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Re: calls not received
Re: calls not received
Anyone can confirm if this is a limitation of network or N900?
Re: calls not received
Re: calls not received
people dont complain because they might be on 3G or they dont know. not everyone who calls you is going to ask why you dont answer. when this happens, the person that calls you will get the ringing tone like normal -- the only thing is, you don't get an alert that someone is calling, so its like you ignore the call and dont pick up. im going to guess its a n900 problem because it happens sometimes, not all the time.
Re: calls not received
I am seeing the same thing... I was wondering why i never hear the phone ring, but i just keep getting messages...
I am running 2G, on Tmobile and i rarely if ever surf the net... I thought it was just me.... |
Re: calls not received
I've just tried this. Switched too 2G, opened up a image and resource heavy website, tried calling and all I got was "this number is unavailable."
This could prove annoying in areas with limited signal and being connected too a service transferring data all the time! I'm on T-Mobile UK. Tried it with 3G, and it worked fine whilst loading the same website. Do you think it's possible monitor for calls, and cut out data to allow the call to come through? |
Re: calls not received
From http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=36774&page=5
Re: calls not received
I found this post via google:
http://www.3g.co.uk/3GForum/showpost...41&postcount=1 It's posted about the iPhone, but shows that it's a network limitation. Edit: got beaten to the explanation! |
Re: calls not received
and my N900... yessir, no ATT 3G for us... ill be switching to tmobile in a few weeks anyhow :P |
Re: calls not received
Would be useful if we could find a way to enable engineering test mode on n900 to see what network type is in use in different countries/places.
Re: calls not received
I have T-Mobile 3G but still encountered this problem. I must say, only one person complained about this but I am curious as to whether it is related to the phone itself or the network.
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Here in Venezuela i have the same problem when connected to an EGPRS Network of an 850/1900 MHz Operator. If i am downloading data using an GPRS or EDGE connection, the incoming calls are forwarded to the voice mail. If i use a simcard of another operator in 900 Mhz band, the problem doesn't appears when i use their EGPRS network. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
I agree that I often don't get calls on N900 that get through when I use my E71. It applies to more than using data, I think, but is particularly noticeable with data use. I'm on Orange in UK. The N900 is also terrible at notifying me of missed calls too but I'm starting to like it that way! |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
There was a post about this awhile back, and I tested it out.
I connected to 2G, and went to a resource heavy site, then tried calling me, and couldn't get through. This is on T-Mobile UK. Be great to fix this problem, as 3G signal isn't great in my area and sometimes drops into 2G. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Shouldn't we submit a bug report then?
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
I could be wrong but I think there is no 2g phone that allows for you to simultaneously have voice and data at the same time. When I am on an edge or gprs connection my connction stops when I have incoming calls. When I make outgoing calls I cannot use data at the same time-on N900. It might just be a limitation of those particular protocols. It happened also when I had a n95 8gb on a 2g connection.
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
However, I think the problem being complained of is that while the N900 is using data via GPRS or EDGE and the call comes in, the device does not automatically disconnect from the data connection and handle the phone call. I've only used iPhone 2G with data enabled and whenever I'm using EDGE and somebody calls, the data connection drops to allow the phone to handle voice. I haven't experienced this with my N900, so I can't tell whether this affects all devices. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
In my experience this depends on the network. I haven't tested with the N900, but with several other Nokia phones downloading stuff on GPRS on Operator A blocks incoming SMS and Calls, while downloading, with the exact same phone, on Operator B's network does not block incoming SMS and Calls.
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Hello guys,
I have same problem with my N900. There are posts that it is depending of the mobile operator, class A product, etc. I have not any problems with my previous mobile - E90. In the same network I can use both calls and EDGE/GPRS data transfer. So I think it is a software connected, but not hardware, because N900 has better hardware than E90. Can we push Nokia to make it happened - simultaneously EDGE data and calls? Regards. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
This is the previous post:
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=45154 Information I found via Google http://www.3g.co.uk/3GForum/showpost...41&postcount=1 Another post that could be of interest: http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=36774 |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
FWIW I tested this (Vodafone UK) this morning by starting a call on speakerphone from n900 to my landline, leaving it open, and then kicking off a remote control session (rDesktop) on n900 over a 2G connection (5 bars).
