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Helmuth 2010-09-21 09:21

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 822122)
oh. so you say that the N9 will have the future version of maemo branded as meego? so it means that it will be debian based and not fedora?

Exactly. As far as we know at the moment:
The N9 with MeeGo (Harmattan) is still debian based. It's maemo 6 with the MeeGo brand on top. The next Device after the N9 will get the fedora based MeeGo. But perhaps we will see not so many differences. The UI for booth devices is based on the same system: Qt.

3beers 2010-09-21 11:14

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by Helmuth (Post 822124)
Exactly. As far as we know at the moment:
The N9 with MeeGo (Harmattan) is still debian based. It's maemo 6 with the MeeGo brand on top. The next Device after the N9 will get the fedora based MeeGo. But perhaps we will see not so many differences. The UI for booth devices is based on the same system: Qt.

Thanks. but this comes to my second question. will the maemo 6 (meego branded) be updated to the real meego 1.2 once it will be available( official I mean) ?

also based on this pic : only moblin 2.2 is branded as meego 1.0

I think we will wait and see.

pelago 2010-09-21 11:21

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 822199)
will the maemo 6 (meego branded) be updated to the real meego 1.2 once it will be available( official I mean) ?

I don't think Nokia have made any announcements about that, so we don't know.

shadowjk 2010-09-21 12:17

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Not so sure about the "reusing old stuff" aspect of A8.

TI has itself only last month managed to get its new Beagleboard into limited production with the new 1Ghz omap3, still US only according to their page.

The 600MHz beagbleboard was available a long time before N900 with 600Mhz processor was announced. (In the meanwhile TI also released a 720MHz version).

IsaacDFP 2010-09-24 15:59

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
I don't think the question has been asked so far so here I go...

If I don't trust MeeGo so far... When the N9 comes out, wouid I be able to flash the device with Maemo? Because I am currently very satisfied with Maemo...

sjgadsby 2010-09-24 17:08

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by IsaacDFP (Post 825326)
If I don't trust MeeGo so far... When the N9 comes out, wouid I be able to flash the device with Maemo? Because I am currently very satisfied with Maemo...

No. Due to hardware differences, firmware images for the N900 will not simply flash onto the MeeGo-Harmattan device.

It might be possible to get Maemo 5 running on the MeeGo-Harmattan device, but doing so would take some work. There's an effort underway to rebuild Maemo 5 on top of a MeeGo base, and if that's successful, then that will be your solution.

shadowjk 2010-09-24 18:53

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
I didn't know there was an effort for maemo5 ontop of MeeGo base.. Got a link?

Helmuth 2010-09-27 15:36

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by 3beers (Post 822199)
Thanks. but this comes to my second question. will the maemo 6 (meego branded) be updated to the real meego 1.2 once it will be available( official I mean) ?

also based on this pic : only moblin 2.2 is branded as meego 1.0

Based on this pic I can't see any difference between Handset and Tablet. I think Harmattan is a other thing... perhaps starting from MeeGo v1.2 they are based on the same core?

It's very confusing. :( And I'm sure, the most people at Intel or Nokia, don't understand it, too.
Please read here at Texrat's Blog for more information about it:

MeeGo-Harmattan Hybrid Naming

This is one of the biggest confusion generators I’ve seen come from Team Maemo. After MeeGo was first formally announced, the next release of Maemo (code named Harmattan) came into question. Word from Nokia was that a Harmattan device was still on track for release but it would not be branded as a Maemo product. Instead, Harmattan would be deemed as “an instance of MeeGo” and was referred to as “MeeGo-Harmattan”.

That might not be a problem, except for one little detail: MeeGo relies on the RPM approach to application packaging, whereas Harmattan will continue with the DEB format used by Maemo. This makes “MeeGo-Harmattan” a transitional hybrid.

Why Nokia doesn’t just go ahead with the Maemo 6 label just for this release I’m not sure… but the hybrid naming has resulted in significant confusion in the Maemo community. For that reason I proposed at that Nokia come up with some official name making clear the transitional nature of the upcoming OS.

I have not seen any movement on this lately, so to prod Nokia along I have some suggestions:

…or even MaeGo
I’m sure the creative bunch reading this will have ideas too, right?

