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fixfox 2010-04-22 20:33

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by fixfox (Post 621819)
It seems this url is down and is the reason why downloading/calculating routes ( searching for locations) using google maps is not working in Maemo mapper!

Working now....
Gnuite was kind enough to fix it right away...

fixfox 2010-04-22 20:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 622277)
I have been using that reference. Sorry I should have said.

I have managed to get some maps saving off line, but the levels are still limited and it seems to be slower than over the HSPA connection.

Is this normal?

I usually "browse around" at the level and area I need cached.
No, it's not supposed to be slower from the cache than hsdpa..... at least not that I'm aware of.

The information about POI mainly relates to downloading existing POI interest. I have created many POI in Google Earth/Maps format, but it doesn't seem to work when I try to transpose this to gpx format.

Any suggestions?
Have not tried that yet.... I usually create POI's directly in mapper.

fixfox 2010-04-23 18:03

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Has anyone tried the voice prompts on 3.0+beta5? I am getting the voice in a strange language.

Any one else notice this ?

fixfox 2010-04-26 19:54

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Is no one here using maemo mapper ?

fixfox 2010-04-30 20:02

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by fixfox (Post 624799)
Has anyone tried the voice prompts on 3.0+beta5? I am getting the voice in a strange language.

Any one else notice this ?

The following location......

contains files with names *.spx, namely....



replace these with the new ones in the attached file to get voice prompts in English.

You can also create your own prompts by converting .wav/mp3 files (sound recordings) to .spx (speex codec)
using SpeexDrop.

lardman 2010-05-01 09:19

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I seem to remember that in the N8x0 version of MM it was possible to search for things (like a shop name) near your current location. Or then again my memory may be playing tricks on me.

I imagine this is certainly doable by sending the search string + current loc to Google and using their search, then parsing the output. Is this in the code/is there any interest in doing this as it would be very handy imo?

baseb0l 2010-05-03 16:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I had mapper working fine on my N900 until two days ago. Now It does not display the map. I have tried google, yahoo, openstreet ... with no luck.
Probably I messed up some settings. I have tried uninstalling and installing again, but even if I uninstall it seems that some settings remain.
So my question is, after I uninstall what directories/files should I remove so I can install from scratch?
Any other tip on trying to display the map? So far I have turned on and off maps>auto-download.

fixfox 2010-05-03 17:03

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Have you tried purging the application?

type the following (while the application is still installed) in terminal.....

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge maemo-mapper

then re-install it to see if that helps.

baseb0l 2010-05-03 17:24

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by fixfox (Post 640727)
Have you tried purging the application?

type the following (while the application is still installed) in terminal.....

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge maemo-mapper

then re-install it to see if that helps.

Forgive my ignorance. I typed "sudo gainroot" and I get:
Enable RD mode if you want to break your device

Does it mean that I should be root? If so, how do I get root access?

Laughing Man 2010-05-03 17:26

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by fixfox (Post 623322)
Working now....
Gnuite was kind enough to fix it right away...

How is he enjoying his job at Google?

fixfox 2010-05-03 17:50

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by baseb0l (Post 640767)
Forgive my ignorance. I typed "sudo gainroot" and I get:
Enable RD mode if you want to break your device

Does it mean that I should be root? If so, how do I get root access?

Use the application manager to install rootsh.

fixfox 2010-05-03 17:52

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 640773)
How is he enjoying his job at Google?

You can follow him on Google Buzz :D

baseb0l 2010-05-04 00:34

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by fixfox (Post 640727)
Have you tried purging the application?

type the following (while the application is still installed) in terminal.....

sudo gainroot
apt-get purge maemo-mapper

then re-install it to see if that helps.

I tried it, but it did not help. What files/directories should I remove so that maps should be downloaded again?

grog 2010-05-07 19:35

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I've noticed the same issue that whats_up_skip & pigro reported previously. On several recent hour-long walks while trying to use tracking & listen to music with a bluetooth headset my tablet has almost completely locked up, once draining the battery from about 3/4 full so I had to swap to my backup. On either occasion the tablet was so unresponsive that I'm sure if a call had come in I would'nt have been able to answer it. It took quite a long time of fighting to close either running application down so I could at least get it to respond at all.

Great piece of software otherwise :). Keep up the good work. TX

petur 2010-05-21 12:01

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by Pigro (Post 568967)
don't know if it's directly relevant or not, but during a recent walk (battery fully charged before setting off) I had tracking enabled on maep,with nokia messaging running for push gmail, the built in media player for music, with occasional use of the camera plus the odd SMS. I stopped media player after a while, and later on when I stopped for a coffee I realised the n900 had switched itself off. It wa totally dead & unresponsive - it would not power on again until after I took out the battery - when I put it back in, the phone booted up fine again.

I have had this happen twice to me now, but when using Maep. So I assume it's a common lib thing

petur 2010-05-21 12:13

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I just installed mapper (don't know why I didn't do so before, I always used this on my n810), and I'm stumped by it not enabling and finding my GPS.

That's right, it says 'Searching for GPS receiver', but the GPS icon in the tray doesn't show up. So it will never find it.

