firmware is not there or damaged. The exact same thing happened to me. I kept it on charge for 2 days and it still didn’t fully charge, when I tested my battery on another 5800 it was fully dead.

I used a full battery from a 5800 and it worked for me. Trust me use another battery you know for a fact is 100% charged and try again. Thank me when it works :D

if you go back to the start of this thread you will see that i had the same issues as you.

spinnukur 2010-01-12 18:09

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by felbutss (Post 465705)
mate i had the same issue. I thought the phone was fully charged but it was not. I recommend you get a fully charged spare battery or get a desktop charger for your n900. trust me 100% its your battery. the phones firmware controls the charging. if the firmware is not there or damaged it will never fully charge, maybe only 0.1% so you might be able to turn it on for a few seconds. It keeps restarting when you try to charge because the firmware is not there or damaged. The exact same thing happened to me. I kept it on charge for 2 days and it still didn’t fully charge, when I tested my battery on another 5800 it was fully dead.

I used a full battery from a 5800 and it worked for me. Trust me use another battery you know for a fact is 100% charged and try again. Thank me when it works :D

if you go back to the start of this thread you will see that i had the same issues as you.

Thing is I also thought it might have been the battery, that's why I took the battery out of my gf's N900 and replaced it with mine - still same thing, nothing happens.

Blinde 2010-01-12 18:20

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by spinnukur (Post 466793)
Thing is I also thought it might have been the battery, that's why I took the battery out of my gf's N900 and replaced it with mine - still same thing, nothing happens.

Like I said, download flasher-3.5 and use these instructions:

There's many similar topics here which will definitely help you.

Press "U" before you plug it on USB. And you need to press "u" button for about 1-2mins while it's connected. When you let go, the orange led should go on.

spinnukur 2010-01-12 22:46

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by Blinde (Post 466809)
Like I said, download flasher-3.5 and use these instructions:

There's many similar topics here which will definitely help you.

Press "U" before you plug it on USB. And you need to press "u" button for about 1-2mins while it's connected. When you let go, the orange led should go on.

Thanks for the info but maybe you should have read my previous posts, I already know all that stuff and have tried it many times as well as trying to get help from freenode chat room with no success.

wmarone 2010-01-12 22:47

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by spinnukur (Post 467317)
Thanks for the info but maybe you should have read my previous posts, I already know all that stuff and have tried it many times as well as trying to get help from freenode chat room with no success.

Are you holding the U key while you turn the device on, or are you turning the device on then pressing U?

slender 2010-01-12 22:55

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Daa 2010-01-13 10:13

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by marpsoft (Post 411019)
OK Guys. Solution for all that have Vista 64bit OS (or other 64 bit microshit) and cant flash n900 and posible many other devices.
You need to turn on loading of unsigned drivers.
You do it by choosing option in text boot menu (the one that you will get after pushing "F8" key just on start of Windows booting).
You need to choose from text menu "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar (cant exactly write option name because got polish edition of Vista)
If someone can check how its called in english version properly then please write it.

Good luck.
Have a nice day.
And pray for fast firmware update (Bricked 2 times in 1 week).

Thanks marpsoft,
This is called Disable Driver Signature Enforcement

spinnukur 2010-01-13 20:27

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by wmarone (Post 467321)
Are you holding the U key while you turn the device on, or are you turning the device on then pressing U?

Lol, please read my previous post.

@ All:

Fixed the problem late last night. Just doing random things trying to get it to reboot into flash mode I was able to.

Here's the steps I used.

First disabled drivers, made sure I had full battery ( used my gf's N900 battery ), instead of holding down I just kept on pushing it over and over again as I plugged into my computer, usb icon then came up, was able to flash, then did restore of my backup on mem card and bam! Back in business.

slender 2010-01-13 20:35

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
btw. I´m not sure about this but I think that it should be also advised people to (at least with windows) take off all the usb device off except mouse/keyboard, also usb hubs and reboot computer and disable/exit any Nokia software and also Av-software. And after then try the usb flash program with given guides.

