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codeMonkey 2010-02-24 13:22

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by mackan1 (Post 544212)
i missed out a 0.
u able to tell me how to add a longer pause in this.
also if you have the time to make it do 3 lost of flashing befor it pauses?

The second one should work.


Originally Posted by pH5 (Post 544266)
Nice description. I'm a bit confused by the 0x01ff command used in the power down pattern to set full brightness. I'd expect that to be 0x40ff instead - do you happen to know what it is exactly that 0x01ff does differently?

01ff would incrementally decrease the brightness, rather than set it immediately, as per the wiki.

pH5 2010-02-24 13:47

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 544287)
01ff would incrementally decrease the brightness, rather than set it immediately, as per the wiki.

But it doesn't. PatternPowerOff uses it, and the effect seems to be an immediate increase to full brightness.
The step time (bits 0x3e00) is zero, so maybe the prescale bit (0x4000) and the sign bit (0x0100) are just ignored and 0x40yy / 0x41yy / 0x01yy commands have the same effect?

codeMonkey 2010-02-24 13:56

Re: Another LED pattern thread
You're right. 00ff seems to do exactly the same thing.

If I'd had to guess 00ff should've increased immediately (in one step) and 01ff decreased immediately to obey the 'even is increase, odd is decrease' rule.

mackan1 2010-02-24 14:09

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 544287)
The second one should work.

01ff would incrementally decrease the brightness, rather than set it immediately, as per the wiki.

woopee it did work, does it 3 times and around 4-5 sec pause and starts agen.

A police-siren style pattern, This pattern fades between red and blue x3 and pauses for 5sec's and starts agen

thanks for the help

blue_led 2010-02-24 15:08

Re: Another LED pattern thread
for 01ff code step time according my description is 0
i think all * step time 0 actually set brightness

* 40 , 41 , 00, 01
40, 41 mean prescale 1
41 ,01 mean down but, as i say, all have step time =0

it can be a hardware mechanism doing set brightness when bits5:1=0

making loops
command is a000 + 80 * times + start_loop_step_number
calculations are done in hexadecimal format
legal values :
start_loop_step_number = 0-15 decimal ( 0 - f hexa ) but 15 is stupid
times = 0 - 63 decimal ( 0 -3f hexa ) , 0 mean infinite loop

example of simple loops commands
a180 repeat 3 times from beginning ( step 0 )
a281 repeat 5 times from step 1

so acording to this "police with pause" will become


a181 = repeat 3 times from step 1 ( 02ff )
notice: 1 step is always executed and 3 times loop will result 4 runs of pattern
7f0b = pause 5 sec

new commands not found in wiki

very often we choose consecutive triggers like e004e100 or e080e002
they can be combined in one command only if they are consecutive
e004e100 become e104
e080e002 become e082

so the shortest "police" with 4 runs + 5 sec pause is

enjoy :D

Playing more with loops
SOS pattern


mackan1 2010-02-25 06:52

Re: Another LED pattern thread
How can i get this pattern to flash White + Blue (same as the one below but White not red)
also a pattern to flash Yellow + Blue (same as the one below but Yellow not red)

I have been at this for hours. so thought i should ask for some help befoe i trash my n900

A police-siren style pattern, This pattern fades between red and blue x3 and pauses for 5sec's and starts agen


blue_led 2010-02-25 08:10

Re: Another LED pattern thread
yellow - blue


white - blue



Lobi_Earl 2010-02-25 08:30

Re: Another LED pattern thread
yeah and I'm trying for hours to get a flashing pink and white or pink and light-blue....Could PLEASE anyone post that up for me, I can't get it managed.
I have only a normal pink led
if you neet the code i could post it have it copied from the first led thread.

Thank you

codeMonkey 2010-02-25 09:16

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 544431)
new commands not found in wiki

making loops

Good work there!

F2thaK 2010-02-25 09:29

Re: Another LED pattern thread
this one is cool:

Cehteh's patterns with some comments
Same as PatternDeviceOn, but white:
(Slow dark glowing in white, never goes fully off, so you can locate the device in the dark: )


except id like it to slowly get to max brightness then fade again, rather than 1/2 brightness.. if someone could do this when they get a few minutes Id really appreciate it, Thanks!! :D ive got no idea

mackan1 2010-02-25 10:01

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 545457)
yellow - blue


white - blue




Just need to get these new codes added to

blue_led 2010-02-25 18:30

Re: Another LED pattern thread

i like this

the eye can't see fading from 100% to 50% so I choosed 16% with 70% swing

because police patterns are so populars, here you have almost all ( ? ) "Police" patterns.


having in front
RgB > white - pink
rGB > white - cyan
RGb > white - yellow
rGb > white -green
Rgb > white - red
rgB > white - blue
rB > blue - pink
gB > blue -cyan
rG > green - yellow ( almost orange )
bG > green - cyan
bR > red - pink
gR > red - yellow


having in front
rG > red - green
rB > blue - red
gB > blue - green
rgB > blue - yellow
rbG > green - pink
gbR > red -cyan

pabloniss 2010-02-25 21:18

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Why you dont use a LedPattern application in repository?

Ronaldo 2010-02-25 21:26

Re: Another LED pattern thread
didnt know there was a pp gonna give it a try. cheers

F2thaK 2010-02-26 02:15

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by blue_led (Post 546277)

i like this

the eye can't see fading from 100% to 50% so I choosed 16% with 70% swing

cool, but not quite what im after... needs to stay faded for 5 seconds, then brightest for 1 second...... :D cheers

EDIT: ive fixed it with the app below....


