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cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 20:45

Re: QStarDict
Ok I am still struggling to untar this. I enabled the repository and could see an app called zip3 which handles .bz2, so I installed it. When I type in zip3 qstardict-0.13.1.tar.bz2 | tar xv in xterm it just says zip3 not found.

Do I have to run it from a specific directory or am I using an incorrect command. I am a windows user so apologies for my lack of knowledge. 2010-02-02 20:49

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 507462)
Ok I am still struggling to untar this. I enabled the repository and could see an app called zip3 which handles .bz2, so I installed it. When I type in zip3 qstardict-0.13.1.tar.bz2 | tar xv in xterm it just says zip3 not found.

Do I have to run it from a specific directory or am I using an incorrect command. I am a windows user so apologies for my lack of knowledge.

Same for me. strange problem! :confused:
I advice you in the meanwhile we solve this new problem, uncompress it with your pc

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 21:24

Re: QStarDict
ok I have now installed KUBUNTU. What do I untar a dictionary file with? I tried ark and copied the extracted files to the N900 but it is still not detecting a dictionary. 2010-02-02 22:29

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 507537)
ok I have now installed KUBUNTU. What do I untar a dictionary file with? I tried ark and copied the extracted files to the N900 but it is still not detecting a dictionary.

ok. regard uncompress ubuntu program I use file roller (as default sw in ubuntu).
regard not detecting, try this:
mkdir /home/user/.stardict/dic/
copy inside dic/ your dictionaries
after did it launch qstardict, tap on the top of the screen (on QStarDict) and select your dictionary desired in menu/configure -> dictionaries
It'll works!
otherwise write here again!

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 22:47

Re: QStarDict
What files should I have when a dictionary is extracted? 2010-02-02 22:53

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 507654)
What files should I have when a dictionary is extracted?

for example:
from stardict-comn_sdict05_bulg_syn-2.4.2.tar.bz2
after uncompressed it do you have these 3 files:
in this folder: stardict-comn_sdict05_bulg_syn-2.4.2
well, you have to copy the folder with these 3 files inside in /home/user/.stardict/dic/

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 22:57

Re: QStarDict
ok, I can see those files when I extract. How do I copy them to the correct folder. Do I do that from xterminal? 2010-02-02 22:58

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 507664)
ok, I can see those files when I extract. How do I copy them to the correct folder. Do I do that from xterminal?

xterminal or your PC with N900 cable-connected

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 23:01

Re: QStarDict
I can't see the .stardict directory when the N900 is connected. Where is it located? I can see the .stardict directory in xterminal but not when the N900 is connected and I try through file manager 2010-02-02 23:28

Re: QStarDict
ok. easiest way: connect your n900 to your pc.
after that copy dictionaries in documents folder. after that, disconnect n900 from pc and use xterminal to move it in .stardict/dic
if you don't know the commands:
open xterminal
cd MyDocs/.documents (don't forget "M" and "D" capitals, in linux is different from "m" small unlike from windows)
when you are inside .documents directory type:
mv "name of dictionary folder" /home/user/.stardict/dic

eg: mv stardict-bulg_syn-2.4.2 /home/user/.stardict/dic

(if you know linux terminals you can use the tab on the screen to autocomplete commands, namefiles...)

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 23:33

Re: QStarDict
ok just tried this

/home/user/MyDocs/dic # ls
/home/user/MyDocs/dic # mv dic /home/user/.stardict/dic
mv: cannot rename 'dic': No such file or directory
/home/user/MyDocs/dic #

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 23:42

Re: QStarDict
Got it!!! - Hoorah!

cardiff-blues 2010-02-02 23:43

Re: QStarDict
Thanks for all your help I was almost ready to give up. 2010-02-03 00:21

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 507719)
Thanks for all your help I was almost ready to give up.

I'm very happy for you :))
enjoy it!!

soleil 2010-02-03 06:08

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by (Post 507453)
choose the dict you want here:
uncompress and copy it in /home/user/.qstardict/dict
after did it launch qstardict, tap on the top of the screen and select it in menu/configure -> dictionaries
(check .qstardict with "s" because in your post you forgot it! do you forgot also in your n900?)

