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santiago 2012-02-11 16:45

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1163538)
Here are the "fixed" appcatalog.css and index.html.
"fixed" means that firefox doesn't throw errors but this has one downside: the app catalog doesn't seem to launch.

Does anybody know where the problem lies?

App Catalog extracted from ipk (/usr/palm/ipkgs/) from webos doctor 2.2.4

where are u running it ? in a sdk, in an900? what do u wanna do ?

marmistrz 2012-02-11 20:02

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by santiago (Post 1163556)
where are u running it ? in a sdk, in an900? what do u wanna do ?

I figured it out. Firefox didn't show all the errors. Chromium showed everything.

Somehow the /usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/submissions/383/javascripts directory is missing.
Do you know why can it be so?

EDIT: seems that it is present in webos 1st gen. Anyway, I'll move to the Touchpad's catalog, as it's enyo-based - and Enyo's gotten open source recently

santiago 2012-02-11 20:31

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1163602)
I figured it out. Firefox didn't show all the errors. Chromium showed everything.

Somehow the /usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/submissions/383/javascripts directory is missing.
Do you know why can it be so?

EDIT: seems that it is present in webos 1st gen. Anyway, I'll move to the Touchpad's catalog, as it's enyo-based - and Enyo's gotten open source recently

yes enjo is better ;) i think enjo includes mojo too

marmistrz 2012-02-12 09:23

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I tried, but still errors.
Look at this:
it's a log from firefox after running index.html from Touchpad

The way I see it, the most important error would be:

[10:30:15.812] enyo.appMenu is undefined @ file:///usr/palm/frameworks/enyo/0.10/framework/build/enyo-build.js:6158
What do you think, are these js errors crucial? Have you got an idea how to fix them? I'm using image from latest Webos Doctor, AT&T, 3.0.5 (webosdoctorp305hstnhatt.jar)

What I did on desktop Linux:

ln -s /opt/webos/usr/palm /usr/palm
ln -s /opt/webos/usr/lib/luna /usr/lib/luna

Fix for the first two background css errors was commenting out the doubled 'no-repeat'

marmistrz 2012-02-13 17:07

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I think I'm near to success. After using the new enyo, copying source/palm from the original framework and adding this to depends list I don't get the enyo subcomponents errors.
The only thing that's failing is the app itself
Short log:

[17:54:08.447] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.610] Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'selection'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.651] findApps is not defined @ file:///usr/palm/applications/

Long log:

[17:54:08.398] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.428] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.439] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.442] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.445] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.447] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.453] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.462] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.466] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.482] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.486] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.489] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.492] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.508] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.511] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.515] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.530] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.534] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.559] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.563] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.566] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.570] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.573] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.578] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.584] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.588] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.592] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.595] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.599] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.602] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.606] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.610] Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'selection'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.621] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.625] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.628] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.632] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.636] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.639] file:///usr/palm/applications/
[17:54:08.651] findApps is not defined @ file:///usr/palm/applications/

What I did:
  1. Downloaded WebOS doctor, extracted the image
  2. Downloaded latest enyo
  3. unpacked App Catalog from /usr/palm/ipkgs (need to use ar)
  4. moved downloaded enyo to the app catalog's directory
  5. Copied the source/palm to the <app catalog dir>/enyo/source
  6. changed the source/package.js (content below)
  7. run in firefox



Has anybody got an idea how to fix it? Any help will be appreciatied.


ivgalvez 2012-02-13 18:29

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Instead of Firefox, wouldn't it be better to try it in Webkit?

marmistrz 2012-02-13 18:31

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Is there a Linux & Maemo browser using webkit that would be good for it, that you would recommend?

EDIT: I found for Maemo webkit-eal. But I don't know whether it's a good choice

don_falcone 2012-02-13 18:47

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Why don't you ask @webos-internals? It will be interesting if they could/would help you. (I have a TouchPad personally, but i do not invest time in bringing that half-baked OS to somewhere else too.)

marmistrz 2012-02-13 18:48

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I did ask. But seems they don't wanna help :)

ivgalvez 2012-02-13 19:06

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Check this thread, some debs for Helium Mobile are floating around.

don_falcone 2012-02-13 19:20

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Using Emulator Host Mode


The webOS SDK Emulator (version 1.4.1 and later) includes a feature called Emulator Host Mode. This mode allows you to inspect your application using a desktop browser (Chrome or Safari). To accomplish this, the Emulator now contains its own Web server that renders your application on port 8080, which is automatically mapped by the "palm-emulator" tool to port 5580 on your desktop.

marmistrz 2012-02-13 19:46

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Thanks for your help. I'll try the Emulator Host Mode and a WebKit browser tomorrow.