Originally Posted by pabloniss (Post 546524)
Why you dont use a LedPattern application in repository?

wow, thats new

"LED Pattern Editor"

codeMonkey 2010-02-26 08:52

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Looks like ph5 has been busy :)

pH5 2010-02-26 16:55

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by codeMonkey (Post 547148)
Looks like ph5 has been busy :)

Work in progress, people. Don't blame me if it eats your mce.ini - but suggestions on how to design a non-painful pattern editing UI are very much welcome.

blue_led 2010-02-26 17:38

Re: Another LED pattern thread
nice app . i like maemo style.

my sugestions
make another icon
drop stupid 512 long "combo box" . put a dial pad for input step numbers. for time we can deal (?) with 62 length scale :mad:
add labels ( numbers ) for commands and count them no more 14 ( 15) ( pattern have at least 9d80 and 0000 is optional only when loop pattern from beginning ) . you need them when looping . make font for figures larger instead of time & step
when you add second engine if one led ( color ) is chosen in engine 1 remove it as option in engine 2.
don't ignore one step trigger&wait
e104 triger 2 + wait from 2
e082 trigger 1 + wait from 1

when a trigger is detected in the pattern split graphic in 2 scales, one below, and add an arrow pointing to triggered engine

blue_led 2010-02-28 21:41

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Using second engine as a timer

when a fast blinking led is wanted is easyer to aceive result in folowing mode:

first engine
9d80 refresh
40ff set max bright . can adjust here brightnes
e104 trig & wait engine 2. at this point engine stop and wait response from 2
4000 set 0 bright
e104 trig & wait
0000 go to begining

second engine
0550 this step add a 0x50 ( 80 ) steps of 1 ms pause . adjust here blink rate
e082 trig & wait from 1
0000 go to begining

this is a simetric light - dark pattern and with only 2 parameters we can adjust behavior of led ( color )
i use on phone call because it is annoying and dont want to miss at a glance




rambo 2010-02-28 21:49

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by pH5 (Post 547822)
Work in progress, people. Don't blame me if it eats your mce.ini

I have just made a tool for clean (for certain values of clean) way to add/remove patterns to mce.ini (I heard your program ships with something slightly similar but haven't had the time to check it out)

Please check out Clean way to add/remove LED patterns to mce.ini -thread

And the tool itself:

EDIT: Just noticed that it was you commenting on the thread (yes, tired...)

rm53 2010-03-05 20:14

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I just found out the meaning (or one meaning) of the

pattern, which I have set to yellow a long time ago.
Yesterday, when I received my first GTalk video chat call, that yellow pattern started to flash!
So at least GTalk video chat fires PatternCommonNotification.

trotor 2010-03-10 11:35

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Just in case someone is interested in having simple visuals for SMS, Call and E-mail that don't stand out too much:
PatternCommunicationCall=30;1;0;bG;9d8002ff03ff02f f03ffe00440007f00e1000000;9d80e08002ff09ff7f007f00 7f00e00240000000
PatternCommunicationSMS=30;1;0;bRG;9d8002ff03ff02f f03ffe00440007f00e1000000;9d80e08002ff09ff7f007f00 7f00e00240000000
PatternCommunicationEmail=30;1;0;bR;9d8002ff03ff02 ff03ffe00440007f00e1000000;9d80e08002ff09ff7f007f0 07f00e00240000000

All have two fast blue flashes (like normal info on those) plus distinctive colour for each - this makes it easy to tell if there is just e-mail or important sms/call that requires attention. Nice to have on meetings where unnecessary juggling with phone is awkward.

E-mail is blueblue-red
SMS blueblue-"yellow"
Call is blueblue-red

Alter colours as you find appropriate.

edit: Some odd spaces in the middle, remove all.

hawaii 2010-03-10 21:28

Re: Another LED pattern thread
I use WHITE<->RED alternating on infinite for SMS, WHITE<->BLUE alternating on infinite for emails and WHITE<->PINK alternating on infinite for IM. Works good.

Koiruus 2018-03-25 03:31

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Could someone help me a bit? I have been trying to study those led patterns, but I happen to be too stupid to fully understand. I have managed to change the notification led colors to little bit Jolla-like way:
- for missed calls green led blinking (default pattern)
- for SMS/IM blue led blinking (default pattern)
- for email white led blinking (default pattern)
- those above override "battery charging" and "battery full" leds which are otherwise default

Now I'd like to change the led blinking pattern for missed call/sms/im to little bit more frequent. I feel the default blink (2 short blinks, then longer pause) a bit too slow. When I pick my phone from pocket to give it a glimpse to ensure that I haven't missed anything important, I have to watch the led for few seconds (which is too long time :D) to be sure. I'm not looking anything too fancy; no police siren type patterns or even breathing leds. Just some boring once-per-second blinking or so. How to do that?

At the moment my patterns are default (apart from the colors), so they should be like given here:

ontime 2018-03-25 14:31

Re: Another LED pattern thread
Infinity blink
PatternCommunicationCall=0;5;0;b;9d804000670067004 0ff330033000000;9d800000

Change both 67 for led 'off' state, and both 33 for led 'on' state. Faster blinking with longer flash:
PatternCommunicationCall=0;5;0;b;9d804000550055004 0ff450045000000;9d800000

Koiruus 2018-03-26 23:26

Re: Another LED pattern thread

Originally Posted by ontime (Post 1542707)
Infinity blink
PatternCommunicationCall=0;5;0;b;9d804000670067004 0ff330033000000;9d800000

Thanks! I still have no idea what I'm doing, but this fits to my needs.

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