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johnel 2011-01-12 09:47

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 917372)
Yay. So can anybody else.

OH SHI'! It runs on an Android phone with NATIVE xorg.. WITHOUT VNC!!!

Holy pooh!

This changes everything - you can run an established Linux distro on android device and enjoy using linux software.

This is great news - why wait for Meego (yet another linux distibution)?

Andoid devices have gained the ability to run something like ubuntu and have "proper" linux in your pocket - very cool!

Big question is "How well do bluetooth keyboards/mice work in android?".

Thanks danramos - you've convinced me that my next device is proably android-based (unless Nokia+MeeGo is really special)!

I feel like this guy (spy Mark stone switched sides defend eco warriors court)
this guy (Jake Sculley - Avatar)

I'm going to stare vacantly at my computer screen and question my belief system.

cjp 2011-01-12 11:06

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 917000)
HDMI output versus composite. Why would you switch to the N8? Just to prove a point?

You guys totally got me there, you're right that was very poor argumentation. I don't think it was very clear even to me what my point was, and so my delivery was really off.

What just gets to me is how the Atrix seems to do a lot of things that can already be done with earlier devices (such as N8, N900, tonnes of other Android devices), but the Atrix adds a dock into the equation. It tries to tie you down to accessories and all the while reversing the point of having a "all-in-one" device, to a device that needs additional parts to make it work fully. (Still waiting for comments on my take on this kind of IMO backwards philosophy, guys!)

To me this doesn't really sound like its worth the investment of money from me, nor does it qualify in my book as radically new and exciting technology, which doesn't seem to be the case for many.

You guys also had me there when comparing composite to HDMI; of course HDMI is more enjoyable and it wasn't my intention to dispute that. What I tried to point out is how viewing your mobile's apps on a computer screen can already be done with devices that came before the Atrix, and although Atrix does it a little better (and I feel we're talking cosmetics here), if my current device can already do it, I won't consider this a new innovation that could be useful to me. I'll rather wait for the next device to come along that does this without the extra accessories.

So then, with the risk of being accused of changing my argument again to better match my point, I will press the "submit reply" button! ;) I guess I just say whatever I want, and mean whatever I want by it, huh?

smoku 2011-01-12 11:15

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by mthmob (Post 913584)
dual core 1ghz cpu?? mobiles are really taking off.. in a few years, mobile phones will be as powerfull as average laptop is today.

For that they would need to become as large as laptops to carry around these huge laptop batteries.

tomchiverton 2011-01-12 11:18

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by Lemonadium (Post 913596)
"can run at up to 2Ghz thanks to the two 1GHz cores packed in"
Yeeaaaah, by same logic and im running my PC @24GHz

I don't think any modern CPU has operated at a strict one instruction per clock since the turn of the century :-)

TiagoTiago 2011-01-12 13:12

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
With the N900 you can VNC both out and in, you can use X forwarding, and even remote desktop to Windows machines; how do the contenders compare?

wmarone 2011-01-12 16:49

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 918492)
you can run an established Linux distro on android device and enjoy using linux software.

This is great news - why wait for Meego (yet another linux distibution)?

The primary hole here is that your 3D still doesn't work because the IP core vendor (and handset vendor) aren't playing along. So while it runs, and that's cool, it does everything in software instead of using the 3D hardware.

Nothing special here, in that respect.

ndi 2011-01-12 20:33

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by TiagoTiago (Post 918610)
With the N900 you can VNC both out and in, you can use X forwarding, and even remote desktop to Windows machines; how do the contenders compare?

Everyone has VNC. EVERYONE. Even Symbian.

You can use the iPhone to VNC to N900 which can VNC to your desktop that VNCs itself. It's Caligula all over again.

rash.m2k 2011-01-21 09:21

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by gerbick (Post 917296)
Out of 24 Droids for two of the offices I support, I saw only one bad Droid. We got a replacement in 3 days, no problems on updates or anything since.

Out of the three N900's in those very same offices, two were faulty within months, the third was returned.

I guess it's all a matter of perspective and experience. So far, my experience with Droid phones has been positive... just not positive enough to have persuaded me against buying a Samsung Captivate (Galaxy S variant for AT&T in the US) instead.

I don't think people are arguing that the Atrix is the end all/say all solution for everybody. It just does a better job than quite a few other solutions before it - N900 possibly included.

Motorolas (normally) make solid phones, their build quality is very good. I wasn't saying their build quality is bad.

I'm just waiting for the Nokia N9, it will bring what it brings, its the s/w thats more important than the H/W in some cases.

Only a few more weeks to go till MWC, and we will probably find out then the specs of the N9.

I've got an android phone and a Nokia N900, I really do like the android OS, it's very nice and slick, but it's not really a power users OS, it just does not have the same apps that the N900 does, like openoffice 3, winzip, winrar, canola, debian, usb host mode, nmap, backtrack, wireshark, rdp, vnc, ssh, bittorrent and smb.

Android DOES have SOME of these but not all (before you go screaming!).

Its not ONE feature of the N900 thats makes it better - its the WHOLE package! The GPS is decent (as is Sygic), its has TV-Out, build quality is decent, its a resistive screeen, has IR, has a good quality camera, memory card slot, decent speakers, good quality screen.