I did exactely what you say but in the me nu dictionnaries I didn't see any dict . I copied my dict with SSH and Tunnelier so I didn't forget "s" . I have 3 files ob my dict folder : .dz , .idx and .ifo

CCD 2010-02-03 06:43

Re: QStarDict
Here is a Newbie Version I made.
How To Setup "QStarDict 0.13.2 on N900"

Tell me is it helpful.

soleil 2010-02-03 08:01

Re: QStarDict
Thank it works now but i have new problem . Qtardict can't display vietnames character . I tried to chang the font to Droid but it doesn't work . Droid font + fbreader works with vietnamese character .
how can I set encoding to UTF-8 ?

cardiff-blues 2010-02-03 12:14

Re: QStarDict
in the dictionary setup. What does it mean if you have an 0 in front of it? I have another dictionary with a V in front of it and that's the only one i can use at the moment.

any ideas?

quangmach 2010-02-03 12:20

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 508069)
Thank it works now but i have new problem . Qtardict can't display vietnames character . I tried to chang the font to Droid but it doesn't work . Droid font + fbreader works with vietnamese character .
how can I set encoding to UTF-8 ?

vietnamese characters are showed fine in mine =]
moreover,i just got new update from repository,the menu works fine now...i can change configurations like i did before

alef 2010-02-05 05:57

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by quangmach (Post 508437)
vietnamese characters are showed fine in mine =]
moreover,i just got new update from repository,the menu works fine now...i can change configurations like i did before

I have the same problem with Czech characters - actually there are two different problems:
  1. Some characters are not displayed (I tried several available sans fonts - Droid, Nokia, Sans Serif). Particularly 'ě' (e with caron), 'í' (i with acute), 'č' (c with caron) are ok, but 'š' (s with caron) or 'ž' (z with caron) are displayed like boxes only.
  2. but what is more important - none of the accetented characters can be entered in the search box. I have the Czech keyboard with accents and in other applications they work ok. Searching of accented words without accents also does not work (like it does work e.g. in the Contact list), so there is no way to search accented words except "by chance" :(


@SR 2010-02-06 13:48

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by soleil (Post 508069)
Thank it works now but i have new problem . Qtardict can't display vietnames character . I tried to chang the font to Droid but it doesn't work . Droid font + fbreader works with vietnamese character .
how can I set encoding to UTF-8 ?

Can you provide a link to the dictionary which has the problem so I could test it?


Originally Posted by cardiff-blues (Post 508426)
in the dictionary setup. What does it mean if you have an 0 in front of it? I have another dictionary with a V in front of it and that's the only one i can use at the moment.

any ideas?

O means that the dictionary or the plugin is disabled. V means it is enabled. Click on the dot near O/V to switch enabled/disabled state (it's a new Qt bug in check boxes style so I've added the text to show the state).
So that's why only the dictionary with V in front of it is working.

soleil 2010-02-06 15:38

Re: QStarDict
I used this english-vietnamese dictionary I downloaded from XDXF :
Vietnamese character dont show corectly with this .
But I found another english-vietnamse dictionary here :
And it works fine .
Thank for your hard work 2010-02-07 15:20

Re: QStarDict
how can I make donation for this amazing project?

Zidust 2010-02-13 19:22

Re: QStarDict
Great application :). When you have got this one to work it is much better then the one I used on 5800.

My question. Which eng-eng dictionary is your favorite one? The one I'm using cover about 170000 words I believe. It was the largest eng-eng dictionary I could find so I downloaded that one. I like it but if please tell me which one you prefer anyway :).

Farzad_ppd 2010-02-13 22:37

Re: QStarDict
Hi, I've followed the instruction to grab the dictionary database from: ,and I downloaded it into a folder in my documents in my N900. then I went to: QStarDict -> Config -> Plugins -> stardict , and I've added dictionary folders, but from this step its not clear for me what to do? how should I untar the file? and what else should I do?
Thanks in advance for your help

Andy69 2010-02-14 15:11

Re: QStarDict
just follow the instructions here

better to extract the files in pc before moving to n900 documents folder

Zidust 2010-02-14 16:27

Re: QStarDict
a follow up question to my earlier one. Have anyone of you managed to get text to speach to work? Does it only work on a select few of the dictionaries or can all dictionaries get it to work with the right settings? If not, which dictionaries supports this function? eng-eng is the ones i'm looking for.

