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Tinukedaya 2011-02-10 18:32

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
The fadeout just goes like this: Normal > Darker > Off.
and the fade in the same other way around.

It's fine. huge improvement to the previous blinking.

I'm using 140 as default and I love it.

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-12 01:24

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
2 Attachment(s)
For you out there like me that just uses one brightness setting, heres an widget for you that doesn't take up much space.
Has also been added to custom brightness zip (Post #2)

Info: The hotspots are from top to bottom not just in the bottom like it appears, this is just for the look, it increases and decreases with 20 a step, but you can change this in the advanced settings under QBW

Attachment 17625
Can you see where it is??? :D
Attachment 17626

m4r0v3r 2011-02-12 01:33

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
sorry what does this do? does it increase the stock maximum brightness?

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-12 01:40

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by m4r0v3r (Post 943517)
sorry what does this do? does it increase the stock maximum brightness?

Did you read the first posts?

1. This does away with that stupid slow light sensor, wich was the first thing that ignored me when i got my N900
2. Lets you chose the light level that YOU want, not the 5 normal levels that is 4 low light with very little change/steps and 1 level at full brightness.
Levels 1-4 are between 20-80 and level 5 is 255.... big gap there....
The colors of the screen really comes through at 120-200

Try it and you will see what i mean :)

TiagoTiago 2011-02-12 02:45

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Instead of a QB Beecon, could someone please make one that works like i describe bellow please?

Two parts, one in the status menu an applet with a few buttons for predefined values, plus a button to call the advanced second part. The advanced bit would be a regular windowed program, not a dialog; displaying an image of the user's choice and would have a circular knob to adjust the brightness (with a gesture like the zoom in microB, and preferably with the rate being configurable, like how many brightness levels per turn) and with swatches for the predefined notches; if you tap on one of the the notches in the advanced window besides switching to it, you would also now be able to edit its value with the spinning knob.

NightShift79 2011-02-12 09:12

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
i got issues when i want to remove it...
I can't set the brightness via the settings menu anymore.
I's not as bright as it should be when I set the build-in brightness to full..

I removed /etc/init.d/[custom brightness file]
also removed /etc/event.d/[custom brightness file]
removed mce.ini and renamed the mce.ini.backup.

how to get the brightness settings as it was before installing your one ?

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-12 10:53

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
1 Attachment(s)
removing etc files and renaming mce.ini.backup to mce.ini should do it, check your mce.ini if brightness filter als is there in modules=.

i will upload the original mce.ini in this post whitin the hour.

rename mce.ini.txt to mce.ini and put it in /etc/mce
reboot and it should work since it has all been reverted

Q: did you 'double' install the custom brightness, because i made an error there that has been corrected.
if you run sh ./install more then once before this was fixed it would make a new backup of mce.ini but now without the 'brightness-filter-als;'
this has been fixed so if you try the same thing now it will ask to overwrite, just say no to this

stlpaul 2011-02-14 01:38

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Now I'm using the latest version and the screen dims normally, not the "off on off" like it did before. Thanks!

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-14 19:06

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Testing since i made the dim function work i can now say that using this mod really works, normal screen function like dimming is spot on, only "effect" now is the fade up effect when the screen is turned on (flip screen/keylock)

How is it working for you guys that are using it now?
And how is the small design i made?

Side note: NightShift79 did install it twice before i corrected the error of overwrite mce.ini without prompt.

stlpaul 2011-02-15 16:37

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Working great here, I don't mind the "fade in" at all, it's so fast I usually don't even notice.

Tinukedaya 2011-02-15 16:46

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Soo. After using for few days, it's still as good as it was. :D

Nice small one there, guess it'll be useful for some. I'm still stuck on the small circle ;)

Only thing that I still miss a little is the on demand keyboard light on/off switch. But Slowly getting use to it, so it doesn't matter much.

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-15 17:24

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
well the circle is cool and really fits your cool theme :)

could you explain again about the keyboard light:
whats going on?
what is the turn off/on for (usage)?

my keyboard turns on when screen on (flip up screen) and fades out after the time defined in mce.ini (not modded by this mod, only brightness-filter-als)

maybe you should look in mce.ini, as i remember it is about middle/bottom, there you will find something about keyboard fadeout.
... or it's transistions.ini

JimKnopf 2011-02-15 17:35

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Thanks again for all your work!

Regarding keyboard-backlight:
It would be nice if it could be turned on/off per button or if we could adjust fade-out time with the widget.

It's a little odd, messing with the mce.ini...

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-15 17:44

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by JimKnopf (Post 947202)
Thanks again for all your work!

Regarding keyboard-backlight:
It would be nice if it could be turned on/off per button or if we could adjust fade-out time with the widget.

It's a little odd, messing with the mce.ini...

will look in to it, but until then i have just looked in mce.ini, it is in the middle of the file, there is a line called 'BacklightTimeout=30' change this to 10 for keyboard backlight fadeout/shutdown after only 10 secs instead of 30 secs.

