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Ali_rshojakhani 2010-02-22 10:12

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by bergie (Post 540702)
iPhone. Left it in a cab during Gran Canaria Desktop Summit and haven't looked back :cool:

mine got stolen... never to be found:D

NotTheMessiah 2010-02-22 10:17

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N82, still got it as a backup phone incase anything should happen to my N900. was pretty good device for s60 really, had quake3 running and dosbox too.

2disbetter 2010-02-22 10:25

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia e51, and before that a samsung t509, which i just used for the edge modem ability.

The N900 was my first smartphone of sorts, as I had just been using UMPC x86 based computers before that. (Think OQO)


gidoca 2010-02-22 10:28

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I had the 9210i before. There's really nothing I miss, except for the bigger keyboard. :) The N900 is my third phone ever.

sinetype 2010-02-22 10:30

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N96... lol Thank God i bought a N900

JanKrejcarek 2010-02-22 10:30

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Palm Treo 650 for three years. Having a computer now in my pocket is an amazing feeling...

NotTheMessiah 2010-02-22 10:35

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by 2disbetter (Post 540828)
Nokia e51, and before that a samsung brick, which i just used for the edge modem ability.

The N900 was my first smartphone of sorts, as I had just been using UMPC x86 based computers before that. (Think OQO)


my first phone was a motorola brick. had an amazing feature where you had to smash it against something hard to make it work.

Pfuh3z 2010-02-22 10:36

Re: what was your phone before n900??
i'm coming from a simple Nokia 5310 XpressMusic...
imagine my relief! ;)

lowang35 2010-02-22 10:41

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by sinetype (Post 540835)
N96... lol Thank God i bought a N900

Hehe yeah it was really squeeky if thats the word... :p

kazuki 2010-02-22 10:45

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E90 and 9500 b4 that

darkjoker 2010-02-22 10:47

Re: what was your phone before n900??
imate pda2 <--- complete **** never buy windows mobile
se t610
se w350
se w580
nokia 5800xm
n900 <----- epic

Farooq 2010-02-22 10:51

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Mine was nokia 1202
and big jump to N900
Before 1202 i was using K-Jam

yogi900 2010-02-22 10:53

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Mine was HTC Touch.

I was pretty happy with that . I used that for 2 years without any problem. But, I dropped that once and damaged its display heavily.

I was to buy HTC Hero (being Android mobile)..but one of my friends told me to wait for N900. I was then comparing N900 with HTC Hero, HTC HD2 Leo and iphone 3GS. I selected N900 only for its linux. Now I am very happy with it.

ONEofFIVEsTrIkE 2010-02-22 10:54

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I was using a Fruit Phone without a sim card (just for the free WIFI and an app called MyTime) until I lost that. However my main phone was Nokia N95 8GB.

SR90 2010-02-22 11:01

Re: what was your phone before n900??
e90/n95 classic /8800 arte and still have them laying around lol , n900 is EPIC

biggzy 2010-02-22 11:04

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Came from a black N97, aint looked back since.

WilliePre 2010-02-22 11:17

Re: what was your phone before n900??
A Nokia 6121c & N800 for real internet experience.

FaZy_UK 2010-02-22 11:22

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My last phone was an N85... The N900 blows it out of the water but still loved it I've been with Nokia smartphones since they properly began...

3650 > 6600 > 6630 > N70 > N95 > N85 > N900

It's amazing when I look back at the 3650, just how far things have come

Zelig87 2010-02-22 11:24

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Palm Treo 750........ was hanging out for the Palm Pre until I saw the specs on the N900 and they just blew the Pre away.

camoura 2010-02-22 11:26

Re: what was your phone before n900??
My N900 replaced a set of: iPhone 3G ( main phone ) and N800 + Nokia 6832 ( Remote linux and windows servers maintenance and other Linux things ).

NotTheMessiah 2010-02-22 11:37

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by Zelig87 (Post 540901)
Palm Treo 750........ was hanging out for the Palm Pre until I saw the specs on the N900 and they just blew the Pre away.

yeah, thats what always made me chuckle about the ads for the pre here in the uk cos they were all like the most amazing device ever. blah blah. and absolute must have, its so good. just made me laugh cos the n900 craps all over the palm pre.

rash.m2k 2010-02-22 11:42

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95 8GB! Ain't no better phone - I still have it1

jorjino 2010-02-22 11:49

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Mine was E90, perfect phone for business use.
Still missing some functionality of it in comparison to N900. Hope soon we will get good office and good Contacts menu.


