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zehjotkah 2010-02-10 19:09

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
now read the second post of this thread

edit: an there is an edit function as you can see.
I'm demonstrating it for you.
no wonder that you got warned...

fractals 2010-02-10 19:16

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
ITS WORKING!!!! BUT WHY NOBODY TOLD ME THAT I NEED TO HAVE INSTALED rootsh .... gest in the end of day... anyway thanks ROB1N AND zehjotkah...:)

zehjotkah 2010-02-10 19:29

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
it was told you at least twice ;-)

cgarvie 2010-02-12 07:47

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 517340)
Ok should have another level up tonight

Particularly want this playtested as so far i havent bloody solved it.

It should be possible with 1 bird even if DAMN difficult.
but i havent even managed with 5 (and i thought it would be easy using more than 1 bird)

im still tweaking at moment to try make it a bit easier

with luck will post tonight when i get home

sorry havent had a chance to post it up.

On the plus side i now have 2 ready and working on a third.
Hopefully sometime over the weekend

cgarvie 2010-02-12 13:01

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
work mates play testing my 3rd new one just now, so i can tweek, so i am definitly hoping to get three up by sunday. Depending on how busy i am with kids

stobbsc 2010-02-12 13:03

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
cgarvie, could you send me the first two that you have I can then add them manually to my pack2 or do I have to wait?

cgarvie 2010-02-12 13:15

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 522899)
cgarvie, could you send me the first two that you have I can then add them manually to my pack2 or do I have to wait?

you have to wait :-) mostly as uploading them from the phone is a pain. so i prefer to sync to laptop and do it from there. Ive been meaning to all week, but been busy

every one will need to add them to pack2 manually.

once ive a few more (mine or others i'll repackage as 1pack)
i also intend to release a script that swaps in real and custom, and to apply 1,2 and 3* scores to each level.

so feel free to PM me what you think your level values to be, and suggest mine if you want.

AGAIN i would love more feed back on which levels people like/dislike and such. Go on give me the encoragment :D to do more.

Keir 2010-02-12 21:44

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
There's one level where there is a Pig really high that you have to smash out of the sky/floating platform.
I seen this on my 2nd try, but maybe not so easy for others to figure out.

slotti 2010-02-13 00:50

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
I need some help here. Been trying all day to install Angry Bird over OVI. Won't install, always gives me an error message: FAILED TO INSTALL. I tried through the app-manager, but it won't even show up under games or anywhere else. Any idea?

cgarvie 2010-02-13 16:33

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
3 Attachment(s)
Ok here 3 more.

but if i dont get at least some feed back. im gonna stop posting them here. all i really want is at least a few people to tell me which one they liked and what they think works or doesnt work.

so we have
a rolling stone gathers no pigs
and what i think is my best yet.
knock knock

stobbsc 2010-02-13 17:51

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 524842)
Ok here 3 more.

but if i dont get at least some feed back. im gonna stop posting them here. all i really want is at least a few people to tell me which one they liked and what they think works or doesnt work.

so we have
a rolling stone gathers no pigs
and what i think is my best yet.
knock knock

we love you and your work bro.

def don't stop...

cgarvie 2010-02-13 18:59

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by stobbsc (Post 524945)
we love you and your work bro.

def don't stop...

I dont need your Love :D i want some critism of what people are liking and disliking. Im hoping that will spark some new ideas for levels. AS i struggle till i get an idea. Then sometime in a design it sparks another and i get 2-3 levels at a time

I now want to know why one of the new levels been viewed 7 times and the others only 2.

Tiptronic 2010-02-13 20:39

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Level 7 was fun :D

zehjotkah 2010-02-13 20:59

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 524842)
but if i dont get at least some feed back. im gonna stop posting them here. all i really want is at least a few people to tell me which one they liked and what they think works or doesnt work.

I think with a easyer way to install the levels (Rovio? anyone?) you will get much more feedback.

God's Toy 2010-02-13 21:31

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Agreed with last post.

It's a lot of work for some. A 'patch' delivery system for new levels would get many more installs and so more feedback.
But I also understand this may not be possible at this time.

Tiptronic 2010-02-13 22:55

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Its almost impossible to get to 3 stars with the new ones, only got 1 or so..
the fun is in breaking as much stuff as possible, not the difficulty in solving.

cgarvie 2010-02-14 08:35

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by Tiptronic (Post 525267)
Its almost impossible to get to 3 stars with the new ones, only got 1 or so..
the fun is in breaking as much stuff as possible, not the difficulty in solving.

cheer for comments.

