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rajil.s 2010-11-07 22:18

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by ffarber (Post 619489)
If you want to remove the standard profiles section on the task bar wouldn't it just be better to comment out (or remove) the section of


that starts with


there are a total of five lines that would need to be removed/commented out.

You will have to be root to do this.


P.S. Now I am going to try profilesx.

Commenting these lines doesn't make the applet go away.

reflexing 2010-11-23 10:21

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Hello guys, first of all, wanna thank Nicolay for his great work for the community.

Now the problem part:
Somehow i'd messed my profiles, maybe with tweakr… the thing is I don't see "General" profile in default Profiles application, but I see it in ProfilesX and can enable it through statusbar menu. Are there any way to restore original profiles?

Other problem is that default Profiles icon shows in statusbar along with ProfilesX's icon (and in statusbar menu too). Looked some pages back, looks like this was fixed. Maybe it's some regression?

I'm using PR 1.3 power46 kernel and ProfilesX 0.7

And some other question… I'm big Jabber fan, and have it enabled everytime. But when I get message — ooops — MediaBox stops playing sound for a little, even when I selected my custom, created with ProfilesX "IM" profile, where IM notification sound volume set to 0. Looks like setting it to 0 doesn't disable it at all, just plays it at 0 volume. It's rather annoying, and I had to select internal "Silent" profile to avoid it. Are there any way to solve this?

Thanks everybody.

nicolai 2010-11-23 10:38

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by reflexing (Post 880942)
Hello guys, first of all, wanna thank Nicolay for his great work for the community.

Now the problem part:
Somehow i'd messed my profiles, maybe with tweakr… the thing is I don't see "General" profile in default Profiles application, but I see it in ProfilesX and can enable it through statusbar menu. Are there any way to restore original profiles?

Is tweakr still installed?

Originally Posted by reflexing (Post 880942)
Other problem is that default Profiles icon shows in statusbar along with ProfilesX's icon (and in statusbar menu too). Looked some pages back, looks like this was fixed. Maybe it's some regression?

Tweakr and ProfilesX use the same function ("hack") to hide
the stock profiles statusbar plugin. If you uninstalled tweakr lately, you
have to reboot once, otherwise tweakr just unhides the statusbar plugin.

Originally Posted by reflexing (Post 880942)
And some other question… I'm big Jabber fan, and have it enabled everytime. But when I get message — ooops — MediaBox stops playing sound for a little, even when I selected my custom, created with ProfilesX "IM" profile, where IM notification sound volume set to 0. Looks like setting it to 0 doesn't disable it at all, just plays it at 0 volume. It's rather annoying, and I had to select internal "Silent" profile to avoid it. Are there any way to solve this?

Thanks everybody.

The sound system in maemo5, sadly, only distinguish "silent" profile
and "general"/"or any other" profile.
So, it is not possible, to fully disable any attempt to play
notification sound, even if the volume is set to zer0.
That is bad.


reflexing 2010-11-23 11:02

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thanks for quick answer, i've deleted tweakr, rebooted and it all goes OK.

So, tweakr and profilesx are incompatible in certain areas? Maybe it should be noticed somewhere, maybe in repos? Or it's just tweakr profiles functionality mess everything, but if it's just installed it will work?.. I used it's "snap-to-grid" functionality, but it looks like that it is supported out of the box in my favourite (for now) "Black Plasic Theme", so tweakr is completely unuseful for me, and I wan't miss it :)

Thanks again!

reflexing 2010-11-23 12:59

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Heh when I set "Silent" profile up it shows 2 icons in statusbar :)

reflexing 2010-12-01 16:31

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
1 Attachment(s)
Here are default profiles for N900 for those who broke their profiles somehow. Clear /etc/profilesd on your phone and put em there, then reboot I think.

Also, I've resolved my problem with 2 icons of silent mode in statusbar — just changed it to empty in ProfilesX. 2010-12-20 02:28

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
1 Attachment(s)
hi guys, great app! but:
1) problem to remove a previous profile created. when i tap on delete button, it begins the task (deleting action), appears the like-clock spinning beside "Profiles" word, but it remains forever without never end the task. see my attachment..
2) it's possible to create a profile with incremental ringtone?
thank you

nicolai 2010-12-20 07:57

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by (Post 900238)
hi guys, great app! but:
1) problem to remove a previous profile created. when i tap on delete button, it begins the task (deleting action), appears the like-clock spinning beside "Profiles" word, but it remains forever without never end the task. see my attachment..

Did you mean you try to remove a profile you just created?
Or is it an older profile?


Originally Posted by (Post 900238)
2) it's possible to create a profile with incremental ringtone?
thank you


Nicolai 2010-12-20 12:22

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 900361)
Did you mean you try to remove a profile you just created?
Or is it an older profile?

