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fatcobrah 2011-03-30 12:40

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
any update?

epitaph 2011-03-30 13:11

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by fatcobrah (Post 978477)
any update?

You want to download my java optimization Java is the only programming language using a garbage collector. That is why it can be optimized by passing a lot of variable to the virtual machine. You want to search TMO for N900 performance optimization tune-up utllities.

azkay 2011-03-30 13:23

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 978496)
Java is the only programming language using a garbage collector.

.NET does too?

epitaph 2011-03-30 13:28

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by azkay (Post 978503)
.NET does too?

Yes, .net does too!

epitaph 2011-04-03 15:20

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by ammyt (Post 981030)
You want to have a big fart-up seen. You want to drink some coffee through your nostrils. You want to get the hell out of here.

Of course!

Bratag 2011-04-03 19:28

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 978496)
You want to download my java optimization Java is the only programming language using a garbage collector. That is why it can be optimized by passing a lot of variable to the virtual machine. You want to search TMO for N900 performance optimization tune-up utllities.

How does the fact that java uses garbage collector have anything to do with optimizing performance. In fact in many cases GC results in worse code and optimization as most of the new coders being churned out have no concept of memory management at all. They simply spawn var after var and leave it to the GC to handle cleanup. Try coding ANSI C where you have to malloc and umalloc each var and you will understand performance optimization.

epitaph 2011-04-03 19:34

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by Bratag (Post 981178)
How does the fact that java uses garbage collector have anything to do with optimizing performance. In fact in many cases GC results in worse code and optimization as most of the new coders being churned out have no concept of memory management at all. They simply spawn var after var and leave it to the GC to handle cleanup. Try coding ANSI C where you have to malloc and umalloc each var and you will understand performance optimization.

Are you serious?

Bratag 2011-04-04 01:25

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 981191)
Are you serious?

Hell yes I am serious. Garbage collection is both one of the best and worst things to come into code. On one hand it lets you quickly write code without having to bother with memory management for objects. On the other hand it means that there are whole generation of coders out there who have no concept of memory management at all.
Which is peachy keen as long as your stack is able to just grow and grow. Throw more hardware at it is the solution instead of write better code.

In addition to that there is no real way to force GC in java - and don't feed me that System.gc() bollocks because all that is a suggestion that the system invoke GC it doesn't take into account that the programmer did something stupid like holding open an array that they instantiate every time they enter a loop etc.

I write code for a living matey and have done for the last 15 years, before you spout off rubbish like your previous post you should at least have a concept of what you are talking about. Heck you didn't even get the fact that java is the only language using garbage collection right.

Ask yourself this is there a reason that OS's are still written in C?

omajkel 2011-04-28 01:40

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
How to do that to save on the memory card

m4r0v3r 2011-05-13 08:15

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
if your an idiot like me and run it as root, the author is 100% right, if in the event you do full up the rootfs space its because your downloads are being stored in /root/.jd/downloads/

marmistrz 2011-06-05 18:04

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
When I try to run the installers stops with the following error:

sorry, but I could not find gunzip in the path. aborting
what should I do?

gigasaber 2011-06-05 20:36

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by marmistrz (Post 1022765)
When I try to run the installers stops with the following error:

sorry, but I could not find gunzip in the path. aborting
what should I do?

you should download script

Try out our new Install/Start-Script for Linux/Mac!
1. wget must be installed on system!
2. Download
3. chmod +x
4. start

xddd 2011-06-05 22:05

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Awesome guide... Thanks!!!!

som3a 2011-06-05 23:29

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by Rav (Post 936285)

1) Download the Java Runtime for Linux(ARM) from:

Select Linux(ARM) for platform and agree licence terms, then proceed to download the following tar.gz file:

"Java SE for Embedded 6 Update 21 (Build 9) ARMv7 Linux - Headful, EABI, Hard Float (VFP), Little-Endian"

ok i have a problem with this step ... as am here in sudan i can't download and install java runtime cuz it's locked down by U.S.A and any other things came from there " even OVI store !!! "so any help ! can i get it from anathor site in dep format for example ! or can i get any way to change my proxy with any software or manully " just like using hotspot on my computer !! "

epitaph 2011-06-05 23:44

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by som3a (Post 1022936)
ok i have a problem with this step ... as am here in sudan i can't download and install java runtime cuz it's locked down by U.S.A and any other things came from there " even OVI store !!! "so any help ! can i get it from anathor site in dep format for example ! or can i get any way to change my proxy with any software or manully " just like using hotspot on my computer !! "

