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ossipena 2010-05-25 20:23

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by ketil (Post 676946)
1. I can't get microb to work, at all. It just shuts down.

reflash eMMC

michalurban 2010-05-25 20:31

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by boxkillor (Post 676982)
michalb. the protocols u have installed for icq, were they from pidgin or the other one which its icon showing the two blue heads ?

The stuff with two heads - but I recall I tried pidgin protocols during the morning at it did the same ...

Im Michal Urban anyway, where did that "michalb" come from? :D

ketil 2010-05-25 20:35

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by ossipena (Post 676995)
reflash eMMC

I've removed everything in /home/user/.mozilla/microb after encountering the problem, why should I need to flash the eMMC?
Finally managed to get Firefox installed again, so at least happy with that.

boxkillor 2010-05-25 20:40

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
ah okay, thought it only happens with pidgin...but okay so it doesnt matter, both seems to be buggy :D

sorry for mixing up ur name, since i´m going to reflash my n900 again i´m using my psp for surfing right now ^^". i thought the "b" thing would be the best way to name u because writing with this thing is really s**tty :D

michalurban 2010-05-25 20:48

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by boxkillor (Post 677041)
ah okay, thought it only happens with pidgin...but okay so it doesnt matter, both seems to be buggy :D

sorry for mixing up ur name, since i´m going to reflash my n900 again i´m using my psp for surfing right now ^^". i thought the "b" thing would be the best way to name u because writing with this thing is really s**tty :D

LOL, OK, beware of s**tty writing!!! :D

abill_uk 2010-05-25 20:50

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by elmonen (Post 676899)
anyone have problem downloading applications.. I flashed to 1.2 via flasher and now the phone can't get the application list so I can't dl my old applications :E

You need to do a restore from the backup app so unless you never did a backup in the first place then thats the only way you will have all your previous apps.

boxkillor 2010-05-25 20:57

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
hope u didnt get me wrong, sorry i meant the PSP not the "b" ~ thing as mentionend above :D
But to get back to topic, even catorise doesnt work for me anymore.

i think ill stick at the pr.1.1 aswell until we get our beloved apps back working again (^_^)b

jjferreira 2010-05-25 20:59

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Did any one have problems with the bluetooth, my blue tooth just wont work any more. Event when i go to settings and turn bluetooth on it wont just connect.

This was working early in the day before the update, any ideas or suggestion how i could get around this.


michalurban 2010-05-25 21:04

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by boxkillor (Post 677070)
hope u didnt get me wrong, sorry i meant the PSP not the "b" ~ thing as mentionend above :D
But to get back to topic, even catorise doesnt work for me anymore.

i think ill stick at the pr.1.1 aswell until we get our beloved apps back working again (^_^)b

I got you alright ... :)

For me, it looks like Im gonna stick with 1.2 and see what the future brings, I learn for examinations, maybe the bugs get solved after that ... :)

Catorise works fine for me, but I have to stay away from devel, it ruins my device a lot ... (had to reflash today afternoon) ... Messy ... :D

Wichall 2010-05-25 21:07

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

gojira 2010-05-25 21:09

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by Odeh (Post 676438)
- extra-divil not working

I'll see your extra-devel not working at raise you an everything but ovi not working. Was working fine briefly, then getting errors resolving urls and now i'm stuck with just ovi.

Think I might try reflashing...

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:11

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

I am ... :confused:

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:12

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

I noticed this too... Pretty annoying but i just write an extra letter in front and delete it afterwards... ;)

Like instead for writing lowercase I write Llowercase and delete the L.

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:13

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by gojira (Post 677094)
I'll see your extra-devel not working at raise you an everything but ovi not working. Was working fine briefly, then getting errors resolving urls and now i'm stuck with just ovi.

Think I might try reflashing...

I can refresh Extras-devel, but afterwards Im unable to install some apps, (eg. Extra protocol plugins for conversations and contacts) ...

elepedus 2010-05-25 21:13

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I can confirm that I have the same issue as Michal Urban with IM (skype and Y!) contacts not showing in the conversation window when I go to new IM.

Also, the conversation widget doesn't work for me.

As a side note, any idea what the new virtual keyboard should bring over and above the old one? I'm struggling to see much improvement.

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
With PR 1.1, I used to use a script from Thomas Tanner, moving many files from root outside the rootfs to make some place ...