NokiaRocks 2010-02-22 11:56

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95. Still missing my Garmin :(

bennie_wijs 2010-02-22 11:57

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Well, my phone before the N900 was the Nokia N91.

juise- 2010-02-22 11:58

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 6310i, the best phone Nokia has ever made. Still works perfectly after seven years of use.

No fancy smartphone stuff though.

joecroatia 2010-02-22 12:02

Re: what was your phone before n900??
N95 and 5800. still using 5800


qwazix 2010-02-22 12:02

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by FaZy_UK (Post 540893)
My last phone was an N85... The N900 blows it out of the water but still loved it I've been with Nokia smartphones since they properly began...

3650 > 6600 > 6630 > N70 > N95 > N85 > N900

It's amazing when I look back at the 3650, just how far things have come

It's amazing to see people who get now for the first time a smartphone, tell you "wow, I can IM from my phone"
and you say "what's wow i could do this back in 2003"
and then "wow, I can schedule sms's"
and you say "I could do this back in 2003"
and then "wow, I can do that"
and so on...
Live Sex

nicola.mfb 2010-02-22 12:10

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Openmoko freerunner, just wondering it seems I'm alone here :).
Before I had an n70 that I'm still carrying daily to use TomTom 5!!!

berty 2010-02-22 12:29

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia N97, like a few others.

illemann 2010-02-22 12:33

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E377, E768, GF788e, 610, P800, SE-P900, SE-P910, SE-P990, SE-W960, SE-P1i, Nokia E90, SE-P1i, N900

viegas 2010-02-22 12:34

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I was using a N81 8GB. Thank god I bought the N900! :D

afaq 2010-02-22 12:41

Re: what was your phone before n900??
The unmentionable N97.
Before that N95 8GB, N70

NotTheMessiah 2010-02-22 12:48

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by viegas (Post 540993)
I was using a N81 8GB. Thank god I bought the N900! :D

Is the n900 good out in bat country? And does it cope with ether ok?

slobodsky 2010-02-22 12:50

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Glofiish x650 - very buggy winmobile device.
Nokia 5500 sport - sometimes I use it while training, but simbian signing system is annoying.
Siemens ME45 - my first phone, and it's alive after this years!

breeze 2010-02-22 13:02

Re: what was your phone before n900??
Nokia 6110
Nokia 7110
Nokia 6310i
Nokia 6230
Nokia 8210
Sony W810i
Sony V630i
n95 8GB

babse 2010-02-22 13:05

Re: what was your phone before n900??
E90 and SE P910. Miss the awesome Keyboard on the E90 and my Symbian UIQ

steev182 2010-02-22 13:15

Re: what was your phone before n900??
iPhone 2G with my sister's Samsung Galaxy as a little one month stop gap before falling in love with a Nokia for the first time since the original N-Gage...

Jamil 2010-02-22 13:33

Re: what was your phone before n900??
I've been keeping a list. Since 1997:

Philips Fizz (1 year)
Nokia 3110 (18 months)
Ericsson GA 628 (briefly)
Nokia 8110 (6 months)
Nokia 7110 (1 year)
Sony CMD Z5 (briefly)
Panasonic GD87 (1 year)
Nokia 8310 (1 year)
Nokia 6600 (1 year)
Nokia 6680 (1 year)
Nokia N80 (1 year)
Nokia N95 8GB (2 years)
Nokia N900 (current phone)

Ali_rshojakhani 2010-02-22 13:44

Re: what was your phone before n900??

Originally Posted by Jamil (Post 541048)
I've been keeping a list. Since 1997:

Philips Fizz (1 year)
Nokia 3110 (18 months)
Ericsson GA 628 (briefly)
Nokia 8110 (6 months)
Nokia 7110 (1 year)
Sony CMD Z5 (briefly)
Panasonic GD87 (1 year)
Nokia 8310 (1 year)
Nokia 6600 (1 year)
Nokia 6680 (1 year)
Nokia N80 (1 year)
Nokia N95 8GB (2 years)
Nokia N900 (current phone)

WOW! thats pretty geekily awsome:D

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