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weirdbeard 2010-06-03 21:52

Re: How bad is the mail client...
Mine will not refresh when I hit send and receive. It will update the time so it looks like it refreshed, but it doesn't check my mail.

My workaround is to open email, tap on account, tap on inbox, let it refresh that, then go back to the account screen and hit send and receive. Sometimes I have to do it again though, but it works almost every time.

Raubtier 2010-06-03 22:01

Re: How bad is the mail client...
@das scglumpfie- if i am online the automatic refresh works as it should do!

@ spanner

Originally Posted by spanner (Post 698346)
It certainly should mean that you're always online. Try this:
1) Close programs
2) Choose "internet connections" -> "Connect Automatically" -> "Always Ask"
3) Disconnect from whatever connection you're on at the moment.
4) Choose "internet connections" -> "Connect Automatically" -> <your_network_cell_provider>
5) At this point, I get connected: I have the circle with 2 arrows appear in my status bar. This means I'm online, even though no program is asking for an internet connection. What happens when you do this?

when i choose settings->connect automatically->my provider - i do not get connected to the internet! what happens is that whenever i go online like for e.g open the webbrowser, refresh the mail client by pressend "send/receive" it goes online and doesnt ask me which connection i want. if i choose settings->connect automatically->always ask, it asks me which connection i want when i open the browser, refresh mail etc.

is my n900 not doing what it is supposed to do or yours/ his? would be nice to hear a third person give feedback


Originally Posted by spanner (Post 698346)
I don't use omweather, and based on that behaviour I don't want to. If I've disconnected from the internet, I want to stay disconnected until I say otherwise.

but thats exactly what i chose, if you dont want it to refresh simply choose "never" and it wont go online.


Originally Posted by spanner (Post 698346)
Simply: yes they do. What, are you billed for your internet by the minute? This was apparently an "always-online" device. For me, the only reason to be offline is battery life. And I usually carry a spare battery.

that exactly is my main concern, dont want to be online 24/7 just for the email client because of the battery performance...i want it to go online receive mail and forward it to me every hour, that makes more sense to me.

update: ok, i think i know whats going on... i set the search interval to never under settings-> internet connections assuming that it was searching for wlan (i have no wlan)! upon changing it to every 5 min it immediately went online...

but if its not searching for wifi, what exactly is it searching for every 5,10, 15 etc. minutes??

weirdbeard 2010-06-03 22:19

Re: How bad is the mail client...
couldn't you just set it up to check once an hour and connect automatically and use the auto disconnect app?

set your search interval to never if you use your cell phones apn to connect and your battery will last a heck of a lot longer.

I noticed my 3g i can leave my 3g internet connection on and my battery lasts all day. That search interval really drains it. Also, skype and any other kept alive connection drains it. I used my battery up in 6 hours before but now i can get it to go 10-12.

Raubtier 2010-06-03 22:26

Re: How bad is the mail client...
i still dont understand whether that search intervall is looking for wifi or not..

if its looking for wifi i am absolutely puzzled, because if i set it to never i am not online after i set the connect automatically to my providers internet connection. if i however choose the interval "every 5 minutes" it automatically goes online (i have no wlan!).

weirdbeard 2010-06-03 22:34

Re: How bad is the mail client...
it means it searches for any connection. Connect automatically will connect to the one you prefer if it is found in the search. It will connect if it finds the connection you choose. If you choose your providers apn you are just wasting your battery.

Do this, search interval never, connect automatically put anything you want I would suggest your provider apn because you will save your battery. Then, download the 2g/3g select app and the auto disconnect app. Leave it on 2g unless you need the 3g speed boost, or manually connect to wifi if you want full speed. You will be amazed how much longer your battery lasts.

