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stobbsc 2009-12-10 12:27

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by rEv9 (Post 420716)
I use the avatars all the time to scan through large amount of twits to read the ones I really are interested in. I don't go around remembering usernames, I remember their pictures. For me this is a really important feature :)

I'm the same I use pictures more than names

tso 2009-12-10 13:19

Re: witter - a python twitter client
a couple of things on the latest n8x0 release.

the new draggable tweet area seems to have redraw issues, resulting in one having to stop to see what the new entries are. Also, it fails to detect when witter is not full screen, resulting in text going beyond the edge. On top of that, one can drag the area outside of the left and right edge even in full screen, resulting in a lot of extra scrolling if one can't manage to drag in a straight line...

i wonder if one would be better off putting the input area at the bottom, with the different categories up top. As it is right now i keep hitting the friends button when going for the refresh, also having refresh in a corner helped hitting it, thanks to the raised edge the N800 has around the screen ;)

mece 2009-12-10 13:48

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 420705)
mece , I see you mentioned there are auto notifications? How are these reported as I don't get anyone on my device?
Also are their any plans for a widget if there are no notifications?

It's not auto. I meant the notification object. the yellow banner that appear when you tweet. What I suggested was that notifications could appear when you get mentioned. :)


Originally Posted by rEv9
I use the avatars all the time to scan through large amount of twits to read the ones I really are interested in. I don't go around remembering usernames, I remember their pictures. For me this is a really important feature

I agree that it would be useful to have avatars included. Not of highest priority for me though, and definately would have to be optional. A lot more traffic using avatars, especially in search. (avatars in regular timelines would be cached, since it's the same people)

stobbsc 2009-12-10 13:50

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Cool I second, that, I would also like to beable to have the yellow thingy come up when you get mentioned :-) or maybe even select if you want it for mentions direct messages or all.

Nice to pick whcih one

dwould 2009-12-10 18:36

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by tso (Post 420829)
a couple of things on the latest n8x0 release.

the new draggable tweet area seems to have redraw issues, resulting in one having to stop to see what the new entries are. Also, it fails to detect when witter is not full screen, resulting in text going beyond the edge. On top of that, one can drag the area outside of the left and right edge even in full screen, resulting in a lot of extra scrolling if one can't manage to drag in a straight line...

i wonder if one would be better off putting the input area at the bottom, with the different categories up top. As it is right now i keep hitting the friends button when going for the refresh, also having refresh in a corner helped hitting it, thanks to the raised edge the N800 has around the screen ;)

I'm afraid all the issues of the kinetic scrolling on n8*0 will be down to the mokui library. I don't think I get much control. though I confess I've not read up on it. so unless someone can suggest a betterkinetic scroll library the best I can offer is to switch back to a regular scrolled window.

as for layout change. next thing on my hit list is cell renderers and layout changes. we shall see how far I get.

dwould 2009-12-10 18:38

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 420869)
Cool I second, that, I would also like to beable to have the yellow thingy come up when you get mentioned :-) or maybe even select if you want it for mentions direct messages or all.

Nice to pick whcih one

generally, it would be helpful if people could raise feature ideas against the witter garage project. by all means mention them here. but there is a chance I'll read them, like the idea, but forget it by the time I'm thinking about what comes next.

dwould 2009-12-11 20:54

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Whilst garage is down for maintenance and I can't upload the latest version.
I tried to re-arrange a little, and force the buttons into hildonButton-finger style.
I also set a background colour to the cells in the treeview.
I'm not sure it's much better, but opinions are welcome.

I have started to look at custom cell renderers as an option to actually make it look nicer. but the learning curve is pretty steep.

rcadden 2009-12-11 21:04

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 423575)
Whilst garage is down for maintenance and I can't upload the latest version.
I tried to re-arrange a little, and force the buttons into hildonButton-finger style.
I also set a background colour to the cells in the treeview.
I'm not sure it's much better, but opinions are welcome.

