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Bratag 2010-01-11 18:05

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by VeR (Post 464697)
you were saying something about google? Please count for me how many times someone was asking about the files.

Yes but asking for files just means you are an idiot. Providing a link to said illegal files can get both this site and the app yanked.

VeR 2010-01-11 18:16

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I'm ending this conversation with these words : If it's Wrong/illeagal - Moderator please remove it.

Goodbye and have a nice day/night

Anunakin 2010-01-11 18:52

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I think who decides it is piracy or not is the main Warcraft proprietary, and like it is Blizzard, and there is nothing linking to a "free classic game" on warcraft official page, this is not free.

sjgadsby 2010-01-11 20:02

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Please do not post or link to "pirated" materials anywhere on I'll put "pirated" in quotes, as I'm quite familiar with the arguments against the legal system's use of that word for copyright violations. There's no need to rehash that debate. I'm also familiar with the various arguments for exceptions to that rule: abandonware, twenty-four hour testing, backup of materials purchased in another format, and so forth. There's no need to rehash those either. has neither the interest, nor the legal resources, to fight those battles. Please refrain from putting the site and our community in a position whereby we'll attract the attention of the MPAA, the RIAA, the BSA, other similar organizations, or individual copyright holders.

Emulators = good. Freeware = good. Copyleft = good. Creative Commons = good. Copyrighted materials being offered by, or clearly with the permission of, the copyright holder = good. Copyrighted materials distributed without clear permission from the copyright holder = bad.

Thank you.

tarek 2010-01-12 02:41

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I seem to be having trouble getting Stratagus going. I used Wargus to extract the files from a CD. However, I didn't get the same directory structure as in the screenshots. I get:


wargus-2.2.4/data.wc2$ ls
campaigns  graphics  maps  music  scripts  sounds

and stratagus doesn't start. I get:


Nokia-N900-42-11:~$ stratagus -d /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/
Maybe you need to specify another gamepath with '-d /path/to/datadir'?

Same problem even when I don't do -d.

What am I doing wrong?

tarek : )

tarek 2010-01-12 03:08

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Incidentally, I can get stratagus to work just fine with the same data in my windows VM.

tarek : )

Bratag 2010-01-12 03:21

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by tarek (Post 465574)
I seem to be having trouble getting Stratagus going. I used Wargus to extract the files from a CD. However, I didn't get the same directory structure as in the screenshots. I get:


wargus-2.2.4/data.wc2$ ls
campaigns  graphics  maps  music  scripts  sounds

and stratagus doesn't start. I get:


Nokia-N900-42-11:~$ stratagus -d /media/mmc1/games/stratagus/
Maybe you need to specify another gamepath with '-d /path/to/datadir'?

Same problem even when I don't do -d.

What am I doing wrong?

tarek : )

Just based on what I see above it doesnt look like you have the data in the correct directory. You dont need to run the command line as the icon in your apps will run a shell script which specifies that directory.

So to sum up your campaigns etc go into /media/mmc1/games/stratagus

tarek 2010-01-12 22:19

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I finally got this issue sorted out. Here's how:

I ran wargus in a virtual machine via VirtualBox with the CD mounted through there. After running it, I copied the following to /media/mmc1/games/stratagus, which already contained the UI elements for the N900 screen:

1. The contents of the 'data' directory'
2. All contents of the wargus directory, using the 'Merge' option.

tarek : )

herou1272 2010-01-13 01:18

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
ummm this might be a very stupid problem but please excuse me im a noob..... i did everything as showed however after cd/media/mmc1 it says -sh: cd/media/mmc1/ : not found ..... i really wanna play wc2 on my n900.. thanks in advance

tarek 2010-01-13 01:20

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by herou1272 (Post 467542)
ummm this might be a very stupid problem but please excuse me im a noob..... i did everything as showed however after cd/media/mmc1 it says -sh: cd/media/mmc1/ : not found ..... i really wanna play wc2 on my n900.. thanks in advance

cd *space* /media/mmc1. Like this:


cd /media/mmc1
not like this;


tarek : )

herou1272 2010-01-13 01:45

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
@tarek ............thank you so very much !!!! :D

Cobra 2010-01-13 22:52

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Will this also run the expansion?