About the findapps undefined: I noticed that there are declared

for example

But there's no declaration of findApps exactly. I suspect that the WebOS environment is 'more liberal' than the desktop browsers. I've seen in enyo-build.js that there's first used enyo.appMenu, and then defined. No declaration before. So WebOS would ignore that there is no declaration of findApps, just only its members and the browsers complain and refuse to continue.

I'm no js specialist, but as from my C++ experience this'd be logical. What do you think about it?

marmistrz 2012-02-14 17:46

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Found what was the problem: somehow the depends weren't loaded. Even though I copied depends.js to package.js it just didn't want to load.

loading build.js from app catalog did the trick... but... :)

still there are errors. I managed to solve some of them but now there's something I currently cannot solve

the index.html file:


enyo.application = "whatever"
log (still firefox, found no webkit browser with web console/dev tools)

[18:44:37.814] Use of attributes' nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[18:44:37.960] Unknown pseudo-class or pseudo-element 'selection'.  Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[18:44:38.057] findApps.AppCatalogLauncher.relaunch():  AppCatMain Launch relaunch called with param keys [object Object] @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[18:44:38.062] findApps.AppCatalogLauncher.launchView():  launchView viewToLoad  COUNTRYPICKER viewParams  ({modalMode:false, nextViewParams:{modalMode:false}, nextView:"default"}) windowParams  [object Object] @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[18:44:38.068] WARNING: Executing pending window params, but no params list found. @ file:///usr/palm/applications/
[18:44:38.073] inWindow is null @ file:///usr/palm/applications/

I suspect the warning about params is the problem here but I don't know yet how to solve it? Have you got any idea? Any help appreciated

ivgalvez 2012-02-15 08:36

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Have you seen the news about the Isis QtWebkit browser recently opened?

It might be useful for you in this investigation.

marmistrz 2012-02-15 17:08

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
1 Attachment(s)
Finally first success! index.html is working! The problem was that the scripts were not launched in good order. (this came to my mind in the morning)
But, to deaden your enthusiasm :) this ain't everything to be done, unfortunately. The main/main.html is not working.

I'm uploading the files and patches to make this work, and a step-by-step instruction for a working index.html

1. Download webos doctor v3.0.5
2. unpack the webos image
3. in usr/palm/ipkgs you'll have
Unpack it using

ar x
tar xzvf data.tar.gz

in subdir

there's the app. copy it anywhere you want it, make sure that in directory are only these files (it'll make your life easier)
don't delete the unpacked image yet
4. download enyo 2.0 framework from
copy it to the app's directory, for example if app is in /home/appcat, copy enyo to /home/appcat/enyo
5. enter the directory with unpacked image. go to

copy the whole directory `palm` to the new framework's source directory (for instance /home/appcat/enyo/source)

copy all the files that are not in the new framework yet.
add "palm" to enyo.depends() in package.js. Follow the syntax!! When I release new version of files, these ones will be attached too.
6. copy fix.js and index.html from attachments to the app's directory. overwrite if needed
7. now you can run index.html in a browser. this will generate a blank popup. Now the popup (main/main.html) is not yet working.

Note, you need to disable popup blocking to make it work. Exception doesn't work in firefox but in chromium you can add an exception.

################################################## #######################################
Work in progress documentation below
################################################## ########################################

8. copy source/g11n from the touchpad enyo, similarly as the source/palm directory
9. edit the main/main.html and add scripts similarly as in index.html. the data to be added: (pasted soon - testing one thing)

marmistrz 2012-02-21 19:20

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
1 Attachment(s)
Ok, this is my current progress on this:
I'm in the g11n stuff. it doesn't seem to read is12HourDefault. So I read on some forums that it needs window.PalmSystem.

I copied builtin-preamble.js & dependency-loader.js and load them. unfortunately I'm getting this one: (Chrome/Chromium is needed - Firefox is throwing errors because of local files)


Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token %          /usr/palm/applications/
It's throwing error on:

enyo.setPrototype = function(ctor, proto) {
        %FunctionSetPrototype(ctor, proto);

The whole file:

Does the percent sign mean something in javascript? How can this be fixed?

Current main.html attached

qwazix 2012-02-21 19:28

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
AFAIK the percent sign is modulo, just like anywhere else, but I can be mistaken. Anyway, this is good work up to now. Keep it up, it's bound to get you somewhere.

marmistrz 2012-02-21 19:35

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
In other situation it'd modulo, but here it isn't... In cpp it's modulo too
Modulo takes 2 arguments and this takes 1.

