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MohammadAG 2011-01-14 01:28

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
You can always hide it again, it's not that big of an issue ;)

I would add in customisation, but I'm not sure how to parse all .desktop files and populate a menu.

augustthe 2011-01-14 01:29

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Cool app MAG really useful,how can i change the icon, I wanted to us awoken theme icon instead

F2thaK 2011-01-14 01:30

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
great update, only thing is song metadata font colour needs to be configurable.. for me atm its grey on light blue which is hard to read!

gabby131 2011-01-14 01:33

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
how can i solve the "proximity sensor not working after reboot" issue im suffering from???

i just rebooted and taping proximity does not launch the MBar...i also reset the app from settings but err....

or is it because my battery is low?

this is the only app (and phone) that i use the proximity (with phone speaker switcher).

i have a screen film but proximity works during calls

im sure im touching the proximity, not 2nd cam lens or light sensor.

UPDATE: battery ran dry, replaced with spare one (took me 30secs to look and install) turned on device......boom! working.....

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 01:53

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
@ augustthe As I mentioned in the post, this uses 5 icons from /usr/share/icons (size 64x64), just change those.

@ f2thak yep, even considered a gradient but it looked too ugly so I removed it and pushed the update, gonna think about how to do it, it won't look well when black, or when white (you have both colours on one theme with maemo).

DarkPand0r 2011-01-14 02:03

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Is there any way to change the Button Backgrounds?
I'm using the Humanity theme and it looks a little messy round the edges.

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 02:07

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Edit FingerButtonNormal.png and FingerButtonPressed.png in /etc/hildon/theme/images, remove the borders if you want ;)

gabby131 2011-01-14 02:08

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by DarkPand0r (Post 919934)
Is there any way to change the Button Backgrounds?
I'm using the Humanity theme and it looks a little messy round the edges.

read the post above you.......:)

EDIT: i was wrong and too slow


thanks!, you're the man!!!

DarkPand0r 2011-01-14 02:15

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919936)
Edit FingerButtonNormal.png and FingerButtonPressed.png in /etc/hildon/theme/images, remove the borders if you want ;)

Cheers MAG, Your the man.

maxximuscool 2011-01-14 02:31

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Can you put the Orientation as well? Would be cool to see it changing side when on portrait :) Eg: browsing website. I only see one line of short cuts though. But it is it customisable then it would be great to add more apps and custom ones as well.

maxximuscool 2011-01-14 02:33

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 919895)
Just uploaded it, should be there at :05 (next 20 minutes or so).

GUI accessible from Settings app. :)

I can't find the setting for this app.
Nothing in my Settings.

flipalong 2011-01-14 06:23

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
hey is there any way that i could disable mediabar while making/recieving a phone call?
because when u talk on the phone, your ear is basically on the proximity sensor which turns on mediabar and so you have to turn it off every time u end a phone call :(
any help would be nice :)

cloud596 2011-01-14 08:19

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
@dear MAg seems I got bug mediabar with ( pause,next and back ) doent appear for me any suggestion and meta data too. I need it. it help me out while typing .
try stop proximityd start proximityd stop mediabar start mediabar.
that problem.

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 09:08

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
The controls aren't always visible, you need to hold the mediaplayer icon to show/hide them

@ maxximuscool sure about that? I just uninstalled and reinstalled and the icon popped back in control panel, should be in General (scroll down).

cloud596 2011-01-14 09:31

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 920076)
The controls aren't always visible, you need to hold the mediaplayer icon to show/hide them

@ maxximuscool sure about that? I just uninstalled and reinstalled and the icon popped back in control panel, should be in General (scroll down).

yes I tried it.but it just work for moment after it happened dunno how many tried somehow it worked.but it doesnt work again.

could u make this as option under setting.
if want media icon. just tick it.

d-iivil 2011-01-14 10:29

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Suggestion: don't use theme button images for those buttons since many themes includes the borders around the buttons. Instead use your own stylesheet for the buttons and specify a border color & radius and background color from currently selected theme. I think that would look good and wouldn't require users to hack their themes to get rid of borders :)

Nice app!

droitwichgas 2011-01-14 11:28

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 920076)
The controls aren't always visible, you need to hold the mediaplayer icon to show/hide them

@ maxximuscool sure about that? I just uninstalled and reinstalled and the icon popped back in control panel, should be in General (scroll down).