Its all these things together that means anything else is just NOT up to scratch, it just doesn't provide me with the same experience.

WereCatf 2011-01-21 09:35

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Sure, it's got a good CPU, but.. much less storage space than N900 and lacks a full keyboard :/ I wouldn't get my panties wet over that.

WereCatf 2011-01-21 09:49

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by tomchiverton (Post 918538)
I don't think any modern CPU has operated at a strict one instruction per clock since the turn of the century :-)

In fact, no CPU has ever done that. Only a small handful of instructions can be done in 1 clock cycle, most of them require 3 cycles, and some can require even up to 16 cycles. It really depends on the instruction in question. And this is all assuming the instruction and all the data it uses are already in L1 cache. EDIT: Thought that I should mention that RISC comes closer to executing instructions at 1 instruction per cycle than x86, but even there some exceptions do apply.

Not to mention that performance doesn't scale linearly with cores: most applications are still single-threaded and thus only run on a single core. A theoretical example would be compressing a large file with a really expensive compression method and the app doing the compressing was single-threaded: one of the cores would be at 100% workload, while the other one was simply waiting idly all the time. Thus it's simply wrong to say "it's got 2 1Ghz cores thus it's really 2Ghz!"

Even if the application was multi-threaded it still might not be able to use all the available cores to their full extent as it requires quite some expertise and knowledge from the programmer's part to know how to code everything in a way that causes no lock issues: if one thread on core #1 is waiting for some data the other thread on core #2 is still working on the #1 is still waiting idly by.

vivmak 2011-06-19 09:34

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Any final word on this phone from community? what scares me is "raw power." which was used for n900

qwazix 2011-06-19 09:38

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
The N900 looks like a toy compared to this

vivmak 2011-06-19 09:43

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
yes, but compared to the upcoming N9?

Hurrian 2011-06-19 09:54

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
The N900 (c. 2009-02) looks like a toy compared to a phone running Android (read: they need this power to make it even run smooth) made in 2011? Seriously? No ****.

Also, EVERYONE IS USING SNAPDRAGON CHIPS. They have crappy performance per MHz ratios, are heat monsters, cannot meaningfully overclock (~10% max stable) and suck up tonnes of voltage.
It's all a ploy to get the numbers on the flyers. Multi-core, 1GHz.
Why no one bases phones around a top-shelf A8/A9-based core + SGX is beyond me. Tegra 2's GPU gets raped round the clock by the SGX540, much more the Mali 400 (2 cores though). The recent Cortex cores have also been known to: overclock to around 150% of stock, undervolt well, have the best performance/MHz ratios (check Quadrant scores ;) ) and not drain your battery faster than a 10 year old laptop thrashing a 5400RPM disk.

m4r0v3r 2011-06-19 09:57

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
i saw this phone in action and it lagged switching desktops probably because they did a crap job of scaling the processors properly. since it lagged quite a bit and then you noticed the speed jump. end of the day the N900 can look like the biggest toy in the world. but it still does the job.

szopin 2011-06-19 10:18

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
run macchanger on this one lol, try running aireplay-ng lol, toy indeed

droll 2011-06-19 11:13

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
for goodness sake, if your benchmark is raw CPU power, everything looks like crap compared to the Atrix. but let's be real, is that why you bought your N900 in the first place? it's the same case with cars. if you want the fastest car on the road, a ferrari is not your answer - a souped up japanese junk sports car from 20 years ago can destroy a ferrari. so which is it you are after?

prankster 2011-06-19 11:15

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
i wonder how come 2011 phones are being compared with mighty N900 ? lol and still i find them defending themselves ,oh compared to N900 i have a bad look,oh i got boring Os,oh i cant run meego ,maemo,android at the same time ,come on ,lets live the legacy of is still better than any device on the earth .TO ME ,atleast

vivmak 2011-06-19 11:49

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
Raw power is not something that I would be interested in, I want a phone with some basic functionalities/ features that a silly phone like 5800 could provide, not just raw power. When I moved from various Nokia phones to n900 with a slogan of "raw power" I really didn't get it at the time that it was just power and a platform to write your own application, Nokia has no interest in this phone.

Lets see what Tuesday the 21st June brings .....

mikecomputing 2011-06-19 12:08

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by slim1347 (Post 913538)

Androids need 2Ghz too running smooth and a N900 600Mhz and still running smooth on a 2 year old HW Soo I just wonder if Motorola+Android isn't more a toy than N900+Maemo!

szopin 2011-06-19 12:11

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this

Originally Posted by prankster (Post 1031971)
i wonder how come 2011 phones are being compared with mighty N900 ? lol and still i find them defending themselves ,oh compared to N900 i have a bad look,oh i got boring Os,oh i cant run meego ,maemo,android at the same time ,come on ,lets live the legacy of is still better than any device on the earth .TO ME ,atleast

TOME roguelike doesn't run on this phone either. I just got back from Morocco, free internet wherver I go in 5 minutes thanks to aircrack/wifite. On this monster impossibru

vivmak 2011-06-19 12:12

Re: n900 looks like a toy compared to this
I am sure now that I am not buying Atrix now ;) :)

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