Maybe it works more or less like star (pointer sign) in c++? (loose idea)

What's interesting, I can't find this "function or something" defined anywhere else on the projects' page

don_falcone 2012-02-21 19:39

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Yeah, i'm already saving hordes of spares of thin clients, for acting as (even more) hosts* for that half-baked OS ;)

So it's an intriguing story :D

* after my TouchPad

marmistrz 2012-02-21 19:43

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by don_falcone (Post 1167952)
Yeah, i'm already saving hordes of spares of thin clients, for acting as (even more) hosts* for that half-baked OS ;)

So it's an intriguing story :D

* after my TouchPad

didn't understand what you mean... :P

don_falcone 2012-02-21 20:10

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Nevermind, for me (after living with it since October) webOS is mostly worthless, but good luck :D

Bundyo 2012-02-21 21:24

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Meanwhile on Hacker News goes on a discussion about what is worth stealing from WebOS... I'm not sure many of the features originate from it - we can easily recognize some of them or better in Fremantle/Harmattan and even further back in Diablo :)

MartinK 2012-02-21 21:53

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by don_falcone (Post 1167967)
Nevermind, for me (after living with it since October) webOS is mostly worthless, but good luck :D

I would say it is quite nice, especially on big tablet screens and with a few Preware hacks. The main WebOS hurdle in my option is proper support for real GUI toolkits, like Qt. Things might be moving in the right direction though. :)

marmistrz 2012-02-22 19:27

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by don_falcone (Post 1167967)
Nevermind, for me (after living with it since October) webOS is mostly worthless, but good luck :D

How worthless? Don't you wanna have Angry Birds HD which's free?! :)

qwazix 2012-02-22 19:53

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I doubt angry birds is JavaScript. I presume it's native Rio (who plays already on our N900)

marmistrz 2012-02-22 20:13

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
That's not what I'm thinking about.
the App €atalog is enyo based. If I manage to run the app catalog I cen the touchpad apps which are free (such as AB HD)

ivgalvez 2012-02-23 09:47

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Games are not Enyo based, they use the PDL libraries (SDL based) and are native binaries.

don_falcone 2012-02-23 10:12

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1168439)
How worthless? Don't you wanna have Angry Birds HD which's free?! :)

Worthless as in:

Some games are nice, but... i just need a DAMN desktop-like browser with proper LastPass etc. integration (aka Opera or whatever), and good DLNA support with multiple container and codec formats supported!


the App €atalog is enyo based. If I manage to run the app catalog I cen the touchpad apps which are free (such as AB HD)
And since when is advanced Browser free? Or do you mean shitty Angry Birds? Aren't you bored of that game after it is available for some loooog time now, for multiple platforms?

marmistrz 2012-02-23 16:16

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by don_falcone (Post 1168662)
Worthless as in:

Some games are nice, but... i just need a DAMN desktop-like browser with proper LastPass etc. integration (aka Opera or whatever), and good DLNA support with multiple container and codec formats supported!


And since when is advanced Browser free? Or do you mean shitty Angry Birds? Aren't you bored of that game after it is available for some loooog time now, for multiple platforms?

I mean Angry Birds. It's just an example. There are still some apps, which are free and I'd like to see 'em on N900 (such as

This would make all the apps from WebOS available for Maemo.


Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 1168659)
Games are not Enyo based, they use the PDL libraries (SDL based) and are native binaries.

This I know ;) . I repeat: if we have the enyo app catalog, we can get the free PDL games and apps! Maybe with a bit of effort hybrid apps too

marmistrz 2012-03-05 16:05

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
1 Attachment(s)
Porting the app catalog is a real b*tch :)

I tried porting some apps instead. And you know what? No errors thrown. But it ain't that great :)

I tried with the app, v1.0.1.
Link's here:

My steps:
1. Download webos Doctor for Pre 1
2. unpack it, symlink to /usr/palm, for example

ln -s /opt/webos/usr/palm /usr/palm
3. unpack app, so that com.chessdotcom.chess folder is in /usr/palm/applications/
4. run index.html in your favorite browser with web console (chromium or firefox tested)

And what's the problem? Nothing's the problem! In the windows nothing is shown.