This is for me just common sense when dealing with these kind of stuff, but not for everybody and I think that this kind of methods probably at least take away some factors where there can be errors/bugs/compatibility issues.

greygoo 2010-01-13 23:04

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Does anyone know why one is not supposed to reflash the eMMC to a non pre production device? What exactly are the possible issues that might appear or is this only a warning to normal users as it will completely wipe the device? I used an n800 for 2 years now and reflashed it tons of times, so I just want to know if there is a way to reset a device to the shipping state without risk or if there are possible (technical) implications?

leetut 2010-02-03 04:19

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by marpsoft (Post 411019)
OK Guys. Solution for all that have Vista 64bit OS (or other 64 bit microshit) and cant flash n900 and posible many other devices.
You need to turn on loading of unsigned drivers.
You do it by choosing option in text boot menu (the one that you will get after pushing "F8" key just on start of Windows booting).
You need to choose from text menu "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar (cant exactly write option name because got polish edition of Vista)
If someone can check how its called in english version properly then please write it.

Good luck.
Have a nice day.
And pray for fast firmware update (Bricked 2 times in 1 week).

this does not work for me, after pressing f8 during boot up,

1. there is NO option to turn on loading of unsigned drivers
2. there is NO option to "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar

instead i get a box asking me where i want to boot windows from?

does anyone have a 'working' solution for me, im bricked, ive read all the threads back to front for 4 hours, nothing ive read has worked, i just want to flash my phone cos its rebooting over and over again, im using vista 32bit

already tried this:
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

it seemed to be doing something then just stopped, phone is still in bricked mode

Rob1n 2010-02-03 09:43

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 507928)
this does not work for me, after pressing f8 during boot up,

1. there is NO option to turn on loading of unsigned drivers
2. there is NO option to "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar

instead i get a box asking me where i want to boot windows from?

does anyone have a 'working' solution for me, im bricked, ive read all the threads back to front for 4 hours, nothing ive read has worked, i just want to flash my phone cos its rebooting over and over again, im using vista 32bit

already tried this:
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

it seemed to be doing something then just stopped, phone is still in bricked mode

Those instructions won't work because they're for 64-bit Vista. Anyway, it should just work in 32-bit, but I couldn't get it to work even on XP. I ended up booting a linux CD and flashing it from there - you could give that a try.

theansweris41 2010-03-15 07:44

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
what if you flash, but after the regional settings you are right back in an infinite loop?

like this thread.

tirivaenim 2010-04-30 00:36

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
Am wanting to flash on a mac.... I have downloaded and installed Flasher -3.5. I have connected my N900 to my mac and all I have on the N900 screen is the NOKIA logo greyed out and the USB connection icon is also displayed... please help. How do I proceed?

I've managed to get the N900 to show the Orange led light continuously on. 770Flasher-2.0 is asking me for a Firmware Image to flash... what's that?:( I downloaded: "RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin"attachment

Is this the image? But flasher is not seeing this as an image. 770Flasher is seeing the image but saying: "Invalid FIASCO file header" And then it only gives me the option to quit the application...:(

fergusso 2010-05-21 14:08

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
flashing n900 with an xp or vista is a real pain it's a hit and miss trial and error situation. i installed ubuntu os on my computer (i have dual os now xp and ubuntu) and it works like magic! flashing is much better in a linux os than in windows os.

zylor 2010-11-22 19:58

Re: N900 bricked. Help!

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 507928)
this does not work for me, after pressing f8 during boot up,

1. there is NO option to turn on loading of unsigned drivers
2. there is NO option to "Boot without checking for signed drivers" or similar

instead i get a box asking me where i want to boot windows from?

does anyone have a 'working' solution for me, im bricked, ive read all the threads back to front for 4 hours, nothing ive read has worked, i just want to flash my phone cos its rebooting over and over again, im using vista 32bit

already tried this:
flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_2.2009.51-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R

it seemed to be doing something then just stopped, phone is still in bricked mode

Hope this will help!
At least for me worked fine!
I have reinstalled flasher-3.5 after disabling the signed drivers and it works! :D

sevep 2011-02-07 22:21

Re: N900 bricked. Help!
I'm running XP Pro SP3 and have downloaded and installed flasher 3.5, but I cannot find a way of saving the .bin file to the program files as windows "does not recognise the file"

I've tried manually moving the downloaded files to the flasher program folder but that does not work either.

If anyone could assist with how to do this I'd be very grateful :D

RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1.203.1_PR_COMBINED_203_ARM.bin -f -R

EDIT:Thanks to Nathan (see post # 95) I realised an "%m" error meant windows could'nt find the file, this was because the corresponding file in the program folder was named differently to the above. Problem solved and my phone works again :)

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