The reason (mentioned else where) you cant get 3* is that the *scores are stored in a seperate file and are thus defined for the Official 2nd levels. not all the custom ones.

cgarvie 2010-02-14 11:23

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 525127)
I think with a easyer way to install the levels (Rovio? anyone?) you will get much more feedback.

Ok. Ive looked into something ive meant to for a while now
and thats a stage process

1) a setup script

2) a switching script that will swap between Rovio and custom levels

I recon this should work ok. but there a couple of things i need.

First off im gonna move all the levels to pack1. As what im planning is a rovios 3 packs and switch out to custom 3 packs. (ok there will only be about 14 levels to start with)

what id like from at least 4-5 people is what order we should put the current levels in. Should i stick with the order we have (the order they were written )or should we look for a different order,ie try to order by difficulty

So propose and order you think they should be in.

NEXT i need to set the 3 start levels for the custom levels,as at the moment they use the *level of what ever they replaced.

Now if you wait on me doing all this, it'll take longer for me get this released. SO some of you whove played them all, have a quik run through them again and suggest what score should mean 2* and what score should mean 3* if every one does this for a few levels. i'll collate them

Once this is done. I will release the zipped tar file and ask that ONLY linux users try it out with my instruction. Then we can alter the instructions as needed and try to make sure this is a simple process.

anyone that wants to help can PM me.

Cheers Craig
Now this may still take me a bit of time as im fairly busy but i thought id run my plans out, in the hop that someone can do some of the above


skunkonkrunk 2010-02-14 13:25

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
cheers for this, gotta feed the addiction till they sort the ovi store out.

cgarvie 2010-02-14 19:56

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Ok ive got 4 scripts workin.
1 setup script.
1 change to custom
1 change to rovio
1 return to standard set up.

SO i need a couple of people who understand linux to test my scripts
drop me a pm if you can help. and i'll probably get the scripts to you monday night

TA-t3 2010-02-15 14:19

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
In general I think your levels (the original set, I haven't tested the new one) are good. My generic comment is that I think I prefer levels with more than one bird, simply because it makes for more possibilites. Add more debris to knock down too, and the combo (multiple birds+debris) makes for more possible variations in how to replay the game.

badboyuk 2010-02-15 18:15

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
thanks for this!!!! Easy to install and works like a charm folks :)

Ive not come accross any other decent game that is better than this, i hope they make some more diff 1s.
All these duke nukem an emulators is kinda waste of time as u gotta use the keyboard an it aint easy to play using that! :-P Altho still i wud look forward to an n64 emulator if it ever gets done or can be done.

cgarvie 2010-02-15 18:42

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 526315)
Ok ive got 4 scripts workin.
1 setup script.
1 change to custom
1 change to rovio
1 return to standard set up.

SO i need a couple of people who understand linux to test my scripts
drop me a pm if you can help. and i'll probably get the scripts to you monday night

Ok ive tared and zipped this. Ive got 1 guy looking at it and testing, but id like at least 1 other. SO i can make sure its fairly idiot proof . and feed back on it

BillyTheFish 2010-02-16 18:10

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Heads up chaps! Won't the new firmware release (including the support for paid apps) mean the Official 2nd Angry Birds pack is on its way...?

cgarvie 2010-02-16 18:24

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by BillyTheFish (Post 530146)
Heads up chaps! Won't the new firmware release (including the support for paid apps) mean the Official 2nd Angry Birds pack is on its way...?

cant wait.

cgarvie 2010-02-18 20:03

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Ok ive got the Pack all ready to go. 15 levels in all.

there all in pack1, with some scripts that swap between the rovio and custom levels.

Thanks to Rob1n and forcer for the help.

They have there own highscores so dont muck up the rovio ones anymore. and will have there own 2 and 3* levels.

but ive gone and bloodly lost my data for this

So come on folks give me a hand and post your high score for the levels so i can try work out where to put the 2* and 3* values

stobbsc 2010-02-19 09:00

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Cool stuff, I'll try and go through all the levels again later today and post my scores :-)

junionwoon 2010-02-19 09:26

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 524842)
Ok here 3 more.

but if i dont get at least some feed back. im gonna stop posting them here. all i really want is at least a few people to tell me which one they liked and what they think works or doesnt work.

so we have
a rolling stone gathers no pigs
and what i think is my best yet.
knock knock

Hi cgarvie,

Thanks man ... but why are they in .txt format? do i need to rename them to .gz before unpacking or... ?

sorry for the noob questions :o

mcdull 2010-02-19 09:34

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by cgarvie (Post 522912)
AGAIN i would love more feed back on which levels people like/dislike and such. Go on give me the encoragment :D to do more.