What's strange, there are no errors reported. As I've seen, there are lots of htmls in app/views, but I'm not eager to put them all by hand. If it's the only choice: alright ;)

Have you got an idea, why nothing's shown & no errors are thrown??

marmistrz 2012-03-07 14:57

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I know what's the problem !!!! :)
I've just looked into the files out there, and seems that sources.json isn't read & loaded

I'm attaching sources.json soon

So..... Now it's time to share your knowledge, WebOS experts!!! :)
How does the sources.json work?

ivgalvez 2012-03-07 16:20

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Hi marmistrz, your effort and enthusiasm is highly appreciated. Please don't give up, I hope you can reach something semi usable soon.

marmistrz 2012-03-07 17:51

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Hi, I'd like to have it semi usable but I doubt I'll do it on my own.
If I knew what's about that sources.json, how they are loaded maybe I'd be able to do something

I'm just an enthusiast :)
I've never used Palm, unfortunately, but hope some experimenting can succeed. But I dont know the mojo mechanism and any help would be appreciated

marmistrz 2012-03-08 16:52

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I'm uploading that sources.json:


    {"source": "app/assistants/app-assistant.js"},
    {"source": "app/assistants/Tools.js"},
    {"source": "app/assistants/ChessBoard.js"},
    {"source": "app/assistants/stage-assistant.js"},
        "scenes": "Board",
        "source": "app/assistants/Board-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "Login",
        "source": "app/assistants/Login-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "GameList",
        "source": "app/assistants/GameList-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "NewGameRequest",
        "source": "app/assistants/NewGameRequest-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "RegisterUser",
        "source": "app/assistants/RegisterUser-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "AnalysisBoard",
        "source": "app/assistants/AnalysisBoard-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "UserPreferences",
        "source": "app/assistants/UserPreferences-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "TacticsBoard",
        "source": "app/assistants/Tactics-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "Help",
        "source": "app/assistants/Help-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "Chat",
        "source": "app/assistants/Chat-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "Computer",
        "source": "app/assistants/Computer-assistant.js"
        "scenes": "TacticsBoard",
        "source": "app/assistants/TacticsBoard-assistant.js"

Here's doc about sources.json:

Anyone's got an idea how to make it work in mozilla/chromium?

EDIT: Current goal: How is it loaded on Palm? If I know that I may try to reproduce it

marmistrz 2012-03-10 14:07

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
1 Attachment(s)
I managed to find the cause of problem!!!
I added this at the end of <head>. But as with Palm, a solution causes more problems :)


log.js:259 ERROR: native parser didn't like '{"screenWidth": undefined, "screenHeight": undefined, "minimumCardWidth": undefined, "minimumCardHeight": 188, "maximumCardWidth": undefined, "maximumCardHeight": undefined, "keyboardType": "QWERTY"}'
log.js:259 EXCEPTION [JSON.parse], (SyntaxError): "Unexpected token u"
prototype.js:516 Uncaught SyntaxError: Badly formed JSON string: '{"screenWidth": undefined, "screenHeight": undefined, "minimumCardWidth": undefined, "minimumCardHeight": 188, "maximumCardWidth": undefined, "maximumCardHeight": undefined, "keyboardType": "QWERTY"}'

I used Chromium with --allow-file-access-from-files

Firefox throws the same errors and doesn't like some css

Attaching new index.html. Gzipped.

How can I fix these parser errors?

marmistrz 2012-03-14 18:28

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
undefined is forbidden in json!

Now, how can I set a value of a json-variable? (please send me a link with a good explanation)


I need to correct the variable



marmistrz 2012-03-20 17:14

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
4 Attachment(s)
It works!!!!!
I needed to change the /usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/submissions/347/javascripts/framework.js
line 109
to the json two posts ago, where undefined was replaced by ""

Some stylesheets fail to load, but it's a success anyway

I'll create a patch file, if this becomes noticed :)

Screenshot attached, further testing will be performed. This works only in Chromium, doesn't in Firefox. Not tested in other browsers

ivgalvez 2012-03-20 19:46

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
A small step for a man... :D

marmistrz 2012-03-20 20:06

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by ivgalvez (Post 1182095)
A small step for a man... :D

Yeaaah, it's only a small step: this sould at the end work on mozilla

I performed a bit more testing.
Unfortunately, I tried to login, and seems that login/register is not working here. - chromium (iron) to be precise is throwing error: Unsafe heder "X-JSON"

I dont know the mechanism of this... I tried googling a bit, but no success. Could anyone help me with this one? Why is this eeror thrown when a network activity is performed?

marmistrz 2012-03-24 11:12

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

I run
chromium-browser --disable-web-security and it works!\

it doesnt work on firefox yet. Chrome/Chromium/Iron only.

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