It does, however, seem to fake a GPS as it claims I'm doing 20km/h while sitting on a chair... weird.

The version is, downloaded from the repositories.

Is this a known issue?

petur 2010-05-22 22:45

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by petur (Post 669176)
I just installed mapper (don't know why I didn't do so before, I always used this on my n810), and I'm stumped by it not enabling and finding my GPS.

That's right, it says 'Searching for GPS receiver', but the GPS icon in the tray doesn't show up. So it will never find it.

It does, however, seem to fake a GPS as it claims I'm doing 20km/h while sitting on a chair... weird.


It seems the default setting is GPS simulation. I managed to find the place where you can configure the GPS (hint, it's under File, pretty obvious :( )

fixfox 2010-05-23 16:03

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I've just updated to Mappero 3.0beta7 (new name for Maemo Mapper)

As suggested in another thread, I created a wrapper for espeak named "flite" to enable voice navigation


shift 1
/usr/bin/espeak -a 40 -s 120 "$@"

the above code is saved with filename "flite" (without quotes) in the location "/usr/bin/".

Has anyone had success with this?
Can anyone else test for spoken directions with this work around?

dantonic 2010-05-26 00:10

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
In mappero is there a way to keep the map zoom at the previous level? So that the map view is actually bigger, and the street names are more readable? I know that was possible on the N800 but haven't figured it out on this.

whats_up_skip 2010-05-26 00:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by dantonic (Post 677486)
In mappero is there a way to keep the map zoom at the previous level? So that the map view is actually bigger, and the street names are more readable? I know that was possible on the N800 but haven't figured it out on this.

It is in off line mode, but I suspect this is not what you are looking for.

dantonic 2010-05-26 04:21

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by whats_up_skip (Post 677510)
It is in off line mode, but I suspect this is not what you are looking for.

You suspect correctly.

d-iivil 2010-05-26 07:07

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
One thing that prevents me using this as navi is that the my location is always at the center of the map so I cannot see the intersections early enough (don't want to zoom out that much). Would it be possible to change the map display in the way that my position is at the bottom of the screen when moving? That way the map would show much more information about what's coming ahead.

I think it's less important to see what's behind you when driving.

dantonic 2010-05-26 09:26

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

That's what the "Lead" option is supposed to provide, but it doesn't work for me.

Andrei 2010-05-26 11:27

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
Can't find the package anymore in extras-testing. Any suggestions?

Edit: I know the new name is Mappero now, but still no luck.

elris 2010-05-27 17:48

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
When I'm looking for a place, it crashes. I write the name of the place in Go To Address, then I press ok and then the application crashes.Does it happen to you too?

bull81 2010-06-04 06:07

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I want to download maps on my PC and then copy it to N900. (easier to manage space vs coverage ratio). Do you know what software would help me download it on my PC in a mappero format?

bull81 2010-06-04 10:45

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
n900: I drove a little bit today and I have to admit that this soft has a potential.

It would also be handy to keep direction hints permanently on the screen. I like to know that my next "turn right" is in 50 km :D

Do you guys now if there is any chance to have auto map rotation based on the drive direction or we can't have it with static maps?

sceptre15 2010-06-04 16:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I have been trying to get the nexrad weather layer working in the latest version of mappero, but from some reading it seems that it needs the proj library to be able to support WMS layers (which the nexrad layer is). Does anyone know where to find proj for the n900? I looked in extras-testing and extras-devel but could not find them.

klinglerware 2010-06-04 17:10

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by bull81 (Post 699325)

Do you guys now if there is any chance to have auto map rotation based on the drive direction or we can't have it with static maps?

If I am understanding your question correctly, you can enable this by clicking on the auto-center icon (the thing that looks sort of like a gear) and then clicking the "Auto-Rotate" button.

sceptre15 2010-06-04 20:00

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by sceptre15 (Post 699786)
I have been trying to get the nexrad weather layer working in the latest version of mappero, but from some reading it seems that it needs the proj library to be able to support WMS layers (which the nexrad layer is). Does anyone know where to find proj for the n900? I looked in extras-testing and extras-devel but could not find them.

Ok, so I enabled extras-devel and ran apt-get install proj as root to install proj, but the weather layer still does not show on the map. Does anyone here have this working, or is it known to be broken?

bull81 2010-06-05 13:11

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by klinglerware (Post 699822)
If I am understanding your question correctly, you can enable this by clicking on the auto-center icon (the thing that looks sort of like a gear) and then clicking the "Auto-Rotate" button.

klinglerware: thank you! I have no idea how i missed that option!

mrt 2010-06-07 11:16

Mappero - Where are the map-files located

I'm glad to found one of my favorite apps for the N810 maemo mapper as mappero for my new N900. And first I would like to say thank you to the people that are working on it! This is a really helpful app and I enjoyed to use it with my N810 on my motorcycle for routing and tracking.

My Idea, now, is that I would like to copy map-files, routes and tracks from my N810 to the N900. So I started with viewing some maps (VirtualEarth) with the N900 to see if there is a map-directory created and to check if it runs, if I copy my files to this directory. But after viewing some maps and zooming in (so that N900 processes some maps) I can't find a map-directory in the N900 file manager. :confused:

Can somebody please tell me, where the downloaded map-files are located or If I have to do some settings first?