I have started to look at custom cell renderers as an option to actually make it look nicer. but the learning curve is pretty steep.

Looks awesome dude, great work!

joeystitch 2009-12-11 22:21

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Great job, dwould! Keep it up!

bdogg64 2009-12-12 01:57

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 423575)
Whilst garage is down for maintenance and I can't upload the latest version.
I tried to re-arrange a little, and force the buttons into hildonButton-finger style.
I also set a background colour to the cells in the treeview.
I'm not sure it's much better, but opinions are welcome.

I have started to look at custom cell renderers as an option to actually make it look nicer. but the learning curve is pretty steep.

Looks cool .. glad you moved the refresh button to the other side

bigbrovar 2009-12-12 04:00

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Does this application supports network proxy? (like will it respect the systemwide proxy settings or does it has it’s own embedded proxy settings? Thanks for doing this and keep up the good work

dwould 2009-12-13 20:37

Re: witter - a python twitter client
ok, so it took quite a bit of reading and learning. and now the 0.1.1-6 is on it's way through the auto-builder.

At long last witter has auto-refresh.

Main timeline, mentions, dm's and public timeline all support auto-refresh, and can be independently set to different intervals.

This update also includes some layout changes, the addition of character counter. some other minor fixes.

There are some problems I've not figured out yet. specifically if you cancel a dialog by clicking outside it, rather than the cancel button, then when you try to come back to the dialog again, it doesn't come up properly. This effects the credentials and the new properties dialogs.
If anyone knows why this happens..I'd love to hear from you.

updates images of the new version can be found at my blog:

At the rate the auto-builder is going, it may be tomorrow morning before 0.1.1-6 is actually availiable in extras-devel

bongkersz 2009-12-14 02:34

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I just installed witter yesterday.

Is anyone having the same problem like mine? I can't seem to use the twitpic function. Every time I tap on it, the app crashed and I need to restart it again. I tried putting comment 1st, then twitpic but same thing happened.

dwould 2009-12-14 08:10

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by bongkersz (Post 426552)
I just installed witter yesterday.

Is anyone having the same problem like mine? I can't seem to use the twitpic function. Every time I tap on it, the app crashed and I need to restart it again. I tried putting comment 1st, then twitpic but same thing happened.

n900 or n8*0?
could you try running witter from the commandline and see what it outputs?
and do you mean when you tap on the menu optin, or when you have selected a picture and tap the twitpic button?

dwould 2009-12-14 17:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client
FYI, witter 0.1.1-7 finally available in extras-devel for n900.

I'll be interested to see if the auto-refresh works ok for people that wanted it.

markusm 2009-12-14 20:27

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Wonder what's wrong - first I couldn't update it, decided to uninstall and re-install. Only that now I can't even find it in the repository anymore :/

EDIT! Found it finally and installed perfectly this time :)

dwould 2009-12-14 20:46

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by markusm (Post 427701)
Wonder what's wrong - first I couldn't update it, decided to uninstall and re-install. Only that now I can't even find it in the repository anymore :/

EDIT! Found it finally and installed perfectly this time :)

if you hit a point when it was still 0.1.1-6 in the repo, then that would have failed to install. otherwise I have no idea why.

Wondering wether to package up my saved searches additions, or to hold off to avoid overloading people with updates

markusm 2009-12-14 21:38

Re: witter - a python twitter client
0.1.1-6 was the one. Made the N900 a bit confused. Update once a day is OK I think - at least in the early stages.

dwould 2009-12-15 09:43

Re: witter - a python twitter client
This morning brings 0.1.1-9 to extras-devel, the most important feature of which is a new logo! courtesy of @mece66.

However it also bring support for multiple searches. In the search view you can enter multiple searches separated by commas in the text field. and a search will retrieve each.
Everytime you refresh it will remove the previous results, so it will only ever show the most recent 20 for each search term.

it will also save these searches, if you flip to another view and back the search items will be repopulated in the box when you come back to the search view. It also saves them between sessions.