I mean a new profile that I created.

EDIT: It's possible to change from a every profile to silent profile by pressing camera button?
It's annoying everytime: take n900 from pocket, unlock it, tap on time, tap on profile, select silent profile, select ok, tap on the screen to close this window, lock again device.
It should be much better if I can put my hand in my pocket and press/long-press camera button till I listen a short sound that confirm me profile switched to silent!
Please please please tell me it's possible to do...

nicolai 2011-01-17 23:03

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Maybe camkeyd provides this option.

New Version of ProfilesX (0.8)

Fixed a bug with sound preview volume. The volume
for the sound preview was much louder than the sound
of the ringtones.

New options:

You can select to enable autoanswer and / or loudspeaker for
the general and every user defined profiles.

With autoanswer enabled, the phone automatically accepts
phone calls (cellular only, no skype) after 1 second.
But only if the proximity sensor isn't covered. That way it won't
accidently accept the phone call while your phone is in your

The loudspeaker option will switch to speaker mode when then
call is accepted.


ndi 2011-01-18 13:27

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
In 0.8, if I edit the General profile (not change, just press OK), app crashes. I have tweakr installed, but no profiles have been added, just stock General and Silent.

fuel__2001 2011-01-18 20:04

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
great work Nicolai

Its a welcomed addition to the phone, everyday i would have to xterm and run the script to autoanswer, now its just a couple of clicks away :)

I think ive found a bug - when i select a profile using autoanswer, if the proximity sensor is covered and the phone rings, we lose the status plugin from the menu and it defaults back to the 2 nokia profiles.

How did i find this bug - well the only time i use the autoanswer the phone is in my pocket as i ride a motorbike :D

nicolai 2011-01-18 20:21

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thank you for reporting this, I will make more tests :-)


ndi 2011-01-19 11:54

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
One suggestion. For the profile status plugin, could you make it ProfileX and profile name? I can't tell which is yous and which is tweakr's.

Maybe an option? For testing purposes.

nicolai 2011-01-19 23:08

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Good idea

cheve 2011-01-20 04:11

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
can the 1sec wait/delay for auto-answer be modified or made as a configurable setting?

nicolai 2011-01-20 09:49

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Yes, I can make it configurable. But less than 1 sec wont be
possible, there must be at least some delay.

fuel__2001 2011-01-20 11:08

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
would it be possible to make the proximity sensor configurable, so i could choose to have it on or off dependant on the profile i want to create?

AndyNokia232 2011-01-20 11:34

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Thanks you so much for creating this app - I have complained so much about Nokia's glaring omission in Maemo5 with this. Just being fussy now, but is there any chance for a better/bigger selection of icons for each profile? Right now I have a car for my Vibrate only, and a man with an envelope for my Discreet. :/ The bell works for my Outside one though! :)

nicolai 2011-01-20 11:46

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
why do you want to turn the proximity sensor off?

In the Profilesx settings you can choose a custom icon, the litte folder icon
in the icon selection dialog, opens a file selection dialog. But I must admit
it is not well tested.

Btw these icons I created are really ugly. Making good looking
statusbar icons with 18x18 pixels size is quite hard.
Feel free to ask some of those great theme designers here
at to provide me with some good icons.


fuel__2001 2011-01-20 12:13

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by nicolai (Post 924509)
why do you want to turn the proximity sensor off?

the times i use the autoanswer feature im driving a vehicle as its illegal to operate/touch a phone

if im in my car then i can have the phone upright

if im riding my motorbike which is 90% of the time the phone lives in my pocket.

ndi 2011-01-20 12:17

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
So, on bike, in pocket it stays locked and in car it lights up and becomes responsive. Why would you want it off?

nicolai 2011-01-20 12:35

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by fuel__2001 (Post 924517)
if im riding my motorbike which is 90% of the time the phone lives in my pocket.

So, you want the autoanswer feature enabled while your phone is in
your pocket?


fuel__2001 2011-01-20 12:42

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 924519)
So, on bike, in pocket it stays locked and in car it lights up and becomes responsive. Why would you want it off?

can be certain until i gt home a run some tests but im sure thats also part of the bug.

pedro-25 2011-01-20 12:52

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
im not sure if this is 2 d woth this app but since i updated & enabled the speaker feature i do not seem to have the volume in status drop down menu & my olume button does not seem to be working in calls or out of calls any suggestions?

ndi 2011-01-20 14:18

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Get shortcutd and use the camera button to fall back to desktop and call the volume.

pedro-25 2011-01-20 14:33

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 924621)
Get shortcutd and use the camera button to fall back to desktop and call the volume.

i do not have anywhere to call the volume? the volum buttons are not working & the volume is not showing in the drop down status menu!

iscio 2011-01-20 18:21

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
sorry, may I use this program with pr 1.3?

fuel__2001 2011-01-20 18:43

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by ndi (Post 924519)
So, on bike, in pocket it stays locked and in car it lights up and becomes responsive. Why would you want it off?

