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daperl 2010-09-10 14:26

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 812651)
To those making unsubtantiated comments making wild inferences about:

- Having worked for Microsoft
- Having the name 'Steve'
- non finnish

"Oh hush already!"

Let's wait for facts. Go find something else to waste your time on rather than continuing with nonsensical hyphotesis.

Wait? How long? For his first command decision from his Sh*tty Corporate Culture Handbook? I don't think so. This has fail written all over it.

Light 'em if you got 'em, people; flame away. Guys and gals with pitchforks should stay to the sides.

YoDude 2010-09-10 14:34

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by extendedping (Post 812373)
My n900 has taken to freezing on a daily basis (requiring me to pull out the battery). The phone usually rotates to portrait except when it doesn't.

In other words...this news effects me how...???

Well now... It's all this new guys fault! :rolleyes:

gerbick 2010-09-10 14:40

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by javispedro (Post 812618)
Hm. Is Canada now afloat on its own land mass or what?

American denotes United States of America.

For the semantic loving idiots, he's North American but he's Canadian.

Any other lessons are needed today?

Rugoz 2010-09-10 14:40

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I suspect that in a year when nokia is competitive again with symbian4, meego and improved services everybody will say it was the new guy, while in fact it was good ol' OPK :).

YoDude 2010-09-10 14:42

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by daperl (Post 812668)
Wait? How long? For his first command decision from his Sh*tty Corporate Culture Handbook? I don't think so. This has fail written all over it.

Light 'em if you got 'em, people; flame away. Guys and gals with pitchforks should stay to the sides.

Me thinks this has nothing to do with "fail". It has more to do with the propping up of current stock price and appeasing stock owners fears.

As stated earlier, even if this guy starts making decisions diametrically opposite to OPK's past directives on day one, most won't see day to day change in operations for 1.5 to 2 years anyway.

YoDude 2010-09-10 14:47

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812681)
American denotes United States of America.

For the semantic loving idiots, he's North American but he's Canadian.

Any other lessons are needed today?

Cool, a quasi RIM connection...

All we need now is a picture of this dude wearing Superman's cape while eating an apple and stocks will soar. :D

Rugoz 2010-09-10 14:48

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

As stated earlier, even if this guy starts making decisions diametrically opposite to OPK's past directives on day one, most won't see day to day change in operations for 1.5 to 2 years anyway.
I think nokia still has problems executing its vision. As nokia will be transformed to a software company in the near future its probably a good idea to hire a CEO with expertise in software engineering.
This canadian seems to be qualified.

sachin007 2010-09-10 14:50

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I am really disappointed with the non nokia CEO. My concerns are?

1. This guy has been jumping jobs between varios MNC. What it says is that he is in it for the money and solely money. We need people who are passionate about nokia. Look at texrat.. he is passionate and he works for the good of nokia.... no matter he is paid or not. Similarly there are many good guys in nokia who are extremely passionate about nokia and have a finnish background. For example.. Ansi, Ari, Peter & Qgil come to mind.

2. Also one of the most important factos i like about nokia is thier honesty and modesty. I believe this has something to with thier finnish background. Why get this north american ceo who i believe wont have these traits. I have yet to see any north american company have the same values of modesty and honesty similar to nokia.

3. I read somewhere this guy had a major part to play in the concept of microsoft kin. If that is anyway true... i am gutted. Even the hamster in the lab knew that the kin was going to bomb.... but still microsoft went through with it.

I do understand the importance of having him for increasing the market share in the US... for that he could have been made President of the NA arm of nokia or may be even better head of buisiness.... but the ceo has to be finnish.

daperl 2010-09-10 14:51

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by YoDude (Post 812686)
Me thinks this has nothing to do with "fail". It has more to do with the propping up of current stock price and appeasing stock owners fears.

I fail to see the difference. :eek:

gerbick 2010-09-10 14:52

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
This dude could be ****ing Superman and it wouldn't satisfy anybody simply because he's not Finnish.

The immediate effects of this announcement aren't even going to be seen for the most part. Having a North American based executive could assist in the abysmal (read: total lack of) advertising in the North American markets - the very same places that double digit share has been lost.

Regardless, the whole xenophobia that's going on in this thread reeks of ignorance and intolerance. And it's not like Nokia was doing that damn great (read: view the stock price) to begin with despite putting up world class sales numbers - they are still capable of doing better.