To go with this, you can now specifiy a refresh interval for the search view, just like with other views. So you can set your favorite search terms, and select a refresh rate and it will keep updating them.

assuming no major problems found, I may promote this one up to extras-testing. As the next things I can think to work on are likely to take me a while.

twaelti 2009-12-17 14:34

Re: witter - a python twitter client
I believe 1.1.9 is not storing credentials (a filesystem permissions problem? BTW: Better store config things in GConf).

In fact, while the app shows up, I can't see any twitter content. All UI is there and I can do "Set UID/PWD". However, trying to send a Tweet then gives me an error "401, not authorised: check uid/pwd"
After quiting and restarting, UID/PWD still is empty.

(Starting from Terminal shows "store_creds called" after OKing "Set UID/PWD", so this step looks good. Where are the creds currently stored?)

The only thing that work for me is the [search] function (as this is probably anonymous). Still really cool to see all the Japanese and Arab results in their native fonts :-)

markusm 2009-12-17 16:52

Re: witter - a python twitter client
My input on the layout. A kind of compromise from all the previous and would be easy to make user selectable color schemes for.

slate8 2009-12-17 19:44

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Loving the mockups. Would be great to see such twitter beauty on the N900. :)

thp 2009-12-18 09:16

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Testing 0.1.1-9 here, some feedback:
  • Scrolling the list with arrow keys would be nice (currently, the arrow keys switch focus - that's okay too, but but then the view should scroll with the focused item - HildonPannableArea has "scroll_to" and "scroll_to_child" methods for doing this)
  • "Set UID/PWD" could be renamed to "Set login data" or "Authentication setup" or "Login" or something (some people might fear three-character uppercase abbreviations ;))
  • Properties: Use a GtkDialog with one action button (add this using GtkDialog's "add_button" method) "Save" instead of OK and remove the Cancel button (Cancel is clicking outside the dialog)
  • Properties: Instead of having labels and these spin boxes, think about having a HildonPickerButton for selecting values (Click on the clock, "New alarm" and then on "Time" to see what I mean, although you obviously only want one column)
  • "Properties" itself should probably be renamed to "Preferences" or "Settings"
  • What does "Toggle ServiceType do"? (I know now from looking at the window title, but it was not really obvious to me at first) Maybe change it to a HildonPickerButton "ServiceType" that will display a list of possible types (the PickerButton will also show the currently selected value, making the current system state more visible to the user)
  • Related to the service type changes (thanks for supporting, btw!) - what does happen with the login data? Shouldn't the login data be saved per-service and when switching the service (I haven't set up yet) a username/password prompt should pop up?
  • The longpress context menu is still not finger friendly (set the widget name correctly to get the bigger padding)

If you have a bug tracker (request a product on, I can enter these as bug reports if you want to make it easier for you to manage, proritize and merge requests.

The app is getting nicer and nicer with every release, good work!

dwould 2009-12-18 15:06

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
Testing 0.1.1-9 here, some feedback:
  • Scrolling the list with arrow keys would be nice (currently, the arrow keys switch focus - that's okay too, but but then the view should scroll with the focused item - HildonPannableArea has "scroll_to" and "scroll_to_child" methods for doing this)

  • ok good tip, I'll see if I can connect this up

    Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
  • "Set UID/PWD" could be renamed to "Set login data" or "Authentication setup" or "Login" or something (some people might fear three-character uppercase abbreviations ;))

  • fair point, and easy to change

    Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
  • Properties: Use a GtkDialog with one action button (add this using GtkDialog's "add_button" method) "Save" instead of OK and remove the Cancel button (Cancel is clicking outside the dialog)

  • depends on if this will fix my problem...I find that once I've cancelled a dialog by clicking outside, I can no longer open the dialog properly. I have no idea why, it works fine if you hit the cancel button

    Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
  • Properties: Instead of having labels and these spin boxes, think about having a HildonPickerButton for selecting values (Click on the clock, "New alarm" and then on "Time" to see what I mean, although you obviously only want one column)

  • Hmm.. I'll think about it, but the spinner buttons seem faster to me to use than the hildon picker stuff.

    Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
  • "Properties" itself should probably be renamed to "Preferences" or "Settings"

  • I guess preferences is reasonable

    Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
  • What does "Toggle ServiceType do"? (I know now from looking at the window title, but it was not really obvious to me at first) Maybe change it to a HildonPickerButton "ServiceType" that will display a list of possible types (the PickerButton will also show the currently selected value, making the current system state more visible to the user)
  • Related to the service type changes (thanks for supporting, btw!) - what does happen with the login data? Shouldn't the login data be saved per-service and when switching the service (I haven't set up yet) a username/password prompt should pop up?

  • I only included this as a hack to let people try if you can confirm it works then I'll think about integrating this in a nicer way. and actually I may just expose a setting to let people set the rooturl to what ever.
    Yes Ideally auth settings would be saved per service, that's all part of support for multiple accounts which I haven't gotten around to yet.

    Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
  • The longpress context menu is still not finger friendly (set the widget name correctly to get the bigger padding)

I'm not sure what the means.. but I guess if I google I'll find out what setting the widget name correctly involves.

Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
If you have a bug tracker (request a product on, I can enter these as bug reports if you want to make it easier for you to manage, proritize and merge requests.

if you go to then there seems to be the ability to use a bug/feature tracker there. feel free to add these things, and anything else there.

Originally Posted by thp (Post 433103)
The app is getting nicer and nicer with every release, good work!

thank you.

dwould 2009-12-18 15:10

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by markusm (Post 432119)
My input on the layout. A kind of compromise from all the previous and would be easy to make user selectable color schemes for.

interesting ideas... I have a couple of questions...

Where do I get the icons?
how do I set the icons in gtkbuiblder?

how do I get the chars remaining counter *inside* the text entry box? I looked everywhere for info on that, and found nothing, which is why it is currently a label next to the entry box.

I'm actually playing at the moment with a ui which will hide everything except the tweets. And will bring them back if you type anything.
I am hoping to spend this evening investigating gestures, so that you can swipe left/right to switch views.
My plan is to bring the buttons etc back when you switch, then dissapear them again after a few seconds.
I'd love to make the buttons pretty pictures instead of text, but they are they way they are because that's all I've figured out so far.;-)

dwould 2009-12-18 15:17

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 431930)
I believe 1.1.9 is not storing credentials (a filesystem permissions problem? BTW: Better store config things in GConf).

it stores things in a file in /home/user/.witter
so if it has no permission there then it won't store anything
I take it as a good point that I should investigate using GConf instead. don't suppose you can point me to a guide on doing that?

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 431930)
In fact, while the app shows up, I can't see any twitter content. All UI is there and I can do "Set UID/PWD". However, trying to send a Tweet then gives me an error "401, not authorised: check uid/pwd"

the password field for some reason auto-capitalises which sometimes catches people out thinking they've entered details correctly when they have not. I don't know why. I will probably switch to using one of the build it dialogs for obtaining credentials and hope is resolves that issue

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 431930)

After quiting and restarting, UID/PWD still is empty.

(Starting from Terminal shows "store_creds called" after OKing "Set UID/PWD", so this step looks good. Where are the creds currently stored?)

they are base64 encoded in the .witter file.

Originally Posted by twaelti (Post 431930)
The only thing that work for me is the [search] function (as this is probably anonymous). Still really cool to see all the Japanese and Arab results in their native fonts :-)

annoyingly this seems to be something that textRenderer 'just handles' which rendering myself using cairo does not handle. so my current dev version no longer displays international chars. trying to figure out what to do about that.

markusm 2009-12-18 15:28

Re: witter - a python twitter client
You get the icons from me (if you want) as I made them :). I'm happy to help designing the graphics if you so wish. (I'm an Art Director / UI/UX designer by profession.)

