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Starcarr 2011-07-04 19:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests
hi everyone, I really would appreciate if anyone can send me an invitation, mi mail is macastiblancot{at}gmail{dot}com

marxian 2011-07-04 22:54

Re: Google+ invitation requests

torpedo48 2011-07-05 05:45

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Invited all of you (except aenbacka, what's your email?), just try to log into Google+ and you'll be in ;)

randomdood 2011-07-05 06:31

Re: Google+ invitation requests
wondering if anybody has any spare invites. quite interested in google+.

gorgezilla 2011-07-05 06:32

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I am in, thanks to this amazing forum (to these people too) so, if intereseted PM me you gmail adresses....

THanks again!

gorgezilla 2011-07-05 07:06

Re: Google+ invitation requests
if applicable, will be there a G+ app for our mobile monster? (sorry if this troubles you all)

aenbacka 2011-07-05 07:08

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by torpedo48 (Post 1044874)
Invited all of you (except aenbacka, what's your email?), just try to log into Google+ and you'll be in ;)

My e-mail is aenbacka(at), thanks a lot in advance, much appreciated! :)

Zono 2011-07-05 07:13

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Can you send me an invitation to ?

Many many thanks

jafd 2011-07-05 07:55

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Could anyone please send an invite to

NokiaRocks 2011-07-05 07:56

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Is the site working properly in microB? For me it's almost unusable and I dont get to the mobile version, always get redirected to the desktop page.

gorgezilla 2011-07-05 08:01

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by jafd (Post 1044926)
Could anyone please send an invite to

just sent to ya. give it almost 9 hours to get to you, this much took plus to reach me.

Daneel 2011-07-05 08:06

Re: Google+ invitation requests
If anyone has an invite to spare i'd greately appreciate it!


MoJo 2011-07-05 09:48

Re: Google+ invitation requests
My email is, if anyone has a spare invite to send my way I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.

Electricgod 2011-07-05 10:09

Re: Google+ invitation requests
for me too :)

dsugakov 2011-07-05 10:12

Re: Google+ invitation requests
me me me! :)


Sealine 2011-07-05 10:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests
AND me please!! :)

bandora 2011-07-05 10:27

Re: Google+ invitation requests
I would really appreciate if someone would send me an invite! :D

I am really curious about the Google+ :)

I can send someone a Google Voice invite in return of a Google+ invite if that helps.. ;)

biobobby89 2011-07-05 11:01

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Me too..Me too...Would love to have one...If any of you have a spare one, please do send it my way..My email is

cincibluer6 2011-07-05 11:15

Re: Google+ invitation requests
If someone still has one, let me know. I'll be sure to give out any I have to others on here if so.

gamerakel 2011-07-05 11:32

Re: Google+ invitation requests
oh please me tooo:
i will spend my invitations to other maemo users : )

NokiaRocks 2011-07-05 12:17

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by gamerakel (Post 1045029)
oh please me tooo:
i will spend my invitations to other maemo users : )

Added you.
You should be able to register now.

sjw6234 2011-07-05 12:23

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Could anyone please send an invite to

x61 2011-07-05 12:37

Re: Google+ invitation requests
please add me to the list.

shallimus 2011-07-05 12:51

Re: Google+ invitation requests
If anyone's still looking to dish out more invites, I'd appreciate one please. Göögle+ looks interesting in a way that facespace just sort of isn't.

Email is my username here at TMO [at] gmail dot com

Edit: Once I'm in, I will pass on to TMO members, of course...

Art.M 2011-07-05 13:09

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Thanks if anyone wants to invite me ..... Thanks torpedo48

Tiger62651 2011-07-05 13:20

Re: Google+ invitation requests
invite please. share mine once invited.

torpedo48 2011-07-05 13:23

Re: Google+ invitation requests
sjw6234, shallimus, art.m and tiger62651 invited.

You should be able to log into Google+ now, give it a try ;) If not, re-try in a few hours.

ddwwf1 2011-07-05 13:44

Re: Google+ invitation requests
im in who needs invites? PM me and i will do the rest

MoJo 2011-07-05 14:06

Re: Google+ invitation requests
sent the pm ddwwf1, email is

dsugakov 2011-07-05 14:08

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by ddwwf1 (Post 1045096)
im in who needs invites? PM me and i will do the rest

sent me please , can't write pm

locolyric 2011-07-05 14:13

Re: Google+ invitation requests
i missing something ? can i get an invitation too?

stalingrad 2011-07-05 14:17

Re: Google+ invitation requests
From Russia with love! :) I would be very glad if someone will invite me - Thanks in advance!

torpedo48 2011-07-05 14:21

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Wow look at all those new members!

If Google+'s invitations were not closed off would have had many fewer registrations :D

marrat 2011-07-05 14:26

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Can yomeone send me an invitation, please? Gmail address via PM.

Buzrael 2011-07-05 14:28

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Done for dsugakov and Stalingrad

corduroysack 2011-07-05 14:52

Re: Google+ invitation requests
don't think my invite worked this, this morning
google+, folks
The Google+ project is currently working out all the kinks with a small group of testers. If you're not able to access Google+, please check again soon.
Learn more about Google+

ddwwf1 2011-07-05 15:16

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by dsugakov (Post 1045114)
sent me please , can't write pm

sent check,com while signed into google account should allow you to join

MoJo 2011-07-05 15:19

Re: Google+ invitation requests
Thanks to ddwwf1, I got a Google+ account going.

As to sharing the love over at TMO ... just pm some emails.

corduroysack 2011-07-05 15:34

Re: Google+ invitation requests
are the invites straightaway or do you have to wait once someone has invited you?

randomdood 2011-07-05 15:47

Re: Google+ invitation requests

Originally Posted by corduroysack (Post 1045174)
are the invites straightaway or do you have to wait once someone has invited you?

i got one about 9 hours ago and i still can't get in, so not straight away. I've read that some people wait a couple hours and then they can get in.

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