This person might not bring a good thing. This person might be Jorma Ollila's puppet; which... would not be a bad thing. Or this person might do well. And all shades of success and failure in-between. He's not even left Microsoft yet (Sept. 20th) folks.

Rugoz 2010-09-10 15:01

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

This guy has been jumping jobs between varios MNC. What it says is that he is in it for the money and solely money.
Maybe he just likes new challenges? Nothing wrong with that. Sometimes better than somebody who stays 30 years at the same company.


Also one of the most important factos i like about nokia is thier honesty and modesty. I believe this has something to with thier finnish background. Why get this north american ceo who i believe wont have these traits. I have yet to see any north american company have the same values of modesty and honesty similar to nokia.
Agree, nokia is a very sympathetic company, much more than apple/google/microsoft etc. You don't know the new guy though.

Diavoli 2010-09-10 15:03

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 812638)
Last time I checked, Canada was part of the American continent.

Yes it is, the North American Continent, along with Mexico, do you call Mexicans Americans?

As for the biggest difference between Americans and Canadians is that he's used to a socialized government with public run health care and very cold winters, and hockey loving people, just like Finland.

fms 2010-09-10 15:09

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812681)
American denotes United States of America. For the semantic loving idiots, he's North American but he's Canadian. Any other lessons are needed today?

Yes, could you tell if Canada has been made a proper US state already, or is it still a territory? I'm kinda hazy on this subject...

Stonik 2010-09-10 15:14

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by drm (Post 812613)
one canadian that lives in the states and works in microsoft is for sure an american.

So how about all those Canadian hockey players who work in Nashville Predators, for example. Are they american?

I've been living in Canada, and they have a strange love and hate relationship between US. But one thing is sure, they definitely are not Americans, if you ask them.

About the relationship between Nokia and Microsoft, I think this is going to change (mostly) nothing. Elop works for Nokia now.

gerbick 2010-09-10 15:14

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by fms (Post 812714)
Yes, could you tell if Canada has been made a proper US state already, or is it still a territory? I'm kinda hazy on this subject...

Ask the British. They still have a stake in Canada; even still get money from them for the British royalty.

Reggie 2010-09-10 15:14

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
If you want to see/hear how he talks about tech topics, here's a not too old video I found:

Stonik 2010-09-10 15:19

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812719)
Ask the British. They still have a stake in Canada; even still get money from them for the British royalty.

Yes, and Queen Elisabeth still visits Canada every now and then. Australia too. And why not, both countries have some good breweries. :D

tissot 2010-09-10 15:21

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Facts are that Nokia has been doing badly since OPK became CEO and you could say that it was Ollila who left the OS mess for Kallasvuo and Kallasvuo did the right thing by buying Symbian and turning it to open source. Plus of course lifting Maemo/MeeGo to smartphones and buying trolltech.... and i would agree in many cases.
Still there's things like sticking in a old hw platform for way too long like Anssi Vanjoki admitted year after N97 release, software and hardware delays and putting too much effort to services.

Services are all right and good, but you need some eye catching hw and get your word out. With some hit high ends they could have gotten more organic growth for the services rather than the tries to lift the service time after time with some mid tier hardware with no real following and not enough of early adopters to get the thing going.

So i welcome this guy as he just might be the the right guy to put the software right and make them appear in time. My favorit would have been Vanjoki isnide Nokia, but maybe it's for the better to get outsider.

gerbick 2010-09-10 15:22

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Stonik (Post 812728)
Yes, and Queen Elisabeth still visits Canada every now and then. Australia too. And why not, both countries have some good breweries.

You know... you seriously might be onto something there. They do have better breweries than America indeed.

Helmuth 2010-09-10 15:23

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Okay, many new possibilities...

Positive and negative:
  • Will he realize the chances of N900 like devices?
  • Will he integrate symbian emulation at meego and discontinue Symbian as a operating system?
  • Will he support his old employer and give us Windows instead of Meego in the future?

bandora 2010-09-10 15:45

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Helmuth (Post 812738)
Okay, many new possibilities...

Positive and negative:
  • Will he realize the chances of N900 like devices?
  • Will he integrate symbian emulation at meego and discontinue Symbian as a operating system?
  • Will he support his old employer and give us Windows instead of Meego in the future?

Seriously, a CEO can't just change every single thing of a company that easily... Symbian is going nowhere.. neither will MeeGo so calm down a bit.. lol

There's a board of directors btw.. and OPK is one of them.. so yeah..