Bratag 2010-01-14 00:00

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
The faq for wargus doesnt mention the expansions as being compatible. I however have an expansion disc and the extra maps etc do show and a brief test lets me start and play at least a couple of them

CrckMc 2010-01-14 12:24

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
hey i need your help :)

i installed stratagus and copied all of the needed files to /home/opt/games/stratagus, then i made a symlink called games in /media/mmc1/ that points to /home/opt/games/. Whenever i try to start the game with the shortcut i see the Stratagus picture but as soon as it begins loading it crashes.

when i try to start it over the console i get 100 could not load xyz.wav errors but from what i've seen the files are there as wav.gz format. at the bottom it says that it couldn't set video mode to 800x600

this is really sad cause i like warcraft and would love it to play it on my n900

i found out that i don't have a folder called wc2 but i don't know how to get it. i tried getting the files with wargus several times but there is no such directory :(

edit2 : SORRY total idiot here :D i pulled the files off of the expansion disc

edit3: the files from the game disc won't work either still no wc2 folder :/

CrckMc 2010-01-14 16:36

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
okay got it working in 640x480 with stratagus -v 1 in /home/opt/games/stratagus but when i start it with -v 2 (800x480) i get
"Can't open file: No such file or directory
Can't load the graphic 'ui/orc/800x480/filler-right.png'"

i checked and the file is there. very crazy

Black Scyther 2010-01-18 17:33

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
It doesn't work for my. If I open stratagus, it will crash after a efew seconds. I did this via ssh. Can anyone tell me the exact locations of the content and the deb? Thanks

And Wargus seems to don't like my WCII BNet Edition. Is there a solution?

zehjotkah 2010-01-18 17:38

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900 version does not work with stratagus...

Black Scyther 2010-01-18 17:40

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
My Starcraft is a standard version. Stargus worked fine but on the device stratagus keeps crashing

zehjotkah 2010-01-18 17:46

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
do you have it in the right folders?

RipTorn 2010-01-18 17:55

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
As cool as this is, I am guessing there is still no development on the stratagus engine to enable all the units/campaigns?

Black Scyther 2010-01-18 18:11

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
There isn't enough space so I set a symlink. Now it works ... somehow. ... I dont get in the fullscreen mode, there is this maemo bar at the top.

Great work anyway

zehjotkah 2010-01-19 07:33

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Black Scyther (Post 480353)
There isn't enough space so I set a symlink. Now it works ... somehow. ... I dont get in the fullscreen mode, there is this maemo bar at the top.

Great work anyway

go to the preferences and check the fullscreen checkbox.

Lazarpandar 2010-01-19 10:01

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I too do not get the wc2 folder when I extract using stratagus, any ideas?

zehjotkah 2010-01-19 11:38

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Lazarpandar (Post 481579)
I too do not get the wc2 folder when I extract using stratagus, any ideas?

start one time wargus, or stratagus on PC... i will look at home, if you really need that folder..

Black Scyther 2010-01-19 13:08

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 481405)
go to the preferences and check the fullscreen checkbox.

Thank you :cool:

smokva 2010-01-19 21:30

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Hi all!

I can extract only some of the needed folders from wc2 cd. Now i have all but the wc2 folder is missisng. It does not exist in program files/wargus/data

Any guru out there to help out a noob on maemo stuff?

wc2 is a great game and i'd love to play it on my new gadged.


Bratag 2010-01-19 21:46

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by smokva (Post 482873)
Hi all!

I can extract only some of the needed folders from wc2 cd. Now i have all but the wc2 folder is missisng. It does not exist in program files/wargus/data

Any guru out there to help out a noob on maemo stuff?

wc2 is a great game and i'd love to play it on my new gadged.


When you install wargus and it asked you if you wanted to extract the data - you pointed it at the warcraft CD and it should have created all the necessary files. If it didnt then chances are the warcraft version you are using isnt supported.

Lazarpandar 2010-01-19 22:38

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 482937)
When you install wargus and it asked you if you wanted to extract the data - you pointed it at the warcraft CD and it should have created all the necessary files. If it didnt then chances are the warcraft version you are using isnt supported.

It plays on my computer using wargus, so I'd imagine its supported
Unless the N900 version of wargus supports fewer wc2 versions than PC wargus

smokva 2010-01-20 06:07

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
Stratagus works fine on my vista. But in the data folder of wargus im still missing contrib and wc2 folders...

Could it be that wargus doesn't run correctly under vista? I get no errors during the extraction.

Contrib folder can be found from program files/wargus root, it is not in the data folder.