Raubtier 2010-06-03 23:09

Re: How bad is the mail client...
but the problem is that as soon as i set the search to "never" that i dont have an automatic internet connection although i have it set to my provider! it only goes online automatically if i put the search to a certain interval..i can walk around this issue by setting it to a certain interval and pressing save (it goes online then) and then putting it to "never" afterwards, that actually works.

weirdbeard 2010-06-03 23:38

Re: How bad is the mail client...
but if you have it on 2g mode with the search at never it will still stay connected to the internet as long as you connect it. With the search on never your battery will last all day even if you are connected to the internet all day

Raubtier 2010-06-04 00:16

Re: How bad is the mail client...
yes thats what i did! i still dont understand why i have to go through the fuss of puttig the search on a interval, wait till it connects and only then can put it to never...really weird..

i guess this is the only solution for the time being, but it would be much wiser if nokia would grant us the option of it establishing the connection by itself as mentioned earlier, that would save more battery..

thanks for the help!

sxc 2010-06-04 06:40

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by jcompagner (Post 698460)
this whole discussion only makes clear that we should have both behaviours.. as an option
people want different things..

I couldn't agree more. Someone who can express clearly what's required should post it in the brainstorm dedicated to Modest.

FWIW my Modest seems to be more reliable at updating regularly since PR1.2. But I do simply leave the 3G connection open when I'm out & about. I can see that some people may prefer a dialup-on-demand type behaviour...

lorebett 2010-06-04 08:20

Re: How bad is the mail client...
I think this other problem that hit me has not been reported in this thread:

am I the only one that get his email tags spoiled every time the email client access my IMAP folders? :(

el3ctronick 2010-06-04 09:18

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by dcman (Post 428359)
For me, MfE is working OK, perhaps because I have it configured to sync only previous 30 days.

Another IMAP server (actually hosted Exchange) performs horribly. Like many, I just keep all my email in my inbox and use search to organize / find. I tried paring my inbox and sent email (largest folders, had probably 10 years of email in them) to about 300-700 messages and archiving the rest temporarily to test, but the client still crapped out.

Anyone having success against IMAP with any size folders? Or is it a folder size independent problem.

This is why I'm running an E71 in parallel (decent MfE performance and great IMAP client with profimail) and I have faith that Nokia or a 3rd party will address this before long. I'd like to get rid of the E71 and rely on just the N900.

My experience with the N900 has been great, seem more errors of omission than comission. But the email client is an exception. I probably would have been happier if they left it out and promised a decent mail client in a committed to future firmware release.

I've resorted to the browser to do IMAP email.

how can you set it to receive mail from the 30 last days only? can you please explain cause i m trying to do the same thing and i cannot find a way? thanks!

sxc 2010-06-04 11:38

Re: How bad is the mail client...
I don't think there is a way unless you use MfE (this requires Exchange as the server, bare bones IMAP won't do).

Again, I agree that your requirement is sensible. There might be some workarounds too; for example folder-specific subscriptions (solution #7 in the brainstorm) combined with server-side rules to auto-archive older mail might work - you'd retrieve your bulky archives folders only when really required.

But unless you put forward your requirement and vote in the Brainstorm, one thing is for sure, nothing will happen...

das_schlumpfie 2010-06-04 12:06

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 698492)
@das scglumpfie- if i am online the automatic refresh works as it should do!

@ spanner

when i choose settings->connect automatically->my provider - i do not get connected to the internet! what happens is that whenever i go online like for e.g open the webbrowser, refresh the mail client by pressend "send/receive" it goes online and doesnt ask me which connection i want. if i choose settings->connect automatically->always ask, it asks me which connection i want when i open the browser, refresh mail etc.

is my n900 not doing what it is supposed to do or yours/ his? would be nice to hear a third person give feedback

but thats exactly what i chose, if you dont want it to refresh simply choose "never" and it wont go online.

that exactly is my main concern, dont want to be online 24/7 just for the email client because of the battery performance...i want it to go online receive mail and forward it to me every hour, that makes more sense to me.

update: ok, i think i know whats going on... i set the search interval to never under settings-> internet connections assuming that it was searching for wlan (i have no wlan)! upon changing it to every 5 min it immediately went online...

but if its not searching for wifi, what exactly is it searching for every 5,10, 15 etc. minutes??


well sometimes i do get emails notifications, but sometimes i dont...
what the hell is wrong =[

Raubtier 2010-06-04 22:38

Re: How bad is the mail client...
what mail provider do you have?

shanrizvi 2010-06-05 16:44

Re: How bad is the mail client...
People say you should've done your homework before buying the device but should I really have checked if the device has IMAP IDLE for Push E-Mail (something VERY standard for devices these days)?