Rauha 2010-09-10 15:45

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812699)
This dude could be ****ing Superman and it wouldn't satisfy anybody simply because he's not Finnish.

Actually the response in Finland has been very positive. Two large newspaper reader surveys show 70%+ and 80%+ approval ratings for Nokia's decision.


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812699)
Having a North American based executive could assist in the abysmal (read: total lack of) advertising in the North American markets - the very same places that double digit share has been lost.

He allready confrimed relocating his base to Helsinki/Espoo.


Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 812699)
Regardless, the whole xenophobia that's going on in this thread reeks of ignorance and intolerance.

The poeple in this thread saying he should be finnish appear to be non-finns, so I don't that it qualifies as xenophobia.

gerbick 2010-09-10 15:56

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Rauha (Post 812771)
Actually the response in Finland has been very positive. Two large newspaper reader surveys show 70%+ and 80%+ approval ratings for Nokia's decision.

Good to hear.


He allready confrimed relocating his base to Helsinki/Espoo.
Even better to hear.


The poeple in this thread saying he should be finnish appear to be non-finns, so I don't that it qualifies as xenophobia.
Xenophobia means simply that they fear anything that's different than they are... so far, that low-level connotation holds true.

Jack6428 2010-09-10 16:07

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Does he care about the N900? If not, he can be CEO of green monkeys in Atlantis for all I care...

bugelrex 2010-09-10 16:31

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Jack6428 (Post 812789)
Does he care about the N900? If not, he can be CEO of green monkeys in Atlantis for all I care...

The reality is, why would any company spend resources on a device they no longer sell and on a OS they have deprecated? Resources such as developers, QA, product managers, builds..

As a CEO, I would want him to utilize those resources on the n9 instead of pleasing a few geek fanboys on a dead product.

But yeah, what Nokia did to the n900 really sucks! The N9 has to really WOW to receive any forgiveness. A 100 dollar trade-in for the n9 against the n900 would not hurt either...

cmsjkung 2010-09-10 16:39

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Can anyone send email to new CEO to visit this web site, so he will know what bad service is being provided by Nokia so far for N900 users....

gerbick 2010-09-10 16:54

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by cmsjkung (Post 812812)
Can anyone send email to new CEO to visit this web site, so he will know what bad service is being provided by Nokia so far for N900 users....

I don't point people to this forum... for good reasons.

SavageD 2010-09-10 16:57

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
LOL! I knew this would happen, nokia is qucikly falling behind. The guys an idiot, >_> cant say I feel sorry...

skalogre 2010-09-10 17:07

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by drm (Post 812593)
For me these are very bad news.
Bad for meego open source because this guy is all for proprietary software.
Bad for symbian for the same reasons
Bad for any final hope of an alternative for this thought that all software has to came from states.

One of the biggest problems of nokia is a war lead by all American carriers, bloggers, news agencies, journalists to any idea of something that it’s not made in Silicon Valley. The inclusion of this potato head has a top general of nokia can’t be read has anything but a final capitulation.


Originally Posted by twigleaf1976 (Post 812595)
Read here.

And then think is having ANOTHER American a good idea. Industry experts would argue not perhaps. Given MS can't organise mobile communication devices and their policy and internal politics can't bring anything of worth to market, not sure Nokia are going in the right direction.

I pity the firm and I my signature even more than ever, stands.


Originally Posted by Peet (Post 812606)
Calm down already ossipena.

People (probably) more experienced than you have up to three decades' worth of history with Microsoft's corporate mono culture and also their executives' post-MS tradition of "corporate networking".

Do you reckon people who join Microsoft are either unaware or unsupportive of Microsoft's key corporate objectives of owning (proprietary) "standards" (data formats, protocols etc.) and wiping the floor with all competition, especially of the dangerous open-source kind.

There's little if anything in this guy's CV to suggest that he actually gets Linux and Open Source or open and standards-based collaboration (which also includes Qt, a key technology for Nokia, at least currently) or Nokia's old strength: hardware!

Equally little about him screams charisma (whether we like it or not, a desirable trait in today's world of CEOs).

Does he have experience or connections to fix the issue of lack of early or volume access to some of the latest hardware technologies that are being developed and manufactured in the far east (at key competitors' doorstep, or increasingly by them)?

The "linux idiots" you malign here en masse tend to compute plusses and minuses and whatever their experience tells and end up with rather understandable suspicion, yet tempered by the willing to give this guy a chance to prove himself.

If you've really got unbearable issues with that I can't help you.