Just tested with autoanswer on, phone lock on and sensor covered - the phone never answered and the status plugin defaulted to the nokia profiles after it rang :confused:

@ nicolai

Thats exactly the main use for the autoanswer for me when im riding my motorbike, using it with a wired headset. I'm sure others will find it useful when driving a car, they could use a bluetooth headset

Im not sure if its the bug that stopping the autoanswer from working. It does autoanswer with the phone lock on but not with the sensor covered.

ndi 2011-01-20 21:28

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by pedro-25 (Post 924627)
i do not have anywhere to call the volume? the volum buttons are not working & the volume is not showing in the drop down status menu!

Oh, I didn't register that the volume is missing in your status area. You do mean area, where clock is shown, bluetooth, wifi, etc. Not the one with Power Off, Silent, Lock and stuff that pops on power button and whatnot.

If you are sure you invoke the right thing, I vote for a reflash, it only kills settings you can restore from a backup.

The plugin should have been there. If you don't feel like flashing it, open a new thread and ask better people at Linux/N900 than me. They could guide you finding what plugin is missing, if you have a different issue. Hope you are not allergic to the command line.

Weedalot 2011-01-21 00:49

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
in what repository i can find it?

F2thaK 2011-01-21 00:54

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
can i select profilesX profiles in Alarmed??

nicolai 2011-01-21 01:04

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
in extras-devel

Alarmed can only switch between the two builtin profiles. But you can
enter a dbus-command for switching profiles (just look at the
phone control wiki page). ProfilesX profiles can be used the same
way as the builtin profiles. Just replace "general" or "silent" with your
own profile name.


Weedalot 2011-01-21 01:53

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 925103)
can i select profilesX profiles in Alarmed??

what do you mean by alarmed?

F2thaK 2011-01-21 02:06

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
you can set profiles to change on certain days, @ certain times etc.

iscio 2011-01-21 07:02

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
thank you for 0.9, now I am testing it.
is there a way to hide default profile over settings?

pedro-25 2011-01-21 13:17

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
[QUOTE=ndi;924970]Oh, I didn't register that the volume is missing in your status area. You do mean area, where clock is shown, bluetooth, wifi, etc. Not the one with Power Off, Silent, Lock and stuff that pops on power button and whatnot.

If you are sure you invoke the right thing, I vote for a reflash, it only kills settings you can restore from a backup.

The plugin should have been there. If you don't feel like flashing it, open a new thread and ask better people at Linux/N900 than me. They could guide you finding what plugin is missing, if you have a different issue. Hope you are not allergic to the command line.[/QUOT

yes that is where i am missing the volume from & it also now does not seem to be working on the buttons on the side neither in all or on desktop! i do not want to reflash cause i have so many mods & changes to my n900 it would take so long to get them back, i dont mind entering any commands in to xterm if any1 can help me that would be great?

Harick 2011-01-21 20:28

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
i know this was a request


Originally Posted by ndi (Post 923731)
One suggestion. For the profile status plugin, could you make it ProfileX and profile name? I can't tell which is yous and which is tweakr's.

Maybe an option? For testing purposes.

but there is a way to change the new ProfilesX for the previous one or the default profiles word? (in my case "Perfiles" from spanish)

maybe editing a file or an option like was suggested

as i have completely remove the stock profiles app, and use profilesX as full replacement

thanks :)

oh BTW, for those who want to change their profiles from alarmed, just create a command execution, set the time and use this as command:


dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/profiled string:"silent"
and replace the silent with general for general profile or your custom profile name for it

as i have a profile named FkinLoud i"ll use


dbus-send --type=method_call /com/nokia/profiled string:"FkinLoud"

nicolai 2011-01-24 08:23

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
Hi Harick,

For the development version in extras-devel it is a good idea
to have this name. Because if it crashes and the whole statusbar
restarts, you can see from the name change, that the builtin profiles
selector is running.
But as soon as I put this in extras-testing and extras I
will user the default name again.


nicholes 2011-01-25 12:38

Re: [Announce] ProfilesX (more profiles)
thank you very very much Nicolai!!!!! i am using the app and working fine here...

auto answer is a great idea,but looks like not complete auto i right?

i do not know if anyone has describe this before!

i mean it would be great if i could add a (my own)preset voice clip.which could be played when some one call me (when auto answer is activated.)

i think many people would want this stuff

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