I really like the device but some things are getting frustrating now. Its nice and some things are understandable but intentionally leaving out a feature like IMAP IDLE just to get people to use Nokia Messaging is kind of deceptive in my opinion.

I used Nokia Messaging but the trial expired. So basically, now I have no way to get Push E-mail for free!

I love the device but honestly, now that I think about it, if I had the money, I would have bought an Android or the iPhone. The browser is excellent but the other devices have a decent argument too: They have applications that fulfill the same purpose and are tailor-made for the devices!

I'm starting to regret spending 550 euros on this brick that can't even handle my e-mail properly! :(

sirloon 2010-06-08 10:09

Re: How bad is the mail client...
Hi guys,

I'm a lucky and recent N900 owner and as many here (and out there) get really frustrated by email client coming with this phone (way too slow, even with last update, unreliable). I tried alternatives like claws, but GUI is barely usable on this tablet.

I've seen some are using mutt. So I've been able to setup my scratchbox and cross-compile mutt with slang/ssl/imap/hcache compilation options. Testing it on my N900 accessing a GMail account with IMAP works good, except I can't read my emails offline, that is when there's no phone carrier/wifi. When network environment is poor, it becomes very slow, barely usable too...

I'm planning to use offlineimap or isync to grab/sync emails from my IMAP account (remote) to a maildir (local) and let mutt points to this maildir. This way I'll be able to read my emails offline as needed.

Before diving into this, is there any recommendations you guys could have ? Any other alternatives ?


slender 2010-06-08 10:17

Re: How bad is the mail client...
This has been mentioned before but it would be nice if itīs possible to port this:

das_schlumpfie 2010-06-08 12:16

Re: How bad is the mail client...
for what its worth, im with you.

Smartphones do more than having a fully functioning and satisfiable email client. let alone a 'pocket computer' .

n900 is somewhat an epic fail, for its price anyway.

NokiaRocks 2010-06-08 12:36

Re: How bad is the mail client...
Just cause of some missing features it's an epic fail ? lol

Raubtier 2010-06-08 12:43

Re: How bad is the mail client...
@schlumpfie- does all your mail get forwarded when you press send/receive?

das_schlumpfie 2010-06-08 13:17

Re: How bad is the mail client...


Raubtier 2010-06-08 13:36

Re: How bad is the mail client...
well there is a known bug where the set refresh intervals are lost..

is the problem

a) that sometimes it refreshes and sometimes it doesnt by itself
b) that even if the automatic refreshing works that not all mails are forwarded

Ali 2010-06-08 14:22

Re: How bad is the mail client...
why is there no option to copy text en paste!
can someone explain please.

slender 2010-06-08 14:25

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by Ali (Post 705427)
why is there no option to copy text en paste!
can someone explain please.

Yes there is. Except that itīs 100% Nokia way (works 50-50 as it should). Press shift and try to mark text what you want to copy (ctrl-c)

sirloon 2010-06-08 15:35

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by slender (Post 705131)
This has been mentioned before but it would be nice if itīs possible to port this:

This sounds great, but also too far from Maemo platform I'd say. More than a port, that would be a complete rewrite, don't you think ? Any attempts ?

In the meantime, I've been able to package mutt, offlineimap and msmtp as deb. I can retreive emails from my gmail account and send emails through this same account. offlineimap syncs between remote IMAP ( and a local maildir, both ways. mutt is used to access this local maildir. msmtp is used to send emails from mutt (couldn't make it work with mutt SMTP config).

Anyway this was quite complicated but at least I seem to have a beginning of reliable email program :) If only Modest Email client could access a maildir instead of mutt, there wouldn't be any sync problem anymore, as offlineimap can handle this and reliably.


Ali 2010-06-08 15:39

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by slender (Post 705430)
Yes there is. Except that itīs 100% Nokia way (works 50-50 as it should). Press shift and try to mark text what you want to copy (ctrl-c)

Thank u ;)

das_schlumpfie 2010-06-08 17:15

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by Raubtier (Post 705379)
well there is a known bug where the set refresh intervals are lost..

is the problem

a) that sometimes it refreshes and sometimes it doesnt by itself
b) that even if the automatic refreshing works that not all mails are forwarded

hi, its A .