But for the really important stuff, update the Harmattan Device to real meego: I would wait until the Device AND the Update to Meego 1.2 is released. I will do so. If there is no update path (because of the total different core system (maemo/meego) I would advise to wait for the successor of the N9 and don't buy this device.

IsaacDFP 2010-09-27 15:43

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
I personally think it would be wiser for Nokia to completly drop Maemo 6/Harmattan and fully focus on MeeGo... I don't see a reason for Harmattan to exist when MeeGo will begin. Although I am all for Maemo 2.0 for future references.

Helmuth 2010-09-27 19:44

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by IsaacDFP (Post 827532)
I personally think it would be wiser for Nokia to completly drop Maemo 6/Harmattan and fully focus on MeeGo... I don't see a reason for Harmattan to exist when MeeGo will begin.

The reasoning is simple: MeeGo Handset is not ready yet!

IsaacDFP 2010-10-05 13:20

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
So did you guys hear? The famous (nokia-hating) Eldar Murtazin was deemed impressed with the "near-perfect" hardware of the N9! That is certainly a very good first impression :)

Click to view original post

(Btw... I couldn't believe an actual blog comment was news-worthy... lol)

ddiscodave 2010-10-05 13:23

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
i'll believe it when i get my greezy paws on one

gryedouge 2010-10-05 13:30

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Off topic - N8

here is a really good indication of development and design from Nokia, when Damien D approached various forum like for thier input on the N8 camera.

And back to the N9 and future, it is good to see that they are making use of the right people or rather people with new energy and attitude.

radiowc 2010-10-05 13:53

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Well, hope not another empty we heard for N900... after 1 year of owning it, still the same. Don't really look forward for the N9. :)

IsaacDFP 2010-10-05 14:23

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by radiowc (Post 833802)
Well, hope not another empty we heard for N900... after 1 year of owning it, still the same. Don't really look forward for the N9. :)

Well I've been also owning the N900 for almost a year, I am still as satisfied as the first d...month (i was gonna say day but i remember it took me a while to get used to it, lol). IMO, I honestly believe Maemo beats hands down Android, iOS, Symbian, and all the others. The Nokia N900 has introduced me to Linux and Open-Source'ness, and I fell in love with you. I am currently still considering replacing my entire WIndows machine at home with some sort of Linux.

Am VERY looking forward to the N9, it can only be an Epic Win

tissot 2010-10-05 14:38

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by IsaacDFP (Post 833777)
So did you guys hear? The famous (nokia-hating) Eldar Murtazin was deemed impressed with the "near-perfect" hardware of the N9! That is certainly a very good first impression :)

Click to view original post

(Btw... I couldn't believe an actual blog comment was news-worthy... lol)

Actually i couldn't be more happy as he absolutely hated N900/Maemo 5 UI.
In a other hand Eldar really throws alot of info out there everyday and some hit, some don't. He knows alot there's no doubt about it, but there's lots of false info from him too(sometimes i think it's just for his agenda...). In that sense the "almost perfect" hw can mean anything. From the kind of specs we are expecting to having pretty much same specs but a golden nugget added like example A9 core rather than A8.

What i'm trying to say here is that we didn't really learn anything from his comment. ;)

IsaacDFP 2010-10-05 14:51

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 833840)
What i'm trying to say here is that we didn't really learn anything from his comment. ;)

loll, that's what most people in that forum are saying, it's up to your own impressions :P
I say it could be the camera. The N8 has an incredibly amazing camera for a mobile device, and I'm 100% there is no logic in adding the same camera module on the N9 (for business reasons). I just hope we don't get the same 5mp lens that we got from N900...which itself got from the N97.

tissot 2010-10-05 14:59

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by IsaacDFP (Post 833852)
loll, that's what most people in that forum are saying, it's up to your own impressions :P
I say it could be the camera. The N8 has an incredibly amazing camera for a mobile device, and I'm 100% there is no logic in adding the same camera module on the N9 (for business reasons). I just hope we don't get the same 5mp lens that we got from N900...which itself got from the N97.

I actually got good feeling that we will see 12mpx in N9. There's a guy in MR forums that's in the know and he have hinted stronly N9 to have 12mpx AF camera.
Rumours of course, but still a rumour i can get behind. :)

IsaacDFP 2010-10-05 15:04

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 833866)
I actually got good feeling that we will see 12mpx in N9.