The voice call continued with good quality & without any glitches, but the RDP session was slower to establish than normal, and sluggish once connected - fair enough, you can't get a quart from a pint pot as they say. Ending the call didn't appear to significantly speed up the RDP, but that may be me being too subjective as I'd expected an noticeable improvement. I then repeated by starting the RDP session and calling the mobile form the landline - did this twice, both times Igot the call presented on top of the (full screen) RDP session, first time I acceted thecal, waited a bit then disconnected . Second time, I rejected the call. Both times the RDP session remained live after hangup So, Voda UK is definitely able to cope with simultaneous voice/data on 2G, and the n900 is not to blame if your cellco doesn't allow this. edit - just saw above post linking to old thread about phantom calls - this is a separate issue, where the phone loses it's cell connection entirely & needs a reboot to fix it. AFAIK it is unrelated to the issue in this thread (where the phone will automatically begin to take calls again once the GPRS goes idle). esit #2 - just a thought, rDesktop is a pretty lightweight protocol, so the above test may not be fully conclusive. So, I swapped the RDP for a download of a 2MB .pdf from a website, and repeated the tests. Again, incoming calls were always presented, and I watched the .pdf download progressing (via file manager) while I was still on the call to myself (I could see the doc filesize increasing in real time). So, Voda UK deffo "multi-tasks" voice & data admirably well under a variety of circumstances. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
yes the problem can reside with operators.. but the issue is that its not happening in case of N900 only.. my N85 previously was working just fine (giving priority to cellular connections over data connections).. N900 not doing the same :(
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
It's really annoying especially with this crappy battery that n900 have. I had a lot of phone mostly nokia that had a setting that was called "call waiting" witch applies also for data services. Last phone was nokia e51 and it was switched on a 2g. I had an application that was sync my mail in real time an a messenger app also in real time. I never had any problem with receiving calls on that phone. Really if there's anyone who can make something for solving this problem, please DO. Can someone make a bug report and asking for a call waiting also available for data services? I could do it but i don't know how... I really can't stand it anymore, to charge my phone every night and next day around 7 PM is off. regards... |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
im on the network 02 and Im having this problem. After reading this thread, it seems that Orange, Tmobile and 02 are affected yet voda isnt? that can't be right surely?
I somehow don't think that this is a network fault. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
well, my phone contract is via Carphone Warehouse, but Voda is the carrier. Maybe I'm just lucky (or there is some flaw in my tests)? Any other voda users care to repeat my test - still (just) time for me to place a big bet on the Brazil-Ireland game if I turn out to be blessed :-)
Re: calls not received
Also - the same thing never happened on my N97, so I think it is phone related. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
On 2G I believe it is network dependent. Within a network it could also be tower dependent. Call volume will change how the tower allocates slots.
Re: calls not received
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
I agree with the folk mentioning the 2G scenario. If you are on 3 or 3.5G then I think you should be okay with receiving and making a call etc. But if you are travelling and your 3G drops to 2G in certain areas due to poor reception then that could be the problem as perhaps the fault lies within the device itself of not being able to disconnect the Edge/Gprs connection for incomming calls etc.
I hope this issue is addressed in the next PR update. Pigro, Have you had any issues whilst connected on a 2G connection? Maybe you should put it to the test so that way we could see if it really is a fault with network or the device, that is if you have the time to do so :-) |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
I too have this problem. I can also state definitively that this is not a network-side error.
My wife and I live in MA, USA and use the AT&T mobile network. We have used the N95-1 (no US 3G), N82 (no US 3G), N97 (3.5G), and 5800xm (3.5G) from this location in the past 1 month. All of these phones are capable of receiving calls while connected (or in processing of connecting) to the AT&T APN wap.cingular (note: this APN is used for all IP communications, despite it erferring to WAP and also it retaining hte name of the network at&t bought a few years back, it is the current and applicable full-network connectivity APN I always use, and even supports IPSEC VPN tunneling). The N900 however is not capable of receiving calls while connected to this APN. Every incoming call is sent directly to voicemail. This appears to be distinctly a device-side fault and I am quite confused by other people reporting that they do not have this symptom. Moreover, there has been at least one report in this forum appearing to claim that simultaneous voice and data was possible on a 2G network - not just that the data connection was dropped or suspended properly, but that simultaneous voice and data was possible. This, to the best of my understanding, is technically impossible and leads me to believe that we are not all testing for this problem in the same, reproducible and accurate, manner. So, to the OP, I feel your pain. I have essentially disabled my packet data entirely, because though I hardly use my phone(s) for voice calls I know that it frustrates the crap out of my family when they try to call me and it goes persistently straight to voicemail. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
I have opened a bug tracker for this issue. If you experience this problem and want it fixed, vote for it here:
GPRS/EDGE data connection prohibits incoming voice calls |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
This problem (maybe a bug) is definitely not "REPRODUCIBILITY:
always; no exceptions" as the bug-report suggests. I'm using 2.5G these days since 3G drains my battery (in about 6 hours), while 2.5G goes for about 24 hours. i'm using skype, jabber, and msn, and i'm constantly connected to 2.5G. when i have an incoming call the phone rings, and the data-connection icon in the status bar is changed (marked with a red crossing line over). when the call ends, data connection resumes.. this of course doesn't happen when i'm connected to 3G then the data connection remains. my cellphone operator is Cellcom / Israel. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
I'm definately seeing this issue and now understand why some people called me and said my phone was off/busy when I definatelly have full battery + signal.
Thanks for reporting! |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Mine doesn't receive calls whilst watching video but no one seemed to care.:(
http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=45834 |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
Nowadays I'm "offline as it happens" all day (because of crap battery life) so I don't have this problem so much! |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
But again, if we discuss the RECEPTION of voice call while on data - that is a PROVIDER issue. It can temporary disconnect 2G data to call your phone. And I am not surprised if provider does it only for specific phone models (for exam - doesn't like N900), just to avoid some issues with traffic interruption. |
Re: N900 can't receive calls while using GPRS data
2. You can avoid the bug by leaving your phone at Desktop ;) as I can only reproduce it when it's browsing some webpage. |
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