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Soppa 2010-12-21 17:33

Re: N900 RSS reader
Indeed deleting the configuration files did the trick. It's now working again, fortunately I didn't have many feeds, so I just added them manually and now it's working again with the exact same feeds. Thanks a lot!

matimilko 2011-01-05 13:31

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 899659)
Your best bet is to delete the config folder:


In this folder is feeds.opml which you can keep as it only contains the list of feeds.

Hello again!
Can anyone help how to delete these files. Actualy how to find folder /home/user...



philh 2011-02-01 21:00

Re: N900 RSS reader
I wonder if anyone could advise. My rss reader (stock N900 one) stopped updating through gprs connection, it only updates via wifi. I'm not talking automatic updates, that stopped working long time ago, now even manual update won't do anything (while on 2G/3G). As soon as it's on wifi it's all working again. Any ideas?

philh 2011-02-16 20:01

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by philh (Post 933649)
I wonder if anyone could advise. My rss reader (stock N900 one) stopped updating through gprs connection, it only updates via wifi. I'm not talking automatic updates, that stopped working long time ago, now even manual update won't do anything (while on 2G/3G). As soon as it's on wifi it's all working again. Any ideas?

Anyone please? I don't want to reflash the whole thing just to get a tiny bit of functionality back. I'll buy you a pint of whatever you're drinking :)

Slocan 2011-02-16 20:52

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by philh (Post 948312)
Anyone please? I don't want to reflash the whole thing just to get a tiny bit of functionality back. I'll buy you a pint of whatever you're drinking :)

If it's only on 2G/3G that it's not working, then I'd probably start looking into proxy settings. I know there were some users of my app reporting some issues with their operator proxy settings (they would be set automatically, but they had to be bypassed to actually get a data connection.).

paulkoan 2011-02-17 02:21

Re: N900 RSS reader

Originally Posted by philh (Post 948312)
Anyone please? I don't want to reflash the whole thing just to get a tiny bit of functionality back. I'll buy you a pint of whatever you're drinking :)

I am drinking pure molten platinum. It is quite hot but I like it. Let me know when is best for you to give me a pint.

If I were you I would copy feedlist.opml out of /home/user/.osso_rss_feed_reader and then delete the folder entirely. Issue a "killall osso_rss_feed_reader" beforehand.

Then copy feedlist.opml back in and start rss again.

OMOIKANE 2012-07-11 23:50

Re: N900 RSS reader
After starting link in the RSS, link opens in Microb.
After closing browser and return to the RSS, on the top I see "RSS - resuming". But after that, instead of resuming, main page of RSS is loaded and i need to look where it left off. How to fix?
#sorry about broken english.

endsormeans 2016-01-23 07:36

Re: N900 RSS reader
Since tweed suit is pretty much kaput...
and even then...
tweed was a prog. ...not a widget...
which got me thinking...

I don't think there is an onscreen widget with auto-scroll-looping and updating rss feed ...for the n900
please correct me if I'm wrong and point me to one that does work...

'cause at the n8x0's rss reader is excelling at feeding me news and it is happening...
outdoing the n900...
Say it ain't so...

sixwheeledbeast 2016-01-23 12:06

Re: N900 RSS reader
cuteNews seems to be a good alternative RSS reader at the moment.

endsormeans 2016-01-23 22:24

Re: N900 RSS reader
love cutenews...
but it just doesn't have that automated scrolling I love in the rss feed reader on the n8x0...
news just rolls along updating itself and I just enjoy reading the headlines as it rolls ..while I'm doing other very very very important (wellll...actually not "very very very" ...more like ...just "very"... :D) work...
here is a great clip....
in it .. if the viewer notes...
the rss reader scrolling away all on it's own...
that is I think...the one tiny (but sooooo nice) thing missing from otherwise perfect n900 rss readers ...

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