I have the same issue as well as no sign in Settings/General on my phone, even after a reboot

fw190 2011-01-14 11:53

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I can only say hat 0.4 works for me!

D4rKlar 2011-01-14 12:05

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
1 Attachment(s)
Works for me too.

If anyone wants them I've attached borderless buttons,

Kind Regards,

droitwichgas 2011-01-14 12:08

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by fw190 (Post 920149)
I can only say hat 0.4 works for me!

Seems I missed the update to version 0.4 even though I thought the app updated via the repo. this morning.

I have now updated I can confirm ithe GUI now appears on the Settings under General

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 16:41

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by d-iivil (Post 920114)
Suggestion: don't use theme button images for those buttons since many themes includes the borders around the buttons. Instead use your own stylesheet for the buttons and specify a border color & radius and background color from currently selected theme. I think that would look good and wouldn't require users to hack their themes to get rid of borders :)

Nice app!

I'd do that, but I'm not the best designer to talk to about such things :P
(Button suggestions/images accepted ;))

NightShift79 2011-01-14 17:44

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I'm a designer.
If you need something, just tell me.

crenquis 2011-01-14 18:59

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
When I tried 0.3, it seemed to prevent my alarm from going off in the morning.
I haven't tried to replicate it yet, but will try this weekend.

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 19:11

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I've been waking up fine for more than a month (I've had this since December 13 :p)

@ NightShift79 any button designs will do :)

lookatbowen 2011-01-14 19:45

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
A wonderful application MohammadAG. Like many others before me, I would like to say thank you for your time and effort in making the N900 the most awesome device. Your applications are amazing and so useful. It almost seems that the possibilities are endless for this device.

On another note, how easy / difficult is it to code these types of apps? What sort of programming knowledge does one need? What are you using?

[Knuckles] 2011-01-14 20:03

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I know this might probably be out-of-scope of your media bar but it's worth a shot.

Just a few days ago I was commenting with a friend that the #1 reason why I have to open the keyboard on my N900 is to ctrl+backspace (aka alt-tab) away.

Would it be possible to use the proximity sensor to trigger this? It would be so awesome to not keep having to open the keyboard when I just want to switch between fullscreen apps.

Finally, thanks for all your hard work on maemo. It feels like you're breathing new life into a platform everyone else is already declaring as dead.

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 20:13

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
@ [Knuckles] ShortcutD does that IIRC. :)

@ lookatbowen, you're welcome :D
It's not as hard as it looks, I didn't know one bit about C/C++ in June, and I only started looking into Qt/C++ in September (and as always, I thank Venemo and alterego/tswindell for all their help here).

Wonko 2011-01-14 22:09

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Thanks a lot for the excellent work. :)

Apparently, you are receiving very much feedback and are probably quite busy right now.
Still, I have two requests. ;)
Firstly, it would be nice if one could choose whether the "bar" is aligned left or right.
Secondly, an option for placing the "bar" beneath the present status menu would be neat as well.

d-iivil 2011-01-14 22:18

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 920308)
I'd do that, but I'm not the best designer to talk to about such things :P
(Button suggestions/images accepted ;))

Or how about leaving the button graphics out completely? Just icons floating, would look cool I guess. Just enable the "flat" option for the buttons in QtCreator :)

MohammadAG 2011-01-14 22:23

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
I know about flat, using that in the FOSS mediaplayer, but no, having no background would make it a bit ugly imo.

maxximuscool 2011-01-14 22:56

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
3 Attachment(s)
Hey mohammad,
the media bar control panel is showed up now but the display song option seems to be broken. It worked once but later stopped working.

it is not yet stable. Can you put a media player widget on the MBar as well?

maxximuscool 2011-01-14 23:08

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Feature request.

Can you put an option say: keep cover the proximity to display MBar. Once the finger or hand move away from the priimity the MBar disappear as well. So to show it, it must be covered all the time for the Xbar to appear all the time.

I think it's more handy than cover for specific time and show up.


MohammadAG 2011-01-15 00:48

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Umm what do you mean? There's already a media player widget in it, just hold the icon for the mediaplayer.
Song metadata only shows with the controls, so again, do that ^.
And no, it's not my code that's buggy (first screenshot), it's the browser :)
(If you string the browser's binary, it seems to be overriding the whole desktop which seems to quote: draw items in it faster).
So that's out of my hand.

Mentalist Traceur 2011-01-15 02:14

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 920541)
I know about flat, using that in the FOSS mediaplayer, but no, having no background would make it a bit ugly imo.