Are you people serious? Because he worked at Microsoft (in one of their most profitable divisions, the business software suites, btw), among other companies, you know what his ideas are for the top spot of Nokia? This is daft - you people are acting as if Microsoft acquired Nokia.

So before making more of these statements about what his ideas are, remember: CITATION NEEDED!

danramos 2010-09-10 17:43

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
What do you mean, "you people?" :P

Stonik 2010-09-10 18:04

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Elop hasn't even begun his job at Nokia, and already he's been blamed on not supporting N900... :D

skalogre 2010-09-10 18:09

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by Stonik (Post 812891)
Elop hasn't even begun his job at Nokia, and already he's been blamed on not supporting N900... :D

SERVES HIM RIGHT! He should have already retroactively gone back and corrected the whole "step 4 out of 5" thing to "this is the best end-consumer device evar11!!one! Especially for those who never use or care about Linux, don't like hacking and tinkering and who think that everything with a touchscreen should work just like the i-thingie! Oh, and everyone who bought it gets free cake!"

zimon 2010-09-10 18:12

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Intel surely wants to know ASAP what is now Nokia's future with Meego.

The worst case scenario would be Windows7 only. The second worst Android+Windows7. The best, only Meego+Qt.

skalogre 2010-09-10 18:25

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by zimon (Post 812898)
Intel surely wants to know ASAP what is now Nokia's future with Meego.

The worst case scenario would be Windows7 only. The second worst Android+Windows7. The best, only Meego+Qt.

The Windows thing is quite unlikely. It has so little traction that even if a colossus the size of Nokia deployed it across all their non-featurephone lines, I would bet it is unlikely it will go anywhere. As I have stated before, anyway, I would question the sanity of any Nokia CEO that would get rid of Symbian from the mid-range devices as those still sell in the millions, more than every other competitor combined, nevermind the fact that it looks to be replacing S40.

As for Android, do any of you really think that Nokia will reduce itself to competing with non-name Chinese mass-market OEMs with an OS that still has miniscule marketshare in Nokia's traditionally strongest markets (ie non-USA)? Unlikely - nevermind the fact that they will be hostages to Google's whims at that point.

We will have to wait and see. I would predict reorganisations and changes in middle-management to reflect the new CEOs ideas... You could think of this the way lions treat a pride they just took over. Kill the cubs from the prior adult male and mate with all the lionesses to put their own DNA in the pride. I think that parallels what usually happens with CEO changes in many corporations rather nicely :p

RevdKathy 2010-09-10 18:29

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Small spark of hope that if this here new bloke decides to push for the North American market again there may be a posible opening for Texrat again.

Other than that, It won't affect us for a while - and by then meego will be an Intel project anyway. :p

scribbles 2010-09-10 18:35

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
Wow, my mouth is ajar. As much I've heard Nokia disliking how much Americans are "arrogant" and "too aggressive", this just shocks me to no end. An American, the CEO of the precious Finnish conglomerate is just amazing!! Was Nokia desperate in hiring an American....from Microsoft?? I hope this turns things around and makes Nokia the giant they should be.

I digress... He's Canadian. But he's not Finnish, he's North American. Still shocking...

skalogre 2010-09-10 18:37

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by scribbles (Post 812910)
Wow, my mouth is ajar. As much I've heard Nokia disliking how much Americans are "arrogant" and "too aggressive", this just shocks me to no end. An American, the CEO of the precious Finnish conglomerate is just amazing!! Was Nokia desperate in hiring an American....from Microsoft?? I hope this turns things around and makes Nokia the giant they should be.

He is Canadian and he led a very successful division at Microsoft.

P.s. the world's largest mobile device manufacturer would probably already qualify as a "giant" I would speculate :)

P.p.s. his LinkedIn profile:

scribbles 2010-09-10 18:50

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns

Originally Posted by skalogre (Post 812913)
He is Canadian and he led a very successful division at Microsoft.

P.s. the world's largest mobile device manufacturer would probably already qualify as a "giant" I would speculate :)

P.p.s. his LinkedIn profile:

Thanks, I just went back to find this out... I should probably rephrase and clarify giant as recognizable in North America. Nokia is a ghost town here. No footprint at all...

hordeman 2010-09-10 19:21

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
You can count on a lot more Nokia deals with Microsoft. Not good news in my book.

Ykho 2010-09-10 19:35

Re: Nokia CEO Resigns
I would rather the CEO from Vodafone resigned

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