I would definitively love that, it's just I'd rather not get my hopes too high, lol. Because I personally think that if they release the same camera lens in both N8 and N9, then... I don't see much of a future for the N8, im sure they're only gonna be a few bucks of difference anyways. But again, I'm gonna keep my hopes high to get an A9 core, lol. With that, I can even be satisfied with a 5mp camera, hehe.

shady 2010-10-05 15:07

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
8mpx i would imagine ... it is not the camera flagship for nokia, but it will have a good sensor.

and i have a feeling were going to see an omap4430 ;) ... if by chance we also get a native 720p screen as well as the openness of linux, i cant wait.

IsaacDFP 2010-10-05 15:16

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by shady (Post 833873)
8mpx i would imagine ... it is not the camera flagship for nokia, but it will have a good sensor.

This is something I would believe, 8mpx is pretty "reasonable" for 2010 technology.

Allllllll I trully ever wanted, was a device that could natively play a 720p .mkv file... SPECIALLY with a massive storage of 64gb+32gb, omg that's orgasmic, lol. I could just imagine, with HDMI-out, watching 720p files on large screens, just crazy.

vvaz 2010-10-05 15:29

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

I showed this N8 vs. 550D shootout to some camera snobs and even they were quite impressed:

If N9 has the same camera module, polish somewhat firmware AND keep price on N900 level I am sold on day one.

Note however that those specs are impressing for today. If Nokia delay N9 for half a year there will be competition and this hardware won't be looking so good.

tissot 2010-10-05 15:37

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Well N8 is selling for 470 euros now and at the time N9 comes out i would expect that price to drop more. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Nokia's flagship, N9 costs ~600 euros.
I mean Nokia haven't even had real high end portfolio for over a year already and i would think N9 wont have xenon. Thing that puzzles me is how could N8 camera module fit to N9? Guy over MR did say that the camera would have AF still.

A9 core to me would be much bigger surprise than any N8 camera module in a same time something i would rather see than amazing camera.

shady 2010-10-05 15:43

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
omap4 would be a good strong move for market dominance amongst the tweakers. i think that 64gb is gonna be on point, i would like to see a microsdxc slot as well ... hdmi audio out, and usb audio out as well as LINE instead of merely headphone out. higher voltage swing from the DSP. anyway i hope that we get some info, we got a tear down a few weeks ago and then nothing, not even a clip of it running.

and a compass ... (i almost missed out on the N900 because of this) however the keyboard won out.

omap4, 1280*720 CBD, 1gb ram, 64gb storage + XC slot to start.

TheBootroo 2010-10-05 16:04

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
my dream :

1.2Ghz A9 dual core processor, or even Morrestone, or (let be fool) quad core A15 at 2.0 ghz
1 ou 2Gb real RAM (not 256 mb + swap)
SGX450 graphics
64gb internal memory
microCD slot supporting new XDHC card (up to 128 GB !!)
MeeGo tweaked by nokia (with nokia tools : ovi...)
4.1" Resisitive but multitouch screen (like Stantum one) in 1280x720x32bit CBD
bluetooth 4.0
open GL 4.1
3G, 3G+ and 4G
Wifi N
IR (for some good remote control apps)
frontal 2mp webcam
rear full HD camera (at least 8MPx)
full QWERTY keyboard witt spaced keys (as on proto)
no button or holes on the face, a full black flat surface
alu casing, or baby skin (you know, this soft plastic, like on 5800's rear)
dolby surrond speakers
micro hdmi, micro usb (with charging, host, and OTG), and Jack 3.5
quick access physical keys for power, +/- and camera
a cache for the rear camera with auto on function
xenon flash + led one for some cases (like prolunged video taking or even torch app)
double sim support
removable 4000Mah lithium ion battery
design alliance between N9 proto and second nokia U project draft ( because i like the design and the speakers holes with usb dissimulated in.