Tinukedaya 2011-02-16 04:15

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
It works exactly as you said. And that is what I don't like. As the ALS is of it noe lights up everytime you open the keyboard. That's what I'd like to prevent. I do have the keyb out most of the time with enough light around not to need the backlight.

So what I'd like is to have the backlight off by default and only switch it on when needed.

I just hope I make any sense...

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 09:31

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by Tinukedaya (Post 947686)
It works exactly as you said. And that is what I don't like. As the ALS is of it noe lights up everytime you open the keyboard. That's what I'd like to prevent. I do have the keyb out most of the time with enough light around not to need the backlight.

So what I'd like is to have the backlight off by default and only switch it on when needed.

I just hope I make any sense...

Ok now i get it :D
Well this should be something that can be done like:
1. Turning keyboardbacklight off in mce.ini or somewhere
2. Making a command that only works when keyboard is open

If somebody here has a good idea about what the dbus signal should be then please post

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 13:30

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
i just made a catastrophic discovery when trying to find some way of turning the keyboard light off / on.

instead of installing this mod, you can apparently just edit mce.ini and change 'filter-brightness-als' to filter-brightness-simple' under modules=
this enables a simple brightness system, where the light sensor is not in effect and the 5 steps (SYSTEM steps) are spaced good between each other, the values are 51, 102, 153, 204, 255.
So if you really want to get rid of light sensor & get nice colors with the 153 & 204 (step 3 & 4) this is the easiest way to go.

Install steps (will also be added to post #2)
Remember to uninstall custom brightness mod!!!
root or gainroot
sed -ie 's/brightness-als/brightness-simple/' /etc/mce/mce.ini
or you can just edit mce.ini, the sed command just changes this as you would manually by editing the mce.ini

after this restart your N900

This has been one of those massive FACE PALM moments or in other words D'oh!

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 14:05

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
since this is now such an easy "mod" it should be in a wiki some where or something

stlpaul 2011-02-16 15:31

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by dr_frost_dk (Post 947958)
This has been one of those massive FACE PALM moments

:D it's not about the destination, but the journey...

I removed the old files, tried your new method and of course it works great. Level 3 fits my preference very well.

Thanks for all of your work and persistence. Too bad Nokia didn't simply make a "ALS on/off" checkbox in the settings, it would make life more simple.

stlpaul 2011-02-16 15:43

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by dr_frost_dk (Post 947988)
since this is now such an easy "mod" it should be in a wiki some where or something

I'll create a Wiki page

Tinukedaya 2011-02-16 15:53

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Oh well. That sound interesting... So I have a question now. if I uninstal the mod yours, I guess the widget will stiil work right? The uninstall is just about the mce.ini?

So in the end, I'm have brightness widget adjust with ALS controling the keyb backlight?

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 16:04

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 948069)
I'll create a Wiki page

isn't there some wiki with a lot of tips and tricks, because it should be besides those.

And yes why the hell didn't nokia just make a checkbox in the display settings to turn ALS of/on and also make a custom brightness e.g. values for the 5 steps

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 16:09

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by Tinukedaya (Post 948080)
Oh well. That sound interesting... So I have a question now. if I uninstal the mod yours, I guess the widget will stiil work right? The uninstall is just about the mce.ini?

So in the end, I'm have brightness widget adjust with ALS controling the keyb backlight?

no if you uninstall the mod you widget will only work temporary until the screen dimes or keylock on off.

you can still continue to use my mod, because it will not slow the N900 down or anything, and the only side effect is the fade up thing.

i will still be looking for a keyboard turn on off function that you would like, since it basically has nothing to do with the brightness of the screen it should work "on the side" :)

jstokes 2011-02-16 16:12

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by dr_frost_dk (Post 948094)
And yes why the hell didn't nokia just make a checkbox in the display settings to turn ALS of/on and also make a custom brightness e.g. values for the 5 steps

Who knows, with MeeGo's MCE being open (along with its modules including filter-brightness-*) and nicolai's clone of the Display applet, maybe it's possible :)

stlpaul 2011-02-16 16:15

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

If you don't like it, feel free to change it. :)

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 16:23

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 948106)

If you don't like it, feel free to change it. :)

Whats to change :)
I like that you included an uninstall :)

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 16:40

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by jstokes (Post 948103)
Who knows, with MeeGo's MCE being open (along with its modules including filter-brightness-*) and nicolai's clone of the Display applet, maybe it's possible :)

looked through it but could not find the values for the 5 steps, i know they are in the /usr/lib/mce/modules/ so if we could get the source for that file it would be easy to make a new filter-brightness with the values the user wants.

i am very happy with the simple filter's preset values, i would only require step 1 to be '2' since this turns the light down so that if you are in a dark place where you don't want to disturb somebody, like say your in your bed and your girlfriend/boyfriend is sleeping and you want to check something on the web......
But i am working on a widget that just sets the brightness to 2, it will stay that way until interrupted, like dimmed screen or screen off/on

right now i am using step 4 (204), it is really nice.

and now im also using the 'Simple Brightness Applet'

JimKnopf 2011-02-16 17:19

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
Yes indeed, it would be nice to have a kb-backlight on/off-switch coupled with a user-defined custom brightness level (like '2') and 'Simple Brightness Applet' functionality put into a nice widget.