My comments on most of the level is, especially when you compare to the original levels from the game developer, there should be more birds provided to allow the player to finish the level in more than 1 way, use the number of stars to reward the player.

In many levels, the player needs to adjust the angle to finish the level, giving more bird allow the player to have a few tries. So, if the player can finish it in 1 bird or as few as possible, they get more stars.

Now with only 1 bird or just enough brids in many levels, sometimes it's like being punished by not following exactly what you want than having fun in the game.

NokiaRocks 2010-02-19 09:35

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Good work. Gonna test the levels later.

Tiptronic 2010-02-19 17:57

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
where can i find the levels?

cgarvie 2010-02-19 19:14

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by Tiptronic (Post 536978)
where can i find the levels?

well earlier in the thread. right back at the start. (good place to look :D) but i recomend you hold off till i release the new pack.

Plan is this weekend. but i still need a little feed back on what the star levels should be set at (there no star levels in previous release)

plus i found a minor bug in my scripts to switch between rovio and custom levels if you switch when AB is runnign so i need to update scripts to reject if AB running.

Im hoping my scripts dont clash with what ever rovio have done for Packs 4 and 5 (as ive seen that there packs 4 and 5 for iphone )

oh that point , Mikka has the exe been updated as i saw there appears to be new pieces.

blackemnc 2010-02-20 21:07

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Help need...
Guys my n900 doesn't have "My Docs" folder...and it doesn't allow to execute "mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2" command (it gives the error "-sh: mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2: not found")
please help me..
p.s i have installed rootsh

maxximuscool 2010-02-20 21:19

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
could someone packaging the level up into deb file for a one off installation?

blackemnc 2010-02-20 21:23

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
am a noob in linux please help me...

Rob1n 2010-02-21 11:40

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by blackemnc (Post 538900)
Help need...
Guys my n900 doesn't have "My Docs" folder...and it doesn't allow to execute "mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2" command (it gives the error "-sh: mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2: not found")
please help me..
p.s i have installed rootsh

The MyDocs folder (all one word) should be at /home/user/MyDocs (and is the root folder shown in File Manager). And the plain mkdir won't work if the previous directories haven't been created - try:

mkdir -p /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

blackemnc 2010-02-21 12:26

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 539537)
The MyDocs folder (all one word) should be at /home/user/MyDocs (and is the root folder shown in File Manager). And the plain mkdir won't work if the previous directories haven't been created - try:

mkdir -p /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

thanx for the assistance mate but unfortunetly my n900 doesnt have home or user or mydocs does have.document folder...and i can play angrybirds,without any trouble...(i need to install this pack)
thank u again ....

kyllerbuzcut 2010-02-21 12:49

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
Those 3 extra levels you posted- I downloaded them and put them in the pack2 folder, then renamed them from txt to Level11.lua etc. but level11,12,13 are still the same. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I noticed someone ele posted a similar problem, but haven't seen a solution.

I think your levels are great. Some pretty tricky and very challenging. One suggestion might be for some more glass etc. to smash. We all like breaking things lol.)

cgarvie 2010-02-21 13:08

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by kyllerbuzcut (Post 539596)
Those 3 extra levels you posted- I downloaded them and put them in the pack2 folder, then renamed them from txt to Level11.lua etc. but level11,12,13 are still the same. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I noticed someone ele posted a similar problem, but haven't seen a solution.

I think your levels are great. Some pretty tricky and very challenging. One suggestion might be for some more glass etc. to smash. We all like breaking things lol.)

The levels are NOT numbered in order.

Ive nearly got the new pack with all 15 levels ready to go. BUt ive not had the feed back i need on people scoires . so i can set the start levels right.

previous pack did not have the star levels implemented

kyllerbuzcut 2010-02-21 15:59

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
just played right through to the end of pack two, and it's all the same level.( probably the most boring level-sorry. nothing to smash and once you get the angle right that's it) So when you say it's not in number order, what do you mean exactly? Where should those txt files be placed, and what should they be named?
What sort of feedback do you want on the scores? Surely it's just a matter of how many pigs and how many smash-able objects there are. That determines the score. I'd guess that getting 50 percent of the smash-able points is a good score for that part. the rest depends on the difficulty because if you can do it with 4 birds left then thats 40000 points. Everyone will have wildly different scores.
As for the stars I got 1 for all of them except 2 stars for level 4, 3 stars for 7and 2 for level 9.

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