Why don't you use a proxy?

som3a 2011-06-06 08:37

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by epitaph (Post 1022939)
Why don't you use a proxy?

i wanna to use proxy .. but i don't know who !!
if u know any way to do it ... that will be appreciated

marmistrz 2011-06-06 13:25

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by gigasaber (Post 1022848)
you should download script

Try out our new Install/Start-Script for Linux/Mac!
1. wget must be installed on system!
2. Download
3. chmod +x
4. start

I AM running!

casketizer 2011-06-07 01:31

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by som3a (Post 1023122)
i wanna to use proxy .. but i don't know who !!
if u know any way to do it ... that will be appreciated

Go to use their free proxy to download java jre. It worked for a friend in another “evil“ country. So should work from Sudan. No idea how to access maemo repos, but there are mirrors, search the forum.

marmistrz 2011-06-10 16:19

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
ok, I was *not* using that script (I didn't notice the download of the smaller script)
thanks for help

diegomamedes 2011-06-16 06:24

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I can not remove a link I added to lower it does not, can someone help me?

diegomamedes 2011-06-16 08:29

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
He is working and for example when I add the url it is downloading then I stop and he did not want to exclude leaves

diegomamedes 2011-06-16 14:06

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
and that I can not delete the links from the queue, they can not??
so after that I delete downloaded

haffid 2011-06-16 14:32

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
its working fine for me

m4r0v3r 2011-06-20 23:35

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
you can delete completed links, but not incompleted links. use the web interface to delete links ;)

diegomamedes 2011-08-18 14:33

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
this site has been disabled and now as download it again helps

EDIT:someone could upload the file ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-vfp-EABI-min-27_sep_2010.tar.gz me to leave this site no longer download:(:(:(:(

tobymansell 2011-08-18 18:05

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Hi there,

when i click this link

Im not finding any links directing me to the package you described. I am in UK. Can u please provide me to another link which stores that tar.gz file you mentioned?

Thanks so much.

diegomamedes 2011-08-18 19:51

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
someone please help the site is now disabled only upload one file required

diegomamedes 2011-08-20 08:48

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
please help I need this

diegomamedes 2011-08-22 13:49

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
help pleas??????

PMaff 2011-08-22 14:10

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by diegomamedes (Post 1074622)
help pleas??????

I did not try but maybe
helps? ;-)

Of course the original poster wrote about
6 Update 21
and the above is
6 Update 27
As I did not try maybe someone else can answer the question
if this still works.

diegomamedes 2011-08-22 15:27

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Thank you my hero

diegomamedes 2011-08-22 15:47

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
did not work java: not found
this package does not work it has to be another

PMaff 2011-08-22 15:57

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by diegomamedes (Post 1074707)
did not work java: not found
this package does not work it has to be another

What link were you using?
ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_21/bin/* /usr/bin/
ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_27/bin/* /usr/bin/
? ;)

diegomamedes 2011-08-22 16:01

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
I think that package and not working out ta have to be 21 and not 27

PMaff 2011-08-22 17:19

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by diegomamedes (Post 1074720)
I think that package and not working out ta have to be 21 and not 27

Just tried the Java installation part.
I get in terminal window as normal user:
java -version
java version "1.6.0_27"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition for Embedded (build 1.6.0_27-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.2-b06, mixed mode)

Of course you have to link the correct directory:
ln -s /opt/ejre1.6.0_27/bin/* /usr/bin/

For Java in the browser:
but I did not try this.

Maybe I'll test jDownload later on.

diegomamedes 2011-08-22 17:34

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
1 Attachment(s)
It appears this error

PMaff 2011-08-23 08:47

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by diegomamedes (Post 1074773)
It appears this error

Did you install wget and open a reasonable internet connection for downloading?

The instruction:
"At this point it will commence the install, this can take some time and will open a Java GUI window for downloading files, let it finish, once complete jDownloader should start."

The "JD Update" window starts and downloads a lot of stuff from

jDownloader is working afterwards on my N900.
I can also use the config from my Linux desktop.

diegomamedes 2011-08-23 19:41

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
1 Attachment(s)
Now this error

diegomamedes 2011-08-24 06:47

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide
Works like a charm thanks

PMaff 2011-08-24 07:30

Re: jDownloader - The N900 step-by-step instruction guide

Originally Posted by diegomamedes (Post 1075621)
Works like a charm thanks

Ok, but you should sort out your problem with hildon!
Otherwise you might have problems in the future...

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