I just wanted to suggest: Even if you don't like the "having no background" possibility, and it's not aesthetically pleasing to you, I say make it a settings option.

It takes care of both categories of end users, and with (I presume) limited coding effort.

NightShift79 2011-01-15 03:51

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
would it be difficult or much more work to add a vertical mode or make the position of the mediabar customizable through the settings menu so I can use it like I photoshopped it here?

okay, now I begin dreaming of a mediabar like this...
an backgroundimage for the buttons could be made easily. But could the buttons be made transparent so that only the icons are visible?
...I'm just a graphics guy... don't know if something like that could be done in QT

- Ohhh, just thinking how cool it would be to swipe your finger over the different icons and for each one different options come up like:

and then I thought why a bar? Can't we have a mediawheel?

a wheel which stores the apps that can be scrolled with your thumb. get the idea?
Icon on last position opens app-options like media player buttons...

anyway design is pretty odd. i can do better ;)
although I'm getting tired.

As I'm only a graphics guy, I would like to know if such things can be done "easily" for a skilled dev like MohammadAG?
I'm just interested.

Well, good night.

maxximuscool 2011-01-15 05:35

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 920608)
Umm what do you mean? There's already a media player widget in it, just hold the icon for the mediaplayer.
Song metadata only shows with the controls, so again, do that ^.
And no, it's not my code that's buggy (first screenshot), it's the browser :)
(If you string the browser's binary, it seems to be overriding the whole desktop which seems to quote: draw items in it faster).
So that's out of my hand.

the tags didn't show up.

stickymick 2011-01-15 11:11

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
+1 for NighShift79's suggestion on making it movable.

Also would it be possible to make it "slide" out from the edge of the screen rather than just pop into view, maybe an option in the settings panel?

Keep up the good work MAG ;)

MohammadAG 2011-01-15 13:19

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)
Transitions, started on those yesterday, but since it's a hack, it'll drop a lot of frames (it's hidden and shown each millisecond), so while I find a workaround for it, that's not going to happen :p

One background would do, as it's on the 5800XM.

droitwichgas 2011-01-15 13:24

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by NightShift79 (Post 920645)
would it be difficult or much more work to add a vertical mode or make the position of the mediabar customizable through the settings menu so I can use it like I photoshopped it here?

okay, now I begin dreaming of a mediabar like this...
an backgroundimage for the buttons could be made easily. But could the buttons be made transparent so that only the icons are visible?
...I'm just a graphics guy... don't know if something like that could be done in QT

- Ohhh, just thinking how cool it would be to swipe your finger over the different icons and for each one different options come up like:

and then I thought why a bar? Can't we have a mediawheel?

a wheel which stores the apps that can be scrolled with your thumb. get the idea?
Icon on last position opens app-options like media player buttons...

anyway design is pretty odd. i can do better ;)
although I'm getting tired.

As I'm only a graphics guy, I would like to know if such things can be done "easily" for a skilled dev like MohammadAG?
I'm just interested.

Well, good night.

Just a thought but instead of horizontal what about vertical, as where it is at present it covers up the operator logo and anything else in the left corner of the screen but there is nothing to cover up down the left hand side of the screen? Although I assume there is more a danger of hitting one of the icons in error whilst holding the phone in your left hand?

confusedfella 2011-01-15 14:40

Re: [Announce] Media bar for Maemo 5 (XpressMusic-esque)

Originally Posted by NightShift79 (Post 920645)
would it be difficult or much more work to add a vertical mode or make the position of the mediabar customizable through the settings menu so I can use it like I photoshopped it here?

okay, now I begin dreaming of a mediabar like this...
an backgroundimage for the buttons could be made easily. But could the buttons be made transparent so that only the icons are visible?
...I'm just a graphics guy... don't know if something like that could be done in QT

- Ohhh, just thinking how cool it would be to swipe your finger over the different icons and for each one different options come up like:

and then I thought why a bar? Can't we have a mediawheel?

a wheel which stores the apps that can be scrolled with your thumb. get the idea?
Icon on last position opens app-options like media player buttons...

anyway design is pretty odd. i can do better ;)
although I'm getting tired.

As I'm only a graphics guy, I would like to know if such things can be done "easily" for a skilled dev like MohammadAG?
I'm just interested.

Well, good night.

Nice homescreens. Any idea how I can get something similar?
I'm tired of the usual colors and widgets especially the weather one.

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