Farzad_ppd 2010-02-15 05:23

Re: QStarDict

Originally Posted by Andy69 (Post 526023)
just follow the instructions here

better to extract the files in pc before moving to n900 documents folder

I followe the instruction which is very clear, but the problem is: when I want to unpack the downloded dictionary in my computer dictionary file, the created file is empty. the main file is in win.rar but the extracted file is empty.
I have to struggle more to find a solution to properly unpack the rar folder.
thanks for your help andy. 2010-02-16 09:26

Re: QStarDict
@Zidust: with eng-ita and ita-eng dicts espeak works. Just it pronounces italian words in english.

@Farzad_ppd: download dictionary(ies) from here:
it's works. I did it!

fareastcoast 2010-02-16 18:30

Re: QStarDict
I have QStardict on my N900 with some Chinese<->English dictionaries installed. One major problem: I cannot enter Chinese characters using MSCIM/Google Pinyin (Ctrl+space to change input method has no effect, this works in basically everywhere else where text input is possible). I must be missing something, there has to be a way to input Chinese. A plugin? Fonts? Any clues?

Edit: I forgot to say, OS language is set to English. And English->Chinese translation workss fine in QStarDict.

Farzad_ppd 2010-02-18 02:24

Re: QStarDict
Horra, this time dictionary was installed on my Nokia N900
that was great, I did the same process today. wierd but it worked this time.
thanx 2010-02-19 13:18

Re: QStarDict
strange situation: I find the update to QStarDict 0.13.2-3, I downloaded & installed it but when I check again in update I find it again! everytime!

oldpmaguy 2010-02-19 18:44

Re: QStarDict
What extension should the dictionary file be? I have tried many possible file formats, in many possible directiries, and the dictionary refuses to find any of them.

This is very frustrating, could the instructions be a little more precise? Including the file extention and the exact directory nedded on the N900 would be more than helpful. Thanks.

@SR 2010-02-19 21:34

Re: QStarDict
Does chinese input work in other Qt based applications? Can you switch language in them?

Folder with dictionary usually contains 3 files with .idx and .ifo extensions. 2010-02-19 21:39

Re: QStarDict
1) download your dictionary on your pc from:
2) uncompress it using your pc program. if you use linux, just click on file and use your relative program to uncompress it. otherwise install file roller from repos. If you use windows use winrar (or
3) at this point, after uncompress operation, you will have a folder (in my case stardict-English_Italian-2.4.2) with 3 files inside:
4) open xterminal on your N900 and write:
mkdir /home/user/.stardict/dic/
5) copy folder inside /home/user/.stardict/dic/ directory
To do this connect your N900 to your pc as mass store and copy (by clicking your mouse) your dict folder into MyDocs folder.
After did disconnect N900 from your PC, open xterminal and digit:
cd MyDocs
mv your_dict_folder /home/user/.stardict/dic/
(eg. in my case, like before:
mv stardict-English_Italian-2.4.2 /home/user/.stardict/dic/)
that's all
tell me if it works!

oldpmaguy 2010-02-19 22:29

Re: QStarDict
Thank you for your reply and help,

Actually, I could never use that much code, I am totally unfamiliar with it.

What I did was just extract the folders exactly as they were, and move the contents exactly as they were, to a folder named "dic"in the "root" of the N900 (i.e.the base folder as viewed in Windows Explorer when connected via USB).

(Small exception, after extracting the .bz2 files using Winrar, there was another level of folder with the same name twice - so I moived the files up one level and deleted the repeat-named folder).

Now QStarDic sees the dictionaries - finally.

One more note, I found a huge repository of dictionary files, from anoither site, but all are links directly to the sourceforge site. I couldn't track back the links to their sourcepages at sourceforge - SF is notoriously hard to navigate, AFAIAC.

Here is the link. I a pretty sure this is a legitimate set og links, i.e. not illegal files, but if there is a problem, mods pls delete.

rhaig 2010-02-19 22:52

Re: QStarDict
forget it.

I put the dict files in the .qstardict dir instead of the .stardict directory
reading fail

Ronaldo 2010-02-20 01:22

Re: QStarDict
greap app thanks, how do i install audio? 2010-02-20 08:21

Re: QStarDict
@oldpmaguy: happy you found my post useful! Please thanks me ;)
Thank you to you for dicts links. dicts here are more completed than other links.. (at least regard eng<->ita) ;)
@Ronaldo: install espeak from repos

sorodoros 2010-02-22 05:13

Re: QStarDict
Anyone try a web dictionary? If so, which ones do you like or works best? And what exactly to you enter in the HTTP query field?

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