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ndi 2011-03-01 11:20

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by zdanee (Post 957342)
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Nokia decided to test WP7 on their already existing test hardware, the N900,

Theoretically possible, but not likely. N900 fits the bill, it has a CPU @ 1150, downclocked for longevity. And RAM is not an issue, minimum reqs are there to ensure smoothness. With a decent card to swap it could be fine for testing.

What disqualifies N900 is the resistive. The UI is designed for multitouch. Could work, but you never know what could be inaccesible.


Originally Posted by sinaisix (Post 957321)
Like seriously? A company the size of M$ still cannot dev an OS that is ready out of the box? They'd need to do it piecemeal? In any case, why would anyone want to use WP7 on the N900?:eek:

Because it's how development works. And to your second question, because we are not all like you, thank God. And different people want different things, human greatness and all that meaningless jazz.

sinaisix 2011-03-01 11:32

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Because it's how development works. And to your second question, because we are not all like you, thank God. And different people want different things, human greatness and all that meaningless jazz.
When I bought my N900, I had everything out of the box. Multitasking and all that...Was it not developed as well?

Releasing a crippled OS in any case, is not a sign of good development practices, but of course people will differ with the iCrowd.

You probably don't get me. My point is it is really meaningless to release a crippled OS and claim "that is how dev work" as if we don't have examples on the market. It's not like M$ has not released a mobile OS before.

I never said all are like me. I just wondered why anyone would want to run a crippled OS on the N900 when there is Meego and Android just a few commands away.

ndi 2011-03-01 12:11

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by sinaisix (Post 958021)
When I bought my N900, I had everything out of the box. Multitasking and all that...Was it not developed as well?

The OS you had on N900 out of the box was Maemo 5

Also, while it had copy, it also had a bad sound system, with shaky dropping audio, non-locking GPS, wifi that was stuck ON locking the CPU, no MMS, bugs is SMS, no USSD, and it crawled. And BT was funny. And no PABC. And no FM support, at all. And no IR support at all. And it has a shaky USB. It was a joke.

W7, despite its 7 moniker, is actually Windows Phone 1.0, the seven is there to sync with W7 on PC, because starting with W8 they will be united.


Originally Posted by sinaisix (Post 958021)
You probably don't get me. My point is it is really meaningless to release a crippled OS and claim "that is how dev work" as if we don't have examples on the market. It's not like M$ has not released a mobile OS before.

I never said all are like me. I just wondered why anyone would want to run a crippled OS on the N900 when there is Meego and Android just a few commands away.

It is not meaningless. At the beginning of a cycle there will be few users, early adopters that run beta software, like we did with M5, step 4 of screw us. All iPhones were betas of next versions. All Androids are betas of newer betas and MeeGo 1.0 has so many holes the Moon is laughing, look it up.

And Meego is far from ready, and Android is a hack-in. Thou shalt not compare 200 user that will hack NITDroid on N900 with the lifecycle of a new OS.

I have no idea where you say a "complete" 1.0 release. Android first release was a joke, iOS had no copy-paste, Maemo was downright funny. W7 is WP 1.0 and will have its limitations.They all do. Sucks to be us, but you can choose to buy a more mature OS if you don't like the cutting edge.

MyNokiaN900 2011-03-01 12:33

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by zdanee (Post 957342)
Actually I wouldn't be surprised if Nokia decided to test WP7 on their already existing test hardware, the N900, before they start to make new phones. On the other hand, a Qt GUI imitating the Metro interface would be easier to write than port that crappy OS to the N900. Also based on the WP7 system requirements the N900 doesn't have a fast enough CPU (600MHz vs 1GHz), enough memory (256MB vs 512MB), lacks hw buttons (qwerty does not count in this case), and as far as I know WP7 currently runs only on one specific hardware, thus the strict requirements.

  1. One does not need 1GHZ to run an operating system. - Maemo is proof of that, NITDroid is more proof of that.
  2. The N900 is capable of running 1GHz as so many of us who have overclocked it know.
  3. There are 5 hardware buttons on the Nokia N900, not to mention the physical keyboard.
  4. Don't rule out the device that can run almost anything on it.

The question is - do people want WP7 on their Nokia N900? I certainly don't want a buggy OS.

DJRedline 2011-03-01 12:46

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 (Post 958079)
The question is - do people want WP7 on their Nokia N900? I certainly don't want a buggy OS.

If it was available then i would certainly try it out.

exo 2011-03-01 23:05

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by shockgiga (Post 952299)
now that the ms team is working with nokia's hardware team, "maybe" a custom port with basic functionalities maybe possible for arm architecture.

What do you think WP7 is currently running on? x86? It's ARM already.


Originally Posted by zdanee (Post 957342)
and as far as I know WP7 currently runs only on one specific hardware, thus the strict requirements.

My understanding is that they set minimum requirements in order to license the OS to avoid what has happened with Android where many devices are incapable of running the OS smoothly and obviously damaging the Android brand.

abill_uk 2011-03-01 23:23

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 (Post 958079)
  1. One does not need 1GHZ to run an operating system. - Maemo is proof of that, NITDroid is more proof of that.
  2. The N900 is capable of running 1GHz as so many of us who have overclocked it know.
  3. There are 5 hardware buttons on the Nokia N900, not to mention the physical keyboard.
  4. Don't rule out the device that can run almost anything on it.

The question is - do people want WP7 on their Nokia N900? I certainly don't want a buggy OS.

OMG i had to laugh at this one, so is Maemo not a buggy OS???.

Maemo is about as complete as it will ever get i think unless Nokia release everthing that is closed and why would people NOT want W7 on the N900?.

amr h 2011-03-20 01:30

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 (Post 958079)
The question is - do people want WP7 on their Nokia N900? I certainly don't want a buggy OS.

I want it, especially after the partnership between Microsoft and Nokia.

The question is: Would one of the developers WP7 on their Nokia N900?

amr h 2011-03-20 01:34

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 958058)

Also, while it had copy, it also had a bad sound system, with shaky dropping audio, non-locking GPS, wifi that was stuck ON locking the CPU, no MMS, bugs is SMS, no USSD, and it crawled. And BT was funny. And no PABC. And no FM support, at all. And no IR support at all. And it has a shaky USB. It was a joke.

All of this will be resolve in the next update

gerbick 2011-03-20 01:44

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??

Originally Posted by MyNokiaN900 (Post 958079)
  1. One does not need 1GHZ to run an operating system. - Maemo is proof of that, NITDroid is more proof of that.

But it runs so much better at 1ghz.


The question is - do people want WP7 on their Nokia N900? I certainly don't want a buggy OS.
Hell no.

hansaka 2011-03-26 02:41

Re: Windows Phone 7 on N900??
why fightting here, no one can compare these two, its about windows and linux. windows has nice GUI interface where people can reach every option by pointing, on linux side most of them free and far more staible. most people like n900 coz of its capability to put normall linux tools, that there using already on desktops so as a linux phone this is the best phone in the market that we can play with. In other hand some people dont want play with the commands, they goes for phone's beauty and the other extra feture such as cam, screen, gui interface so there is no point of fighting over 2 operating systems. all depends on the users interest, for me n900 is best phone i ever had and thats the only phone on market for my requirement.
sorry for my bad english :)

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