Raubtier 2010-06-08 17:51

Re: How bad is the mail client...
@schlumpfie- thats the known bug where refresh intervalls are lost..! its been reported already

Behemoth 2010-06-09 20:37

Re: How bad is the mail client...

sorry if I'm in the wrong threat. I'm not sure if I'm right but I found no more appropriate threat.

Since PR1.2 I don't recive any email. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the refreshing intervals or the internetconnection. Because manually refreshing also fails.

I also deleted my Email account and set up a new one, but nothing changed.

My settings are
imap (gmx - german provider)
internet connection is allway online
refreshing automatically, with any connection.

Is it possible that it is a problem concerning my email provider like in this bug:

I'm really clueless and appreciate any help!

droll 2010-06-10 03:15

Re: How bad is the mail client...
btw, is the mail client extensible? what about the calender?

i regularly sync with an exchange server at work and the integration is ATROCIOUS to say the least!!!

if these clients are extensible, it may be possible to write plugins to fix some of the shortcomings because writing a complete email client isn't a trivial task.

lorebett 2010-06-18 10:00

Re: How bad is the mail client...
I've just started to use claws mail (which is in the extra devel repository) which I was used to in my previous n800.

anyone knows when it will be in the official repositories.

Can it be connected to the n900 contatcts?

thanks in advance

Helmuth 2010-06-18 16:16

Re: How bad is the mail client...
I miss the possibility to sort mails since PR1.2 - anyone else?
Then please vote for this Bug Report: #10332

aarfb 2010-06-18 21:20

Re: How bad is the mail client...
Has anyone found anything to help with modest and it's incessant CPU usage and very slow responsiveness?

Mine constantly uses 100% CPU for long periods of time (a minute or more) since installing 1.2, and my battery can hardly last a few hours because of it.

I run Conky and see modest at the top of the list constantly. I have one MFE account, one IMAP account (gmail), and one POP account.

Here's a Conky screenhot showing the trend:

Any ideas? Seems like no real answers have been found yet but thought I'd add to the list :cool:

edanto 2010-06-19 08:01

Re: How bad is the mail client...
I have the same problem. It's driving me up the walls. For such a slick phone, amazing hardware, to be so LIMITED when it comes to email is frankly shocking.

I firmly believe that this flaw will be the death of the N900. There is no way I can recommend this phone to people because of the atrocious email client. Previous to 1.2 I was telling people, "there's an update coming, it might be alright", now I'm just honest with them, "this phone can't handle email properly, stay away from it".

I wish I didn't have to say, but there's no way I'm going to recommend something this brutal.

And the frustrating thing is that there seems to be NOTHING that we, as a community, can do. The frustration of impotence!

dymaxion 2010-06-19 12:21

Re: How bad is the mail client...
FYI - I have the same problem. Every now and again I see Modest gobbling up massive amounts of CPU. grrrrr

sxc 2010-06-19 12:29

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by edanto (Post 721374)
I have the same problem. It's driving me up the walls. For such a slick phone, amazing hardware, to be so LIMITED when it comes to email is frankly shocking.
And the frustrating thing is that there seems to be NOTHING that we, as a community, can do. The frustration of impotence!

I share your frustration edanto...

Just about the only thing the community can do to get Nokia out of its complacent ivory tower and take notice is to vote for bugs and suggest solutions to shortcomings in brainstorms. This one here is dedicated to "Modest".

edanto 2010-06-24 00:35

Re: How bad is the mail client...

I posted a solution on that brainstorm a few months back but it still only has 26 votes. Not the overwhelming response I was hoping for!

edanto 2010-06-28 12:37

Re: How bad is the mail client...
Is there any way that we could get in touch with the developers of the mail client to ask them about improving it?!

theonelaw 2010-10-31 07:35

Re: How bad is the mail client...
Anyone notice the vast improvements in the email client [modest] following the recent upgrade to PR 1.3 ?

sophocha 2010-10-31 07:57

Re: How bad is the mail client...

Originally Posted by theonelaw (Post 858176)
Anyone notice the vast improvements in the email client [modest] following the recent upgrade to PR 1.3 ?

It`s faster now....but still 'mark all as read' doesn`t exist!:mad:

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