Tinukedaya 2011-02-16 18:49

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
hmm, I guess the QBW widget might be modified to use the standard brightnes settings on the buttons and still make use of the + - for temporary adjustment for custom brightness?

I like the widget as it fits my theme, but for only temporary screen adjust it's usage is limited.

My problem is now, that I'd like to have the ALS controled keyb backlight, but posibility to use the widget to set the brightness on not only temporary basis.

PS: tho' an backlight keyboard switch would still be usefull at times.
btw: looks like those guys found out how to control the keyboard leds.

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-16 20:11

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by Tinukedaya (Post 948244)
hmm, I guess the QBW widget might be modified to use the standard brightnes settings on the buttons and still make use of the + - for temporary adjustment for custom brightness?

I like the widget as it fits my theme, but for only temporary screen adjust it's usage is limited.

My problem is now, that I'd like to have the ALS controled keyb backlight, but posibility to use the widget to set the brightness on not only temporary basis.

PS: tho' an backlight keyboard switch would still be usefull at times.
btw: looks like those guys found out how to control the keyboard leds.

in your case with the cool theme and such, you should keep the custom brightness and i will try to find a solution for keyboard

been looking at the thread but can't get my keyboard to turn off.......

stlpaul 2011-02-17 17:12

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install

Originally Posted by dr_frost_dk (Post 948131)
looked through it but could not find the values for the 5 steps, i know they are in the /usr/lib/mce/modules/ so if we could get the source for that file it would be easy to make a new filter-brightness with the values the user wants.

I found this old bug report about user-customizable minimum brightness setting, that says "Fixed in Fremantle", but I still don't know how to customize the brightness level:

Anyway I think the levels are not hardcoded but computed from the brightness levels and brightness_max, if you look at 255/5 it's 51, which is exactly what the levels are multiples of...

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-17 17:49

Re: Custom Brightness for N900 - no ALS is now ready for install
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 949050)
I found this old bug report about user-customizable minimum brightness setting, that says "Fixed in Fremantle", but I still don't know how to customize the brightness level:

Anyway I think the levels are not hardcoded but computed from the brightness levels and brightness_max, if you look at 255/5 it's 51, which is exactly what the levels are multiples of...

yes the 5 "new" levels are roughly 255 divided by 5 or in 51 intervals.
i made a quick widget to get the very dim screen (brightness 2), when you don't want to disturb anybody, it has an on/off function, also when the screen is turned off & on the normal setting will be restored, this widget will work on the N900 without this mod, with this mod & my old custom brightness mod

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-18 21:16

Re: Custom Brightness no light sensor, major update
How's the new brightness mod/fix working for you guys?

Still can't believe that i didn't find the brightness-simple file/edit before now.....
Looking at how old my first post is, not many days after i got the N900, it was really a big annoyance with that light sensor, and also the battery runtime, but i fixed that in my battery thread :D

stlpaul 2011-02-21 19:50

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
So far, no complaints. And now the startup sequence isn't dark, either. :)

dr_frost_dk 2011-02-21 20:31

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Just updated the 'Dim Screen' a few posts back, now it checks status so when the screen is 'Restored' it shows it :)

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-03 18:52

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
Just bumping this thread, maybe you have been troubled by the dumb light-sensor adjusting the screen brightness or wanted a better brightness the the LAME 5 options from stock

And you haven't seen this fix and mod if you want total control over the brightness of your screen

Bratag 2011-03-08 04:45

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
One thing I have noticed since doing this. My LED is so much brighter its actually troubling my sleep :)

Didn't see that listed as a side effect of this.

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-08 09:02

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 962926)
One thing I have noticed since doing this. My LED is so much brighter its actually troubling my sleep :)

Didn't see that listed as a side effect of this.

sorry will correct that, i have noticed this also, think a quick MCE.INI edit will tone down the LED brightness.

will look into this later today

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-11 20:42

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 962926)
One thing I have noticed since doing this. My LED is so much brighter its actually troubling my sleep :)

Didn't see that listed as a side effect of this.

i have not had time to look to much in to this, but i fixed mine with LED pattern editor

dr_frost_dk 2011-03-23 18:37

Re: Custom Brightness & No Light Sensor, Major Update
just bumping this thread for everybody that hasn't read this and like some of us are pretty ignored by the normal screen brightness and light sensor

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