Thanks in advance! :)


bull81 2010-06-07 12:22

Re: Mappero - Where are the map-files located

- GoogleVector
-OpenStreetMap I

Directories has been created automatically when I browsed the map.

mrt 2010-06-07 13:30

Re: Mappero - Where are the map-files located
Thanks for your answer. When I connect the N900 in mass storage mode I've found them.

Looks different from how the maps are stored on the N810. So I will have to download my maps again. But maybe I can use my saved routes and tracks further on.

By the way, it seems to me that maps on the N900 takes lots more storage than on the N810. Is that right?


mrt 2010-06-17 07:24

Re: Mappero - Where are the map-files located

Originally Posted by mrt (Post 703482)
By the way, it seems to me that maps on the N900 takes lots more storage than on the N810. Is that right?

Does somebody knows about the reasons why storing maps is different between N810 and N900?

I load maps of some areas in different levels (6,8,10) and although the areas where not so big I got several GB's of maps on my device, now.

Thanks in advance!


gm_w 2010-06-23 13:03

how to download maps for mappero n900?
Can someone tell me how to download maps for mappero? It would be best if I can download this from my computer and then transfer them to my n900. I do not care if its open street maps or google maps, as long as it works.

I do not have an internet connection outside.

mrt 2010-06-23 13:39

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
I don't know, if there is a way to download maps to your PC and put them to the N900. Usually you have to download maps using the Manage Maps Dialog directly in Mappero using your N900. If you do not have a data flat on your mobile phone contract take care that you are using wireless lan for this. You should start with downloading a small area (maybe your hometown) in the zoom-levels you would like to have on your device. That will give you a feeling for the time it will take to download bigger areas.


Pigro 2010-06-23 13:52

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
I just installed mappero for 1st time from extras-testing. Love it in concept, but some feedback in practice:

1) The default voice prompts are in some romance-type language, similar to Italian, but subtly different. Purely out of curiosity, what is it? I speak a bit of Spanish & Italian, and I found myself understanding it without really noticing at first - is it Esperanto?

2) There seems to be no way (other than "avoid highways") to tell the route calculator that you are on foot - I did a short test route and the suggested one would have been fine for a car but way longer than neccessary for a pedestrian. It ignored a main pedestrian thoroughfare through a city centre park, which is I guess understandable, but it also suggested a "straight" road route with one right angled turn, rather than the available "hypotenuse" route that Pythagoras would have advised! Is there a way to optimise the routign engine for pedestrian use?

3) After walking the test route for a while I diverged from it on purpose to see what would happen. I had the "auto-calculate" option set, which I hoped would cause the app to re-calculate my route on the fly - but it didn't seem to. Is that what this option is intended to do?

4) I abandoned that route (did a clear) and entered a second one. It failed to identify my desired destination from a text lookup, and even via selecting it from the map. On each occasion it gave the yellow banner with "generic error". Both times, my starting point was my GPS location.

5) I closed the app, and reopened it to try and cure this - mappero started, but then dissapeared. I repeated this and it started OK next time, but still gave the generic error message when I tried to plan my route. I rebooted the phone (hadn't done this since installing mappero BTW) but still no joy. All this was while on a 2G/3G data connection. When I later got back to my house and fired up mappero again on wifi, it still won't accept my destination (or several others local to it) - though it now says "invalid source or destination", when my source is still current GPS location. I can understand this may happen based on the street name only (Ovi often won't find a name even when it is displayed on the map) but mappero also won't accept it as a destination when I attempt to specify it simply tapping on the street on the map. Only thing I can think of is that the destnations I'm entering are fairly close (~200m-500m) to my current location. Would that confuse matters?

6) when entering a destination, an auto-complete box will appear beside the text entry field (black text on blue background) which suggests based on previous places you've entered. This is in addition to the auto-complete suggestions in the entry field itself. The latter works fine - but the former does nothing when clicked (a shame, as it would be very useful).

Hope none of this sounds negative - on the contrary, this is clearly the navigation app that the n900 has been waiting for (though, unlike most, I don't actually hate Ovi Maps, particularly since PR1.2) - just wanted to give some feedback as a new user, please kep up the good work :-)

gm_w 2010-06-23 19:22

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
The manage map dialog download whats on your screen basically. And it is really slow. If I want to download the entire US, I zoom all the way out until I can see the entire US 50 states, If I hit download everything for zoom level 6 there, it will simply crash my n900 because there will be 123,456,789 maps to be downloaded.

So basically, there is no way to predownload the maps for mappero. You must have an internet connection on the road, or you take very short trips and pre-browse the path you want to take and let mappero download it for you then.

xomm 2010-06-23 21:48

Re: how to download maps for mappero n900?
Plot a route, then go to the Application Menu (top bar) > Maps > Manage Maps > Setup > Along Route (radius default of 8 is fine) > Zoom (choose whichever you want. 5 or 6 is zoomed enough without downloading too many maps) > OK.

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