# N900 script to safely free space on rootfs
# (c) 2010 by Thomas Tanner <>
# licensed under GPLv3

# move root stuff to /home
dirs="usr/share/icons usr/share/nokia-maps usr/share/themes usr/share/fonts usr/share/locale usr/lib/locale var/lib/apt"
#optional: var/lib/dpkg
if test -d /home/var/cache/apt; then
  # keep existing apt cache
  rm -rf /var/cache/apt
  ln -s /home/var/cache/apt /var/cache/apt
  dirs="$dirs var/cache/apt"
(cd / && du -sc $dirs)
for d in $dirs; do
    test -L /$d && continue
    echo moving /$d
    rm -rf /home/$d
    mkdir -p /home/$d
    cp -a /$d /home/$d/..
    rm -rf /$d
    ln -s /home/$d /$d

Is it still safe to use this, with 1.2?

Wichall 2010-05-25 21:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
You can drag your finger to change letters which is quite nice and I find it much easier to type.

I'll create a bug report for the upper case typing thing at some point, no hurry though, got months before the possiblity it might be fixed in a new update...

gojira 2010-05-25 21:16

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by michalurban (Post 677102)
I can refresh Extras-devel, but afterwards Im unable to install some apps, (eg. Extra protocol plugins for conversations and contacts) ...

At what stage does it fail, mine was craping out at the download stage, just sat there

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:28

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by michalurban (Post 677107)
With PR 1.1, I used to use a script from Thomas Tanner, moving many files from root outside the rootfs to make some place ...


Is it still safe to use this, with 1.2?

Have You checked how much available space there is in rootfs now? ;)

Lot's of Maemo stuff has been moved out of rootfs... :cool:


michalurban 2010-05-25 21:30

Re: PR 1.2 make me sad, alot bugs

Originally Posted by gojira (Post 677109)
At what stage does it fail, mine was craping out at the download stage, just sat there

Either the App Manager says something like "unable to install" - while before installation it says OK - or, when using apt-get, it ends with some problems with configuring during installation (some stuff with --configure) ... Sorry I cant say more, but I dont remember anymore and dont want to get again into this deep s**t ... :)

elepedus 2010-05-25 21:32

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I have just noticed another problem - even though I backed up before I installed pr1.2 (via flasher 3.5 - i'm on vodafone), when I restored the backup, none of the apps I downloaded from the ovi store were restored (i.e angry birds, spbrainevolution etc)

Anyone else noticed this?

EDIT: Upon closer inspection, this appears to be an issue with catorise not putting things in the ovi menu, but the apps do appear in the ALL menu.

LaptopU 2010-05-25 21:35

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I also have the bug with Haze IM contacts not appearing in the IM list, but IM contacts are still visible in the contacts book.

I never bothered having a shortcut to my contacts before as I used to access them through either the phone menu or new SMS menu, so I decided I need to add a shortcut to my contacts whilst the bug is sorted. I had a problem adding a new shortcut to my desktop, after I added it and pressed 'done' the screen was still in its adjustment mode. The icons could be clicked as if the screen was not in adjustment mode, and clicking on the top bar of the screen which was blank brought up the N900's menu which would normally be brought up pressing around the signal/taskbar area on a normal screen. Rebooting got me out of this mode, but then adjusting it got me back in again, third time lucky for me when adjusting this.

Dr. Drips 2010-05-25 21:39

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by jaysire (Post 675931)
Of course it has bugs. You will never find an application or computer program that doesn't.

Except *maybe* for the occasional "Hello world" app...

maybe after 2012 it becomes a bug,

leetut 2010-05-25 21:40

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
email is still screwed up, used to be that o2mail always refreshed fine, but ovimail would never auto refresh, now its the other way round!
infact my o2mail has been refreshing for 2hours now and its still going!
music player widget works much better now tho, and no more sound skipping when using other apps (multitasking)

fixed email problem by deleting both accounts and re adding them and using ovimail and o2 as the usernames,

garyc2010 2010-05-25 21:42

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by Endri (Post 675960)
Anybody please can confirm if MfE for GMAIL now works? Thank you

Want to control dancing robots - easy peasy

Want to remotely control flash on your camera - no prob

Want to use it as a Playstation controller - simples

Want to sync with Exchange 2003/Gmail - WTF !!!!

who would possibly want such a dumb feature ?????? ....sheesh never heard such a stupid thing like who da f**k needs sh1t like that ?.

Im off to play with my lego robot/N900 pwnage machine....its about all the piece of sh1t *can* do.

Put 1.2 on today, meh, after 2 underwhelming minutes, switched off again. Mabe come back next year. Development for the now terminally ill maemo is as fast as a snail on prozac.

shiny 2010-05-25 21:45

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

I've noticed this in Qt-based apps; in particular TweeGo and I assumed it was a Qt bug. It probably was (and could still be - I'm on PR1.1.1 'til tomorrow) but if it's extended to all other (GTK?) textboxes it will be quite aggravating.