EDIT: and i forgotten : gorilla glass screen, to be scratch proof and not need an ugly screen protection

PLEASE DO IT NOKIA, i would even pay 800$ for it if it exists...

bugelrex 2010-10-05 16:14

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by TheBootroo (Post 833916)
my dream :

1.2Ghz A9 dual core processor, or even Morrestone, or (let be fool) quad core A15 at 2.0 ghz
1 ou 2Gb real RAM (not 256 mb + swap)
SGX450 graphics
64gb internal memory
microCD slot supporting new XDHC card (up to 128 GB !!)
MeeGo tweaked by nokia (with nokia tools : ovi...)
4.1" Resisitive but multitouch screen (like Stantum one) in 1280x720x32bit CBD
bluetooth 4.0
open GL 4.1
3G, 3G+ and 4G
Wifi N
IR (for some good remote control apps)
frontal 2mp webcam
rear full HD camera (at least 8MPx)
full QWERTY keyboard witt spaced keys (as on proto)
no button or holes on the face, a full black flat surface
alu casing, or baby skin (you know, this soft plastic, like on 5800's rear)
dolby surrond speakers
micro hdmi, micro usb (with charging, host, and OTG), and Jack 3.5
quick access physical keys for power, +/- and camera
a cache for the rear camera with auto on function
xenon flash + led one for some cases (like prolunged video taking or even torch app)
double sim support
removable 4000Mah lithium ion battery
design alliance between N9 proto and second nokia U project draft ( because i like the design and the speakers holes with usb dissimulated in.

PLEASE DO IT NOKIA, i would even pay 800$ for it if it exists...

That spec would cost much more than $800... the 4000Mah battery alone would be at least 100$

TheBootroo 2010-10-05 16:18

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
why ? its quite the same specs as the N8 and its cost less than 500$...

bugelrex 2010-10-05 16:34

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by TheBootroo (Post 833928)
why ? its quite the same specs as the N8 and its cost less than 500$...

Quite a few differences that are probably costly:
2Gb real RAM
4.1" Resisitive but multitouch screen (like Stantum one) in 1280x720x32bit CBD
removable 4000Mah lithium ion battery

efekt 2010-10-05 16:34

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by shady (Post 833899)
hdmi audio out, and usb audio out


jsa 2010-10-05 16:37

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by TheBootroo (Post 833928)
why ? its quite the same specs as the N8 and its cost less than 500$...

Quite the same except for these parts. :D


Originally Posted by TheBootroo (Post 833916)
1.2Ghz A9 dual core processor, or even Morrestone, or (let be fool) quad core A15 at 2.0 ghz
1 ou 2Gb real RAM (not 256 mb + swap)
SGX450 graphics
64gb internal memory
MeeGo tweaked by nokia (with nokia tools : ovi...)
4.1" Resisitive but multitouch screen (like Stantum one) in 1280x720x32bit CBD
bluetooth 4.0
open GL 4.1
IR (for some good remote control apps)
full QWERTY keyboard witt spaced keys (as on proto)
a cache for the rear camera with auto on function
double sim support
removable 4000Mah lithium ion battery
gorilla glass screen

javispedro 2010-10-05 16:43

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
- No OMAP4, as it's too late and OMAP3 was already mentioned (thus no Cortex A9).
- It will have a capacitive screen.
- No SDXC support, as Linux doesn't support writing to exFAT currently.
- No accelerated desktop OpenGL. OpenGL ES 2 only.

The rest of specs either don't matter (bezel color, exact CPU frequency, ...), can be guessed easily, or are related to whether it will have a keyboard or not (something I'm not going to put my finger on yet).

cenwesi 2010-10-05 16:48

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Pipe dream people... don't get your hopes too high because nokia is well known for killing peoples hope. There is NO way they we will get a device before the end of October, NO WAY!!!. They haven't even finished the OS... They better get their act together before Gingerbread comes out.

tissot 2010-10-05 16:57

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Please lets keep these "dream" specs out of this thread. :)

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 833950)
- No OMAP4, as it's too late and OMAP3 was already mentioned (thus no Cortex A9).

I do think N9 will have A8 inside, but what do you mean that it's too late? If Nokia would be putting A9 core inside N9 that decission would have happened long long time ago and N9 earliest release(end of Q4 this year) fits to the supposed OMAP4440/OMAP4430 shipping to customers, Q4 this year.

slender 2010-10-05 16:59

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
Right. And then I woke up. Silly humans.