I was going to suggest a disappearing UI as using Twitter is mostly reading stuff and less posting - at least usually I think this is the case.

You could just copy the layout concept from the Conversations view. Have a big "Tweet" button on top of the messages that scrolls away with the messages but as soon as the scrolling stops or the user taps the screen the button appears on top of the list again (fixed position). And I also think the writing of the new tweet could be done in a dialogue with only the text box and a button for sending. Clicking outside the dialogue cancels (but you could still remember the text that was written in case the user want's pick up where he/she left.

If you want I could try to do some mockups of different scenarios.

dwould 2009-12-18 15:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by markusm (Post 433462)
You get the icons from me (if you want) as I made them :). I'm happy to help designing the graphics if you so wish. (I'm an Art Director / UI/UX designer by profession.)

I was going to suggest a disappearing UI as using Twitter is mostly reading stuff and less posting - at least usually I think this is the case.

You could just copy the layout concept from the Conversations view. Have a big "Tweet" button on top of the messages that scrolls away with the messages but as soon as the scrolling stops or the user taps the screen the button appears on top of the list again (fixed position). And I also think the writing of the new tweet could be done in a dialogue with only the text box and a button for sending. Clicking outside the dialogue cancels (but you could still remember the text that was written in case the user want's pick up where he/she left.

If you want I could try to do some mockups of different scenarios.

Well if you could send me a package of the icons then I can play with a few ideas.
I'm still loathe to ask people to spend too much time generating things, since I'm still not sure I know how to actually implement a given design. I'm very much bound by what I've figured out so far.

If I can figure out gestures, then that's a start.
I obviously need to figure out more event handling code to be able to detect scrolling and inactivity etc.
With christmas approaching, I'm not sure how much time I'll have to spend on it.

dwould 2009-12-20 19:54

Re: witter - a python twitter client
ok, so once again autobuilder is being painfully slow. however, witter 0.2.0-1 is on it's way to extras-devel.

no, there is still no support for avatars.

the buttons are still text, though I'm hoping the next drop will have icons.

also if you previously relied on non romanised chars being shown. don't update. as this isn't working at the moment.

so what have I spent my time doing?

there is now a custom cell renderer which makes things look a little nicer. but at the moment I'm using cairo to render text and haven't figured out how to make pango render non romanised glyphs, so no chinese/arabic or whatever. sorry.
but it does look nicer.

i've changed colours to match the colours of the other window buttons.

retweet not jus copies a tweet to the entry field so you can do 'old style' retweet.

reply_to put s focus in the entry field at the rightplace.

you can reply from the search view without losing our search terms

there are now 'gestures' so you can swipe left or right to change views.

changing views scrolls to the top of the new view. (i wanted to remember position in each view, but I'm not there yet)

scrolling hides all controls to give full space to tweets.
switching views or pressing any key brings controls back.

communications are now encrypted as witter uses https.

that's probably everything. still loads to do, but figured it was worth moving up to 0.2.0 for.
there was a temptation to keep fixing things and tweaking things without releasing and update. but at least this way i get feedback.

yes i know you want avatars. no i haven't decided to add them, the amount of coding, memory usage and the extra network traffic leave me still unconvinced.

twaelti 2009-12-20 21:37

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by dwould (Post 433451)
I take it as a good point that I should investigate using GConf instead. don't suppose you can point me to a guide on doing that?
the password field for some reason auto-capitalises which sometimes catches people out thinking they've entered details correctly when they have not. I don't know why. I will probably switch to using one of the build it dialogs for obtaining credentials and hope is resolves that issue

Indeed: It was a user problem on my side :o. Your password field uppercased the first char in the field and I didn't see that. Perhaps a "Test connection" button might make it clearer.