Any ideas, i need to try tomorrow at work on a xp machine?

Got it finally working. Google found the wc2 folder for me. Works fine! Happy happy joy joy

aironeous 2010-01-22 15:28

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
I have a question for you guys;
If Blizzard made a world of warcraft port for Maemo 5
would you be able to tag team 2 N900''s in order to play it?
For example

Friend A goes to friend B's house
Both have N900's and both have wow accounts with characters and both have wow installed on their removable memory cards.

Friend A: pairs bluetooth keyboad and mouse and opens 2.5 g connection
Friend B: Starts wow app is prompted to close all other apps and plug in TV out or app won't start.
Friend A: Is asked if friend B can pair by wifi to play wow and share cpu/gpu load.

Friend A: Plays wow while friend B watches for an hour then they switch.
Game won't start unless battery is atleast 50% level, won't start unless both are plugged into a wall charger (not pc charging), 4 minute warning sounds if loss of charging power, 3 minutes to fix or will get disconnected from server, then 1 minute more app will close.

Required specs for pc's is I think 1.3 ghz processor and 512mb ram and graphics card. So could gpu and cpu load be shared by 2 N900 to play wow?

Master of Gizmo 2010-01-23 10:11

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 459236)

What happened?

Makeclick 2010-01-26 17:48

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by CrckMc (Post 471271)
okay got it working in 640x480 with stratagus -v 1 in /home/opt/games/stratagus but when i start it with -v 2 (800x480) i get
"Can't open file: No such file or directory
Can't load the graphic 'ui/orc/800x480/filler-right.png'"

i checked and the file is there. very crazy

If u have this problem.. do this.


root enter
cd /media/mmc1 enter
dpkg -i stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb enter


stratagus-run enter

that work for me.. then it will work 800x600

leetut 2010-01-27 18:24

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
can some one give me instructions how to put this game on n900?
there are none on post1, and the rest of the thread is confusing

Rob1n 2010-01-27 18:47

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 497885)
can some one give me instructions how to put this game on n900?
there are none on post1, and the rest of the thread is confusing

Unfortunately it looks like zehjotkah has removed the instructions, and presumably the stratagus .deb file he was hosting. Anyway, the basic instructions are:
  • Download and install stratagus
  • Use wargus ( on your PC to extract the data files from the Warcraft II CD
  • Copy the contents of the wargus DATA directory from your PC to /media/mmc1/games/stratagus

I've got a copy of the .deb file, so I can mail it to you if you can't find it online (PM me an email address), but it's too large to upload here and I'm still trying to get my ISP to pull their finger out and get my web space sorted out.

EDIT: I've sorted out web space now, so have added a link.

leetut 2010-01-27 19:23

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
cheers bro, ive got 'stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb' (663kb)
downloaded it a while ago, just been waiting for the game to finish downloading, ill see how it goes

leetut 2010-01-27 19:42

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
i get maemo-select-menu-location: not found when trying to install the deb,
seems to have installed and works tho!

Rob1n 2010-01-27 19:44

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by leetut (Post 498057)
i get maemo-select-menu-location: not found when trying to install the deb,
is there not a working guide somewhere?

That's okay, just ignore the error. It's used to put the menu icon in on the N8x0, but that's handled differently on the N900.

leetut 2010-01-27 19:47

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
cheers bro, this is the first time ive installed a game and got it working in under 5 hours lol!

ududud 2010-01-30 17:38

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900

Originally Posted by Makeclick (Post 495862)
If u have this problem.. do this.


root enter
cd /media/mmc1 enter
dpkg -i stratagus-0.1-4_armel.deb enter


stratagus-run enter

that work for me.. then it will work 800x600

hi all, i was try this, and the game WORK but after LAUNCH the game COME TO CRASH, and in the x-terminal say : cant load and cant open every "archive" ... i dont know WHY this cant open... because i have all directory (from data) in this "road"

/home/opt/games/stratagus (and here, i have this directory : campaigns graphics music sounds contrib maps scripts)...

this road is correcty? (i dont have memory card)

plz need help guys! need play this today :D

Rob1n 2010-01-30 18:03

Re: maemo Games: Stratagus (Warcraft 2) on your N900
You'll need to edit the /usr/bin/stratagus-run file (as root) to change it to point to the directory you're using, or just launch stratagus with:

stratagus -v 2 -d /home/opt/games/stratagus

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