Get real people with your wishes. Sadly we are not yet speaking about desktop computers where you can just hocuspocus update components. We are talking about bulk devices that need beforehand reconstruction of cells and manufacturing lines before they are made. This means that HW is probably locked down year or maybe more in advance. Surely in future there will be mobile devices that you are able to probably even upgrade yourself but not yet.

javispedro 2010-10-05 17:09

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by tissot (Post 833965)
Nokia would be putting A9 core inside N9 that decission would have happened long long time ago

Exactly. And it happened more than a year and half ago, back when you couldn't even try to boot Linux on a OMAP4.

GeneralAntilles 2010-10-05 17:24

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 833950)
- No SDXC support, as Linux doesn't support writing to it currently.

No rw support for exFAT, rather. SDXC works fine electronicall and mechanically even on the N800, it's just a function of using a non-proprietary filesystem.

Rauha 2010-10-05 17:26

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by TheBootroo (Post 833916)
my dream :

1.2Ghz A9 dual core processor, or even Morrestone, or (let be fool) quad core A15 at 2.0 ghz
1 ou 2Gb real RAM (not 256 mb + swap)
SGX450 graphics
64gb internal memory
microCD slot supporting new XDHC card (up to 128 GB !!)
MeeGo tweaked by nokia (with nokia tools : ovi...)
4.1" Resisitive but multitouch screen (like Stantum one) in 1280x720x32bit CBD
bluetooth 4.0
open GL 4.1
3G, 3G+ and 4G
Wifi N
IR (for some good remote control apps)
frontal 2mp webcam
rear full HD camera (at least 8MPx)
full QWERTY keyboard witt spaced keys (as on proto)
no button or holes on the face, a full black flat surface
alu casing, or baby skin (you know, this soft plastic, like on 5800's rear)
dolby surrond speakers
micro hdmi, micro usb (with charging, host, and OTG), and Jack 3.5
quick access physical keys for power, +/- and camera
a cache for the rear camera with auto on function
xenon flash + led one for some cases (like prolunged video taking or even torch app)
double sim support
removable 4000Mah lithium ion battery
design alliance between N9 proto and second nokia U project draft ( because i like the design and the speakers holes with usb dissimulated in.

EDIT: and i forgotten : gorilla glass screen, to be scratch proof and not need an ugly screen protection

PLEASE DO IT NOKIA, i would even pay 800$ for it if it exists...

Resistive screen with gorilla glass wins the most absurd spec award.

IsaacDFP 2010-10-05 19:30

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured
I want the Nokia Morph !!!
That's my dream, now University of Cambridge, make it happen!

javispedro 2010-10-05 19:58

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 833987)
Resistive screen with gorilla glass wins the most absurd spec award.

Actually, there have been some Palm handhelds with both resistive screens and glass.

If gorilla glass 'd work with any sensitivity, that I don't know.

shady 2010-10-05 20:47

Re: N9 technical specifications appeared rumoured

Originally Posted by efekt (Post 833942)

for use with proper audio equipment ... some ppl cant carry their stuff around but want to sample DACs and AMPs with the music they listen to regularly. it would be nice to be able to output audio digitally ... usb is jittery though and so is HDMI however the HDMI has a much higher bandwidth for audio.

supposedly the N8 outputs audio over hdmi as well ... i have not read this officially though.

about the N9 having omap4, i dont think its so far fetched ... TI is a huge partner with nokia, omap4 has been available for quite sometime, since february i believe. now the blaze platform was only just released, shipments of the chips to manufacturers began a while ago, so it would fit the timeline of 12-16 months for producing the next top nokia device. TI has said that the first finished products would appear Q4 this year. we shall see, even if its omap4430 ... the battery savings would be near 40% according to TI.

as far as a capacitive, im saddened by this, i like using my screen whenever i please ... regardless, i hope the screen is 1280*720 if its not, thats cool too. but if it is, that would go a long way for recording HD videos, and viewing pictures.

i have no proof, but the november conference and the scope with which nokia partners with TI, its unlikely that they pimp the older proc, but then again the N97 surprised everyone with the weak proc ... so theres precedence for us to be let down immensely.

omap4 ftw!

about the FAT32 thing ... i dont get why SDXC couldnt be supported. up to 2TB per partition .. is it purely linux, cuz it doesnt seem like its a table allocation problem.

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