Bratag 2010-05-25 21:47

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by garyc2010 (Post 677172)
Want to control dancing robots - easy peasy

Want to remotely control flash on your camera - no prob

Want to use it as a Playstation controller - simples

Want to sync with Exchange 2003/Gmail - WTF !!!!

who would possibly want such a dumb feature ?????? ....sheesh never heard such a stupid thing like who da f**k needs sh1t like that ?.

Im off to play with my lego robot/N900 pwnage machine....its about all the piece of sh1t *can* do.

Put 1.2 on today, meh, after 2 underwhelming minutes, switched off again. Mabe come back next year. Development for the now terminally ill maemo is as fast as a snail on prozac.

Ahh 4 posts - all of them crap. Way to contribute to the community.

Besides who the hell still runs Exchange 2003. For that matter who would want to run exchange at all :)

orcocan 2010-05-25 21:48

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
anybody else having an issue with the calendar not correctly reflecting birthdays?

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:52

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by DrWilken (Post 677129)
Have You checked how much available space there is in rootfs now? ;)

Lot's of Maemo stuff has been moved out of rootfs... :cool:


Wow, nice space ... :D BTW Im not trying to fix it, I was just used to that ... ;)

PS: I want more, more, moreee space!!!!!! :D

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:54

Re: Bugs within PR1.2

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 677188)
Ahh 4 posts - all of them crap. Way to contribute to the community.

Besides who the hell still runs Exchange 2003. For that matter who would want to run exchange at all :)

"Way to contribute to the community." ... Now thats MEGALOL!!! :D

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:55

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by michalurban (Post 677208)
Wow, nice space ... :D BTW Im not trying to fix it, I was just used to that ... ;)

PS: I want more, more, moreee space!!!!!! :D

michalurban 2010-05-25 21:58

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by DrWilken (Post 677216)

Man, Im (almost) ROFL ...:D

DrWilken 2010-05-25 21:59

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
That song should play in the background when entering :D

garyc2010 2010-05-25 22:00

Re: Bugs within PR1.2
Ahh 4 posts - all of them crap. Way to contribute to the community. -

yeah about as useful as Nokia contributing to the deterioration of my wealth, I handed over several hundred pounds for this less than beta-quality crap, now nokia have officially castrated it, its resale value plummets, what do you want me to say ???

"Besides who the hell still runs Exchange 2003"

*alot* of shops still run exchange 2003

"For that matter who would want to run exchange at all" -

millions do....but, yeah some of our shops run scalix on centos 5.4, but hey the N900 cant even sync or do f**k all with a linux desktop***, nevermind syncing with a linux groupware server ? Zimbra......nah doesnt do it either...damn this brick syncs with damn all......but wait its an open platform....surely it supports SyncML ??? like f***k it does. Just wish I had read nokia's small print regarding exchange syncing,

Maybe *you* can make a *real* contribution and tell me how to sync my N900 with eGroupware/Scalix or Zimbra.......I eagerly await your response. (and please DONT make yourself look stupid and suggest IMAP)

*** not strictly true, it can act as a £500 usb pen drive

smoku 2010-05-25 22:16

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

Yes. I have it too.

wizbowes 2010-05-25 22:37

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I only wanted one thing - volume buttons to work when the keys are locked. 4 months and they can't even get that right. Only works with the nokia media player - not Pannuci or KPlayer.

Oh - and the play button on the media widget is a little better but it's still pot luck as to whether it works on it.

Mr. Incredible 2010-05-25 22:56

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
I still have the bug "media format not supported for video file".
I can reproduce it when I jump around in the progress bar of the movie. The movie is 1,4 GB, 800x480, 1500kps, xvid, 24fps, 128 kbps mp3 audio.

Bug No 6823 is not fixed I say.

stlpaul 2010-05-25 23:02

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by Wichall (Post 677090)
Auto capitalisation text boxes no longer allow me to press shift to get a lower case first character, I have to press any key first then go back and delete, sucks for password boxes and touchsearch (using the case-sensitive site: prefix).

Anyone else experiencing this?

zwer posted his bug report about this earlier in this thread:

zwer 2010-05-25 23:15

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs

Originally Posted by orcocan (Post 677193)
anybody else having an issue with the calendar not correctly reflecting birthdays?

If it's this bug: , then at least 4 more people have the same issue.

HellFlyer 2010-05-25 23:21

Re: Maemo 5 PR1.2: Bugs
1. Birthday in calendar widget is not working , it shows birthdays but when you hide it from settings its still there! even after reboot! :(

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