In mClock, I do the following python code with gconf to load a stored conf variable called timeMode and reset it to the initial value of "maxi" if the read value is invalid.


global timeMode
 conf_client = gconf.client_get_default()
 conf_client.add_dir("/apps/", gconf.CLIENT_PRELOAD_NONE)
 timeModeStored = conf_client.get_string("/apps/")
 if(timeModeStored!="maxi" and timeModeStored!="mini"):
  conf_client.set_string("/apps/", "maxi")
  timeModeStored = "maxi"

Thanks again for witter, it's great!

bdogg64 2009-12-22 15:12

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Are there any plans to move the refresh and tweet into threads so it doesnt lock up the UI?

I think the swiping is good, but inconsistent. Sometimes when I swipe then refresh it just hides everything.

Can you add a url shortener?

Some vibration for new tweets, dms, and messages would be nice. It would be good to only vibrate or notify if something has been added since the last time.


dwould 2009-12-22 18:39

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by bdogg64 (Post 437616)
Are there any plans to move the refresh and tweet into threads so it doesnt lock up the UI?

good point, simply hadn't thought to rewire the buttons so will probably do so for next update

Originally Posted by bdogg64 (Post 437616)
I think the swiping is good, but inconsistent. Sometimes when I swipe then refresh it just hides everything.

refresh always hides controls at the moment. though that was just a hangover from before a figured out hiding on vertical scroll. so i could probably remove that now.

Originally Posted by bdogg64 (Post 437616)

Can you add a url shortener?

maybe at somepoint, but it's quiet far down the todo list.

Originally Posted by bdogg64 (Post 437616)

Some vibration for new tweets, dms, and messages would be nice. It would be good to only vibrate or notify if something has been added since the last time.


i figured buzzing would be annoying for twitter. but if you want to tell me how to cause such a notification event i can add it.
it already only notifies when there are new things in timeline/dm/mention. it should show a count of how many new items.

dwould 2009-12-23 20:13

Re: witter - a python twitter client
0.2.0-2 is on it's way to extras-devel.
I've fixed international character renderering and put any request to refresh onto background threads.
At the moment this means that there is no busy indicator when refresh is happening, but also that the UI doesn't lock up whilst you are refreshing a feed.

dwould 2009-12-24 20:30

Re: witter - a python twitter client
0.2.0-3 with a couple of minor tweaks now promoted to extras-testing.
may not update again for a week or two given the christmas period.

evil_m0nkey 2009-12-28 00:49

Re: witter - a python twitter client
i changed my twitter user id and i can't seem to log in anymore using witter.

i hate mauku and i miss using witter.

anyidea what I should do now guys??

dwould 2009-12-29 13:25

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by evil_m0nkey (Post 443411)
i changed my twitter user id and i can't seem to log in anymore using witter.

i hate mauku and i miss using witter.

anyidea what I should do now guys??

i responded to same question on my blog. did you get any further?

geneven 2009-12-29 14:17

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Witter is working well for me. I don't think I saw a way to save searches.

The initial cap in the name field was a pain for a few moments.

But it's a nice program.

dwould 2009-12-29 14:43

Re: witter - a python twitter client

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 445178)
Witter is working well for me. I don't think I saw a way to save searches.

The initial cap in the name field was a pain for a few moments.

But it's a nice program.

saving searches just means witter remembers your search terms. if you move to a different view and back to search your search terms will appear again. if you close witter and re-open it should keep your search terms too.

also if you reply-to something you found in a search, it should restore your serch terms after you tweeted your reply.

tso 2009-12-30 01:48

Re: witter - a python twitter client
anyone willing and able to maintain the n8x0 version?

superhyper 2009-12-30 07:49

Re: witter - a python twitter client
Just thought i'd chime in and say Witter is a great app Mister Would! Thanks for all your hard work!

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